1.1.2022 And Our Lives Are Still Called Fake
Whole Picture Poetry
Our experiences
Not because our rights are violated
Because people fail
To comprehend
The truth of it
When we express
We are considered
More threatening
Than terrorist organizations
The lie of White supremacy
Touches every thing
Every aspect of life
Every possibility
Of survivability
But we’re expected
Not to complain
We’re expected
To accept it
Allow it to resonate
Bow down to it
As if this is how things
Were made
This is our “lot in life”
Because we are born with melanin
But we’re the ones considered crazy
For not accepting it
We’re supposed to “accept”
That we are “inferior”
If we don’t then we deserve
Whatever is thrown at us
Imgagine if we behaved the same
But we can’t even speak of our actual
Without people getting scared
By the mirror of their own hate
We’re supposed to accept it all
Without even attempting
To stand for our own rights
As they may be
Our existence
So threatening
That instead of being offended
By our dehumanization
People are more concerned with
How we advocate for our own life
Will affect them personally
I couldn’t even write this poetry piece
Without getting hacked
Before finishing
We have no access to justice
Outside of the manipulations
Of political strings
We have no access to equality
Let alone equity
We have no access to build
Unless it benefits
The same insurgency
Destroying democracy
Scapegoating Black lives
Every step of the way
It doesn’t matter if you believe
Or agree
What matters is that I have the right to say it
So where is YOUR democracy?
We can’t tell the truth
About anything
At all
That’s exactly how tyrants
Want life to remain
In a failed fascist state
That benefits the very deviants
Who weaponized a pandemic
And killed of millions
With absolute impunity
It’s 1.1.2022
And my life is still called fake
If a White man didn’t say it
Then it can’t have validity
If a White man didn’t accomplish it
Then it has no place
If a White man didn’t claim it
Then it will never be
That’s what my handlers taught me
“If you want to be heard by anybody
You have to be a White man with a PhD”
That was 1983
It’s a new day
Nothing has changed
I am still more heavily censored
Thank than most terrorist organizations
I am still homebound
Without access to anything
I am still without the payment of my contract
Or the honoring of anything promised to me
I am still without any direct COVID cash relief
I am still without any support or aid
Though I am totally disabled
From serving my country
My own government continues to deny me
While simultaneously surveilling me
Claiming it’s all conspiracy
They did the same to my father
He died alone
Never receive justice
Never receiving the treatment he needed
Never receiving acknowledgement
Or reparations
For the harm caused to his family
But speaking of it means we get scrubbed
Algorithms rewritten to target our voices
And erase what society couldn’t take
We live every atrocity
Yet this holocaust is still called fake
The ethnic cleansing of Black America
Still called fake
The systematic attack
Of every aspect
Of every level
Of every corner of society
Where Black people are policed out of existence
But we’re not supposed to talk of such things
We’re supposed to embrace
The very system
That tells us ever day
That we don’t matter
But we’re supposed to embrace such things
Our humanity denied
The attacks we survive
Constantly deemed
As if we aren’t real to begin with
So how could any aspect of our lives be real
Whenever Black people speak
We are told our words are nothing more
Than a fantasy
Yet we live it every day
It says more about the observer
Than those of us experiencing the pain and suffering
If I were to spend time and energy
On a dream
It certainly wouldn’t be to benefit
The people torturing, raping, and stealing from me
As well as my ENTIRE community
It requires extreme arrested development
To look at a fellow humans experience
And be offended by them putting words
To their pain
At the hands of predators
Who thrive off of tyranny and hate
United Nations UN Human Rights UN Women Amnesty International Amnesty International USA Congressional Black Caucus Progressive Caucus Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers