1.2.2022 Who Is Considered Human?
We are so close to not being able to reign it all in!
It’s January 2, 2022, the insurgency rages on, all 3 branches of government remain hamstrung, and Black America continues to be ignored by every branch of government and aspect of critical infrastructure. The current administration couldn’t even pass an infrastructure bill that was promised to address the needs of Black America. We are 3 years into this pandemic and I have yet to receive a single dollar of direct COVID cash or a penny of social security even though I am disabled from serving America. We’ve lost every resource we had, we’ve been under constant attack, illegally enmeshed in the judicial system, and harmed by the medical system. I have yet to have my contract honored, my education credentials unredacted, my file underacted, or any of my money and personal property returned to me. All taken by my handlers who claimed that it would all be returned. They are dead. All this while being told, daily, it’s our own fault. I can’t even get access to medical care during a pandemic! My internet is interrupted, my news censored, my writing censored, my art censored, my attempts to access income online blocked, we remain shadow banned, muted, stalked, cyber stalked, and threatened. No one has ever once been held accountable.
You would think that people would support holding offenders of such despicable crimes accountable, particularly since many of them are child traffickers, but as long as the victims are Black no one cares. This is just my family’s story, what have other Black people in America experienced?
We still have no protections, no aid, no relief, and no support to protect us from being the primary targets of the fascist, racist, xenophobic extreme right insurgency that continues to attack us daily at every level of society. While politicians continue to claim that they have done “a lot to help Black America” the truth is that we have been “left behind to clean up the mess” that the engineers of this holocaust created while simultaneously being scapegoated for the inhumane conditions. Many will say “America is great, look what I have been able to do” but what about everyone else???
Not only are we policed out of society altogether, but we are policed even off of the internet as algorithms continue to scrub us and our life stories out of existence. Simultaneously we are inundated with images of “whiteness, extreme wealth, and elitism.” It’s 2022 and American leadership claims “equality” while simultaneously speaking of “the middle class”. Black people were not even included in the middle class until the 1980s, and even then it was STILL being taught at schools as a privilege reserved for white people. Since that time, the far right has never stopped attacking the Black community, and leadership in government has done absolutely nothing to stop it.
While there are individuals who work to create “change” and foster a brighter future, that’s obviously not enough to hold back a racist, fascist, elitest, and xenophobic agenda. While leadership continues to claim there is nothing that can be done, they are systematically doing so much for so many other populations!
There is no plan to address any of the problems facing Black America, and other marginalized populations. Therefore there is no hope in sight for a better future for us, but we’re supposed to accept this as our “lot in life” and do so quietly. When we stand up for our rights, we end up in jail, raped, our children taken, or dead. This has gone on for HUNDREDS OF YEARS unimpeded and people actually use that as excuse to say that’s why it doesn’t count as a holocaust. After all of the evidence, it’s still called fake. But we’re supposed to accept this?
While politicians play plantation politics, Black America and many other marginalized populations are being pushed further into poverty, ill health (during a pandemic), homelessness, joblessness, disability, and mass death. We were unable to heal from the constant attacks from the far right prior to the previous administration, COVID, the insurgency, and the protests. Keep in mind, the offender who killed the man that finally sparked the protests wouldn’t have even been arrested, without the protests. America keeps claiming that democracy is working, the justice system is working, the political agenda is working. How exactly and for whom?
Marginalized populations are being rewarded for withdrawing support from Black American’s struggle to have our human rights recognized and honored. Relief, aid, reparations, support, and legislation are all being rationed off to the bidders who bow the best to this insurgency and the current administration providing cushion for it. The United States Of America cannot even account for how many Black people are living within the all important borders, let alone how many are dying daily or from what reason. But every day we are told “race doesn’t matter”. It matters to the nazi insurgency that is targeting, attacking, and systemically eradicating us through ethnic cleansing! UN Human Rights
Conditions are so severe for Black America that we are literally experiencing apocalyptic attacks at every level of society, every aspect of our survivability being destroyed with each passing moment. Yet you cannot find a single news article about any of it! I certainly cannot. In fact, I can’t find a news article about Black people at all unless its about a crime committed or an article about a famous person doing absolutely nothing of importance.
American leadership is not only apathetic to the conditions we are suffering at the hands of the insurgency but it’s also willing to provide tax dollar funding, legislative protections, classified intel, immunity, and the most advanced technology the modern world has seen. All while telling us to “get back to basics” while they “get back to normal” and “advance into the future” without us. The government literally pays people massive amounts of money to surveil me but won’t honor my contract so that I can take care of myself! Tax dollars are literally being used to keep me entrenched in poverty while at the same time I am being told that I am not worthy of the tax dollars owed to me, or even my own income that I worked hard for and was stolen by the very men who molested, tortured, raped, and abused me my entire life. The same happened to my father. My children are watching me get abused by my own government the way that I watched my father get abused by the same people. But somehow, this is our fault? How we fight to survive it all is “a shame” while the torture is approved? Where is the democracy? UN Women
Black America is scapegoated for the conditions that extremists create for us daily. We are told that we have equal opportunity, are citizens, and are living in the greatest country in the world. Yet the majority of Black America is unable to participate in any aspect of what is supposed to make America so “great”. In fact, we are told daily to leave. This is our country, we were here LONG before Columbus, why should WE leave?
We continue to be targeted, stalked, attacked, stolen from, abused, threatened, and killed for being Black and global leadership is watching happen and doing nothing much like they do nothing about climate reality! What few consequences there are for any of it never touches the regular every day American. Consequences only occur after push back like a global uprising to fight against the tyranny. We continue to be further punished for it.
While there are many who choose to disbelieve what we are experiencing, and others who choose to ignore, there are many who don’t understand because of the profuse amount of propaganda that saturates American culture and has been allowed to go on unimpeded with increased escalations since the 1970s. Increased movements of the insurgency can be traced back to the passing of Civil Rights Amendments in the 1960s and the acknowledgement of human rights for Black people as well as other marginalized populations. Black America has been under extreme attack since that time, American leadership has done nothing to hold the offenders accountable yet people still ask “what happened?”
While 1% of the Black community has managed to acquire wealth with the help of significant counter intelligence operations that lead to the protections of person’s being persecuted for attaining wealth, the rest of the Black community has been left behind to fend for ourselves. My handlers were charged with ensuring that the top 1% of Black American wealth remained in tact. The confusion of seeing very wealthy Black people keeps masses believing that there is no such thing as racism. The scheme has worked since they implemented it in the 1980s as an answer to the damage done by COINTELPro, and it still works to this very day.
Every piece of legislation that has passed since the Civil Rights Amendments claimed to be designed to benefit Black America, while very little actually has. America still lives TRICKLE DOWN THEORY as though it is “gospel” and Black Americans suffer in the extreme and die for it daily, decade after decade. Very little has been done to repair any of the harm. Black people are simply expected to die or figure out how to do what the American government can’t even do. All for the sake of the lie of white supremacy.
My handlers were two of the most extremely deranged, unstable, sadistic, psychopaths that the world has ever spit out. Yet they didn’t even agree with “trickle down” or the insurgency. What does that tell you? It doesn’t get any worst than the kinds of minds that crafted this coup. These are most certainly the most extreme actors of our modern era. The majority of the world has been sleeping through it, the live streamed state sanctioned murder of George Floyd woke the world up. It’s not difficult to figure out why, with his final breath he cried out for his mother, the world answered on her behalf!
America is a cesspool of corruption, deviance, war mongering, violence, lies, grift, and domination. Who wants to live that? Black America has always been the most vulnerable population in these boarders, therefore we are the ones constantly targeted for abuse and manipulation. White supremacy continues to be the biggest threat to national security and instead of addressing the problem that literally has brought on the apocalypse, American leadership sits on it’s airs daily and pretends that America is “great”. For whom?
Pretending not to see the problems that America faces will never solve a single problem. Scapegoating targets for the crimes committed by predators will never solve any problem. Punishing the targets of crime for telling the truth and fighting for survival will never solve a single problem. With every passing moment the insurgency grows in number, power, and extremism. You have allowed them to thrive, unchecked, for so long that masses now believe it’s “normal.” It is the job of President Joe Biden and Congress to Protect The Homeland, neither have done that. The opposite is true. When a nation’s entire leadership structure is predicated on the predation of the most vulnerable populations, in conditions so severe that they are literally at apocalyptic threat levels, then that nation has become a failed state. The fact that the nation is America makes it worse, not better. The stench of hypocrisy and apathy strangles, but then again, when have Black Americans ever been able to breathe?
COVID did not create any of these conditions, the nazi insurgency that weaponized COVID is responsible. Until America begins telling the truth and doing it’s job to protect the people, the homeland, and the world, the time clock for humanity continues to wind down. How much longer before the planet reaches the point of no return? Not very. Which populations will continue to suffer the most as all of the planet is driven into unnecessary devastation?
United Nations UNICEF UN Women UN Development Programme Amnesty International Amnesty International USA Congressional Black Caucus Progressive Caucus Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers
Transparency Accountability Oversight
Education Prevention Intervention
Diversity Equality Equity
Democracy Progress Sustainability
Are we asking too much? No, every alternative is inhuman, why is this even a question?