1.2.23 America Continues To Run Counter Insurgency Operations Against Black American Civilians
With absolute impunity, tyranny, and apathy.
Not only does the U.S. government continue to escalate violence against its own civilians, as well as marginalized populations across the globe. But doing so using the threat of nuclear war in Ukraine as a way of maintaining power and control.
Black civilians have been targeted by Ukranian operatives for years, long before the war started. The U.S. is not only apathetic, but responsible for training those very same right-wing extremists and nazi operatives using U.S. tax dollars all under a program begun by Donald Rumsfeld engineered in the 1980s before the Cold War went colder.
As ALL WESTERN LEADERSHIP turns a blind eye to predators, nazi, right wing extremism, ethnic cleansing, and racism the most vulnerable continue to be targeted, tortured, and eradicated in mass. Many have support, awareness, coverage. Black America doesn’t even have acknowledgment of being human let alone citizens entitled to rights, or the protection thereof. The expectation is that we submit to a nazi regime in our own homelands as we continue to experience ethnic cleansing with no support from any leader, anywhere. We receive offers to return to Africa, but for most of us who have been getting tortured for centuries, that prospect is out of reach. In fact, it’s apparent that the hatred of the disabled, poor, and ostracized is universal among leaders globally. Therefore, all America has to continue to do is ignore us and we are gone.
As America continues to escalate matters in Ukraine which will ultimately result in more bioweapons being deployed, famine, mass death, nuclear deployment, insurgent cells activated globally, and a resulting mini ace age. Our continued torture, enslavement, suffering, and mass death continues to be used as leverage by all parties involved. While Russia exploited Brittany Griner, Ukraine has exploited our entire race, America exploits the most vulnerable of us on our own homelands.
Legislation continues to pass that pushes large swaths of our population into further poverty, isolation, illness, mental illness, and the inability to survive any of the mechanisms deployed to target us. The United Nations remains apathetic to our ethnic cleansing, goes out of its way to protect those conducting it, all while not only ignoring our cries for help but silencing us. This agenda has been decades in the makes.
Ronald Reagan, powered by the hatred of the racist right-wing extremists who engineered The Southern Strategy installed a nazi regime that now claims ownership over Earth, all with the help of Israel, Ukraine, and other allies including India. As the most marginalized globally continue to be targeted and eradicated, there is specific emphasis on Bantu people’s and descendants, the descendants of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, disabled persons, non-Christians, ethnic neurodivergent populations, poor persons, and feminists. The goal has always been THE FINAL SOLUTION and all who oppose it are targets. Worst still, America’s main goal is to protect its predators from accountability as they have been the major players on the global socio-political landscape.
The predation of children, rape, pedophilia, hebephilia, all forms of sexual deviance, torture, sadism, child trafficking, human trafficking of every form, and all forms of psychopathic domination were deployed in mass in counter insurgency operations nationwide, and even globally by Ronald Reagan day one in office. His main engineers were George H.W. Bush, and Donald Rumsfeld, all of whom were pedophiles and child traffickers. Under the guise of “capitalism” America has deployed these tactics through insurgency operations using CIA and DARPA resources as well as the entire Industrial Military Complex, black ops maneuvers, and funding. Those caught in the scheme are blackmailed with their own predatory activities to remain complicit. ALL WESTERN LEADERSHIP is currently complicit and compromised.
Black America continues to fight:
The deployment of augmented AI
Classified weaponry so advanced most mainstream society can’t fathom it
Coordinated counter insurgency operations
State sanctioned police and military actions
All forms of urban warfare
Chemical weapons
Illegal nonconsensual experimentation
Lack of health care
Wealth/land grabs and transfers
Illegal surveillance
Space weapons
Racist algorithms
Mass human trafficking
Mass Incarceration
Mass rapes
Police brutality
Police executions
Paramilitary assaults
Militia attacks
Nazi ss propaganda
The elevation of predators to the highest positions in authority and more, all to protect these predators from accountability, to gain control of global resources and hold them hostage. All to weaponize SURVIVAL against the most vulnerable populations and soft targets nationally, as well as globally.
I grew up in The Star Wars Program, GHW and DR were my handlers. RR forced me to be conscripted at the age of 5 years old, placed in the field alone by the time I was 7 years old. I watched them all engineer this global holocaust WITH the nazis THEY imported during operation paperclip, only to be scapegoated for their crimes.
BOTH PARTIES have kept me isolated, tortured, disabled from service, without care, without income, without access to mobility or freedom of movement, repeatedly brutally raped until almost dead. BOTH PARTIES continue to lie about the ethnic cleansing of Black American civilians. BOTH PARTIES continue to lie about escalations in the Ukraine war, as well as peace talks and de-escalation attempts. BOTH PARTIES continue to push a racist, right-wing nazi agenda globally expecting ALL NATIONS to bend the knee.
The absurdity of the genocidal hate campaign will see America in a full-blown civil war, no functioning government, resourced strained due to wealth transfers to the rich and to Ukraine, the intentional destabilization of U.S. infrastructure, the continued elevation of psychopaths, predators, rapists, pedophiles, and deviants of every type in leadership. The continued raping of the nation, along with the loss of valuable resources needed for planetary sustainability.
The agenda, as Ronald Reagan told me from his own mouth, inside The White House in 1981 when I was just 6 years old shortly before he raped me with the full knowledge, awareness, consent, and participation of his wife. Orgies in The White House where children were molested were so commonly known, there were news articles and reports daily for YEARS until GHW and DR had legislation passed to muzzle media. They also deployed operatives into media who would simply lie, cheat, steal, do anything, even kill to cover their crimes. Today’s chaos is the result of decades of predation, apathy, corruption, and the scapegoating of the most marginalized.
Black women, particularly single moms are a highlighted because we are the most fertile, and white America has a fertility problem. You can understand why, nature has a way of protecting itself from predation just like all life does.
Russia’s predations of what is to come is in no way off base, in fact its America’s vision engineered by the same men whom America has memorialized as heroes for decades. Due to American meddling globally, authoritarianism controls the planet, there is no authority interested in addressing it, least of all United Nations who is just as complicit in its predation and protection of predators. America has had the ability to usher in a global paradise since the 1970s. The money, expertise, resources, and plans have been in place since then, yet America chose to kill the experts, suppress the information, and deny resources along with reality. This has always been a failure of leadership and policy and no other reason.
Though all who EVER swore an oath have been ordered to blow the whistle on corruption, the insurgency that began under Reagan and reached a boiling point with Black Lives Matter protests and the sacking of The Capitol and 1/6, the insurgency remains active, funded, supported by leadership, and thriving. There are programs, strategies, protocols, operations, teams, and operatives more than prepared to handle every issue. American leadership chooses to turn a blind eye and instead escalate MULTIPLE WARS, GENOCIDES, VIOLENT OPERATIONS, AND SUPPRESSIONS GLOBALLY. The most marginalized are isolated, tortured, and eradicated as a result.
It’s 1.2.23 and Earth is very close to becoming uninhabitable. The climate crisis is so far along that we have mere months to resolve issues before global sustainability and the resulting collapse of civilization results. Obviously, all of this CAN be avoided but isn’t due to corruption and weakness of leadership.
I was conscripted BY Ronald Reagan in The Star Wars Program because he wanted to abuse, scapegoat, and eliminate me. GHW and DR wanted to make me into an operative who could compete with Russia’s own, or any other. They did any and everything they wanted to accomplish that. They trafficked, tortured, raped, forced bred, and enslaved me my entire life with full knowledge, awareness, and approval of BOTH PARTIES. As of this writing, the United States Government continues to enslave and torture me with absolute tyranny and impunity.
If America doesn’t pivot NOW, humanity will be so damaged there will be no way to clean up the mess let alone survive it. All due to ego, predation, corruption, and weakness. This is not a game.
UN Women Human Rights Watch Amnesty International Washington Post TIME Nat Geo Explorers Mother Jones The North Star POLITICO The NPR Tech Team ACLU National An Injustice! Voices
This post has been hacked while writing, my algorithms changed so that I cannot tag media.
Since May of 2020 I have been unable to communicate with the outside world without control.