10.1.21 First Day Of Domestic Violence Awareness Month
I’m still not considered human so I’ll have to be more then! I always have.
Americans are constantly screaming “no more oversight” but that’s all Black America, poor, and marginalized America experiences! At least with actual oversight, there can be regulations that bring room for the advocacy of equality. That doesn’t exist for Black America or marginalized persons. There is nothing and no one protecting our rights at all besides the Constitution but people believe it is a myth and doesn’t apply to us. Where is that equality? UN Women
But again, I am only speaking to my stalkers because I continue to be censored, muted, shadowbanned, harassed, cyberstalked, bullied, and hacked. I still can’t # or @ on most social media sites. I am still disabled because disabilities don’t go away depending on what political party has power. I am still unable to use telephones. I still have limited mobility. I still have all of the disabling conditions that I had before COVID but with far less access to ANY medical care at all and far less access to aid and support. NO ONE has responded to any request of assistance in addressing any of the harm done to me, or the violation of my human rights. NO ONE! If there has been a response it has been to tell me to go away or to accuse me of being fake.
I still can’t access the wider internet, my home network is constantly under attack including limiting bandwidth. It’s almost impossible to do just the simplest things. I can’t even access certain websites a lot of the time. I certainly can’t access anything that will allow me to earn money online, and I have yet to receive a penny of direct COVID relief. Only one person in my family has received one stimulus payment, it was the man but even he did receive any other cash relief such as unemployment. Every resource that I had under long-term care has been removed. I have been cut off from public assistance repeatedly. No one questions the people abusing my rights, but they accuse me of being fake, a liar, and a fraud. My family has experienced more court and police involvement than I have EVER experienced in my entire life during this pandemic. I have never once lied about what I am experiencing yet I continue to be treated like a fraud. If you were disabled, with very well-documented life-threatening disabilities, declared totally and fully disabled, yet all aid is withheld from you as you suffer from COVID twice and are not even able to access healthcare, therefore, forced to triage your own care, how would you feel. What’s worst is that the medical system in this area is so incredibly, openly, systematically racist and there is NO OVERSIGHT to address it that have actually done far better under my own care than I did under theirs. What does that say about how much money the state was spending to attempt to help me with my medical conditions?
Oversight is needed everywhere! Those who seek to avoid it are those who seek to exploit its absence. Insurgents rob America blind, harm Americans, and proliferate propaganda that scapegoats their targets. This not only helps them escape accountability, but it also charges an incredibly angry, uninformed, and malicious society against incredibly vulnerable and unprotected populations. Where is humanity?
No one questions those who abuse their power and authority to bring about these conditions. No one questions those who abuse, slander, and stalk. It’s only those they target who experience any consequences for their behavior, while they abscond with vast amounts of resources, funding, support, and recognition for being “good people”, “very fine people”. This was intentionally engineered by men like my abuser. As they continue to slaughter Americans over their own genocidal beliefs, no one cares. “Getting back to normal” where all of this continues without anyone being able to escape it is “normal” and those in leadership pushing past it are those who profit from our subjugation and enslavement, while their “good” families benefit and advocate for more of the same. But I’m the one “mentally unstable” for calling it out and fighting back?
Ignoring reality is weak. I see nothing but weakness around me, yet I am the one called “snowflake”. Because confronting abusers, human traffickers, child molesters, rapists, and those in authority who are abusing it is easy? Who is actually delusional? To believe child molesters, rapists, domestic abusers, those who abuse authority, insurgents, and extremists of any kind over their targets is clearly a serious mental health problem. In its mildest form its delusion, in more serious forms is is a cognitive dissonance that is causing serious problems in the lives of others. In even more serious forms, it’s literally Anti-Social behaviors. Yet you question their victims rather than those perpetrating the violence. Weak AND unstable!
I persist because who else will? The White House