10.20.21 And I’m Still Not Considered Human — My COVID Diary

Danielle Diew
12 min readOct 20, 2021


Ophiuchus Phoenix

While on Facebook (which I rarely am due to HEAVY suppression and shadow banning) I attempted to write a post about America being under occupation by extremists. I tagged the U.N. in the post. Facebook Design algorithms terminated the post before I could begin writing it. But America continues to claim that we have free speech, free access to what we need, freedom of movement, and equality? We can’t even move freely around the internet! For me this is my ONLY connection to the outside world, and any number of people can easily interrupt my access to it because they don’t like the color of my skin, my gender, my voting habits, that I know things about them they don’t want anyone else to know, or the fact that I am outspoken about HUMAN RIGHTS!

Ever day accessing the internet is like whack-a-mole, I never know what I will get! I have been cut off from several Ai art websites, financial sites, blockchain and bitcoin sites, as well as human rights organizations. Even my emails have been interrupted. Documents have been stolen, graphics, creations right from my desktop files. My social media is constantly manipulated with algorithms or cyber stalkers, we have experienced attacks by cyber bullies connected to neo-nazi and paramilitary organizations connected to the Capitol Insurgency, and by people who have abused me. I have no ability to protect myself from any of these attacks. No one cares Elizabeth Warren Cori Bush for Congress

Before I can even finish typing a post my internet connection is interrupted. My posts are altered. My photographs are altered, my art is altered, the facts about my life are manipulated and altered. Every aspect of my life is still being manipulated by others and I have no say over how this will affect me! I also have no way to escape this system, it was designed by the men who trafficked me to the very people in high authority who continue to deny my humanity, trample on my human rights, attack me, incite attacks against me, accuse me of the crimes they have committed, stalk, abuse, rape, steal, as well as appropriate everything I accomplish and create. If YOU know how to escape this imprisonment then by all means please tell me. As I have always said I didn’t put myself here, it was the “plot in life” that racist, fascist, pedophiles decided would be my reality. I’m supposed to accept that?

If .1 of 1/4 of all of the money spent on surveilling me this year would be paid back to me in reparation of just some of the harm done to me and my family, no member of my family WOULD EVER have to worry about affluence ever again. Who would miss a penny? I suffer not because of any fallibility of my own, I suffer because of greed and apathy of others. I was not abused only in the past, it happens daily. No one cares. These are supposed to be the world’s greatest leaders. The best of the best of the best. Look what they created, total destruction, chaos, and collapse. The world is completely out of balance, famine, sickness, war, disease, anger, animosity, hate, confusion, all intentionally engineered so that 1% of the population can use 9% of the population to dominate the 90% while the bottom 22% die off in ethnic cleansing. But we’re expected not only to ignore it, to pretend it’s not happening or get severely punished, but we’re supposed to agree not to fight to protect our own lives. We are even expected not to fight for or defend our children’s lives. No one thinks this is sick? CNN Washington Post The Atlantic The Guardian

The ENTIRE Industrial Military Complex was built on work that I did, that was stolen from me, as they were raping, molesting, strangling, beating, burning, shocking, cattle prodding, tagging like a sow, and breading me like the thoroughbred their clinicians repeatedly referred to me as. Even a civilian clinician who ran the county funded crisis center said precisely this to me, in the lobby as he read aspects my psych eval out loud in front of EVERYONE asking why I thought I deserved help. “When are you going to face your problems” he said. lol As if reaching out for help is avoiding your problems? But that’s what happens when racism is institutional as well as misogyny, my controllers have authority over everything, including hospitals. “You may run, but you can’t hide” they used to tell me. THIS was the reaction I received when I was asking for help during a crisis after being brutally raped and held hostage overnight by one of my handlers minions. NO ONE CARES which is precisely what the rapist told me as he brutally assaulted me. I was forced to go to the facility as a condition of my housing, though I knew I would be treated that way because that is usually the response I get when going there. “We can only help people in crisis” they told me. So rape isn’t a crisis? “We don’t have the funding” but it’s a public institution and they aren’t supposed to turn anyone away! NO ONE CARES!

Black people hear that at every location where we ask for any kind of help, for anything. We only help (insert whatever TF you want here because it depends on the person speaking) people here, we don’t heave the resources to serve you. Wouldn’t that make a weak person feel powerful? To have reign over oppressed people and a system that rewards them for being brutal to us? For those who have a thirst for things in life and feel inferior when they can’t reach them even when born with privilege so they need SOMETHING to target, it’s irresistible. These people are given Black bodies to hunt openly, it’s so common even kids talk about it. But were still told it’s fake.

NO ONE CARES about what White men do to Black people, women, men, and children. Extremists who lust for deviance are fighting to ensure this “normal” state of American society remains forever. When we speak out and fight back, we are BRUTALIZED in ways that most cannot even begin to fathom let alone articulate. We continue to be treated like we are the ones who stormed the Capital as those who did continue to make deals with the highest leaders in government, change legislation to aid their extremist insurgency, attack at will, deny our human rights, prevent us from gaining aid during a denied holocaust, and continue to propagandize the mass death and trauma to weaponize violent extremists against us. But we are the ones punished for speaking about what is happening to us! Not only that, we are scapegoated as “untouchable” somehow. As though we have been punished by God and that is why this is our fate. That’s what we learned in school in the 80s, not much has changed.

One of my strongest abilities is communication. But if I’m too sick to communicate, then I can’t tell my story. So my controller made sure that when I was seven years old he permanently altered my body, mutilated me, and tagged me with technology that would ensure he could not only observe me, my movements, my bodily functions, but even my emotions and how I think. “I want total control” he told me when I was four and five years old. He got it because he was given the approval, authority, funding, classification, and resources to do it. Yet I am unable to receive an ounce of resources to help me survive what he did to me nor any of the money that I earned that he kept from me!

He controlled every aspect of me. If I dream or not, if I am happy or not, if I am aroused or not, if I am sad, depressed, in grief, ecstatic, or angry, or submissive, defiant, hungry or satiated. He used the most advanced technology and augmented Ai to do it. What goes on the classified realm is nothing like every day life, in the 80s they were 100 years ahead of everyone on the planet! But then they make fun of us for being behind and not being able to catch up. If it weren’t for several of mine and my fathers missions, they NEVER would have made it to that level of technological advancement. Yet we are the ones treated as inferior hidden figures.

My handler spent all those years in those torture chambers mapping my brain, my bio-chemistry, my emotions, my non-verbal queues, my psychological development, my physical development, everything. He used the world’s leading specialists to experiment on me my entire life. They had free reign, the only other people who could stop them were also involved. People cannot police themselves! Human Rights Watch

Growing up they controlled me like a toy doll. In fact it was an Asian toy company that coded the tech that was placed into my body. “We’re going to make the perfect victim” they told me at five. He decided I would become something no one had ever been before, human but more. To keep control over me and the tech he placed in me, he had me declared his “ward” for “national security purposes” and that gave he and my other handler absolute control. When anyone argued that this was unethical and he couldn’t get the funding or clearance that he needed to go further, he simply came up with a scenario that would make them give him what he wanted. At one point he declared me a “machine” and his cronies in Congress agreed, with anger and vigor at me! “You’re a beast”, “you’re an abomination”, “you’re just wires and metal”, “you’re not human”. I’ve heard it all my life, that’s what it means to “get back to normal” in the U.S. and we’re supposed to accept this, quietly. I’ve always been human, but I’m not sure about those who claim I am otherwise. United Nations

It’s 2021 and I still have no freedom of movement. Every aspect of my life is controlled by abusers and the system of oppression they designed to keep me enslaved. I have yet to receive a penny of direct COVID cash relief from any stimulus package. The U.S. government continues to pretend that I either don’t exist or that they cannot verify my identity. Yet the U.S. government went so far as to approve a research project that would “track the frequency of a woman’s orgasm in space” and it was created for me. That was my handlers dream and tax dollars paid for it. It served a purpose, a very important technologically advanced purpose, but I was never able to receive any of the benefits as all the White men who watched, observed, tracked, analyzed, and observed, and abused me grew wealthy. But this isn’t excogitation? I wasn’t a woman then, I am now. There is no aspect of me that is unknown to the absolute highest places of authority not only of this nation, but others. Yet I don’t qualify for aid and relief from anyone, anywhere, for any reason, during a denied holocaust where my people are being ethnically cleansed? UN Human Rights Why?

The world is under the grip of the same evil entities that plagued the world during WW2 and it clearly has a grip on America. The holocaust has NEVER ended only now the targets are Black, Brown, all marginalized persons, allies, and anyone providing aid and support to any of the above groups. Even one of my own mentor’s was a nazi scientist brought over during Operation Paperclip O.P. was his cover name. He had an identical twin, their entire family was brought over in operation Paperclip. You can imagine what hell that was for me to have to be mentored by him! Both my controllers demanded it. My handler paired me with him to be groomed from the age of five until twenty-one. He and his twin were high officials in the religious organization that my father was instructed to adhere to, and me in his footsteps. He reported directly to The White House and his cover was “piano tuner”. He was also my brother’s bible teacher, an elder in every congregation I ever attended. When I moved, he was moved so that he could remain with me. He ALWAYS had eyes and reach. They all did. Please understand this man was an actual nazi, I questioned him about it myself. He told me he was racist and believed that Black people are inferior and need to be eradicated. When I asked he felt the same way about me he said “you’re different”. Because they were exploiting me and making money.

I’m not unidentifiable UNICEF I am an invisible prisoner to a system of enslavement that is denied along with this holocaust that my entire race is being systematically eradicated in. What’s worst is the men who trafficked me are the men who designed this agenda, that they left me behind in to “cleanup the mess” they make. But I’m the “divisive” one for crying out for help? For using “unpopular terms” or “being too angry”. How angry is one allowed to be in a denied holocaust when they and their entire race are being eradicated to extension, not only within our own country but globally? Before I was anything, I was a soldier. Ignoring a holocaust is not in my DNA and I NEVER leave anyone behind. I’m not just fighting for my life, my children’s lives, my community’s survival. I am fighting for Black people being oppressed globally, ALL marginalized persons, and the planet that is clearly under attack by extremists.

It’s 10.20.21 and all three branches of government remain hamstrung. Daily reporting on conditions continues to become more difficult due to obstruction from many different directions. I am hacked repeatedly daily, my internet connection is constantly interrupted, and I am unable to use telephones due to disabilities acquired while serving this nation. But America says it doesn’t know who I am and therefore I don’t deserve support or aid let alone payment for the work that I have done for so many years. But I am the “danger”? I was homebound before COVID. If all the U.S. did was unredact some of my education credentials we could establish stability for ourselves and help our entire family as well as others. If Black lives matter, why wouldn’t you want that? If the full truth came out, the holocaust would end. Why wouldn’t you want that?

The Insurgency, while still being called fake, is attacking the most vulnerable Americans across the nation. But their global tentacles reach every nation. The oppression and systematic extermination of all Black life across this planet has remained a denied fact for longer than anyone living can ever remember the absence of its existence. My controllers couldn’t remember a time where Black life was not oppressed, and they were from all five generations before my own, Gen X. That’s profound! The men molesting me and selling me at orgies to the affluent men and women, had never known any other way of life, for at least five generations. But it still continues to be denied as a reality in America. Propaganda is the order that America has operated under for so long that people literally do not know how to use their own brains to think for themselves. As the insurgency continues to fight for suppression of information, to erase history, to advocate for lies, false and extremist beliefs, while simultaneously denying reality and humanity, they fulfill their own worst fears. The only threat they ever perceived always came from within their own minds but they couldn’t grasp this fact five generations before my own, let alone now. Black life is ALWAYS the consequence of their ignorance, inability or refusal to face their fears, and their violent tendency in using force to command obedience from those who DO understand growth.

How long must we continue to be patient for the truth to be known? How long must we wait before the planet understands that we are living, breathing, human beings being exterminated for greed, lust, deviance, hate and dominance? UN Development Programme

Every woman in my bloodline before me was born into some form of enslavement, me included, but I’m supposed to pretend like this is a myth so that those enslaving us can feel more comfortable about violating our humanity. As those who are benefiting from our enslavement prosper during not only this holocaust but every generation before this, we suffer and die in torturous conditions that go ignored by the planet! Those systematically violating our human rights tell us we don’t matter because our struggle is fake and the government continues to echo these ideologies with the extreme, state sanctioned attacks that happen daily. Black, Brown, and marginalized lives along with allies continue to die as a result.

The entire planet is in the grips of rulership by the elite and it has been so well hidden for so long that most don’t even know they are enslaved. As the planet continues to spin out of control due to climate crisis and the extreme right attacks against any efforts to repair harms, we all are caught in a collective entanglement that will determine the fate of what is to come. If anyone of our progeny are going to survive, we must act now to correct the wrongs of this denied holocaust which is clearly simply the next wave of WW2 3rd reich actions. It cannot be denied any longer United Nations the planet cannot wait, neither can Black lives! Neither can women, or children, or the LGBTQI, or Native populations, or disabled persons, or Asians, or Muslims, or Jewish persons, or Hebrews, or Spiritualists, Holistic Practitioners, or anyone being targeted by the current inception of the reich. There must be immediate action taken, now!

Barack Obama Al Gore I’m literally a prisoner in a home that’s not even my own and I have committed no crime. How many out there like me? Progressive Caucus Congressional Black Caucus NAACP Black Lives Matter Global Network Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers





Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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