11.11.21 I’m Still Not Considered Human
No one cares
Still more heavily censored than terrorists
Still no direct COVID cash relief
Still no payment of my contract
Still no return of my redacted education credentials
Still no medical care to treat me for injuries and impairments received while serving this country
Still no acknowledgement of the crimes committed against me and my family
Still not a single person who has committed the most violent crimes against us has been held to even the mildest form of accountability
Still my entire community remains without protection during a pandemic, economic depression, a racist and fascist right-wing insurgency, and ethnic cleansing
Still no public assistance
Still no open access to the internet
Still no freedom from constant surveillance and threats
Still no access to food without having to beg from the very people who have been abusing me for years
Still no treatment for my disabilities though I am a long term care patient
Still no aid, relief, assistance, and very little advocacy to help with any barriers
Still no social security, SSI, or any other form of compensation to aid me as a disabled person
Still no protection from the right-wing extremists who continue to attack not only me, my family, but my entire community daily with impunity
Still no relief from the trauma I have experienced my entire life, as well as my entire family every generation, as our entire community has for HUNDREDS OF YEARS
Still the only response we receive is “systemic oppression is fake” or “wait” or you don’t qualify for relief (but everyone else in the world does???)
Still no acknowledgement of the violent and extreme harm caused to my entire family for every generation since Europeans have been on U.S. soil
Still no acknowledgement that Black American Descendants Of Slaves are dying in a denied holocaust due to ethnic cleansing
Still watching every other population prioritized above ours as we continue to suffer and die, often alone, though we are the most heavily targeted population and suffer the most damage at the micro as well as macro level
Still no protection from or plan to combat the propaganda that fuels the hate mobs attacking us
Still no protection from the insurgency that is more powerful than ever and targeting attacks against our entire community as the world’s entire global leadership body watches and does absolutely nothing
Still no acknowledgment from any aspect of government, “get back to normal” meant going back to ignoring the holocaust that we are dying in President Joe Biden
Still not even a single plan to pass legislation to even protect ONE of our inalienable rights as human beings
Still, no one cares
Still the purge continues
Still have not received compensation for any of the fraud committed against me
Still have not received compensation from being separated from my own children and family in state sanctioned operations
Still no compensation for my family being victims of illegal conscription, MkUltra experiments, COINTELPro operations, or human trafficking
Still expected to accept all of these crimes against nature and humanity as my “lot in life”
Still no control over our own bodies, minds, or even information as everything is controlled by corporations that do with us as they please
Still not an ounce of oversight or accountability
Still suffering under the tyranny of white supremacy as all look away and scapegoat us for the crimes committed against us
Still no information on the whereabouts of the children I was forced to breed and were systematically removed from me in order to provide narcissistic supply for wealthy white elite extreme deviants
Still as every minute ticks by, Black American Descendants Of Slaves die, have our entire lives erased, and the truth of our experiences buried forever through “scrubbing”
Still no asylum
Still no support
Still no aid
Still no public assistance
Still no housing stability
Still no ability to get nourished, stable, or the ability to heal any of the illnesses and disabilities I face daily, including COVID
Still no ability to earn income online due to heavy censorship, hacking, stalking, shadow banning, and muting
Still can’t get passed Google algorithms that have heavily suppressed me since it’s launch
Still people are benefiting from my life, words, sacrifice, and creative work as I receive not a single penny from my own labor
Still no one cares
Still it is my “mental stability” questioned but none of the offenders of any of these crimes are
Still sympathy, protection, compassion, and cover for all of the people who molested, raped, stole, and abused me but not an ounce of any such protections for me
Still aid, relief, and support provided to the White victims of these deviants but not even an acknowledgement of me even though the world is literally benefiting from everything I have done my entire life including my protests which have revealed massive crimes of the global elite for decades #Pandora
Still changing the world, in plain sight every day yet remain enslaved
Still a hidden figure after more than 4.5 decades
Still one of few people who see through the mass mind control, work to fight through it’s grip of power over the entire planet daily as my entire community remains under attack even by our own government yet I can’t even nourish my own body due to the extremely impoverished conditions that the U.S. government literally pays to keep me trapped in
Still I am just one of many victims among the Black Community yet as the world turns it’s attention to other populations across the globe and advocates to protect their populations from “genocide” no such advocacy occurs for us after HUNDREDS OF YEARS OF SYSTEMIC OPPRESSION and millions still call it fake though the the entire planet sees it played out daily, lived streamed
Still targeted by other populations who see Black voices as a threat to their own stability as those in the highest places of government continue to spread these false ideologies and incite their violence to detract away from the extreme human rights violations we experience daily
Still getting targeted by those in the highest places of authority as they hide their hand and scapegoat me for their crimes
Still the systemic oppression and slaughter of Black people remains a norm because no one will hold anyone accountable
Still I am the one considered a “threat” for giving voice to the truth
Still I am the one labeled “guilty” of “hate speech” and banned from public spaces, paid for with tax dollars, for telling the truth of what has happened to me, my family, and my entire community as NO ONE is held accountable, ever, in any way
Still no access to the outside world as I am imprisoned in a “section-8” home that is in filthy conditions due to a refusal of the county to repair damages while I am “labeled” a “welfare queen” and a “taker”
Still unable to heal as the conditions in the home continue to negatively impact not only my own but my children's health
Still no ability to move about the country, state, town or even neighborhood freely
Still no acknowledgement of DECADES of work that has been systematically stolen and all of the wealth I accumulated transferred to racist, White fascists
Still not a single government agency that is legally responsible for investigating these crimes has acknowledged me, ever, even the “task forces” set up to specifically investigate some of these crimes refuse to acknowledge me
Still this is a continuation of what has gone on my entire life
Still forced to beg for survival as though I committed the heinous crimes committed against me while those who commit the crimes continue to gain wealth, funding, power, and affluence
Still there are very popular memes going around the internet that says “stay away from people who are still…” because the targets of these heinous crimes are scapegoated as “broken” and “a danger to society” as the masses are manipulated by mass mind control to believe it, but I can’t be seen ANYWHERE, for any reason
Still can’t leave the house due to SEVERE medical conditions
Still waiting for the United States government to recognize my humanity
Still waiting for the United States government to recognize the humanity of my entire community
Still getting hacked, posts being altered, data being manipulated, personal property being stolen
Still didn’t turn into the evil that has oppressed us for HUNDERDS of years yet we are the ones seen as, exploited as, and marginalized as “inferior” and “sub-human”
Still EVERY aspect of society is set up to reinforce the racist ideals that were founded on the lie of white supremacy
Still can’t gain access to simple things such as marijuana that would help manage many of the symptoms of my disabilities and even help me heal, though it is legal in this state
Still there has been no effort to correct the lies and slander that have affected myself, my children, and my entire community, the contrary is true
Still as climate has the planet in a stranglehold, the Black American Descendants Of Slavery remain the most vulnerable population here in America across every spectrum of survivability
Still no effort to put down the insurgency that continues to gain power
Still no acknowledgement that this agenda has been DECADES in the making and was literally engineered by the same people who have engineered almost every genocide over the past 5 decades, the same men who abused, trafficked, and enslaved me and my family
Still there are massive efforts to “debunk” our inalienable rights, even among other marginalized populations, many of whom have been victims of genocide at some point as well however when forced to deny our rights they are rewarded with privileges for their own
Still no justice for the crimes committed against us through the legal system, social work system, housing system, education system, the industrial military complex, and the for profit medical industry, all of which were engineered by the same men who not only molested me my entire life, but engineered the current insurgency
Though almost everyone in leadership knows that I am telling the truth I am still slandered as a “conspiracy theorist” or “theater op”
Still suffering the most heinous crimes in plain sight as masses disbelieve
Still documenting my own genocide
Still no one cares
But we are the “problem” ?????
What would YOU do? How would YOU survive? What are YOU going to tell your family when they ask what you did to protect a people who were targeted by nazis and systemically eliminated from the planet as everyone turned a blind eye?
The White House United Nations UNICEF UN Women UN Human Rights Amnesty International USA Amnesty International Human Rights Watch U.S. Department of State World Health Organization CDC Flu
Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers Cori Bush for Congress Ilhan Omar Elizabeth Warren Tim Kaine Mark Herring