11.2.21 Still Not Considered Human

Danielle Diew
6 min readNov 2, 2021


But the world consistently tells me I manifested this for myself with my “negativity”, that it has nothing to do with oppression, racism, abuse, and hate.

Every piece of digital technology in my home is compromised by hackers and has been since May of 2020 when I began protest posting. My posts are altered before I can even post them. Even the art that I create is altered, obstructed, and censored. Extremism even goes as far as to push me out of benign thigs such as Ai art websites that are supposed to be open and free.

In America, Black means you have not only no rights but no humanity.

No, it will never be okay so don’t expect me to bow down to your xenophobia and bigotry. I have a right to life, I have a right to fight for life, I have a right to defend myself and my family. I have a right to fight for and protect our rights and nothing you do or say will ever remove these rights from anyone. Humanity dictates that I am born with my inalienable rights, you don’t get to take it from me.

11.2.21 and there have only been negative changes, destabilizing changes, no aid, no support, no relief, not even direct COVID cash relief. I can’t even control the electronics in my own home. I have been imprisoned for doing nothing other than existing while Black and fighting to break free.

I am tired. It’s not because I created any of this for myself, it’s because oppressors have and the abuse is exhausting. Every thing I do and say becomes a tool toward labeling me with various forms of pathology, but NOTHING is used to help me break free from abuse and tyranny. This is “normal” in America and I am expected to accept it as “my fate.”

Would you?

Black men have been voting longer than White women, that will never be the answer to protecting our human rights. Hundreds of years have passed and while White women have excelled, along with White passing and White adjacent communities. Even those targeted during the previous administrations are already gaining more and more rights and funding, while Black America continues to lose everything. “We don’t have enough” is all we are ever told. My handler told me in 1982 that it would be this way. But I’m supposed to ignore all of that and allow myself and my children to be enslaved because extremists believe in the delusion that God created life this way?

Define God.

Justice, equality, and holding abusers accountable will solve everything, but leaders won’t allow that because corruption under this occupation continues to thrive as much as propaganda. The current administration is more crafty, but just as deadly.

Rights for Black Americans have become non existent because my handlers sold the world an agenda that would make elites more elite, and enslave everyone else while simultaneously telling us it’s all fake. “1–3% of the Black population will be allowed to acquire wealth. The rest of the world will believe that oppression is fake because they live better than 2/3rds of the world.” My handlers told me this in 1980, it’s 2021 nothing they said has failed. This agenda was meant to do to Black America what it has been doing. The notion that this is all a misunderstanding is insulting. Track Black wealth, property ownership, and jobs since 1967. It’s blatantly obvious what an agenda looks like, selling “alternative facts” is a counter intelligence strategy that my handlers excelled in. “Controlling the narrative” is how they dominate everything. “Rewriting facts” is what entertainment news became, my handlers created and maintained these strategies globally for decades. This is no mistake, it’s an agenda. It’s so far gone that the entire planet is at stake, that was the plan all along. “You would be surprised at how quick people are willing to give up their rights when they need us to step in calm the chaos that we make.” Handler, 1982, Reston Va., classified base, middle of the school day. His lectures always ended in torture and rape, I was seven at the time. No one ever stopped them, But I’m suppose to believe that I “manifested” the chaos in my life through MY negative thinking? But not because I have been abused and enslaved by powerful elite men who had absolute immunity?

America still refuses to get rid of immunity, that’s why corruption and lack of accountability continues. Elites made themselves ‘’too big to fail” and that strategy was my handlers, they taught it to me in 1980. But I’m supposed to believe that my trauma is self produced because I can’t escape pathology? I’m not the genocidal enslavers, what of their pathos? But those questions are never posed because Black life doesn’t matter in America. Barack Obama Al Gore “WE NEED HELP!” Sound familiar?

Did voting help us in the last election? To be honest, I had more resources under the last administration that was actively attacking me. Now, I can’t even get food. But this is supposed to be my fault somehow, the origin of the problem is my “negative thinking” and not the tyranny that is strangling me and my progeny.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling people not to vote. What I am saying is that doing the same things will always yield the same results. Systemic oppression needs to be dismantled and that cannot happen as long as leadership lies, ignores corruption, uses public office for grifting rather than governing, never hold the privileged accountable, and refuse to recognize people’s humanity.

This is how empires die, I am simply fighting to ensure that the entire Black American Descendants Of Slave Community is not eradicated as was planned and taught to me in 1980, Reston Va., classified base, in the middle of the school day. I should have been able to learn coding, instead I was being forced into sex slavery. I was only five years old but it was still my “fault” because “I let it happen” according to everyone who knew. To this day, they maintain the lies about me instead of helping my progeny and I survive. But that is my fault how exactly? I have fought harder for America, fully disabled, then those same leaders ever did fully able bodied, elite, wealth, privilege, and access to the planets tech and intel. THAT is why the world is in chaos, they play life like a game. People aren’t toys but as long as you see us that way, nothing changes. Literally, animals have more rights.

As long as propaganda has more rights than the blood running through my veins, nothing changes. Voting has not done one thing to fix any of it, actually it has made our community worst off than ever. People believe we are protected and that we bring on our suffering. We have far less rights and are less safe now than ever before, voting did not help us save ourselves, our children, our community. We are punished for voting in a Black president, among so many other ways we fight for our rights. We are hunted down, stalked, attacked, harassed, stolen from, and enslaved. Not only for the color of our skin, but also our voting habits, and protesting. The government has not done one single thing to help us, in fact, we keep losing every right we have worked so hard for and we are supposed to accept it silently.

We have lost our rights to exist, our leaders in political office arrested for trying to help, our lives propagandized and dehumanized. We’re beyond tired and yet people still claim that we aren’t human and our cries for help are fake.


THAT is what MASSES of people believe, but it’s my mental stability in question for drawing attention to the atrocities we experience. In America you can’t even tell the truth without being attacked and scapegoated for the crimes against you.

Voting hasn’t helped this, it’s pushed us further backward giving everyone a false sense of security. As long as leaders treat Black life as slaves, that is all we will ever be until we show you who we are. Then you label us the enemy.

Why is it 11.2.21 and the world continues to allow our own government to exterminate us with impunity?

UN Human Rights UN Women United Nations Amnesty International Amnesty International USA Progressive Caucus The White House Congressional Black Caucus Library of Congress



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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