11.23.21 Still Not Considered Human
No aid, no relief, no protections. Still more heavily censored than the Taliban and the Capital Insurgency. You must be VERY afraid indeed! After the way that you have treated me, my children, my family, my entire community, you should be. The Most High will answer for us. TIME Library of Congress Nat Geo Explorers Who was the first to talk about maintaining COVID diaries anyway? But systemic oppression is fake like Pandora, correct?
I can’t even post artwork without my computer getting hacked and my ability to reach the internet interrupted. It’s hard enough having to fight the false slander of “hate speech” as well as trying to overcome the burden of being shadow banned via algorithms. This DID NOT begin with COVID, the protests, or even blowing the whistle. This has gone on my entire life!!!
For a country that claims it has equality and safety, it sure does work very hard at systemically oppressing people trying to pull themselves up by their own boot straps after being trafficked for decades by the very leaders paid to protect me! UN Human Rights Amnesty International The White House Progressive Caucus
America could very simply honor my contract and I wouldn’t be scrambling around trying to overcome disabilities gained while serving the very country that pays people a considerable amount of money to surveil me 24/7/365 my entire life to ensure that I remain enslaved and unable to break free from the chains! UNESCO
But talking about any of this is viewed as “unpatriotic” though I have sacrificed my ENTIRE life for this country without receiving a single penny, so did my father. But we aren’t enslaved? I can’t even earn money to survive the denied holocaust that we are being ethnically cleansed in while the United States government turns a blind eye and pretends it’s “fake”.
Me talking about any of this is viewed worse than the very insurgency that continues to murder Black people with impunity every day while the Government does NOTHING to stop it! Yet the people viewed as “patriots” are not the ones who fight to protect democracy, life, and the home land. The “patriots” are the ones attacking ALL while claiming “all lives matter” as law enforcement dies trying to protect themselves from the very people who claim to love them fiercely! But Black people continue to be the scapegoats from every side!
But I’m supposed to accept this as my “lot in life” because white supremacy says that is how it should be? Ignorance is not in my DNA.
“Till I’m laid to rest” I will tell the truth! Shout out Buju, he wouldn’t lay down either! He was down for 10, me 20. No such thing as coincidence! The same people who oppressed him continue to oppress me, though the main handlers are dead, their minions push on without intervention. But I’m supposed to obey commands from the very people persecuting my entire race?
The funny thing is, I would never have had to do any of this if American leadership would simply do what they are paid tax dollars to do. Instead, America continues to use tax dollars to oppress a marginalized and vulnerable people trying to survive the apocalypse while the elite celebrate on our mass graves and the planet burns to the ground.
As if there is no such thing as Divine intervention. We’ll see.