11.27.21 STILL Not Considered Human
There are no rights protecting me
The United States Government could simply honor my contract, they have not
They could unredact my credentials, they have not
They could return the money stolen from me, they have not
They could pay me for the harm done to me and my family, they have not
They could pay me the COVID relief that has been withheld from my entire family, they have not
They could pay my social security and SSI benefits that have been withheld, they have not
They could return my stolen education credentials, they have not
They could return everything stolen from me and my family, they have not
They could pay reparations for all of the harm done for hundreds of years, they have not
They could provide me with the medical care that I am entitled to by law, and was always promised, they have not
They could protect our human rights so that we can actually pull ourselves up by our boot straps, they have not
They could hold those abusing us accountable so that we don’t continue to sustain systemic attacks daily for our entire life times, they have not
They could provide me with a home that is not filthy and dilapidated, they have not
They could provide the assistance that all disabled people are entitled to in the state of Virginia, and in Fairfax County, they have not
They could provide me with the assistance that I need and am entitled to as a Long Term Care patient, someone who has served this country her entire life, they have not
They could stop the over policing, and extreme surveillance, and pay me what they pay just one stalker, in an effort to pay just a percentage of my contract, they have not
They could pay me .1 on the money earned for my creations, inventions, writing, songs, lyrics, choreography, and everything else that has made money off of me, my body, my mind, and my energy, they have not
I was homebound years before COVID, I’m still ignored, as if my life means nothing, as if I didn’t serve this country in ways most people can’t even fathom, as though I deserve to remain a hidden figure, as though my life was mean to be a “servant” to white men who abuse me
Who is the delusional one?
The United States Government could simply treat me like the human being that I am, which would allow me to gain access to life sustaining support, they have not
The United States Government could hold the people accountable who continue to stalk, harass, bully, cyberstalk, and abuse, allowing me the opportunity to gain access to earning new money, they have not
The United States Government could simply uphold the Constitution and protect it’s people, all of it’s people, during an apocalypse, they have not
The United States Government could have stopped allowing me to be tortured and abused, I would have pulled myself up by my own bootstraps decades ago
The U.S. Government could have simply left me alone when I left the country seeking safety for myself and my child, that didn’t happen
I am completely kettled, and have been my entire life, a trapped rat. But I am the one scapegoated for the consequences, what did anyone think would happen when you started attacking my children? You thought I was the projection of stigmas that everyone claims that I am. Now that I am not, no one knows what to do. That’s no my problem, just pay me.
I wouldn’t exist if the U.S. government didn’t keep turning a blind eye to me being tortured, raped, and abused my entire life. Those same men you looked up to for solutions, trained me to do exactly what I am doing, for the reason that I am doing it. Yet you STILL say it’s fake! And you wonder why they made sure this contingency existed? President Joe Biden
Instead of thanking me for telling the truth, keeping my oath (unlike the insurgents you continue to coddle) exposing the corruption, and helping to provide the information needed to put down the insurgency I am STILL being tortured and abused, after 46 years yet the U.S. government claims it’s fake and they don’t know who I am, though I am still surveilled 24/7/365 for almost 5 decades.
Why? UN Human Rights United Nations UNICEF Amnesty International Amnesty International USA Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers Progressive Caucus
The world is watching me be tortured in plain sight all day every day and not a single person has stepped in to help! UN Women But it’s my mental health that’s in question????? What about the abusers, those turning a blind eye, the flying monkeys, and the liars? These are the world’s “greatest” leaders and they completely lack humanity. But I am such a threat, in my condition, that I have to be treated worst than terrorists actively attacking the United States? Who is in control of the United States Government since the people are not?
All 3 branches of government remain hamstrung, rule of law is non existent, right wing fascist extremists have occupied every critical aspect of U.S. Infrastructure, infighting and paralysis are so severe that hundreds of thousands are dying from a mishandled pandemic, an extreme economic attack, and civil war. Millions are dead globally, the suffering and death toll continue to rise across the planet. All life is negatively affected, yet the wealthy elite continue to hoard resources, drain resources, attack resources, and all those attempting to blow the whistle and work towards sustainability.
More than 70% of the planet is now under authoritarian rule, this in just under two years. Yet the United States government continues to be hamstrung, unapologetically.
Every attack against life, rights, democracy, and sustainability continues to be denied by leadership in government, as every population is prioritized above and beyond Black American Descendants Of Slaves who continue to experience ethnic cleansing. This fact is denied daily, the powerful propaganda machine is busy at work denying our humanity and rights and The White House supports the same insurgents who are systematically attacking us, unapologetically. In every nation in the world this would be considered a failed state. White supremacy doesn’t just erode America, it is killing the planet and altering the fabric of reality. The U.S. has a COOP plan precisely for this moment, it should have been implemented years ago. Corruption prevents the U.S. government from functioning, but democracy must win. GLOBAL LEADERSHIP MUST TAKE NEXT STEP MEASURES IN SECURING NOT ONLY DEOMOCRACY BUT LIFE, NOW!