12.14.21 And I’m Still Not Considered Human
It’s not just my life, or the lives of Black Americans at stake, ALL LIFE IS UNDER ATTACK!
White supremacy cannot exist without male domination. The system relies on women for everything to keep their terrorist organizations alive. They need women for breeding, maintaining their ideologies, supporting them in every capacity, and for deployment into society at every level. The most common areas white supremacists are deployed are places where women are most commonly found. Nursing, social workers, case workers, supervisors, lower and middle management, teachers, volunteers, court clerks, coaches, day care providers, church personnel, care givers, customer service personnel, anything that requires “means testing”, receptionists, government agencies, non-profit agencies, NGO’s, personal assistants, secretaries, and raising racist children. Every area of society where women can be found white supremacy thrives. They are born into it, bred in it, programmed with it, raised in and around it, loyal to it because it is not only attached to their families but their belief systems relating to God. Often they are so heavily steeped in ideology that they themselves don’t know they are even racist let alone a white supremacist. Who else could ignore torture, human trafficking, enslavement, mass murder, raping children, forced breeding, police brutality, energy weapons, gassing protestors, mass incarceration for profit, the reduction of human rights, or targeting and punishing people for having differences?
Religion is a primary focus of white supremacy because it is well understood that when you invoke “God” people are terrified not to act for fear of being sent to “hell”. This tactic has been used for so long that no one knows truly when it originated. Some scientists believe that using God to dominate has gone on longer than modern humans have existed. Some scientists believe that this is where the idea of “One God” came from, authoritarians who understood the human connection to a higher power and discovered how to manipulate it for the purpose of domination and control. This in and of itself is one of the single and most enduring forms of mind control that exist, even for masses.
WHITE SUPREMACY IS A CULT! It has operated unchecked for hundreds of years supported by extreme violence, leadership installed at the highest levels of governing, in every aspect of U.S. infrastructure, and affects every level of survivability. Literally Maslow’s Hierarchy has been weaponized against everyone who DOES NOT fit the nazi eugenics cult agenda that is the white supremacy theology in America. They are one and the same even though this has not always been true. I was at my handlers side when they went around the world infiltrating every aspect of EVERY extremist agenda globally, this is only one but the single most threatening to all life. Though white supremacy existed before the nazis were imported during Operation Paperclip, it was the extreme systemic measures developed and deployed during WW2 that brought about the unification of hate groups globally. With one single focus in mind, i.e., global domination, where disparate groups once operated individually nazis were experts at bringing them together under one umbrella. I watched it happen with my own eyes growing up! Attended their functions, competed in their “war games”, fought in their Defense Con demonstrations, and deployed on missions fighting against and sometimes even with them. They have ALWAYS has infiltrators everywhere! Almost every time an attempt was made on my life, it has been at their hands. The most brutal and dangerous situations I have survived have been attacks from the right wing extremists who occupy this nation, and unfortunately now 2/3rs of the globe.
It was the job of my handlers to kettle all threats, infiltrate them, and figure out how to stop a mass extinction event and/or the occupation of the United States. Ley persons will call this an existential threat, in Tradecraft it’s an M.E.E. This is not a practice run, IT IS the final solution that hitler designed decades ago. His own scientists taught the agenda to me directly from their own mouths, they never believed they would. That’s the power of mind control. It’s nothing to joke about or ignore, it must be stopped if there is to be a future for our children, or children’s children.
This reality is impossible for most people to grasp, that is why the insurgency relies on cognitive dissonance to help them succeed. I was never allowed such indulgences, I have been tortured for 46 years. Cognitive dissonance can’t survive in my mind, I always over come it. Had I not learned to adapt in such a manner when I was a small child, I never would have survived the extreme torture that I was forced to endure at the hands of my handlers who were verifiably the most sadistic men in modern times. All to get to this place to deliver this message. WHO IS LISTENING? United Nations UN Human Rights UN Women Congressional Black Caucus Progressive Caucus Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers
The bottom line is, where one can awaken from the most extreme forms of mind controlled abuse, any can. THIS IS THE WEAPON THAT CAN PUT DOWN THE INSURGENCY, BREAK THE CHAINS OF MIND CONTROL, AND FREE ALL PEOPLE FOR ALL TIMES! The insurgency fears the awakening because it is the answer to their final solution!
I was tortured for 46 years of my life, as was my father before me, just so that I could write these words right now, in the midst of the greatest threat the modern world has ever known. My children and I have suffered in ways most humans will never be able to comprehend! I will NEVER allow my families suffering, my ancestors suffering to be wasted! We have sacrificed ALL so that ALL could be saved, free, equal, and thriving. This is what I fight for until there is no more fight.
All can rise above what has been collectively done to the entire planet! Corrupt politicians will continue to tell us that they don’t know why these atrocities are happening, they will find scapegoats (usually the marginalized) and they will distract with the politicizing of all things. They will claim that there is no way to address any of the problems facing humanity. The truth is, every solution ever needed to face every problem humanity had was solved in the late 70s, we learned them in public school. That is the primary reason that schools were systematically defunded and are STILL under attack!
The issue has never been how to solve the problems but has always been the “right” refusing to allow solutions to be implemented. In many cases, they have even targeted, destroyed the careers of, and murdered those who developed solutions or spoke about them. I have watched it happen for decades, they are never held accountable. Who the insurgents are is not a mystery, the problem is infiltration and gridlock across the entire U.S. infrastructure. Much like the police, military, and every other government agency who has been left without oversight, they are allowed to investigate and police themselves. Congress is the perfect example of this, so is the Jan. 6 Committee, refusing to call an insurgency what it is. What’s worse, those in the highest places of leadership continue to ignore the intel provided by the very intelligence agencies that exist to prevent situations like this. The warnings have been ignored for decades!
Congress has a mandate to protect life, The Constitution, U.S. Infrastructure, and Democracy. Leadership must act to ensure that not only does it happen, but for ALL equally, but across the planet. Congress has failed at every level for longer than I care to admit in this writing.
This insurgency decaled war on America, on DEMOCRACY, on life, on the planet, on the Black Community, on the Hispanic Community, on the Islamic Community, on the LGBTQ Community, on the Spiritual Community, on the Asian Community, on anyone who doesn’t fit the eugenics echelon, on the planet itself. The extremist agenda excludes 97% of the human population from life, which is an inalienable right! More than 800K people have died from COVID alone, just in the U.S. That doesn’t include other forms of attack! Millions have died globally, more are dying daily. “They want to target the older people first because they are the most educated and experienced, without their guidance the younger generations will be crippled, traumatized, and at a loss for leadership”. That is what my handler taught me of this insurgency agenda back in 1982, Reston Va., classified underground base, middle of the mandated school day. I was just 7 years old! Every encounter ended in me being raped, drugged, hypnotized, and threatened if I ever spoke about anything without permission.
I am speaking now because I was given permission, ordered in fact, decades ago, if I hadn’t been then I would be dead.
American leadership is in a gridlock and is failing to not only put down the insurgency responsible for this tragedy, but also in failing to protect the most vulnerable members of society and allowing ethnic cleansing to go unchecked! All while transferring massive amounts of wealth, power, and immunity to the same people operating the insurgency and anyone who may be an ally to them, or perceived as such. The Black Community continues to be the single most targeted population, yet still we have no protections, aid, relief, or access to the ability to survive the attacks we are sustaining. Even mentioning race at all is forbidden and even characterized as “threatening”. Upon this writing, I still continue to be more heavily censored than terrorist organizations.
It’s 2 years into the pandemic and I can’t even get COVID relief, SNAP benefits, Social Security, protection from insurgent attacks, my contract honored, my credentials unredacted, my education credentials returned unredacted, or any form of payment for all of the work that I have done for the United States Government. I can’t even gain open access to the internet or the ability to earn an form of income. I am still being surveilled, controlled, and enslaved. I continue to be stalked, harassed, and abused daily. Even as I write this post my home network continues to be attacked.
Black American Descendants Of Slaves are being ethnically cleansed in plain sight daily and the world “got back to normal” without even so much as looking back to throw us a life raft. The United States cannot even account for how many Black American Descendants Of Slaves exist on U.S. soil, let alone how many have died. This will always be true. America doesn’t just ignore Black American Descendants Of Slaves, it has targeted EVERY Black population as a whole. America can’t even tell you how many Black people are here, so America certainly can’t tell you how many Black people have died just during the last two years of this insurgency let alone how. World Health Organization Amnesty International Amnesty International USA U.S. Department of State
Maintaining any form of accurate accounting or open communication was made impossible due to intentional actions of insurgents occupying government at the highest levels most active during the last administration and continuing under the current.
All three branches of government continue to remain hamstrung. Leadership at every level of society is in fear, unable to perform the responsibilities of their jobs, are being threatened, attacked, harassed, stalked, and some have even been killed. Leaders across every spectrum of infrastructure but certainly at the highest levels are frozen, confused, unprepared, unskilled, uneducated, in denial, apathetic, terrified, and being threatened!
Their plan is to eradicate 97% of the global population. I was right there as they were planning it! I have watched the developments unfold my entire life. My handlers trained me in the most brutal ways my entire life just so that I could deliver this message right here and now. Due to corruption, I have had to persist for 2 years while suffering in the extreme, my children at my side, with very little in the way of movement toward protection of the planet, life, democracy, or the protection of the world’s resources.
The times that we are currently in have never before occurred, but that doesn’t mean that everyone is unprepared. There are experts trained globally who are prepared to protect the planet, life, freedom, democracy, and the future. They simply need to be deployed.
There is a Continuity Of Operations Plan that protects ALL LIFE, THE PLANET, AND ALL RESOURCES yet it has failed to be deployed in full due to systemic oppression, corruption, and infiltration of the insurgency! If COOP failed to deploy, then next step measures must be implemented NOW! Canada at NATO
If democracy, life, and the planet is to survive then GLOBAL LEADERSHIP MUST RISE!