Danielle Diew
36 min readDec 19, 2021



At approximately 7:00 pm yesterday on 12.18.21 my daughter, for the first time in more than two years, attempted to have a day out with friends. It ended in a racist, traumatic altercation with police simply for existing while Black. Yet, The White House AND Congress continue to ignore not only the insurgency that has infiltrated law enforcement nationally, but also ALL FORMS OF LEGISLATION that could be used to protect Black lives from human and civil rights abuses such as what took place yesterday. United Nations UNICEF

MY DAUGHTER IS TRAUMATIZED BY WHAT HAPPNED TO HER. It’s an every day event in our lives. There isn’t a single day of our lives where our rights aren’t violated in ways that impede our ability to survive. Rather than recognizing our rights as human beings, we are pathologized thereby making it easier to dismiss our struggle to just live. My daughter doesn’t have the opportunity to grow up not learning about racism, it’s thrown in her face 24/7/365. Meanwhile, leadership in government continue to play games with out lives, our struggles, our rights, and politicizing all of it as a means to achieve their own personal agenda. Like using public office to acquire wealth, intel, resources, access to critical infrastructure, immunity, and protections.

The kids who began the day at the library (scary kids aren’t they?) walked around the small downtown area which is literally designed for such activities. It has a public park, walking and biking trails, side walks throughout all of downtown, and shops designed for perusing. The kids are 14, 15, and 16 years of age. They are good kids who get good grades and NEVER get in trouble for anything at all, ever, for any reason! They avoid trouble like the plague simply because they know that just being a normal teenager from a marginalized population is enough to get you targeted and in the kind of trouble that money can’t buy you out of! This is what happened to them yesterday. My daughter is Blasian, her friends are Asian and Black Hispanic. The one person to be handcuffed was the Black Hispanic.

The day before, my daughter was again witness to an event so traumatic that she felt things she had NEVER felt before. Often when trauma happens to kids friends, it harms them more than if it were to happen to them personally. There is not answer to any of these problems because everyone tasked with the job of addressing the issues facing these kids, are concerned with other matters they deem more important. The people suffering the most at the hands of the insurgency forcing it’s propagandized racist right wing agenda are the very children they claim to be aiming to protect. In school, all these kids learn is racism, but they aren’t allowed to learn anti-racism. It because in pre-K (as it did for me, where I was mandated to go). It follows them through college, where many of our children never make it to, or fail to complete, precisely for this reason. Yet racism, bigotry, and systemic oppression aren’t important enough for the world’s most wealthy and powerful government to address because it affects the most marginalized populations. No one cares, at least not enough to actually do anything about it!

This town has a terrible gang problem, as do the surrounding towns. But this truth is hidden all day every day. The gangs are primarily White, and White Hispanic with small pockets of local “cliques” formed usually by Black kids terrified of the oppression they experience daily. Everyone is used to seeing this in the inner cities, but most in America are unfamiliar of how prominent it is in the suburbs.

My daughter has been the victim of a mob assault, not a single thing was ever done to hold anyone accountable. Granted, I didn’t report the assault directly to local law enforcement (mostly because I don’t trust them) because I had my own chain of command at the time. They too are infiltrated by extremists and are the precise reason why I no longer report to a chain of command! However, I did report the incident and was told repeatedly that it was being investigated. That was a lie. Local PD are most certainly aware, some of them are on my former unit. Some of them were on my security detail. Some of them reported to the same chain of command, and were employed by (even if they didn’t know it) the man who molested and tortured me my entire life! But I’m supposed to accept this? That’s not in my DNA! NOTHING was ever done to hold anyone accountable, nothing. So what would YOU do? Would you defend yourself and your children? Even other people’s children? Or would you allow extremism to walk all over you, abuse you, oppress you, attack you, assault you, your body, your human rights, and victimize your children every step of the way? That’s not in my DNA! Before I was anything I was a soldier, I will fight for my life and my children’s lives forever! Not just our lives, but all children’s lives. The lives of ALL marginalized person’s, human rights altogether! We are not your projections, we are human beings. We have the right to fight for our own survival, we have the right to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our property. We have the right to stand up for our own beliefs, our culture, and our livelihood. Therefore, we shall. Quote me!

When my son was attacked multiple times by a mob who had stalked him for MONTHS, he was the one arrested, repeatedly. The mob that stalked and assaulted my son were “White Hispanic” my son is Black, White, and Native American. There hasn’t been a single arrest made of any of the assailants, yet my son was arrested multiple times, charged with multiple violent crimes even including the charge of “mob assault” and faced MULTIPLE criminal hearings for such being convicted of not a single one. There was never a single trial. At most hearings, the so called victims didn’t even show up. At least one of the police officers is under investigation for inappropriate behaviors. We aren’t new to being targeted by police, it happens to us all our lives! No one cares.

My son was just 19 years old when it began, he is now almost 21 years old. No one has been held accountable, the harassment from police continues. The police have had ample opportunity to address the crimes, instead they continue to harass the targets of the crimes. Why? White Hispanics are considered White. The same police department has been reported for misconduct repeatedly by other person’s of color, including many Hispanic people, there is never ANY accountability. This is the same agency that publicly humiliates Hispanic people by targeting them for traffic stops, lining them up on the side of the road even in hazardous weather conditions, and deporting them so swiftly that they don’t even get the chance to communicate with family or even a lawyer. It’s not just this jurisdiction, I am a Victim Advocate by profession, I have worked in multiple jurisdictions in this state where all of these behaviors are common practice. No one cares unless it affects an election or “the perfect victim”. NO ONE SHOULD BE GETTING TARGETED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT BECAUSE OF RACE, RELIGION, POLITICAL AFFILIATION, OR ETHNICITY. Yet it happens all day, every day, in plain sight. Yet somehow, these behaviors, paid for with tax dollars, are less offensive than the words DEFUND THE POLICE!

Meanwhile, not only is education being systematically defunded, but so is every single social safety net program in America that could potentially aid any and all marginalized populations. Including immigrants, including legal protections for targeted communities, including legislation for the protection of Black lives. Simultaneously, right wing political activists claim that Critical Race Theory is the greatest threat to America, yet it’s not even existent in schools below the collegiate level. In America, racist wing propaganda usurps Constitutional Rights all day, every day, in plain sight, and leadership is powerless to address it.

I don’t know how the boys who were accosted by the police feel, but based on what my daughter described they too may be traumatized. Police departments are supposed to serve and protect, not harass and traumatize. These are children! What happens during these developmental years will stay with them forever, but that’s the plan. That is how terrorism works. My handler was THE TOP EXPERT in torture, terrorism, and urban warfare. He literally wrote the manual on all of the above, as well as the counter intelligence actions to combat them. It would be a different story if I weren’t a trained operative, I wouldn’t know how to defend our lives. We would all be dead already. But I am, so I do, and I will continue to do so not only for my own children but any child! I will also continue to stand up for and advocate for the rights of ALL marginalized people. That’s what I am trained to do, so that is what I shall do. It is my right as a human being, and a United States Citizen as well as a former paramilitary operative. I don’t care who doesn’t like it, that’s your problem. My human rights don’t end with extremist delusions. My handlers didn’t train me to be weak, they trained me to hold the line! Quote me.

During the protests that took place last May, the local police Captain was so highly vocal in the media and on social media about her “disappointment” and obvious contempt for protestors that for several months there was hardly a day that went by where she wasn’t complaining about BLM, or protestors in general. I am homebound, have been for years, long before COVID or protests surrounding systemic oppression and the murder of George Floyd. I am not an affiliate of BLM, neither is anyone in my home, we ALL firmly support the movement and are highly visible and vocal about it however. I do not necessarily agree with all of there beliefs but I most certainly agree with their fundamental right to protest, advocate, activate, be seen, be heard, and to pursue justice as is the right of EVERY United States Citizen. The bottom line is they are trying to protect lives, advocate for change, seeking justice, and fighting for equality. SO AM I! I support the movement and will do until I see a reason not to. This is my right, our right, and we won’t be harassed for it!

My home network has already been hacked even as I type, and I haven’t even gotten halfway through this writing yet!

This has gone on all my life, yet the surveillance and harassment increased during the protests last May where ENERGY WEAPONS WERE BEING USED against people in support of not only BLM but protecting Black lives and advocating for reforms in the justice system. ANY and EVERYONE who said anything about DEFUND OR BLM has been targeted and many treated like terrorists! I certainly have been!

At the very same time that he protests were occurring, I was in the fight for my life attempting to escape enslavement by the very same men who molested, raped, and trafficked me my entire life. My personal life was put on full display thanks to the very same insurgents who not only infiltrated my chain of command, but every aspect of U.S. infrastructure including the White House. As I fought to protect myself, my children, friends and family from their attacks, our lives became more and more destabilized.

I am totally, permanently, an fully disabled from serving this country for decades, like my father before me. It was not a choice for either of us, we were both conscripted. Most people don’t even know conscription still exists, and while it doesn’t under most circumstances for the military, it still exists for paramilitary groups which have so little oversight they operate at every level of society throughout the entire planet unnoticed and with total and complete immunity. THAT is how you enslave not only a little girl, her father, and their entire family, but the planet. U.S. Department of State

The fact that my former neighbor was a racist right wing extremist who harassed, surveilled, stalked, and even invaded my personal property for YEARS before he finally moved after “his president” left the White House is relevant as well, why, because his brother is a super visor in the same local police department. The fact that I received threats against my children 2 days ago while a vehicle that matches the description of his sat across the parking lot at 4:00 am flashing it’s lights directly into my kitchen window (when I do my best writing) I’m certain is no coincidence. I was writing an article that was also being hacked as I wrote it, when I published it the car drove off. I don’t know if it was him, I couldn’t see that well, but again, in Tradecraft there is no such thing as coincidence.

I am transparent because I have to be! There has NEVER been a police officer who protected my life, ever, in my entire life. When I was assaulted, had a knife pulled on me in my own home, threatened with having my daughter taken from me forever, and told I better obey or else, I was the one arrested for defending myself. A “paddywagon” was called out (please excuse the derogatory term, I never use it unless explaining this situation. I apologize if I have offended anyone) to arrest me along with approximately 12 police officers, about 10 of whom were White men. Those vehicles were only ever used when they were “rounding up the prostitutes” and driving them across Key Bridge into D.C. where the local P.D. said they belonged, this was another jurisdiction. I was cuffed, put in the back, not secured to the seat properly, and given a “rough ride” to the station. Due to multiple nerve injuries I obviously had a tough time bouncing around in the back of that vehicle, similar to what Freddie Gray experienced in Baltimore. The difference is, my neck wasn’t broken before I was arrested and my handler trained me on how to protect myself during a rough ride. Because THAT is how common it is!

I was trained by my handlers on how to deal with local law enforcement from the age of 5 onward. That was in in the same county in 1980, it’s 2021 and nothing has changed. My handler taught me about how infected with hate groups, extremism, and just your every day run of the mill bigot that ALL local police departments are. Given his level of clearance, his expertise in Tradecraft, his authority within the United States Government, and his status as a global game changer, it’s clear to see that he wasn’t lying. Intelligence agencies have been warning about right wing extremism for decades, it’s Congress who continues to ignore the warnings. The Capital Insurgency is the result of that as well as the infiltration of foreign hostile nations in the 2016 elections which installed a puppet president who weaponized a pandemic not only against the nation, but the world. Politicians will continue to minimize these facts because they loathe accountability, are compromised due to corruption and cronism, and are powerless to fight back due to their own lace of ethics and integrity.

All of this is basic Tradecraft. Your oath is always to Protect The Homeland, which means life, the constitution, democracy, and infrastructure. Extremists don't’ like the fact that this includes Black lives, but that doesn’t negate it’s truth! There are few people like me on the planet let alone in America or at highly classified levels of intel. That matters not! I am who I am regardless of how few of us exist. My handlers taught me to stand ten toes against anyone, including them, whenever I had to. Cowering is not in my DNA! We don’t waive white flags, we don’t commit treason, we don’t leave a man behind, and we don’t compromise on our fight for survival. In the midst of it all, I also refuse to compromise my ethics, they had no problem with it, I do!

My handlers taught me that I would ALWAYS be targeted by police because of the color of my skin, and that my children would be as well. Being a Black female paramilitary operative actually puts me in far more danger than just being a regular every day citizen. Only another Black female operative would be able to understand this, I’ve never encountered one like myself, ever. This is a job for White men and they let me know that daily, yet here I am, holding the line because EVERYOEN else ha failed! “They will never see you coming” my handlers used to say. “When you they do finally see it, they will be mesmerized by it because there is nothing like you anywhere!” How else would America come to understand the depth of the infiltration of the racist right wing agenda that is ripping apart not only the nation, but the world? The White people tasked with having to arrest White people for right wing extremism refuse to do so in most cases. Barely a slap on the wrist is the most they have been willing to do. “We need a Black person to fight for Black lives” my handlers told me in 1980, it’s 2021, her I am!

My handlers taught me that when, not if but when I get into a situation with local law enforcement that I must remain calm at all times, emotions are seen as threats and they almost ALWAYS overreact. I must remain professional, regardless of the situation, anything can be used as an excuse to kill me, or assault me, or even rape me. I have been sexually assaulted by police officers on more than one occasion, this is the first time in my entire life I have EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER admitted that publicly! I have also been sexually harassed, threatened repeatedly, and even kidnapped. No one is ever held accountable. Who do you report to? They investigate themselves. As an operative you are trained to report up the line of chain of command, but do they care? NO!

Each of those circumstances resulted in the officers being promoted to highly classified positions where they were given SIGNIFICANT pay bumps, access to immunity, access to highly classified intel and technology that allows them to do more harm with less visibility, and incentive to continue not only targeting and attacking in general, but particularly Black and other marginalized populations. Because of the highly classified technology used, most people never truly know what has happened to them. They are simply stigmatized as mentally unstable and ignored, if not eliminated.

Up until the moment that my former handler and “fictive father” passed away, which was June of last year, he used police to surveil, assault, and handle me. All with the full awareness, permission, and acceptance of the Congressional Oversight Committee that oversees the program I have been enslaved to, and the SCOTUS shadow docket hearings that empowered agencies, handlers, and law enforcement at every level to infringe upon the rights of American Citizens just for having the nerve to exist. But we’re supposed to accept this as our “lot in life”.


My handler literally taught me how to survive a “rough ride” in 1982, THAT is how common it is. I knew how to position myself in the back of the vehicle so that it minimized some of the impact to my body. When they opened the door to let me out they said “did you slide around, that couldn’t have been comfortable, are you injured?” My handler also taught me to give away nothing in the moment, that too is standard Tradecraft. Yes, I was injured, my spine was on fire, but considering the vulnerable position that I was in this wasn't’ something I wanted to broadcast to the people actively abusing me. I wasn’t even allowed to get dressed, I was wearing a nightgown and no bra. They obviously did not care about any injury or trauma they were repeatedly causing, they were interested in abusing and humiliating.

During the entire incident several officers repeatedly told the arresting officer “what are you doing, this is wrong, you shouldn’t be doing this!” He never listened and they never stepped in or stopped him. “She’s gotta’ learn” he kept saying. I was a 21 year old flanked on all sides by a team of officers who receive tax dollars to protect and serve, in the middle of the parking lot of my own building, where I paid the bills, my abusers standing there watching it happen. The arresting officer kept talking about how I was a “lesbian” and had spent the night away from my home and that I needed to be taught a “lesson.” That I should have been at home where I belonged instead of “sleeping around”. The truth is I didn’t come home because my life was threatened and I was trying to prevent an altercation, look what happened when I did return home.

When I was asked a question and I spoke, I was accused of being “volatile” because I was emotional. Not even loud, belligerent, aggressive, or offensive, just emotional and even that response was highly blunted. In that moment, it wasn’t so easy to maintain calm but I did. Handcuffed in my own home where I worked tirelessly to pay the bills for, alone, for committing no crime, trying to avoid tragedy yet here I was living it anyway. The target of multiple violent crimes yet being treated like the violent criminal, as the only Black person involved it was always going to be that way wasn’t it? UN Women

THIS IS HOW BLACK PEOPLE ARE TREATED ALL DAY EVERY DAY IN AMERICA. MOST OF US NEVER TALK ABOUT IT, EVER. MOST OF US NEER DISCLOSE HOW VAST THE ABUSE IS AND HOW TRAUMATIC IS! When we do, we are ALWAYS criminalized and pathologized. I don’t hold back anymore, why should I? What would be the point? No matter what we are going to be attacked, we might as well go down fighting!

My daughter is the youngest and most vulnerable member of this family. The only reason she was allowed to even go anywhere yesterday is because she was with her two friends who are older teen boys and would be willing to protect her if someone tried to hurt her. But who can protect themselves from those who are paid to serve and protect?

NO ONE DOES ANYTHING ABOUT THE ACTUAL THREATS NOT ONLY IN THIS TOWN BUT ACROSS AMERICA! But the targeting, racial profiling, and harassing of really good kids just trying to survive the holocaust and enjoy a little fresh air are over policed and traumatized as per the usual. NOTHING IS EVER DONE ABOUT ANY OF IT! THERE IS NO TRANSEPARENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY, OVERSIGHT, OR PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS WHEN YOU HAVE BLACK AND BROWN SKIN OR COME FROM A MARGINALIZED POPULATION! Human Rights Watch Amnesty International USA

When my son was 14 years old his father passed away. To this day it’s one of the worst experiences of his life, obviously. Almost every adult in his life trivialized the matter to the extent of even school personnel telling him to “just get over it” after only a few days of his passing. The day after his father died, my son went to his friends for support, what teenager wouldn’t? They walked around the neighboring town of Reston, where his friends lives. They were targeted, harassed, hand cuffed, and accused of robbing a hotel. The hotel manager repeatedly told them that the GROWN MEN who robbed the hotel were not the children! They were different races and ethnicities, yet the police did not care. They harassed the Hispanic and Black children anyway, the police captain said it was an unfortunate incident of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The robbery had happened weeks before. The Board of Supervisors asked the situation to be “looked into” and nothing further was ever said or done. I wrote a letter of commendation about the police captain pointing out the positive steps he took, ignoring the obvious violations of our human rights, because it was the only way to gel the incident onto a permanent record of some kind. THIS is what my handlers trained me to do in these situations, THAT is how prominent human rights violations against Black and marginalized populations are!

The kids were literally just sitting down talking about the seriousness of losing a parent, and instead of police serving and protecting, they were violating human and civil rights as per the usual. No one was ever held accountable. The police sent a “report” to the school resource officer (as though they had committed some sort of crime) from that moment on my son was treated like a violent criminal at the school that he eventually had to leave. He is even listed in his school records for being an “offender” having never committed an offense to receive that label. Keeping your kids out of the school to prison pipeline is a full time job in and of itself, but Virginia and even further, all Fairfax County Public Schools are the worst “offenders”. I was trafficked from FCPS school systems, in plain sight, all day, every day, growing up in the same town. I too was criminalized as an “offender” for the being the target and victim of hideous crimes that go on in plain sight daily, in mandated school, all with absolute impunity. No one cares!

In that same public space, in the same town, I walked up to an ATM machine after work a few years ago. There was a police officer who was doing nothing but playing on his phone until I walked up to the ATM. He walked over to me, stood about 8ft away, watched me and my children without even so much as blinking, and monitored us the entire time. My kids were about 7 and 14 at the time. He watched as though we were in the midst of committing a crime, I was simply withdrawing money from the ATM. I engaged him in conversation to assess the situation (as my handlers trained me to do) he was shocked (probably at the fact that I am articulate) and returned engagement.

I asked him about what I should do regarding my rights being violated at the metro parking garage, he couldn’t answer the question but was very shocked at what I was telling him. He mentioned that his wife commutes to work like I do and he would be very upset if she were being treated as I was, but provided no answers as to how to address the law enforcement problem.

Police don’t even know how to do their jobs because that’s not what they are trained to do. Law Enforcement (as my handler explained to me in 1982) is trained to protect White people, and property, period. It’s 2021 and nothing has changed. You can find news about the robberies of businesses in our town, but not about gang stalking and mob assaults when they are committed by White people! When a Black person is even suspected of committing a crime you know their name, location of residence, location of the crime, many facts about their private lives, and every detail of the crime that may or may not even involve them at all. You don’t even hear about the crimes committed by White people, or even other ethnicities if they are perceived as White.

You can turn on the news at any given moment, pull up news articles online, or view any social media site and hear about high end shops being robbed anywhere in the country. It’s everywhere. But reports of state sanctioned crimes being committed against Black America all day, every day, are completely absent from the media. You have to search for this information, even then, for people like me you can’t even search for it! I am banned from TWO of the top THREE social media sites, so that blocks me from seeing much at all. My news algorithms report on nothing but White people, rare is the article discusses Black people and when it does it is HIGHLY abbreviated, often propagandized, and rarely reflective of reality in any way.

On the ONE social media site, of the top three, that I am able to access, algorithms censor and mute me so heavily that I have no engagement with the internet at all, only forced posts from the site. Every time I write I get censored, muted, shadow banned, cyber stalked, and threatened. Yet, it’s 12.19.21 and systemic oppression is still called “fake” while nothing has been done to address the violations of our human rights as a people let alone the torture, slaughter, and mass death at apocalyptic rates. UN Human Rights Amnesty International

The United States Government cannot even account for how many Black Americans exist in this nation, let alone how many of us are dying, at what rate, and from what causes. All that is known is that across every spectrum Black Lives are overrepresented for obstacles, barriers, marginalization and all the associated consequences. At the same time in terms of access to any aid, relief, resource, tool, or mechanism for survivability Black Americans are underrepresented in every capacity, usually at stunning levels. Nothing has been done to even acknowledge these facts let alone be transparent or accountable about it. Mass death continues to be the consequences and yet we still have not been given protections even as American Citizens let alone targets and victims of ethnic cleansing. UNESCO World Health Organization CDC Flu

The Town Center in Reston Virginia is set up for congregating in that space. That was it’s original design, my handler was involved in the process which was a “matter of national security” because there is a classified, underground base there as well as other classified facilities operated by the CIA, DIA, Inmarsat, USGS, SRI, and many defense contractors. The town was designed to be a tech and defense hub, Black people are policed and harassed out of existence there and in surrounding towns!

There is an open public arena where people gather, chairs, an ice skating rink, shops, activities including festivals and concerts. Reston is a planned community, my handler was very close to it’s original designer and founder and even knew his family. My handler introduced him to me when I was very young and as a kid in the Advanced Academic Placement program that hand an additional, classified program attached to it created and overseen by my handlers, he was excited to meet me. At the time, we were the first program in the world of it’s kind. It literally could have provided the world with everything needed to solve every problem facing humanity. Instead, because of corruption, a lack of transparency, accountability, oversight, and even what was obvious in the late 70s was already a runaway government, it became a hub for socially engineered oppression. Not only the hub, but the blueprint.

There are MAY people who would rather see me dead than exposing the truth about America’s secrets, yet, this is literally what I was trained and ordered to do. Attempts have been made on my by racist right wing extremists my ENTIRE life, nothing has changed. My children have always been targeted and threatened, nothing has changed. Extremists may have ramped up their agenda, but for me and the entire Black community, we have ALWAYS lived this way!

“When the government is hamstrung, blow the whistle” my handlers told me in 1980, those have ALWAYS been my orders. Why would I fail now, even in the face of my children being attacked? Even in the face of ethnic cleansing against my entire community just BECASUE we are Black? Why would I fail now when the only possible means to protect Black American Descendants Of Slavery from being completely eradicated in this denied holocaust is to protect democracy? Genocide was the whole reason I was conscripted. “No one will fight to protect the Black community. Every other population has advocates, the Black community is the most heavily targeted, will sustain the most damage, and is wholly unprotected. No one will help you” my handlers told me in 1980 and every day of my life for my entire life. Why would I fail us all, in the middle of the apocalypse? That’s not in my DNA! It’s 2021 and every single thing they said would happen has happened, this is an agenda decades in the making.

Again, the base where my handlers tortured, abused, molested, and trafficked me is under the town. Of course my handlers were involved in every aspect of it’s creation, not only the base but the town. Nothing happened without their approval. The base was built as the town was being built. It was originally designed even with “diversity funding” yet as soon as it was established, Black, Brown, and marginalized persons were immediately policed and defunded out of the community! Just like every other place in America. We can’t go anywhere, so where are we supposed to go? We can’t do anything, so what are we supposed to do?

The space in Reston is larger and designed differently than the tax dollar funded public space in The Town Of Herndon, but they both serve the same purpose. Places where residents gather together to enjoy fresh air, music, dancing, activities, and life. Blackness isn’t welcome! The minute residents see you being harassed, they assume you did something wrong and that becomes your permanent stigma! The same is true of the Town Of Herndon, which also houses multiple classified facilities and defense contractors.

When I went to a Town Of Herndon function held in the same location, there was a Town Of Herndon employee there, who was Black. “I’m shocked to see you here” he said “I’ll watch out for you, don’t worry, there aren’t many of us anywhere. They always run us off, on the job and in the community”. He did watch out for me and I felt safer because of it, but that’s a public space. None of that should be necessary. While my entire life I have watched the media report on how dangerous Black people are, politicizing, propagandizing, pathologizing, and criminalizing every aspect of our lives, particularly the trauma we are subjected to, at no time do you see an accurate depiction of reality. At no time does anyone, anywhere, get a true sense of our experiences, thanks to Ai, you can’t even see that on social media. We are literally invisible, in plain sight, as we are experiencing ethnic cleansing. NO ONE CARES! Progressive Caucus

These are the types of issues that should be addressed by they organizations that receive tax dollars to address them, but they aren’t! You have to be the “right” kind of “victim” in order to receive help, aid, support, protection, or even acknowledgement of any kind. If you don’t fit the “perfect victim” image you are ignored. ACLU National NAACP Congressional Black Caucus


It’s not just about forcing us to be unseen, to not participate in society, or life, it’s Tradecraft, a counter intelligence tactic. Alienating a target makes them more vulnerable. The more isolated the target the easier to control, dominate, and manipulate them. It’s based on predatory practices within animal species, particularly wolves and spiders. It also prevents eye witnesses from giving an accurate accounting of what has taken place.

When the police encountered my daughter and her three friends, they immediately separated my daughter from them. She watched from a distance where she could not hear what was being said but she could see what was being done. While the average police officer may not intend to handle matters this way, those who are trained operatives do. An encounter such as that could be used to target a victim who isn’t even identified, because they may be a secondary or tertiary trauma victim. Particularly when the target is already experiencing sever trauma from multiple other areas in life. Local PD wouldn't necessarily be aware of such matters, but trained counter intelligence operatives are. No one would ever think to consider such matters, but someone who is an expert in the field of human analysis and a trained operative is.

Someone who was trained and handled by the men who literally created the field of intelligence that currently exists in the U.S. would certainly look at every possible detail, particularly when it concerns their children! Black Americans experience forms of guerilla warfare that most parts of the world will never know, only the most war torn and ravaged areas have seen this kind of intricacy and devastation. However, where the theater changes, so too does the tactic. Here in America, covert operatives are charged with not only hiding, in plain sight, from the enemy, they are charged with hiding from their own government! Who watches the watchers? I do, pun intended.

I don’t know my neighbors, but they all know each other and they ALL know of me and my family. I don’t know any police officers here, not personally, but they know my family. I don’t know any members of the Town Council or any Town Personnel, but they know of me. You stand out as a Black person anywhere in America, but in places where right wing extremism is allowed to thrive openly, you stand out as a target for violations against your human rights.

Here, in Herndon and neighboring Reston, the KKK operates openly. Spreading flyers, accosting you in grocery stores, operating within government entities, harassing you in your own home, attempting to run you off the road. All common occurrences, always have been and always will be until there is accountability. Extremists have civil rights protections, but Black Americans do not! I grew up in Reston, the neo-nazi organizations, far right political think tanks, and actual full blown nazis have ALWAYS operated in plain sight, but just out of purview of the average citizen who cannot tell the difference between fact, fiction, and propaganda.

As soon as the public spaces were built in Reston, legislation was passed that allowed law enforcement to target Black people and remove them from the spaces, for no other reason than being Black. My handler used to send me to places all over town just to test it, I was ALWAYS harassed and forced out of the spaces! Many of the spaces that were once public became private simply because wealthy white people claimed them. “The will take better care of them” my handlers said. Is it legal, yes, is it Constitutional, no. Was it an agenda that became the blueprint that has been rolled out all across America, yes. “We go too far” my handlers said. Isn’t hat what you hear some of the “right” saying today, now that they have been caught committing treason and genocide?

I was that little girl even younger than my daughter is right now, being target by residents, security, and law enforcement. I was the little girl who constantly had to advocate for my right to be in public, to take up space, to exist, that was the 80s, this is 2021, NOTHING HAS CHANGED!

I was that little girl at the swimming pool being told to leave because I didn’t belong there. Being yelled at by angry White men who threatened to have the pool turned into a sand pit (which happened) if I didn’t stop coming to the public pool that I was entitled to by law. Even my racist, misogynist, phobic, deviant handlers got angry and were forced into positions of having to advocate for me as well as protect my life constantly! It was then that I began to see with my own two eyes the division within the right wing political arm of the U.S. government. “You won’t understand everything now, but you will when you get older. When you do, talk about all of it! Hold nothing back” that is what both my handlers trained me to do. You see, they wanted change, but they themselves were powerless to deliver it! Not because they lacked the authority, but because they lacked the integrity and ethics. I DON’T! I AM EXCATLY WHO I SAY I AM! I HAVE TOLD NO LIES! I CAN BE TRANSEPARENT BECAUSE I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE!

I told my handlers in 1980 that ethics in Tradecraft is possible, they said it wasn’t. I told them I would prove them wrong, and so I have! Yet another first that I won’t ever be credited with, it’s 2021 and the U.S. government still keeps it’s Black talent in the basement for the sake of the lie of White supremacy. But people wonder what’s wrong with the world, the lie, that’s what is wrong.

Library of Congress Nat Geo Explorers TIME

The fact that how Black America is being systemically eradicated from existence right her on U.S. soil in plain sight all day every day isn’t news of the year. THIS SHOULD BE THE BIGGEST ALARM BELL FOR ANY HISTORIAN, PERSON CONCERNED WITH DEMOCRACY, OR LEADER WHO IS CHARGED WITH AND SWORE AN OATH TO PROTECT LIFE AND LIBERTY, ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET! When mass death has become so politicized that it doesn’t even garner a news article, your nation is a failed state. This is not an opinion, it’s what I have been trained to watch for my entire life. THIS is what the United States Government trained me to do in that classified research program that existed under the then quiet little town of Reston Va. This is what I have been doing since the age of five years old, not only for other nations but particularly for America. THIS is what I do, THIS is what my handlers trained me to do, THIS is the truth yet no one cares!

The man of the year is the wealthiest man in the world and he became that way using public funds, being HANDED highly classified tech to create his businesses, paying little to no taxes, and then advocating for no one else to ever receive public funds ever again. Why do you think he advocates for this? We had the same handlers, though he will never admit it. I know far more about him than he is prepared to admit even to himself. I harbor no negativity toward the man at all other than the fact that I am annoyed that he doesn’t pay taxes. However, I know the true reason he doesn’t and its not just about escaping taxes. He is involved with classified activities that he cannot talk about, but some of those activities involved me at early stages. I can blow the whistle!

He is the most important person in the world because of his wealth and power. Not even because of his mind. There are many brilliant minds, most are drowned out by IG models. It’s his money that gets him attention, but he never would have had it without public funding. So, I wouldn’t deny him his funding, he has an important job to do and he’s going to do it despite people disbelieving his ability to do so. I deny that there are also funds to clean up the messes made by ALL elite men who would deny human rights to others while claiming entitlement for themselves. That’s not what he does, however, under the circumstances that is how it appears to the general population.

AMERICA NEEDS TO BE TRANSEPARENT! THAT WILL ALEVIATE DISPARITIES AND POLARIZATION, SO WHY DON’T YOU? PROTECTING CORNIES GOT US IN THE PALCE WE ARE IN, PRTECT LIFE, DEMOCRACY, DIVERSITY, THE PLANET, IFNRASTRUCTURE! Then the children wouldn't have to shoulder the burdens of adult elitists who feel they have the right to weaponize hate against any target they choose! The most vulnerable being the most highly affected and negatively impacted. All this in the midst of an apocalypse, where Black America once again has been left behind, just like in the 1980’s when I was being trained under the administration that used “no child left behind” as it’s overly politicized, weaponized, and propagandized slogan.

What does that tell you about human rights for the Black Community in America?

This didn’t begin with COVID or the protests, we have lived this our entire lives, generation after generation after generation for HUNDREDS of years. But we are supposed to accept this as our “lot in life” because the same racist, fascist, treasonous, phobic people abusing us say so? Obviously that’s insane.

I can’t type an article without being targeted and surveilled. I can’t post a picture, art, a poem, or a lyric without being targeted and surveilled. I can’t access the internet openly, when I attempt to do anything on a website that may earn me a penny, I am hacked, my work is stolen. My children can’t even walk around the neighborhood let alone the town that they live in without being targeted, surveilled, or attacked. We can’t even get COVID relief. NO ONE CARES!

The reason the man of the year says “stop giving out money” is because obviously America misappropriates and mismanages it. When money could be used to save lives, infrastructure, democracy, and the planet, it’s handed to right wing extremists and the ultra wealthy elite to maintain the very corrupt and toxic system that has brought the world to it’s knees with little time to clean up the mess, suffocating the life out of 99% of the population. Fix the mess first, reorganize, secure and protect, hold abusers accountable then distribute funding to corporations asking for opportunities to expand their businesses. It’s not rocket science or brain surgeon. For someone who is neither to imply that they aren’t so smart is about as intelligent as the police policing themselves. I wouldn't’ want a rocket scientist performing my brain surgery, they are experts in their own fields and should be recognized as such. Are they experts in Tradecraft, human analysis, and emotional intelligence, possibly but probably not. That doesn’t make them average. Perspective matters.

My children and I have done no stalking, targeting, harassing, slandering, treason, terrorism, sexually assaulting, deviant practices, participating in extremism, or the dismantling of democracy. YET WE ARE THE ONES TREATED AS THOUGH WE HAVE DONE ALL OF THAT AND MORE! All we do is continue to defend ourselves against the constant attacks that happen to us all day every day without let up or accountability. YET WE CONTINUE TO LIVE UNDER SUCH EXTREME CONDITIONS THAT AN INNOCENT 14 YEAR OLD GIRL WHO NEVER GETS IN TROUBLE FOR ANYTHING BECAUSE SHE IS SUCH A GOOD KID CAN’T EVEN WALK AROUND PUBLIC SPACES DESGIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR THAT PURPOSE WITHOUT BEING TRAUMTIZAED BY THE MECHANISMS OF SYSTEMIC OPPRESSION PUT INTO PLACE BY THE VERY MEN WHO ABUSED ME MY ENTIRE LIFE! No one cares.

Saying DEFUND THE POLICE is more threatening to White America than any of the crimes committed against us. This writing in no way is an exhaustive list or comprehensive reflection of the crimes committed against us that we are forced to fight daily, all our lives. It’s literally just a very quick a dirty version of what we experience as Black American Descendants Of Slaves. My children, being multi-ethnic, have experienced even more! No one cares!

At what point does America admit that there is no such thing as democracy here and start to fix the problems. Many are speaking out the best way that they know how. We don’t all agree on each other’s opinions, but the reality is that most of America believes in DEMOCRACY, protecting children, life, liberty, and the planet. What’s important is that we all have a voice and are protected as we fight for survival. The conditions within the U.S. government prevent this at every level except for the racist, misogynist, hetero-normative White elites. Obviously this is a problem and if it isn’t resolved, quickly, then the most influential man will be the only one left to save just a tiny portion of the entire species. That should terrify everyone! Even he continues to sound the alarm bells! Though he is celebrated, he isn’t believed. What does this say about America?

It’s 12.19.21 and all 3 branches of government continue to be hamstrung

Not a single piece of legislation has passed to protect the Black lives that continue to be targeted, harassed, assaulted, and slaughtered daily.

No one is held accountable for the damage done.

The Black Community continues to endure the most extreme of all consequences such as economic attacks, stalking, mob assaults, racist right wing attacks, paramilitary assaults, state sanctioned attacks, no access to justice within any aspect of the judicial system anywhere, particularly SCOTUS, and more of our rights are removed across every sector of society daily.

I have yet to receive a penny of COVID relief, Social Security or even SNAP benefits. It’s extremely difficult to even gain access to utility assistance.

I have yet to have my contract honored, my redacted credentials returned, or my education credentials unredacted.

My home has yet to be repaired keeping us in hazardous conditions that exacerbate health problems and make it difficult to fight off and stave off the affects of COVID.

I have yet to receive access to the medical care that I am legally entitled to and promised I would receive by my former handlers.

I have yet to receive a penny for the work that I was forced to do for decades, that billions have been made from, multi-millionaires and multi-billionaires created with, and I can’t even receive the rights that I am owed for.

All of my intellectual properties that have been stolen have profited mostly White men, so much so that the amount of money made cannot even be calculated. This has gone on my entire life.

Yet we aren't even free to move about the country freely let alone the town or neighborhood we live in.

No one has ever once been held accountable.

I have served this country my entire life as my father did before me. He too was treated the same as obviously I grew up in hell also. Why should my children have to continue to endure it? IT STOPS WITH ME! NO MORE!

The Black Community is experiencing ethnic cleansing on U.S. soil, in our within own country. While the United States Government continues to sanction other nations for doing far less than what they are currently allowing to be done to not only Black people but ALL marginalized populations, we continue to be told that the truth is “fake”.

All other issues, concerns, and populations continue to be prioritized over Black Americas ability to survive as the nations resources, intelligence, and technologies are siphoned off and misappropriated to the wealthy elites who still remain the engineers and supporters of the very problems not only America is facing, but the entire planet.

My kids and I are targeted for our ethnic identity every day. At school, on the job, in the community, online, in every space. As Black people die at apocalyptic rates, and my children and I fight to survival, our rights continue to not only be ignored but openly attacked.

Human rights are not political fodder, they are inalienable. Why do I know this and I’m not in a position of leadership, but those who are don’t and they receive tax dollars to trample on rights as well as democracy? Some of them not even having so much as the most basic high school diploma.

“Anyone can do anything in America.” my handler used to say. This was demonstrated by his ability to molest, rape, torture, breed, and enslave me my entire life and never once be held accountable for any of it! He meant any White person can do anything and he pointed this out when he told me that “there will come a time when you won’t even need a degree to make it to Congress” that was 1982, Reston Va., classified base, middle of the mandated school day. Not only has NOTHING been done to protect kids, democracy, Black lives, U.S. infrastructure, and very little to protect the planet, but the time clock is running down faster than anyone in leadership will even admit to themselves!

Black people can’t do anything, not without risking life, limb, and the liberty we have been perpetually promised but have never once received.

I had handlers who were literally imported from nazi Germany during Operation Paperclip from 1979 until adulthood. They told me from their own mouths that they served the reich and worked FOR hitler. When I asked if hey were forced to work for hitler some said yes, some said no. When I asked if they were forced to work for the U.S. government, some said yes, some said no. When I asked if they believed in hitler’s ideologies, only one said no, he was later killed for refusing to do something so unethical that was willing to die for it. All the others agreed. Did they agree because they were afraid of the same fate or because they believe in the ideologies, both are true. The right wing of America’s political structure is literally built on the very same tenets. These actual WW2 nazis were given new identities, tax dollars, leadership positions in government, highly classified intelligence, funding, homes, businesses, and free reign to do as they pleased. As everyone turns a blind eye America continues to devolve into an extreme fascist state designed by and for the same hate filled extremists who killed millions of Jews in nazi Germany during WW2. Why does this continue to go ignored? It’s not just a problem in America, it’s global. Until this reality is faced, devolution will continue.


America is a failed state and I will continue to be punished for saying it, but those destroying democracy don’t even get so much as a slap on the wrist.

This isn’t a copy cat “final solution”


No one cares.

I am still getting hacked, this post continues to be attacked



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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