12.26.21 I’m Still Not Considered Human

Danielle Diew
9 min readDec 26, 2021


It’s almost three years into the pandemic and America has done NOTHING to protect Black people from the attacks of the far right who declared war not only on us before they stormed the Capital, but on the nation and Democracy. There is always an excuse for censoring, muting, dehumanizing, defunding, stealing from, torturing, and murdering Black Americans, there is NEVER any accountability. UN Human Rights

If it weren’t for Black people America would be a fully fascists state, we were rewarded with the loss of our right to vote. If it weren’t for Black people other marginalized populations would have also been left behind to suffer and die while being told it’s all fake. We were rewarded with more stigma, loss of constitutional rights, and further dehumanization.

Black America has been targeted for every form of crime, abuse, violation, and harm imaginable, this has gone on for hundreds of years. We have literally been struggling to survive a holocaust while the entire world watches, even trying to rise up and help us call attention to the atrocities. Yet NO ONE IN LEADERSHIP EVEN ACKNOWLEDGES THE CONDITIONS WE ARE DYING UNDER AT APPOLYPTIC RATES!

Not only are we ignored, but trillions of dollars goes into hiding the crimes committed against us in plain sight. The propaganda that at one time was illegal in America is now used to control the minds of everyone while we are systematically fed “back to normal” and “get back to basics”. President Joe Biden

There is so much that The White House and Congress can and must do in order to protect life, but they don’t. Why? Corruption, and they don’t want out! They like it the way it is. As long as Black America remains in chains the elite grow wealthier and more powerful by the day. Progressive Caucus

People who only care about their own skins can’t be trusted to do anything other than what they do best, be corrupt. Why should Black America suffer for the inadequacies of people who intentionally destroy everything they touch because they don’t know how to share? Or comprehend boundaries? Or recognize what it means to be healthy, stable, or whole? Or who are terrified of evolution? Human Rights Watch

America can’t even account for the Black population, let alone how we are dying and why. They can certainly and easily account for how we are under attack, but they don’t, and won’t, and lie when asked. I can’t even find a single news article about the plight of Black America! Algorithms are so controlling that I haven’t been able to connect to Black America in almost two years now. The internet is literally my only connection to the outside world, but it’s my fault that I am in these circumstances? I am disabled from serving America, none of what has happened to me and my family is our fault. Not only was I abused by those in my chain of command, but I was abandoned to die, repeatedly. When I try to escape, I am tortured, when I stay I am tortured. When I comply, I am tortured. When I fail to comply, I am tortured. What would you do? Amnesty International Amnesty International USA If I were a White, Arab, or Asian this matter would be settled already just like Afghanistan. It wasn’t the prettiest pull out or recovery, but it happened.

Black America is NEVER EVER treated like United States Citizens and we were here before Columbus! We’re supposed to accept this without even being able to fight for our own survival?

America is intentionally setting a very depraved precedent, this under a Democratic Administration. After the vast amount of corruption and destruction under the last administration that even a year later after the storming of the Capital still hasn’t been held accountable, America is demonstrating how to be fascists to the rest of the authoritarian bullies in the world and doing it expertly as always. Without even an ounce of remorse the tyranny against Black America goes unnoticed, unreported, and unaccounted for. My handlers told me in 1982 that he agenda was to wipe out African Americans, to take us from 13% to less than 3%. We are well on that way and no one is even noticing. UN Women

It’s astonishing that the level of corruption that makes Watergate pale in comparison is talked about so flippantly that people say “let’s just move on.” Though the actual Vice President’s life was verifiably threatened, in plain sight, live streamed, America doesn’t even care enough to answer for such an attack. In contrast, look what happened after 9/11. America can’t protect it’s leaders, it’s constitution, legislative process, democracy, or even it’s weapons, biological or otherwise. All three branches of government continue to remain hamstrung, one year after the Capital Attack, yet few have even received any form of sentencing at all. Look what happened during and after the protests!

Black America is supposed to believe that we are safe because we are told that we are, as we suffer every day? We can’t even go to a doctor without risking our lives! But we’re safe? There are no protections for us, though every other marginalized population received protections. This has nothing to do with “teaching Blacks a lesson” it was planned decades ago. It has everything to do with how leaders occupying prominent positions in government have threatened us our entire lives!

“As long as I live I will never allow you to be equal to a White boy, a White man. I will do everything in my power to make sure it never happens!” Senator, 1982, Reston Va., middle of the mandated school day. That was what the now extremely powerful, woefully obstructionist, and extremely corrupt now Congressman yelled at me in front of the entire class, I was 7 years old. Teachers, admin staff, parents, observers, and students all witnessed him berate me for asking why Black Americans couldn’t attain equality. He gave permission for my life to literally be sold to my handlers who spent decades pimping me out and making billions off of me. He was a member of the oversight committee that oversaw the program installed in my elementary school, paid for with U.S. tax dollars. I was raped and tortured daily for years and just like now, no one cared. I was sold to two of the most powerful operatives in the world, they were allowed to take control over my life and my families lives. They literally ran COINTELPro operations against us. But I’m not supposed to talk about it yet I am supposed to believe that the consequences of their actions, which continue to this day, are my own fault because I am less than human (according to them?) If you believe that then YOU are mentally unstable!

The planet is literally burning and the most powerful position in the world is filled by a man who cares only about his own narcissistic agenda, again. Far worst from the last administration where the players were non professionals, of any capacity, simply crooks, and therefore easily understood. They didn’t hide their racism, bigotry, or xenophobia. They didn’t pretend, they told everyone they hated them and shyt on the planet. No one is confused about them. The current administration plays the same game in a much more sinister fashion, they pretend. Far more dangerous is the man who smiles in your face, shakes your hand, even reaches in for a hug while simultaneously plotting how to stab you in the back in order to ensure your demise. That is liberal America toward Black Americans. NAACP Congressional Black Caucus Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers But we’re supposed to accept it quietly.

It’s 12.26.21

I have yet to receive a single penny of COVID cash relief. The only person in my household to receive one payment was my son, a frontline worker. His medical insurance has been canceled. My teenager daughter has not received a single penny.

I am totally, permanently, and fully disabled from serving THIS country for decades. My entire life remains redacted including my education credentials, my accomplishments, the money that I am owed on my contract, and my entire file. If I were only ever paid .1 on all of the money owed to me, my family would never have to worry about money ever again, ever. If I were paid .1 on the amount of tax dollars spent on surveilling me, my family would NEVER have to worry about money again, ever. I’m not poor because I make bad choices, I am poor because the United States Government is paying to keep me in this state and has done so my entire life. I have never, ever been able to make a single decision for myself. Both of my handlers are dead, yet it’s still going on. I’m supposed to remain silent, obedient like Pavlov's dog, and thankful that I was allowed “to eat over the holidays”. This has happened to every single generation before me in some way or another, particularly my father who was Spec Ops. U.S. Department of State

This article was hacked before I could even finish typing it!

I have yet to receive a penny of Social Security Disability, SSI, or any other form of disability. When I received one payment from the insurance company, my policy was terminated. The company has a class action lawsuit for scamming it’s customers in the same manner, millions will recoup what they lost, I never will. Of course, like pretty much EVERY OTHER class action lawsuit that involved me and the violation of my human rights, I am always cut out from participating. Not even There is ALWAYS a reason not only to leave Black people out, but me, as my handler told me would always happen.

Up until this very week I haven’t even been able to access SNAP benefits. I was homebound years before COVID, obtaining food is impossible for me. Without help, I can’t get it. No one cares! Both my parents were treated the same.

I have yet to receive the health care that I am entitled to by law. The healthcare that my handlers always promised would be available to me. “You will be fully disabled by the time that you are in your 40s” my handler told me in 1981, it happened when I was 41. No one cares!

If I were one of the White operatives, this would never happen! I see people building wealth off my blood, sweat and tears every day. It has happened every day of my life. No one has ever once been held accountable. Instead of America being concerned with protecting human rights, they only promote the “she’s mentally ill” narrative while simultaneously depending on me for my expertise, yet never paying me a penny. United Nations UNICEF UNESCO Why are my children forced to endure torture and trauma for the sake of abusers, fascists, and bigots?

To this very day I still have gaping wholes in my ceilings where the bathroom plumbing leaks into the kitchen. A rat hole the size of a fist. No electricity in half the house. And no income. Even when I try to make money online every website I try to access is muted, my work hacked and stolen. None of this began with COVID or protests, this has gone on my entire life! The very men who trafficked me my entire life told me that I would NEVER be able to make money online, because they wouldn’t allow it. It’s 2021, I’m still being blocked.

No matter how much we suffer, no one cares. But this is a democracy full of superior people? It’s a failed state occupied by a racist, fascist, nazi insurgency decades in the making. I probably would doubt the facts also if they very men who molested, tortured, and trafficked me my entire life didn’t train me to do this work.

America has always had solutions, the lie of white supremacy holds them all back, and always has!

Still getting hacked daily.



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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