12.8.21 And I’m Still Not Considered Human

Danielle Diew
6 min readDec 8, 2021


Meanwhile, every other population and issue continues to be prioritized over every single aspect of Black America who is dying at apocalyptic rates while politicians play games


I have yet to receive adequate healthcare though I was promised all of my life that I would ALWAYS have access to it because of my service

I have yet to receive payment of my contract though I was promised that at the end of my 20 year contract I would be paid and have my credentials unredacted and returned to me

I have yet to receive a penny of COVID relief though every person on the planet has had at least some, neither has my daughter, my son received one payment yet no unemployment, his Medicaid has been canceled

I have yet to receive a penny of Social Security or SSI which I wouldn’t need if the U.S. government would pay me what it owes me

I have yet to receive a penny for the money earned on my creations, inventions, writing, intellectual property, investments made with my money under the guise of it being for me yet all returns kept from me, or inheritance monies stolen from me, I have yet to receive an ounce of justice

No one who has committed a crime against any of us has ever been held accountable

We are still dealing with the legal problems created by not only insurgents, abusers, handlers, and traffickers, but also corruption within the judicial system. This has created criminal, legal, and massive financial problems for us that we cannot even reverse due to corruption in the systems, bigotry, and the active insurgency that continues to operate unimpeded UN Human Rights

Yet systemic oppression is still called fake and not a single legislative action has passed that would legally protect us from it! Human Rights Watch

I am still more heavily censored than terrorist organizations though I have done nothing but blow the whistle, which is what I was educated, trained, and ordered to do by the United States Government

We can’t even gain access to SNAP food assistance, food banks, or any other kind of assistance that every person in America is entitled to The White House

My name is Danielle Chaquar Diew Coleman. I am the biological daughter of David Coleman. Both of us are former paramilitary operatives, both of us have been enslaved by the shadow operatives in the U.S. government our entire lives. Both of us were conscripted against our will, forced to work without pay and received nothing more than a few “favors” in return. Both of us have been tortured, have had loved ones murdered for failure to “comply” and both have suffered extreme injury and became fully disabled as a result of our lifelong service. There is no mechanism within the American judicial system that would allow us to gain access to justice. Even if there were, it wouldn’t include Black people due to systemic oppression. My father died never receiving the care that he needed for the injuries he sustained from serving his country. The same is happening to me in plain sight daily. I have been asking for help since May of 2020, none has reached me though I literally live in a county funded supportive housing program that has intentionally and actively abused me. No one answers for a single crime, no one ever has to . I totally, permanently and fully disabled, in long term care. Yet I still can’t get care! This did not begin with COVID or protests, this has gone on my entire life. My handlers installed technology in my body that allows them to even control my bodily functions. There is no aspect of me that is hidden from the U.S. government, but they claim not to be able to identify my identity. Ask NASA! UN Women

America claims to be a Democratic nation. The insurgency has proven once and for all that this is now and always has been a lie. The Constitution has been usurped, illegally, since it’s foundation. It works for white people from elite families, and few others, never Black America. We say NO MORE!

Honor My Contract if you are the Democracy you claim you desire to be. Otherwise, you are clearly nothing more than a failed fascist state that enslaves the most vulnerable and marginalized, targeting people for the color of their skin, their spiritual beliefs, their ability or disability status, their gender, sexual orientation, and political beliefs. The direction actions, indirect actions, and apathy of the United States Government is killing off intended targets and victims in ethnic cleansing to erase evidence and no one is stopping it! I was at the side of my handlers when they planned this “final solution” (their term) which is nothing more than a continuation of the nazi “solution” with the very same scientists imported via Operation Paperclip. Those same scientists tortured, gassed, raped, abused, shocked, burned, and experimented on me and an incalculable amount of others. But it doesn’t matter because I am Black??? Amnesty International Amnesty International USA There are even campaigns of other genocide victims advocating to discredit our suffering because they will be “rewarded” with recognition of human rights for doing so. But even THIS action validates the truth. There would be no need for the lie if it were untrue.


Black Americans are suffering and dying in a denied holocaust. America has measures in place to prevent such atrocities, the U.S. government has failed to deploy them at every step. All 3 branches of government continue to be in a stranglehold. NOT A SINGLE PIECE OF LEGISLATION THAT WOULD PROTECT THE LIVES OF PEOPLE DYING IN A DENIED HOLOCAUST HAS BEEN PASSED! EVEN TALK OF PASSING SUCH LEGISLATION EVOKES VIOLENCE!

The United Nations and the U.S. Congress both have a mandate to step in, step up, and protect life! Progressive Caucus The life of white supremacy does not usurp my individual life let alone that of the lives of an entire ethnic population being cleansed to hide crimes against nature, war crimes, crimes against humanity, treason, sedition, and a nazi agenda decades in the making.

Now is the time for America to stand and do the correct thing to protect life, the homeland, democracy, the future, and the planet. They don’t even have to figure out the solutions, that was done decades ago! All you have to do is follow the continuity of operations that was put into place to prevent such catastrophic events that are intentionally being triggered in order to maintain white supremacy and the elite oligarchy. The entire planet is being held hostage for the sake of nazis, but together we are ALL stronger than ‘THE BIG LIE”. But not if we don’t act!

Measures were put in place decades ago to prevent all of these actions, SECDEF has the authority to take action. Every legal measure has been met. Every attempt to resolve issues of concern have been met with increased violence. There is no need to bargain, negotiate, haggle, or wait to see if justice prevails. The wheels of justice have been tainted since the insurgency began packing courts with far right extremists, it started in the 60s, not under the last administration. There is no more time to waste! Though many people, families, friends, neighbors, pets, institutions, and every aspect of life are under threat of harm for doing the just thing, there is always a way to hold abusers accountable. Already more than half of all life is gone on the planet, more dying daily across all species including humanity. More than 2/3rds of the planet is under some form of authoritarian regime, obviously this is not a “soft coup” concern. This is the same nazi agenda the world faced in WW2, America and the entire global community dragged it’s feet then as well!

Are Black Americans not as important as Jews? Why not?

America cannot allow bullies to lie, manipulate, and scheme their way into obstructing the Constitution and enslaving more than 97% of the population only to slowly wipe us all out as they abscond to space. That is there agenda, thus far they have succeeded in every aspect of their scheme without much push back. Humanity is disappointing. The people have repeatedly expressed their desires in every nation, to the best of their ability. The people continue to be ignored. President Joe Biden promised no more forever wars, yet this final one certainly is being solidified!


Measures must be implemented now!



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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