12.9.21 And I’m STILL Not Considered Human
Still No Relief Of Any Kind
My contract still remains un-honored
My education credentials and my ENTIRE service record remains redacted
I have yet to receive a penny of COVID relief
My teen daughter has not received a penny of COVID relief
My son received only one payment, and no unemployment
I have yet to receive Social Security or SSI
I have yet to receive SNAP benefits
My son’s medical insurance has been terminated
I have yet to receive the medical care that EVERYONE who has suffered THE SAME injuries that I have are entitled to by law
I have yet to receive a penny of the money owed to me for my creations, writing, lyrics, inventions, or anything else that I was ordered to create by the same men who trafficked me
Not a single person has ever been held accountable for a single crime committed against me, my family, or my children
I am still more heavily censored than terrorists
Since the internet went public every post has been censored, monitored, muted, and even deleted. I have NEVER been able to make a single penny on the internet or have the ability to control my own finance
Social media sites also participate in even more censorship, preventing me from gaining access to public spaces, but literally the outside world. My health conditions are so severe that even stepping outside my door is dangerous, instead of getting the care that I was always promised I would receive, my medical records continue to be manipulated by the same men who trafficked me or bought me! There has never been a time in my life when my medical records were not controlled by my handlers and the agencies they directly reported to!
I have been under surveillance, and enslavement from the same men who trafficked me my entire life. Literally they know the composition of my waste, all the time, from space. But they claim not to be able to verify my identity.
Hearings about my rights and if I am even entitled to the label “human” have been held in my absence my entire life. Congress can’t even gain access to the records, so who is truly in control of the Unites States Government? President Joe Biden
Though my handlers are dead, others are still alive.
My handlers were the same men who created the programs that invented the internet AND Silicon Valley, many of the people they trafficked me to are still alive and in public office or positions of great power and authority
Every day of my life I have lived in enslavement UN Human Rights Amnesty International
Every generation of woman and many men before me has also been enslaved in some form or another, every single generation! UN Women UNESCO
My father and I were both conscripted into paramilitary units run by the DOD and the CIA, never have we been allowed to make a single decision for our own lives. The history of MKUltra is known world wide, I was even ordered to blow the whistle on it when the insurgency occupied the nation The White House Progressive Caucus
Everyone in leadership knows the truth, yet the truth remains hidden as I continue to remain enslaved.
Though Whistle Blowers under the current administration have received protections, funding, rewards, and accolades, I can’t even gain access to medical care
I live in a county owned home, constantly being threatened with eviction, harassed by the people paid to provide support, even physically abused by case managers while trying to recover from SEVERE medical injuries. NO ONE CARES World Health Organization CDC Flu U.S. Department of State
I would NEVER have to depend on a single form of aid if the United States government would pay even .1 of what I have earned over the more than 4 decades of unending service to this nation, instead I remain enslaved and tortured
I have never once violated my oath, yet I am treated worst than anyone who is involved in the insurgency!
The county owned home I live in has no electricity in half the home, no electricity in the kitchen, massive holes in the ceiling exposing the leaking pipes of two toilets and showers that leak into the kitchen, THIS while I try to recover from long COVID
I have been coughing up black phlegm for more than a year now, still no access to medical care. I have been forced to triage my own medical care for several years now, after attempts were made on my life at the same time that my handler, his family members, and assets were attacked by HIS ENEMIES that had absolutely NOTHING to do with anything I have ever been involved in! They hated him and came after who they knew would affect him emotionally! Even foreign nations knew that he kept me as a sex slave my entire life, but the U.S. is confused about it???? “You will be safer away from me” he told me MANY years ago. So he kept a tight reign from a distance, but never ending the exploitation even using the most advanced classified technology and surveillance tactics to do as he pleased!!! Even using foreign nations to help him accomplish this, no one has ever been held accountable though many of his other victims have received support and aid!!!
Since the pandemic began we have been attacked and stalked by police, right wing extremists, operatives, private detectives, agents, gangs, foreign hostile operatives, politicians, former politicians, traffickers, customers of traffickers, rapists, pedophiles, family, paramilitary groups, politicians in Congress sending dog whistles from the podium that instigated escalated violence toward myself and my children. NO ONE HAS EVER ONCE BEEN HELD ACCOUNTABLE!!!
I was homebound years before COVID due to many injuries, extreme medical conditions, all acquired while serving this county, yet I can’t even gain access to medical care!
I grew up watching the same handlers treat my father the same way. When I hesitated to comply both of my parents were intentionally harmed by them, withholding income, medical care, housing, aid, support, and medicine needed to save their lives. My children are growing up the same way. Yet we are the ones scapegoated for every action taken against us!!!
While many continue to earn off of my work and our pain and suffering, we haven’t even gained access to our own money, inheritances, insurances money, aid, or relief.
There has NEVER been a single person in my entire life ever held accountable for any crimes committed against my entire family, not even the men who raped me as a child and forced me to get pregnant as they sold my children. Those men all made it to the White House! Human Rights Watch
Every time I speak out, I am further accosted in some form or another including pathologizing my anger at being tortured, abused, and bred against my will. Planned Parenthood Global
There is no way to gain access to any form of justice, EVERYONE simply turns their head and ignores the crimes of nature committed against us while they celebrate the people who either abused me or made it possible for them to do so! Congressional Black Caucus NAACP
Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers
I don’t need anyone to validate my humanity. I matter even if no other person ever recognizes that fact! I have been changing the world my entire life, achieving first after first after first, never ever once receiving the credit each time credit being given to a white person.
My traffickers are dead, the people they trafficked me to are not, the system they use to enslave still alive and kicking! I am just one of many!
It’s 2021 and not only am I still a hidden figure, but I am STILL enslaved!
Nothing will stop me from telling the truth, even if this is my last breath, at least I would have spent it being a human rather than acting like the animals who either abuse us, excuse the abuse, or ignore it!
This post was hacked before I could share it!