2.21.22 I’m Still Not Considered Human
America couldn’t possibly care less
I have yet to receive a penny of the money owed to me on my contract after working DECADES for the United States government
My education credentials remain redacted
My entire file remains redacted
My entire life remains redacted
I continue to be surveilled, stalked, harassed, hacked, bullied, abused, and kettled
Each time I attempt to make money online, I am blocked, stolen from, censored, muted, attacked, and bullied
This didn’t begin with COVID or protests, this has gone on all my life
I have yet to receive a penny of direct COVID relief
My child never received a single payment, ever
My son received one stimulus payment, no other forms of aid or relief
Though I am totally, permanently, and fully disabled from faithfully serving this country (like a slave), I have yet to receive an ounce of Social Security, SSI, Medicare, or any other form of direct aid for disabled person’s though I was promised I would be provided for in my contract
I have been abused in the public healthcare system so severely that I was forced to triage my own care after I developed MORE disabling conditions as my health declined so severely that at times I was unable to speak, sit up in bed, walk, or bathe myself
Though I am a long term are patient, I have yet to be able to access the care I need to help myself
Since May of 2020 I have lost almost every single support and aid that I was receiving to sustain my life, even emergency supportive services
I am forced to rely on my children and my own triage training to stay alive, whatever cannot be done does not get done
The fact that my health is steadily improving, even through ALL that I have been tortured with, is proof that race matters, as the disparities in health care and every aspect of society were killing me
The less involved in racist society I am, the more my health improves as I fight “orders”, “compliance”, and “force” that harms under the guise of help
I am not even able to go to a grocery store to purchase food, if someone doesn’t bring me EVERYTHING I need, I won’t get it
Without the proper support that I need I will die
I have had COVID multiple times, I was forced to triage my own care
Marijuana is legal in my state, but it’s almost impossible for me to access it though it successfully treats EVERY disabling condition that I have
Since I began triaging my own health I have improved so drastically that I can now exercise, type, communicate, and even sit a computer to write about my experiences and advocate on my own behalf
While I still have disabilities, my pain is less than it was, though still severe it does not affect me all day every day as it did while under doctors care
Though my handlers are dead, I continue to be controlled in the same manner I did when they were alive without even having the right to know who pulls the puppet strings
There is NEVER any form of accountability
I am so heavily controlled and censored that terrorist organizations have far more freedom of movement and speech than I do, including the ones responsible for attacking the Capital and harming HUNDREDS of police officers even causing the deaths of several, there is no path to justice to correct these wrongs
Our human rights continue to be violated daily with absolute impunity, no one ever held accountable
I have been tortured, raped, molested, trafficked, forced to work without pay, had my pay withheld, had benefits withheld, had medical care withheld, have been gassed, experimented on, forced to endure having technology implanted in my body against my will, forced to work in some of the most dangerous and highly volatile environments in history, abandoned in the field, institutionalized, abused in medical and mental health settings, forced to obey abusers, forced to marry against my will, forced to breed against my will, had my children taken from me, abused to force miscarriage, and separated from family since early childhood
Though I have an extensive education I am unable to use it to my own advantage
Congressional Oversight and SCOTUS hearings about MY LIFE and MY WORK have been held in my absence my entire life, resulting in me being labeled as a non-human, machine, hybrid, or other forms of dehumanizing stigmatizations also allowing me to be controlled by handlers
My inheritance has been stolen or allowed to be stolen by controllers more than once
The money that I earned as a paramilitary operative has been withheld from me my entire life, kept in a trust that my handler had guardianship over
I have appropriately reported every crime up the chain of command, I continue to be ignored
I have no income, I am so debilitated that I cannot leave the house without support, even then it’s dangerous, and I still have not be given the healthcare that I was promised in my contract
While the United States government continues to profit off of my work, I continue to remain penniless
As President Joe Biden benefits from using MY speeches and writing adapting them to his agenda I continue to suffer in extreme poverty and treated like a “threat to the homeland” while insurgents remain free, funded, have freedom of movement, speech, and the ability to earn an income
As the president speaks my words, verbatim, at the United Nations and in other public forums I continue to be censored, muted, silenced, stalked, hacked, abused, human rights violated, stolen from, and ignored when I seek justice
Senators, governors, attorney’s general, members of congress and members of law enforcement have all incited violent attacks against me by signaling dog whistles that specifically point to my own personal handles, quoting me directly, resulting in further harm
There is no path to justice available to me, my family, or the majority of the Black community as we suffer housing instability, food instability, job and income instability, state sanctioned attacks, systemic oppression across every spectrum of society and infrastructure, and the pathologizing and criminalizing of our fight for human rights recognition
Since 2012 my children and I have been physically assaulted, had energy weapons used against us, my son has been arrested for being stalked and attacked as the targeted victim of mob assaults multiple times and even shot at in front of police, my daughter attacked by a mob, and I have been sexually assaulted and harassed multiple times
My son still carries a conviction for a crime that he was the victim of, for which there was no trial, and no accuser, he was the only person present and was told to plead guilty to avoid further action down the line by his own retained, expensive attorney who was once a prosecutor
He was placed on probation during the entire lockdown for being the victim of coordinated attacks, paramilitary assaults, abuse of law enforcement, state sanctioned attacks, and mob attacks
No one is ever held accountable
When I make reports, there is ALWAYS retaliation
I have been a whistle blower since May of 2020, the intel I have provided has solved many crimes related to the insurgency, abuse of government, paramilitary attacks, extra judiciary maneuvers, the targeting of Black America, the insurgency, human trafficking, economic attacks, human rights violations, and the insurgency leading to arrests, saving the U.S. government large sums of money in the form of tax dollars, and aided in maintaining continuity of operations
I continue to be destitute even often being denied public assistance, SNAP benefits, and food while simultaneously being accused of being a “threat”
Few people have provided any assistance though I have reached out to every agency imaginable
When I don’t comply with demands, I am tortured, when I do comply I am tortured less
As the men who controlled my life, trafficked me, profited off of my mind, body, and every aspect of my being became billionaires I remain trapped in human trafficking at their hands, destitute
When I tried to flee to another country, false charges were logged against me and I was forced to return, my travel documents were taken along with the only child I had left at the time, my movements have been severely restricted since then
I have been trapped in this house without appropriate care, often in deplorable conditions suffering extreme abuse, for more than 7 years
I greatly appreciate the lovely ladies who have recently helped to correct some of the problems at home, but how could they possibly repair the harm done from decades of torture
The United States government continues to claim they cannot verify my identity while simultaneously using my words to further whatever agenda they are pursuing in the moment
While my white male counterparts are amassing fortunes having done 1/10th of the work I have done in my lifetime, I remain destitute
Every achievement, accomplishment, 1st discovery, accolade, royalty, right, invention, creation, and intellectual property that belongs to me has been given to mostly white men, rarely a white woman
My handlers made no apologies for enslaving me, they told me all my life “the end justifies the means”
This has gone on my entire life and I’m fucking tired of it! The White House Congressional Black Caucus Progressive Caucus UN Human Rights UN Women Human Rights Watch Amnesty International UNESCO UNICEF Amnesty International ADL POLITICO Al Jazeera English Reuters Breakingviews OpenSecrets.org
If I weren’t a former paramilitary operative, my children and I would have died long ago!
If “race doesn’t matter”, show me the white man or woman who has lived in the “basement” enduring such extreme human rights violations that even the United Nations condemned the abuses against me, quoting me verbatim, yet nothing has been done to correct a single wrong, hold anyone accountable, repair the harm, provide protections, return what has been stolen, un-redact my own personal property files, provide medical care, undue the harm of the propaganda campaign weaponized against me, or pay me what I am owed
Laws have been changed to prevent me from living, literally my entire life, no one in leadership has done a thing to protect my human rights
While America races off to protect white lives in Europe, again, using tax dollars, they refuse to pay me what I am owed or at the very least return my education credentials so that I can earn my own income
I am the one who is scapegoated for the conditions under which my family and I suffer torture, no one has been held accountable
Joe Biden has MANY resources at his disposal to address every problem I have detailed, not only does he refuse to even acknowledge they exist, he uses manipulative political speak to cover up the fact that he is failing to do his job to Protect The Homeland, his number one responsibility
While all of Black America continues to be ignored, no protections, no support, no aid, no recognition of the fact that we are experiencing a denied holocaust in plain sight, mass amounts of Black lives continue to be lost daily
America cannot even tell you how man Black people are in these borders, let alone how we have died, or provide an accurate detail of what we are experiencing
When my handlers, who are engineers of the industrial military complex and modern warfare, taught me about the Geneva Convention they laughed at the fact that the U.S. helped to craft language and draft international agreements that would protect populations from experiencing what they were doing to Black Americans at home
Every other vulnerable population has received protection, funding, support, aid, and recognition as Black America continues to be propagandized as literally being under a mass psychosis about the conditions we suffer and die in daily
Our true and accurate history is illegal to talk, write, our teach
Our struggle to gain human rights protection is systematically attacked, propagandized, and turned into fodder
Our culture, heritage, and traditions are turned into racial slurs, stigma, slander, caricature, and propaganda
There are no consequences for abusing our inalienable, human, constitutional, or civil rights
Laws are created daily to separate us further from not only our rights but our humanity
We have suffered atrocities, casualties, trauma, suffering, and genetic imprinting that has NEVER been seen in modern humanity
Many Black Americans are native to these lands, this fact remains hidden
This post has been hacked, my internet disconnected before I could even finish writing it
The entire global body of leadership continues to turn their head as America uses Black bodies to “reduce it’s carbon footprint” while scapegoating us as an inferior species who cannot adapt
Then men who forced me into conscription at the age of 4 and held me captive in government programs run BY ACTUAL NAZI SS PERSONEL, some of them becoming my personal mentors, many of them torturing me on U.S. soil within military bases and intelligence facilities have never once seen a day of accountability for their crimes in nazi Germany or here in the U.S.
To speak of these matters is more controversial than committing the atrocities
As America has repeatedly proven, race matters when the race it “white”
Where Black life is concerned, we are still enslaved even when we don’t know it
Advanced Ai, energy weapons, all forms of advanced tech and weaponry, tradecraft, COINTELPro, paramilitary tactics, modern warfare, psychological operations, economic attacks, the deployment of the military industrial complex at every level, all 3 branches of government, every aspect of U.S. Infrastructure, urban warfare and even guerilla warfare have all been deployed against BLACK PEOPLE IN AMERICA SPECIFICALLY, escalations increasing during the pandemic, becoming an international global humanitarian crisis in May of 2020, and mass extinction event levels of battlefield triage being deployed against us every day in plain sight as America screams “race doesn’t matter” and “racism is fake”!!!!
Where is global leadership to protect our human rights???????????????