2.4.22 A Little History On My Black Life
Why is it legal to say “Black culture is a problem?” You can’t say that about other protected populations, you can’t even hint at it! So why is Black American culture on trial 24/7/365, and it’s ALWAYS been that way. It didn’t start with any protests! Black people are literally being targeted for ethnic cleansing NOW, and dying at apocalyptic rates NOW, why is it okay to attack us openly, publicly, in every way, and not provide any protection? Why is it okay to protect populations who enslaved us, have never had to pay any form of reparations or even apologize while still denying that we are even experiencing a genocide, but they are free to use propaganda to attack our humanity? Why is it okay to ignore how attacks affect us while prioritizing the “feelings” of other populations, even after they have been abusive for so long?
Why is it okay to protect white supremacy, in all it’s forms, including white ethnic minorities, even when they themselves have participated in abuse of human rights and crimes against humanity, but not protect Black life let alone culture? Why is every other culture important, but Black culture a problem and therefore must be attacked openly? Anti-Defamation League Amnesty International UN Human Rights Progressive Caucus The White House Vice President Kamala Harris Congressional Black Caucus Progressive Caucus UNICEF
Every other vulnerable population is protected by law! America even protects other vulnerable populations abroad. I literally have disabling conditions from serving this country in high conflict areas abroad, protecting their lives, culture, histories, and futures. Meanwhile Black America continues to be treated like chattel slaves here at home. I can’t even get COVID relief, any form of social security, or medical care that I am legally entitled to! President Joe Biden
Why aren’t Black people allowed to be full American Citizens? When we make headway, the rights are ALWAYS passed on to other populations while simultaneously being denied to us. NOTHING trickles down in Black America unless it’s a negative impact or blame shifting. Anything positive is transferred directly to white America and their designees. Amnesty International USA
Why is it that every other marginalized population is given protection, aid, relief, support, legislation, and welcomed though none have experienced the pervasive violent oppression that Black Americans have under white supremacy for more than 500 years? America is willing to go to war, all the time, to protect so many other populations, yet can’t seem to figure out how to stop the denied genocide happening here at home on U.S. soil against Black people. The entire global leadership body ignores it! United Nations
Why does the American government continue to minimize the abuses, deny that they are occurring, or blame the abuse on the targeted Black community rather than providing solutions? Why is it that when the constitution is applied, it only ever is applied in negative ways toward Black people in America, but it protects everyone else, in some capacity at least.
In America it is illegal to talk about the truth of Black history. The fact that Black people were in America before Europeans is censored. The slaughter of Black American native tribes, and the enslavement of the remnant is classified. I was 5 years old when my handlers taught me the history of my ancestors and the agenda that the far right had to eradicate the remnant of Black Native Americans. I was just beginning kindergarten, while my white peers were learning coding and chatting on DARPANET, I was in classified military bases learning the true history of Black Americans. Not every Black person was brought from Africa on slave ships! Multiples of millions of us existed on this land LONG before Europeans even knew this continent existed. My handlers were Harvard and Yale graduates, German, from elite families, and while they were not born into wealth they were certainly privileged middle class who became billionaires. While they taught me that the privileged elite were able to study the truth, it went not further from that point. “When you control the flow of information you control the planet” they used to say. Wealthy white people know the history of Black Americans, but no one else does! I couldn’t even talk about it outside of classified areas!
“You are of the remnant” they told me, “we want you to work with us to help clean up the mess we made”. They were the first people to teach me about the “original sin” of the enslavement of Black Native Americans on our own land, and the wiping out of our entire history. Why? “We go too far, if we don’t make a course correction we won’t be able to clean up the mess. We need you to stay behind and clean up the mess we made. No one else cares, no one is willing, no one will do it. It’s not an option.” I was 5 years old when they told me that they would use “chattel slavery” tactics to “force” my “compliance”. I was already living “enhanced torture” so this to me was just another form of it. When the privileged kids were learning about space exploration, I was being turned into a child soldier and forced to learn how to survive enslavement. I wonder what part of that life appears to be fair, equal, just, or democratic to anyone?
Black people cannot talk about how we are being oppressed into extinction because it’s considered “divisive”, yet the oppression is allowed, supported, protected, funded, and even amplified. It’s illegal to talk about Black America’s TRUE history, culture, lives, or circumstances but it’s not illegal to conduct ethnic cleansing against us!
What is made public about Black America has always been a white washed version of a highly suppressed history that makes us look like the “inferior race” that nazi eugenicists claim that we are while simultaneously propagandizing whiteness into an elevated status to make it appear “superior”. Why would the U.S. government continue to ignore nazi propaganda, and the extremely violent attacks driven by lies and hatred that continue proliferate?
Every aspect of Black American history, culture, experience, and reality is completely distorted by the very people violating our human rights with impunity. NOTHING is done about it! The reality of our existence is mocked, the truth of our culture turned into caricatures and racist tropes to attack and suppresses not only our voices but our ability have any impact on human consciousness or to survive. Many of those leading the charge against Black America are guilty of unspeakable crimes against nature, humanity, international law, and constitutional law. It is beneficial for them to attack Black America and our culture, people reward them by ignoring their crimes! U.S. Department of State
It’s never been about boot straps, right vs left, religion vs religion, anything else other than predator vs prey! Predators are incapable of thinking any other way, therefore if you aren’t a predator then you are prey. The excuses used to cover the attacks are merely propaganda, that’s always been true. It’s true when applied to Black America, disabled persons, members of the LGBTQ community, Asian persons, those of the Islamic community, non traditional Christians, pagans, Hebrews, Jewish persons, those who have been involved in the judicial system, poor people, those with genetic disorders, Appalachians, and any other marginalized population that has been exposed to systemic oppression at the hands of the same handful of wealthy elites who control all resources globally.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m not willing to be enslaved. I never was! I refuse to accept such abuses being targeted at my children. Regardless of who agrees or disagrees, “life is our right” as the prophet Bob Marley sang. We have the right to fight for our own survival, the ability to thrive, expand our consciousness, choose our own spiritual practices, express our own free will, choose how or if we procreate, and to protect our families. We have the right to have a voice in the governing bodies that have have influence on our lives. We have the right to take up arms to protect ourselves if and when we are being attacked. Yet none of these are truisms form Black America who has been attempting to preserve our remnant of holocaust survivors for far longer than 500 years. UNESCO
I have been abused at the hands of wealthy, elite white men my entire life. I’m tired! The past 5 years I have not been able to even catch a 5 minute break, it’s been non stop attacks. No one in leadership cares! I have had COVID more than once, I was homebound YEARS before the pandemic broke out. I have survive death more times than I will ever be able to remember. I am a very highly trained former paramilitary operative. I have been exploited in ways that make people ill just to even hear about, but I have lived it. Very few people have ever tried to help me. I appreciate those who did, it’s actually dangerous to do so. But those who CAN help, most often refuse because of bigotry. My children have suffered in ways that I will never reveal publicly, yet they thrive anyway!!!! A testament to our strength, courage, fortitude, endurance, and conscious awareness. I am tired of having to fight the people who are paid to help because they think we are their projections! I’m tired of having to educate people on the basics of existing while Black before I can even begin a conversation which always ends up being rerouted to “oh, let me teach you who you need to be”. If you knew how to be me, you would be. If you could do me, you would. If you were capable of doing any of the things that I have, you would have. My handlers searched the planet for people with certain skills, talents, gifts, and abilities. If you had it, they would have already exploited it! You can’t tell me how to be me!
I have not more tolerance for anything that is a lie, in any way. The planet is 100 seconds from midnight on a mass extinction event time clock, no one has time for foolishness. Yet fools persist with the same tactics, techniques, propaganda, agendas, lies, obsessions, manipulations, abuses, war mongering that brought us to the brink of destruction. The world has been teetering on the edge since before I was born, my handlers were charged with finding ways to stave it off. They knew of EVERY remnant of EVERY population, that was their job. From 1979 until 208 I watched them triage the entire planet as if it was the last hour of the final battle in a global war with little to no resources and the whole planet were on the losing end. I am 46 years old and for 46 years the planet has been on a countdown to global disaster. It’s ALL completely manmade, avoidable, the direct result of Colonialism and it’s predecessor Capitalism, and all of it is rooted in white supremacy which is upheld by systemic oppression. But it’s illegal to talk about these truths in America, even if we are being triaged into extinction.
“If you don’t tell the story it won’t be told” my handlers said. I always assumed they were using that as an excuse to torture, rape, traffic, and enslave me. In some ways that is true. However, the agenda is very clearly real and is very much active through the right wing insurgency that is occupying government at every level. But also, climate reality is charging ahead so quickly that the last 20 years of oppression have hidden it’s impending impact and “canceled” anyone who attempted to tell the truth about it or helped bring about positive changes. Al Gore Barack Obama
Not only is America failing Black people, more specifically the remnant of Black Natives not only here in America but globally, but America has failed the entire planet. In order to uphold the lie of white supremacy, leaders have maintained the status quo under the guise of “moderate” change while simultaneously raping the planet of the resources humanity needs for survival, harming the planets natural biome, killing off more than half of all live on the planet, and making life unsustainable. Life was already unsustainable in 1975, by the time I began mandated kindergarten in 1980 we were learning ways to stave off some of the damage.
While white classmates were being taught who to be self sufficient, build wealth, learn and develop new technologies, I was forced to learn how to survive the holocaust that my community was being targeted for. “We need you to stay behind and clean up the mess we made” I was told. “But I thought you said women can be whatever we want to be now. Why am I still being forced to be a servant?” I was 5 years old when I asked both my handlers that question. “We didn't’ think you would see it that way. We will allow you to have experiences so that you feel fulfilled” that was what they both said. “If slavery no longer exists, why am I not free to make my own life choices” again, I was 5 years old asking these questions. They didn’t care about my feelings then either, “because this is what we decided”. Period, no if, ands, or buts about it. It was their way or no way. Does that sound like “freedom” or “equality”? “We are superior that is why we have the power” that was their mantra, it still is, nothing has changed.
Oppression is profitable, that’s why economics are always used to defend it’s use toward Black Americans. “We can’t admit to the truth, it would make us liable”, that’s what my handlers told me. American leadership will do ANYTHING to cover up what they themselves coined as the “original sin” of enslavement not only of Africans, but of Black Native Americans on our own lands. “We will never give reparations, we would have to admit wrongdoing and that can never happen. To admit wrong implies that we are inferior, if we are inferior then that would mean you are or equals and that will never be.” Again, I was 5 years old when my handlers taught me these very sick but real ideologies that not only they possessed but also many of the far right fascists that have always had power not on in America but globally. So, why would global leadership choose to ignore such atrocities given the gravity? If the entire global leadership body were not also in a stranglehold similar to the American government, then we wouldn't’ still be at 100 seconds to midnight! This isn’t a party, it’s an apocalypse. No one is going to save us if we refuse to save ourselves.
America is so far gone on the fascism spectrum that it’s not even possible to talk about personal experiences because it is labeled “divisive” to disclose extreme abuse, human rights violations, and enslavement when the abusers are white and the targets Black. Criticizing Black people is fine, but you cannot critique anything white at all. America judges, tries, and hangs Blackness all day every day publicly, it’s literally the lynching of Black life publicly and it has ALWAYS been this way. There is never any change. The fact this has gone on hundreds of years doesn’t mean it’s “harder to prove” so therefore it must not be real (why would anyone consciously choose to argue away the rights of humans). It means that this problem is endemic because leadership refuses to allow change. The solutions exist but they are systemically eradicated just like people. It’s profitable to abuse Black community, abusers don’t like to be told no and weak people can’t take disapproval.
It’s not even legal to criticize other cultures, it is only Black America that is treated in such a uniquely unprotected and systemically attacked fashion. At the very least, when other cultures are criticized there is IMMEDIATE backlash, with every culture! Yet those same cultures are free to “cancel” Black people every day because we have no protection of our inalienable rights! It’s no coincidence that EVERY single protected populations is somehow tied to the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, held Black persons as property in the form of chattel slavery, AND have themselves been given reparations while their victims remain in oppressive conditions. No one blames other genocide victims from becoming genoiced victims, why is it okay for Black America?
It’s 2022 and America is STILL allowing enslavement, it’s STILL protecting slaveholders (old and new), and STILL hiding the truth about enslavement at every level micro and macro. Anyone who tries to tell the truth becomes a target and is attacked with impunity. Anyone who tries to protest the conditions, fight back, protect themselves, organize, or develop ally programs is targeted and attacked with impunity, state sanctioned and otherwise. People crying out “defund” during protests are not the problem “Defund” was the LAST step after HUNDREDS of years of systemic oppression. The problem is white supremacy, the entire industrial military complex (which my handlers created) and state sanctioned attacks not only here but globally! THE SOLUTION IS OBVIOUS, PROTECT HUMAN RIGHTS! Yet, the human rights of Black people continue to go ignored! President Joe Biden
Since May of 2020 I have been attempting to reach out for help and tell the truth and I continue to be oppressed in extreme conditions for doing so. Blowing the whistle is exactly what I was trained and ordered to do, I was abused for not doing it then abused for doing it. I have done NOTHING wrong to deserve abuse, there is no “two sides” to abuse, it is the result of a person or persons making the choice to intentionally abuse. I have served this country faithfully for decades, my entire life including my EXTENSIVE education credentials continue to be redacted, and my children and I continue to suffer while America continues to claim they “cannot verify my identity”. I am still under 24/7 surveillance, more heavily censored than terrorist organizations (including the ones who America actually is targeting) and my father was treated the same for the same reasons. There is not now nor will there ever be a valid excuse for any of it. It’s disgusting, sadistic, tyrannical, and illegal, yet here we still are.
My contract remains un-honored, I have not been provided the health care I am entitled to by law and was also promised by my handlers, I have not received a penny of direct COVID relief or disability income, I have been denied every form of aid I have asked for, repeatedly, even food assistance. I am hacked daily, and often cut off from the internet which is my only connection to the outside world. My intellectual property continues to be stolen, I have never received compensation for what has been taken for decades. Those that trafficked me never experience an ounce of accountability nor have those whom they trafficked me to. My handlers forced me to breed beginning at the age of 10 years old, “we want to preserve the bloodline” the claimed. They bred me to wealthy white men who paid for access, then were rewarded with public offices at the highest levels. The ones I was trafficked to but not forced to breed with were rewarded with public office also. It wasn't about were they elected, it’s about if they would be selected to run, would they be supported, and how much money would be poured into their campaigns to ensure they won. ALL of them won their elections except one, my handler who was told he was not allowed to breed with me. He tried anyway, repeatedly, with catastrophic results.
My handlers made the decisions about everything, including who they forced me to breed with, what medical care I received, what I was allowed to do, where I was allowed to go, who I was allowed to be around, what I was exposed to, what I was allowed to learn. I once asked my handler as a child if I could learn about Marcus Garvey, he said no. I persisted so of course he said “I’ll teach you what do you want to know”. That obviously didn’t work. I waited decades to read in secret, he found out because I have been under 24/7 surveillance my entire life. He got angry at my friend who encouraged me to try it again, he took his anger out on him. They were no different from the old slave holders, they even patterned their behaviors after them and taught others how to do the same. They made an industry of it! They amassed unfathomable amounts of money from everything they did to me and my children. No one has ever been held accountable. I don’t even know where some of the children are, I don’t even know how many were born to whom! Yet people are angrier about me telling the truth of my own life than they are about the extreme abuses we have suffered, it’s even illegal to talk about most of it. I am blocked out of Instagram and Twitter, on Facebook I cannot access hashtags, and on every other social media site I am heavily censored. My two main handlers are dead, I don’t even know who is in control now but none of the control mechanisms have ended. They always told me I would never get away and that they would simply will me to the people they chose, I cry out for help because who can fight a system like that alone? Instead of getting helped I get further abused. The lie of the abusers memories are more important than my freedom! UN Women
When I attempt to find ways to earn money on the internet I am blocked EVERY SINGLE TIME. I was never allowed to work with my handlers permission and even then only if, when, and where he placed me. My last handler died a few months ago, for decades he has tried to force me into marriages and relationship that are abusive. When I refused he increased the “enhanced torture”. When I asked for freedom, or resource his response was always “get married, have a baby”. This did not begin with COVID or protests about defunding the police, it’s gone on all my life.
Black America cannot even secure the right to vote, the ability to gain aid during the apocalypse (while white and white passing populations receive unfathomable amounts of wealth transfers), we are constantly referred to as being a “problem” to the economy, the judicial system, the medical system, government, education, any aspect of American life. All of these tactics, which are propagandized psychological warfare, are used to justify our oppression which clearly violates U.S. law, international law, as well as our inalienable human right to life. Why should we accept this? Why does the world accept it?
We’re not just up against money and power, the most highly advanced and classified technology available on the planet has ALWASY been deployed against us. How do you fight a technology that the government claims doesn’t exist? How do you treat medical conditions the U.S. government claims does not exist? How do you find freedom if the U.S. government claims you don’t exist?
As EVERY other vulnerable population in America has received special attention, legislation, funding, support, and protection, Black America continues to suffer and die in mass in a denied genocide. People continue to be more offended by the use of the word genocide than the fact that we are suffering ethnic cleansing. Literally, all any white person has to say is “I’m offended”, “I don’t believe you”, “you hurt my feelings”, or “I don’t care” and Black lives are devastated with impunity. This has gone on HUNDREDS of years! There is no explanation, apology, recognition, change, or reparation for the harm done. Yet we are scapegoated for ALL the consequences
I have literally been held in enslavement my entire life, America is so apathetic that legislature has ignored EVERY cry for help for 46 years. Yet, when I ask for a resource, ALL EYES ARE ON ME! “We need to save those resources for people who truly need them” is all I have ever hear. Or I am forced to provide unimaginable amounts of proof, documentation, paperwork, evidence, personal information, to disclose personal things to people who hate me for any number of reasons, skin color often being the most common one. But America STILL claims that systemic oppression is fake while nazis still roam the nation, descendants of the actual SS imported via Operation Paperclip, attacking, killing, maiming, destroying, DEFUNDING, and even sacking the Capital in an effort to steal a presidential election. But an unpopular slogan and Black life continue to be the scapegoats, even for the mass death of the COVID pandemic death toll. No Black person is surprised, we have lived this for hundreds of yeas! The solution is easy, it’s called THE PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS! It works for every other population, every time.
There will never be an excuse for “apartheid” no matter who is experiencing it, where it is experienced, or who the abusers are. Either life matters, or it doesn’t. Where Black life in not only America, but the planet is concerned, Black life has never mattered. There will never be an excuse for such behaviors. Conditions are so severe in America that targeted populations (Black or otherwise) participate in attacking the most vulnerable because they are rewarded for doing so. It’s never been about boot straps, it’s always been about white supremacists conducting ethnic cleansing and maintaining a grip on power!
The entire global body of leadership continues to ignore the atrocities committed against Black America because they are rewarded by the abusers for doing so. This is called corruption. The insurgency rages on, nothing has been done to clean up the extremists attacking ALL marginalized populations as well as government. Every aspect of U.S. infrastructure is infiltrated, this continues to be minimized each day. At every level of society right wing extremism continues to attack and Black Americans suffer the most yet continue to have no protection. The excuse of “YOU USED AN UNPOPULAR SLOGAN” is proof of the abuse of authority and the support of whit supremacy.
“Defund” is literally a strategy taken from the GOP playbook, are they punished for deploying the strategies decade after decade? Why is it popular for white conservatives (it’s happening in Virginia with schools more and more daily) yet it’s an excuse for state sanctioned violence AGAINST Black America?
How many Black people are in America? How many Black people have died annually since 2019? What are Black people dying from? NONE of those questions can be answered, the denied holocaust continues to escalate as the system crushing us is more empowered and emboldened by the hour. The entire global leadership body continues to ignore it!
American leadership won’t even pay one Black woman the money she is owed, a woman who served the country faithfully for decades, just one woman. American leadership won’t help one woman get free from enslavement. Just one woman. American leadership won’t allow one woman to earn her own income, move about the nation freely, access appropriate medical care, or do anything that would allow survivability or independence. Just one woman, let alone one family, one neighborhood, or an entire community. It’s done ALL day every day for other people, it just doesn’t get done for Black people. The 1% of wealthy Black Americans do not reflect opportunity, equality, or democracy, it reflects the reality that America operates on a system of elitism that was instituted by nazi eugenicists and continues to permeate every aspect of society as leadership in government ignores it.
The 1% who are used as “evidence” to prove the false narrative that there is no such thing as systemic oppression. In truth, the 1% of of Black Americans that make over 100K per year are outliers. An entire ethnic population, after more than 500 years and yet only 1% makes over 100K, this could never be evidence of anything more than a denied holocaust!
American leadership is angrier about Black America using a strategy taken from right wing politics than extreme oppression and the resulting mass trauma, suffering, and death. Clearly the evidence of the violation of our human rights during this denied genocide is abundant, why does it continue to go ignored by the ENTIRE global leadership body? Why does EVERY solution at the hands of the global leadership body particularly America continue to be ignored? Black America isn’t being punished for saying “defund”, protesting, or burning buildings. We have ALWAYS been treated this way.
My handlers told me they intended to traumatize the Black community so severely that it would affect our genetics forever. They have. “We don’t want you incarnating here again, that’s the intent. If you do we want to control the who, where, how, and why”. They believed that they could control Black life by controlling our procreation. They wanted to diminish our bloodline, but preserve enough of it to use it’s abundant resources. These are ALL nazi experiments that were deployed HERE on U.S. soil for a “final solution” and Black America suffers daily for it. WHY DOES IT GO IGNORED?