2.5.22 I’m Still Not Considered Human

Danielle Diew
19 min readFeb 5, 2022


A New Trail Of Tears Installment During Black History Month

I have been under constant attack from the far right my entire life. This didn’t begin with COVID protests, not for anyone in the Black community. Everyone’s experiencing oppression is suffering, even those who don’t know what the cause is. The attacks of have been more extreme in my case because of my proximity to people within the oppressive community and their obsession with my genetics.

When you are their target from before birth, the “example” they use to “prove” their “grievances”, manipulate data, lobby, pressure legislators, and implement legislation, you must be dehumanized in order for the organized campaign of hate to be effective.

I’ve never been human to the “right” or the “reich” which is the actual designation (according to the engineers of their agenda), neither has any member of my family before me. We have been used as experiments, slave labor, sex slaves, breeders, scapegoats, poster children for all that is evil, “super predator” fodder, and every racist trope you can imagine.

Coordinated targeted attacks have been used not only against me but my family for GENERATIONS! There has never, ever been a time in my entire historical lineage when White people have been on this land that we have NOT been targeted for abuse and ethnic cleansing due to our race. Yet we are still told “race doesn’t matter”, “fix your own problems”. Are they my own if I’m not creating them?

My spiritual beliefs have ALWAYS been under attack and have been used as an excuse to trample on both mine and my children’s rights. The result has been extensively devastating trauma, some of which may never be healed. Being a targeted victim of racist attacks, and sexual violence has been used to justify further escalations and politicization with support from legislators who literally are paid to protect our rights but instead stoke the fires of fear and hatred. The result is always further marginalization, stigma, slander, and debilitation preventing stability and upward mobility. When people see this, they automatically place the blame on me, us, rather than those committing the acts of extreme human rights violations.

My vulnerability due to abuse is used to pathologize me to the extent of interfering with my ability to access appropriate medical care. Not only did I suffer such extreme abuse, neglect, and malpractice in the medical system that I almost died repeatedly but I also became totally, permanently and fully disabled when I was only partially disabled prior to seeking medical help for injuries. Every attempt I make to seek help ends in my being criminalized, not only me but my family. Instead of being treated like the targeted victim of crime, we are treated like the perpetrator EVERY time! We incur penalties economically, socially, physically, and psychologically. “Deal with you own problems” is the response we get. No one has EVER been held to any measure of accountability regardless of how extensive the human rights are.

Economic attacks have been used not only against me personally, as well as my entire family, and the entire Black population as long as White people have been on this land. My family existed on this land HUNDREDS of years before a European even knew this land existed. I didn’t need any kind of over the counter ancestry test to tell me who I am, my DNA does that.

I was in a highly classified research program that studied DNA as the human genome was being mapped, I’ve always known my roots. My handlers made sure of that. Indeed I was targeted BEAUSE of my genetic roots. They studied every aspect of me, my bloodline, my lineage, my family tree, epigenetic expression, anything you can imagine. I learned a lot, it was a both a curse and a privilege. My handlers/traffickers were able to demand millions more when they trafficked me because of my unique genetics. While many attempt to claim that ALL African Americans are basically the same, the truth is some of us are the indigenous people’s of this land. I am both African, AND Black American Native.

While America will acknowledge that millions of Africans were kidnapped from Africa and brought to America in the bowels of slave ships in chains, America still refuses to acknowledge the MANY MILLIONS of Black Native’s who were slaughtered not only by Europeans but other Native American populations. The remnant were enslaved by White, Jewish, and Native person’s occupying our own lands, the effects of these arrangements remain today. The practice of enslaving people never ended, it was adapted to get around the laws that declared it illegal. As we continue to be held in captivity, our captors continue oppressive measures that render us invisible and silent. “Cancel” culture is an example of how easy it is to make that happen. Holding an abuser accountable is one thing, being an oppressor and targeting a vulnerable population is another altogether.

To this day it is literally illegal to speak about the true historical facts of Black American History, even though this is Black History Month. Our culture, which we must keep secrete due to EXTENSIVE persecution not only from EVERY former slaveholding population who themselves have received special protections, reparations, and even representations not only in American government but at the United Nations , but also from other immigrant populations who don’t even know who we are!

We are STILL on our own indigenous lands being persecuted. We have spent HUNDREDS of years under apartheid, enduring ethnic cleansing, dying at apocalyptic rates while our true history is wiped out of existence. We, Black Native Americans, along with the other Black and African American descendants of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade as well as other members of the diaspora, have survived a holocaust so evil and insidious that it’s endemic nature is used to argue AGAINST any form of acknowledgement or reparations. Of course those arguments are made by the populations who have held us in captivity either through the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, human trafficking, economic oppression, debt enslavement, and other forms of apartheid practices that go unimpeded though unconstitutional and against international law. You won’t find many of us among the 1% because we have ALWAYS been intentionally targeted for eradication, my own handlers/traffickers the engineers of the operation.

They thought it was funny to dress me up in red velvet and silk, place a crown on my head, paint my face with make up, bring in a hair dresser to do my hair, drape me in expensive jewels, then mockingly refer to me as either Duchess” or “Empress” as they interrogated me for hours on end. I was only 5 years old, they designated me the “Emissary” for my people and mocked me with extreme cruelty as they used “enhanced torture” and sexual assault to “force” my “compliance”. They wanted to know about my community, my culture, my thinking, my soul (is it real they wondered), they wanted to know why we are so different, why do we excel in ways they don’t. While they ALWAYS highlight areas they believe we lack (which are always aspects of society that are engineered to leave us out) yet they know that we aren’t inferior that’s why they wanted so desperately to understand us. “How could you possibly know such things” they would ask. “I just do”.

In the same manner that Colonialist Capitalist travelled around the world studying indigenous populations on every land, wiping out many and leaving devastation in others, they did the same here on U.S. soil. Appropriating every aspect of our humanness and whitewashing it to claim “discovery” in the same manner as when they supposedly “discovered” America. Segregation, while it was economically disadvantageous, was highly advantageous in every other way. School integration is the result of men like my handlers who wanted to “see if the genius would rub off” they told me, “we want help with the ones among our community who have difficulty integrating and after studying your schools we believe they will be able to adapt faster.” It was 1980 when they explained their agenda. What Black people wanted was equal opportunity, instead we were forced out of our communities (again) into areas where were treated like less than human (again) with no protections (again) and eventually into what they labeled as “ghettos” (again). Even many among our own community fail to understand the significance of these strategic maneuvers as history is illegal to even talk about let alone be taught any longer. When we had our own schools, we learned true history. I was literally in kindergarten when my handlers explained these truths, yet adults are too fragile to hear it today.

When my class mates and cohorts, some of which were children of diplomats, were learning coding and space exploration, I was being tortured, experimented on, and raped during the mandated school day. I didn’t even have a choice about being able to get away, it’s mandated and most certainly enforced by Child Protective Services and Police. Institutions that were literally created to oppress Black life, 1980 was no different from 1960, or 1860. This is true for the majority of the of the Black community

Those institutions NEVER protect me, they protected the system that forced me into those conditions as well as the men and women operating within in it. That is still true today. But these atrocities are not even questioned, only the use of the word “defund” or any action taken in protest against these extreme violations human rights and crimes against my humanity. My handlers even went so far as to have legislation passed that designated me non human, Congress and SCOTUS were all too happy to agree. Today, the idea of having a Black woman on the supreme court is so “divisive” that America cannot deal with the fact that there is a denied genocide being executed against our population because it’s too caught up in us crying out for help, and how we do it. UN Human Rights UN Women Amnesty International UNICEF UNESCO Vice President Kamala Harris

To this very moment I remain surveilled, hacked, harassed, attacked, controlled, abused, and ignored. This post was interrupted as I type because my internet connection AGAIN has been interrupted. I am never able to fully reach the internet, if you don’t search me or subscribe to my posts most likely you will NEVER encounter them. Ironically, I was one of the first people in history to use not only the internet (DARPANET) but also to chat. Yet every aspect of my background remains redacted, I am STILL a hidden figure after 46 years of oppression. At this very moment I can’t even control my own keyboard but I am still considered a greater threat than the extremists who are not only attacking and dismantling democracy, but attacking U.S. infrastructure, Black people, and every vulnerable population including other white minorities populations. Where the U.S. government could be focused on putting down the insurgency and protecting life, the home land, human rights, and U.S. infrastructure as is it’s mandate, they are more focused on terminology that “criticizes” oppression and hurts feelings of people who don’t want to be perceived as and “oppressor” even when they violate human rights. “Defund” and “CRT” get all the attention while enslavement in ALL it’s forms, and the oppression of the human rights of Black people continue to go ignored. The White House Congressional Black Caucus Progressive Caucus

The entire Black community is targeted with ALL being affected at some level or another. Where my own family is concerned, COINTELPro operations have always been in place and continue to be “enhanced” with each new generation. I grew up watching my father and entire family get attacked as I struggled to survive MKUltra deployed and engineered by the same nazi scientists who tortured and murdered millions among the Jewish populations (of which many close friends and ancestors belong to) along with members of the Roma population (of which one of my handlers descended), Jehovah’s Witnesses (the community I grew up in), disabled persons (of which myself, and my parents are among) and members of the LGBTQIA community (of whom I myself and many close family and friends are among). Not only have all my ancestor been targeted here in America, but even many close friends and community members were targeted abroad in nazi Germany. My children are growing up watching the same torture that I did as they suffer their own attacks. All of us told “it’s a personal problem” and it’s still called a myth while other populations are protected, funded, resourced, and highlighted.

One of my favorite song lyrics was written by one of my favorite Reggae artists, Buju Bonton, “I could go on and on, the full has never been told”. Our stories, regardless of what part of the America’s we landed, continues to be suppressed. The remnant of us still fighting for recognition of not only our lives, humanity, and rights, but our actual history. Much respect to the many members of the diaspora who fight to maintain our historical and spiritual values such as the Marley family who while under severe persecution, continue the same Solomonic traditions that have been passed down for thousands of years. Our genealogy has been so heavily corrupted through ethnic cleansing that so many of us don’t know just who we are, but those of us who do refuse to cave to the pressures of oppression. We intend to preserve our culture as is our right to do so without interference.

I was raised in an environment of state sanctioned “enhanced torture”, the entire U. S. government knows of the existence of these programs yet participates in denying it. This has gone on for generations. I promised my father that I would continue the fight when he no longer could, he died from his injuries never receiving recognition or proper care. I WILL NEVER FORGET! While my handlers paid other victims families, mine continues to be unacknowledged, held in captivity, and targeted for coordinated attacks. The U.S. government has a vested interest in keeping me hidden. However, I will not go silently into any night. The struggles our our people will not die inside of me, neither will my anointing. Our histories are preserved in our culture so of course oppressors attack it daily. While other populations are so heavily protected you can’t even mention them, our entire existence is lynched publicly with no consequence. Yet people wonder why we protest and say defund? Why wouldn't’ we? Instead of criticizing how we fight for human rights, you should be protecting them, IT’S YOUR JOB! President Joe Biden

My handlers spent decades trying to extract the intricacies of my culture from me while trying to force me into corruption. None of it worked! “What it this, explain that, is this a myth, how do you do that?” that’s how I grew up. I experienced the most evil forms of torture known to man. Do you think the U.S. government brought nazis here the have them slow down their experiments? Where do you think the NASA space program came from? They didn't’ stop there, they expanded all the same experiments and implemented new ones. That is where the U.S. military industrial complex originates, but the world wonders why there is a rise in fascism? This is the consequence fo turning a blind eye to a holocaust that never ended, it only morphed into the world at 100 seconds to midnight on the unsustainable scale. A civilization on the verge of collapse all for the sake of the lie of white supremacy.

The holocaust never ended, WW2 never ended. It’s time the world was honest about it’s wrong doings rather than doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on the “BIG LIES” instead of allowing people to be oppressed and systematically “cleansed” in order to erase the “sins” of not only the forefathers, but the current controllers. Some of them are still alive, still oppressing, still obsessing, it’s not history if it’s still happening.

The system of enslavement built around me was so sophisticated that my handlers marketed it’s usage globally, yet people question why more than 70% of the planet has fallen to authoritarian regimes. Perhaps you should have listened to my father and I when we reported these atrocities decades ago, we weren’t the only ones reporting, these truths have long been known! MANY have tried to get the truth out, they are always targeted and attacked. It is the responsibility of the United Nations and the International Courts to protect populations when their own countries violate international law. You have already tried, multiple times, do not stop now as the escalations are increasing and the most vulnerable suffer and die at apocalyptic rates!

I have seen so many fall along the way yet the agenda that is now being played out in the public eye globally, live streamed 24/7/365 is still called fake. To “force compliance” my handlers deployed “any means necessary”(because they admired Malcom X though they were envious therefore persecuted him) and used the excuse of “the end justifies the means” as well as “it’s just collateral damage” in the “fight for freedom” on the “journey to peace”. All manipulations. Where on this planet is there freedom? They certainly weren’t pursuing it in all their warmongering. “Peace” to them means “compliance” that is not the same thing! If you aren’t an Aryan billionaire, you don't’ have their acceptance, that’s how the eugenics echelon works. It’s 2022 not 1942 but you wouldn’t know it. Where on this planet can you find peace? Not even billionaires have that anywhere, not true peace anyway! It’s not because “humanness” is a condition that must be “eradicated” as the nazis who tortured me claimed as they attempted to turn me into a drone. It’s because these people with these extreme beliefs are psychopaths who were empowered by wealthy elite deviants looking for a way to mask their predatory behaviors. It’s worked for them for decades. NO MORE!

The full might of the entire industrial military complex, the full elitest global body politic, as well as the crushing weight of the toxic social effects of propaganda have been tyrannically deployed unceasingly for generations to keep not only me, my family, my entire ethnic population, but also the entire Black community in unescapably oppressive conditions. This is the direct result of the two men who raised, tortured, and trafficked me and they were authorized to do it using U.S. tax dollars, the most highly classified intel, and the most advanced technology the whole way. Many within the vast compartmentalized industrial military complex don’t even know the truth. The current instability on this planet is the result. The attacks don’t stop with me or the Black community, I’m simply highlighting how the global takeover has affected me personally. Al Black Native Americans, as well as Black America as a whole are negatively impacted in ways that cannot be overcome without immediate action to protect our human rights. The system they put in place was taken directly from the nazi ss soldiers and scientists that they imported during Operation Paperclip. These are not separate issues from WW2’s nazi Germany, it is the same holocaust with new primary targets who not only have no protection, but as long as our existence is denied we are easily labeled a “fake”. We aren’t myth, we are human.

Our lives, children, histories, culture, spiritual practices, traditions, communities, and rights all wiped out systematically with absolute impunity and no way to access justice or reparations. We can’t even access those who’s responsibility it is to protect us, we have no access. Even when we do, we are ignored! Extremists in the government occupying our own lands continues to target us for eradication to wipe out the sins they committed. The argument is always that we fail to assimilate, but we obviously have. How else would you explain the fact that the majority of the planet doesn’t even know we exist let alone the truth of our history! We are simply Black people who either once were are still are enslaved, but our histories didn’t begin with enslavement.

“The greatest threat to national security is the possibility of revenge from your people”, that’s what BOTH my handlers told me in 1980 in one of the most highly classified settings on the planet. “If you can’t remember it, did it happen” they used to say. They used drugs, hypnosis, nazi MkUltra mind control tactics, and torture to suppress memories for decades. It’s not that the memories were gone, it just wasn’t safe to speak of it. When the dangers became so bad that death in some form was immanent, there was no point to hold anything, I began to speak anyway. I’m blessed to have old friends who love me, absent that and my paramilitary training my children and I would have died long ago.

I have been held in captivity my entire life, I am still fighting to break free. I am totally, permanently, fully disabled. I have no access to safe health care, income of any kind, no COVID relief, no Social Security, no SSI, no aid or relief of any kind, I have even been denied food repeatedly. Often I cannot access the internet without being blocked, hacked, and harassed having my intellectual property stolen. I have NEVER been able to earn a penny outside of the “approval” of my handlers. “We like to keep ’em just above poverty level” they told me when I was 5 as they explained how they intended to enslave not only me but also my entire community.

As the white and White and White passing world amasses wealth that hasn’t been seen in modern history, my children grow up trapped in the impoverished conditions that enslavers masked as “good men” who parade themselves as “business men” and “politicians” but in actuality are just genocidal psychopathic spies are supported. How would you explain that to your children when they ask why they keep experiencing atrocity after atrocity? Their friends tell them “your life is cursed”. Society tell them “you are cursed”. It is a cultural norm to believe that a person’s suffering is the result of punishment from God, particularly if you are Black. These are the barriers we face daily, as we are told “fu** your feelings” while the “feelings” of every other population and special interest is prioritized. As if systemic oppression and enslavement are about hurt feelings. How would YOU handle it? What would YOU do? I choose to do the only think I can, write.

I was homebound before COVID. My only connection to the outside world is the internet, yet I am cut off from it multiple times a day EVERY day. I cannot leave the house without support and even then it’s still very dangerous. I have to rely on other people to bring me food (which I have been denied repeatedly) and support for survival. Without appropriate medical care I have had to triage my own. Since then my health has improved considerably, so what insurance was paying for all those years?

America is ignoring Black life at every possible measure. As Americans “get back to normal” the entire planet focuses on anything other than human rights for the most marginalized populations on the planet. Human rights are not a political issue to be argued away by people seeking attention, money, reelection, or power. Human rights are inalienable therefore the fight to protect them is a humanitarian crisis, for the Black population, that crises has been at a global scale for far longer than I have been alive. The same people abusing us are abusing the planet and other marginalized populations, there is no separation, on denial.

As EVERY other population and special interest is prioritized over Black Americans, we continue to suffer and die in the most extreme ways daily. I cannot stress this enough. America doesn’t even know how many Black people exist in this nation let alone how many among the Black Native remnant are still alive. If we can’t be counted, there is no record of the true impact of the atrocities. This is intentional and it is the fault of every leader who fails to address it! No one knows Black Native Americans even exist, after hundreds of years, we have simply been lost to propaganda and ethnic cleansing. The entire Black community is so heavily oppressed that America cannot account for exactly how we are dying.

We are living THE FINAL SOLUTION and the planet still looks away as they elevate the histories, stories, feelings, priorities, and concerns of those who themselves have enslaved us unapologetically and STILL exploit us in every way. Scapegoating US as the racist, abusive, oppressor as they appropriate every aspect of our culture and exploit it’s value to build wealth for themselves. What would the entertainment industry be without Black America? Hip-hop culture literally is the most profitable and widely appropriated aspect of entertainment yet on a fraction of the 1% of Black Americans who create it have profited from it. Even those within that tiny percentage who are profiting from it are abused to the extent of enslavement. Royalties, copyrights, lyrics, art, choreography, every type of creation is stolen from Black America daily (me personally for decades) there is no accountability and no escape. Those oppressing us are still free to do so with impunity regardless of how far the abuse extends into extreme human rights violations. Using the media to distract with gossip and propaganda is a strategy that my handlers perfected decades ago, there is nothing new undert the sun.

I am under attack daily, so is my family, so is my entire ethnic population, so is the entire Black community, so is the entire diaspora globally. We are ALL tired of global leadership denying it! We are targeted, attacked, and systemically eradicated while our experiences continue to be propagandized and/or erased. What I write about is not just my personal experiences, but that of us all, including the many millions upon millions upon millions who have suffered and died along the way and their stories lost having been “canceled” even with the assistance of Ai scrubbing. Enslavement never ended, it is not a choice, it’s just not allowed to be confronted.

I have been “muzzled” my entire life, I will no longer be silenced. Extremists have been trying to kill me for decades, I grew up with it, why should I stop now? There isn’t a single promise, aspect of performative politics, or paramilitary attack that will stop me from protecting our human rights. My handlers labeled me “Empress” because they knew one day I would become the bane of their existence on behalf of my people. So be it! I Am That I Am and I believe in what scripture says we all are. Why should I deny myself because others don’t know who they are?

I know my history, not because a White man taught it to me using CRT, but because it’s in my DNA. No one has the right to trample on our rights, they are inalienable. No one has the right to redefine us as a people, WE DEFINE OURSELVES! No one has the right to eradicate us to escape accountability. When you attack us we have the right to defend ourselves. We have the right to earn a living, express our free will, procreate when, if, or how we choose, to practice our own spirituality, and to impact human consciousness of our own community through our own culture. NO PERSON, GOVERNMENT, POLITICAL INSITUTION, RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION, OR ANY OTHER ENTITY HAS THE RIGHT TO INTERFERE!


Library of Congress Nat Geo Explorers TIME

On behalf of my people, Black Native Americans, I demand the release of our historical records that have remained classified for hundreds of years. We are an indigenous ethnic minority experiencing ethnic cleansing on our own land. We have the right to life, human rights, our history, traditions, culture, and spiritual practices. We will not lay down and be silently eradicated! We will not continue to be oppressed into extinction. We will not stop fighting for our rights, and we will not allow you to continue to steal, coopt, appropriate, or copy and paste all of our existence into Whiteness and oppress us into extension. I demand, on behalf of my community, acknowledgment of the truth and protection of our human rights!


U.S. Department of State DARPA Internet US National Archives



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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