2.9.22 I’m Still Not Considered Human
But the propaganda that “race doesn't matter” continues to be proliferated as our human rights go ignored by then entire global leadership body even as other populations (including oppressive bodies) are provided special protections.
I remain more heavily censored than terrorist organizations domestically as well as globally.
I have yet to receive an ounce of COVID cash relief, neither has my child. My son who became an adult during this period, received only one payment more than a year after legislation was passed but no other relief that he is entitled to.
My children and I have experienced physical assault, economic attacks, mob assault, stalking, harassment, bullying, cyberstalking, surveillance, state sanctioned attacks, paramilitary attacks, legal abuse, police abuse, abuse by those highly placed in government, and more. Yet race doesn’t matter? We are targeted because of our race.
My contract with the United States government remains unpaid, unrecognized, and unfulfilled though I have worked for decades with the promise to pay. While my white cohorts who haven’t accomplished 10% of what I have are making multiples of millions, often at my expense or through my work, I remain penniless.
My education credentials remain illegally redacted. This alone would solve all my financial problems forever for my entire family, if only part of my credentials were unredacted. Instead the United States government continues to deny that I even exist (though they are still profiting from past and present work including quoting my speeches regularly at the United Nations, in Congress, at The White House, on the campaign trail, and more!). I have no personal contact with these people, I can’t even use telephones. No one is coming to my home and seeking my consulting services. I’m not in on Zoom meetings, or attending in office meetings. Yet my words verbatim, if when not written and only simply spoken in my own personal space, continue to be coopted and commodified by White people who have never received permission to use me, my words, my work, or any aspect of my life for their benefit. Yet the United Stated government continues to claim they cannot “verify my identity” as I remain under HEAVY surveillance!
U.S. Department of State The White House Supreme Court of the US US Labor Department Vice President Kamala Harris
My file continues to remain redacted though this is my personal property and part of my contract fulfillment.
Everything I created, invented, wrote, choreographed, or accomplished since the age of 5 years old has been used by my former handlers and his cronies to profit off of while I continue to remain unpaid for my own work. Entire industries were created from some of my accomplishments and works. My handlers became billionaires, their assets multi-millionaires from my accomplishments, yet I am not even credited. Where I have been cited or credited, it has been buried, redacted, or removed. All of my earnings were transferred to White men and women, I have yet to receive a penny.
When I was left money in the form of inheritance, it was stolen by my handler. “If you have money people will believe you if you ever tell them about me” he said. That was his justification for rendering me penniless when I was left an inheritance. When I negotiated with my other handler to have it returned, he argued that I was “incapable” of managing money. As my “legal guardian” which is only known of in classified sectors at the highest levels, he was able to take ownership as “conservator”. He wasn’t even my legal guardian, I lived with my mother whom he also abused, controlled, threatened, and assaulted. I wasn’t allowed around my father BECAUSE of him! No one has EVER been held accountable.
I am fully disabled after spending decades serving this country, yet I cannot access disability benefits of any type, social security benefits, or SSI. My father dealt with the same problems. When I received disability payments through the insurance that I purchased on my last job, it was cut off illegally. When a class action law suit began, I was unable to participate because the statute of limitations had lapsed while I was incapacitated due to disability. There is no pathway to justice for me to pursue, no one is held accountable.
I have yet to receive the medical treatment that I need, was promised, and am legally allowed. I am declared “illegitimate” as all Black people are when we attempt to gain access to anything we are entitled to by law. Civilian doctors do not know how to treat me for the conditions that I face, my handlers were well aware of this. When I access medical care in the public health system I am treated like a hypochondriac, a liar, a schemer, someone with low I.Q. who doesn’t understand basic human bodily functions, someone to be experimented on, and someone who can and should be abused because there is no accountability or oversight. I was abused so severely that I developed additional disabilities that I did not have prior to seeking health care for injuries, as well as having other disabilities exasperated. I am ALWAYS scapegoated for the consequences. There is never any accountability for any of it. I have been forced to triage my own care since the beginning of the pandemic, my health has improved DRASTICALLY and continues to do so even more every day. While I still obviously am disabled, I can now do things like sit at a computer and write where I could not before. At times, I couldn’t even remain conscious, or speak, let alone write. If getting medical care could do that much harm, what does insurance pay for? If it weren’t for the fact that I am trained in triage I would have died repeatedly.
I continue to be denied public assistance, I have even been denied SNAP benefits and food.
I should qualify to have my student loans dismissed, yet this has not happened.
When I attempt to access any website that would allow me to earn any form of income I am blocked, censored, muted, shadow banned, harassed, cyberstalked, and hacked. My artistic works are stolen and transferred to White people who then make money from them. There is no pathway to justice for any of it.
My children and I have been stalked, abused, assaulted, slandered, stolen from, rendered homeless, rendered jobless, had to move more times than I can number, and have been under CONSTANT assault for more than 20 years. There is no access to justice, no accountability, no pathway to accessing any form of reparations for any of the harm done. No one responsible for the abuse is ever held accountable.
I have been trafficked, molested, raped, beaten, strangled, shot at, cut, burned, tortured, forced to work without pay, assaulted to intentionally force a miscarriage, forced to work in hazardous conditions without safety measures, abandoned in the field in hazardous conditions, and forced to endure the power and control abusive of handlers. None of this began with COVID or the protests, it has gone on my entire life.
I was conscripted into a paramilitary program unofficially at the age of 4 years old and officially at the age of 5 and the process was facilitated through mandated pre-k. I never had access to safety, security, or stability and the protections that schools are supposed to provide to children by law. Nothing has changed to this very day to ensure that children are being protected.
The same men who controlled my life controlled my fathers, he was a Vietnam Veteran, a special forces operative, and a paramilitary operative. He had no control over his life. Police, jail, prison, joblessness, and homelessness were used to control and manipulate him. He lived his entire life with his children and family being under constant threat if he did not comply with unethical, illegal, unconstitutional, abusive crimes against humanity. I have lived under the same threats. There is no access to justice, no ability to gain support or advocacy, no accountability, and no reparation for the harm done.
I was forced to breed from the age of 9 years old. I have been pregnant more times than I can actually account for. I don’t know exactly how many children I have been pregnant with or given birth to. I do not have access to any of the children born before the age of 18 years of age. Every time I have been pregnant (except the one time I was assaulted to force miscarriage) it was at the control of my handlers for their benefit. They both died never having to face a day of accountability other than my confronting them. I have always been the one labeled abusive and pathological while they retain the “good men” label.
My eggs were taken and given to wealthy White men and women who were unable to get pregnant or to be experimented with. My handlers ran cloning programs in other nations where they MOST CERTAINLY EXPERIMENTED WITH HUMAN CLONING! I have no way of knowing how many times my eggs were removed and taken against my will, let alone how many. “If we can get the very first eggs they are the most pure” my handlers taught me in 1981. I was just 6 years old when they began teaching me this. When other children were learning coding, I was in being used as a human lab rat in classified programs. I have no way of knowing how many children were attempted let alone conceived or born from my eggs. The men who were trafficking me in this manner were pedophiles, all of their cronies were Libertines who believed in sexual predation as an entitlement. I have no way of knowing what happened to ANY of these children or if any of them are unsafe. At least some of them are old enough to have their own children, I have no way of knowing how many grandchildren may have been born or if they are safe. I never had any say over any aspect of it, my entire existence has been commodified in the most technologically advanced ways imaginable, vast amounts of wealth accrued. I have even conceived for wealthy people and had the children removed from me and transferred to other women. As they move on with their lives in abundance and luxury, the two remaining children that I have remain in poverty and I enslaved. “You can work your way out of it” they always claimed, I’m still here.
When I became pregnant by affluent men, they had control over every aspect of my body including my placenta, blood, birth materials, and breast milk. “It’s rare for a child to have fully developed breasts and a pregnant belly, I can make more money now” my handler would say. With each perversion, he was able to demand more money, all of which went to him. They passed me around like a birthday cake. My handler even called it that, “lets have some cake” he would say before raping me. Him performing oral sex on me was called my “birthday” and him (or his cronies) ejaculating on me was called my “wedding day” or a “White wedding”, all puns intended as they were all White men. I have NEVER been assaulted by a Black man! They paid extra to purchase not only the babies I conceived, but any and all bodily fluids and materials that resulted from the sexual encounters where the children were conceived, as well as that which stemmed from the pregnancy and birthing process. Some of them held parties where my genetic material was consumed, my placenta eaten, some drank my bodily fluids sometimes directly from my body.
People believe these person’s to be devil worshipers, that is a lie. They are aware of this narrative and use it to their benefit. When victims try to blow the whistle they are disbelieved automatically when they start talking about cults, occultist behaviors, or any form of ritualistic behaviors. They also use rituals to traumatize victims with the intention of making them more compliant. “Rituals have been used for centuries in mind control, evoking primal fear ensures that trauma reaches subconscious levels. The more often this happens the deeper the trauma and the more pliable the victim becomes. Eventually they will comply without force, we want them to submit” my handlers told me. “We want you to be like Pavlov’s dog” they told me when I was just 5 years old. “It makes the surrender so much sweeter” one handler said. “We can control what you do, say, and remember” they both said.
They don’t believe in a power higher than themselves so these people don’t believe in a God or a Devil, they simply use the imagery to invoke fear. They practice these behaviors because they believe it gives them power, youth, healing, and gene restoration. These aspects of the aging and life extension industries (some of it obviously highly illegal) are worth multiples of trillions and began on the dark web as it was being developed during the days of DARPANET where I was one of the first people to be sold. In the 1980s lobbying in research industries grew exponentially so that they could buy legislators who would hide their illegal practices. This is the time when Congress became a place to grow wealth and gain power rather than to legislate, hence the abuse of authority that is so rampant today. When I was between 5 and 10 years old I was referred to as the “mother of the net” or the “mother of the matrix” because I was one of the first to use it, but more specifically, one of the first commodified on it. My handler was the first person to conduct a transaction on the deep web, he sold me, I was 5 years old. He gained MULTIPLES of millions from that transaction which resulted in me being molested by a pedophile who was one of the wealthiest and most powerful people to ever live. To this day I have NEVER even spoken his name.
American elites have gained an incalculable amount of money from my commodification, the entire program was sold globally and continues to operate unabated to this moment. The wealth and technological advancement of Silicone Valley were built on it, hence the reason women, ethical people, and diverse populations are locked out. The so called “diverse” populations you do see frequently are ones that come from societies that have caste systems, class systems, and little to no human rights for women and children. The same is true of medicine for obvious reasons. “You can’t become a doctor without us clearing it” I was told by my handlers in 1980, just look at the demographics of medical doctors in America yet people wonder why the pandemic death toll is so much higher in America. It was engineered that way! CDC Flu World Health Organization
I continue to remain in enslavement, as has EVERY woman in my family before me, for more than 500 years. On my mothers mother’s side of the family we have been sold to the same families who owned us during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade without interruption, access to justice, protections, reparations, or means of escape. Even as I worked in industries that helped other victims get free, I was unable to access any of the services to help myself under threat of the torture, assault, and death of my loved ones. “You know you have power when your victim is surrounded by resources but can’t access them” my handler would say. He was a true sadist and was fully gratified by taking me to extreme levels of absolute powerlessness, each circumstance producing more intense pleasure for him as the the pain, torture, and powerlessness increased for me. New 1sts were his expectation, if I failed to produce them for him then he tortured me until I “surrendered”. I have lived this way my entire life!
On my father’s mother’s side of the family we have been bred with the same families that we were forced to breed with under the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. My family was held in a town in South Carolina where for many generations for hundreds of years we were born and bred to the same wealthy, elite, White families all descending from royal European bloodlines including a direct line to Germany. My handler’s were both German, born into nazi families, and obsessed with German breeding which they called “German engineering”. They OFTEN referred to me as a “stallion” as have MANY physicians in public health care, even clinical psychologists and psychiatrists. This happened to me multiple times when I reached out for help after being brutally raped, some of them commented on how “excited” they were to talk about my experiences of rape. American healthcare is dangerous for anyone who isn’t the wealthy White elite, but particularly so for Black women and children.
I have no record of my father’s father’s family as these records remain fully sealed and I have been unable to trace them beyond slave rolls dating back to the 1800s.
My mother’s father’s side of the family descends from slaves, Pocahontas, John Smith, every Native American tribal chief of the 5 tribes traceable as far back as the 300’s, and from every Mayflower family.
I am a descendant, on both sides of the family, of the Black Native American Aboriginal people’s of not only America, but every continent. THIS is the reason these families were obsessed with breeding us for HUNDREDS of years. Growing up my handlers spent more than a decade taking me around the globe connecting me with tribal elders of EVERY indigenous population that my blood could be connected to.
They connected my ancestry to bloodlines on every continent, many of them indigenous populations. They experimented on me in a highly classified epigenetics program that helped map the human genome, but also track the origins of the “missing link”. In addition to tracing the origins of the evolution of modern homo sapiens, they also tracked the developments of human consciousness. They could not complete these studies without my participation. I translated, reverse engineered, discovered, analyzed, and studied the data acquired to discern myth from science. MANY fields of studies either expanded or were created based on not only my genetics and my lineage, but also my field work. During this time Super String Theory was being developed, as my handlers oversaw every technological advancement, they involve me in these studies. It was my job to look for the common thread between all things. As a savant with an ability to find patterns in minutiae I was able to aid other scientists and programs in their work and draw parallels in fields of study that either never before existed or were only theorized before I helped to prove them true. I have NEVER been acknowledged or credited for my work let alone paid for it. People have become multi-millionaires and billionaires as well as had their names documented for scientific discoveries THAT I MADE!!! My handlers only argument was that “you didn’t put up any money to do conduct this research” and that was his excuse for always excluding me in being credited and paid. Sometimes I did put up the money from my inheritance as well as the money I earned on missions, even where he didn’t. It never mattered, he stole everything anyway.
Throughout my years I have discovered many firsts. I have completed many firsts. I have done what no other human being has ever done, many times. I have been the first person, child, woman, Black person, Black child, Black woman, operative, child operative, Black operative, and Black Female Operative to accomplish MANY things yet I still remain a hidden figure. NASA Glenn Research
Every first, every finding, every invention (of which there are many), every design, every creation (of which there are many), every form of artistry (of which there are vast amounts), everything I ever accomplished was credited to my White, wealthy, elite handlers who trafficked me and any person they chose to transfer the credit and wealth to. I have NEVER had access to justice, support, protection, or any form of reparation for any of these crimes against nature, humanity, international law, constitutional law, or my rights as a United States citizen and an Indigenous Aboriginal Woman of not only America but every continent. There has never been any accountability for it and the United States government continues to capitalize on me as well as deny my existence or contribution to all things, such as proving that Kundalini is a valid healing method. Data is easily skewed to appear as though others are the ones responsible for my work, my discoveries, my inventions, my abilities. I have no access to justice or way to hold anyone accountable for any of it as entire nations build national wealth off the commodification of my body while taking credit for my accomplishments with the aid of surveillance from within the industrial military complex, which was created by my handlers for the express purposes of exploitation and domination. It was my life, my families lives that were used to create these once experimental programs that eventually developed into technology and programs deployed globally and continue to be used to oppress us.
America denies my existence because they have many crimes to hide. In order to keep me enslaved, and alive, my handlers buried me in the most highly classified program on the planet and forced me to work in it without pay. Securing the nuclear codes is the single most dangerous and highly classified program in existence, ever in modern history. I helped develop the process with my handlers. It required developing codes within codes to protect codes. My handlers began training me at the age of 4 to be a cryptographer. Much of what they used in tradecraft was my work, hence the reason I can not only see through the veil, but tear it down at will. That’s my job! The most I have EVER acquired were minuscule quid pro quo exchanges that most often involved saving the lives of the people they were threatening in order to force my compliance. Including some of the person’s that I was trafficked to. Yet, the United States Defense program operates successfully with a great deal of my creations. This is used as an excuse to keep me under surveillance, but that is no excuse to keep me impoverished and enslaved. The main reason I have never broken my oath is this, who benefits from nuclear attacks? No one, it cannot happen, ever. I will NEVER break.
When the last administration sought to use the nuclear codes to threaten the world, it was in part, my work that helped hold defenses in place. When systems began to fail due to hacking, treason, and abuses, there where times I stepped in to maintain Continuity Of Operations. I should be receiving awards for bravery, payment for my work, and acknowledgement for my ingenuity. Instead I remain penniless and can’t even access COVID relief or healthcare BECAUSE I’m a Black woman. Yet “race doesn’t matter”, it seems to matter an awful lot to bigots.
I was the FIRST Strike Force Operative. The program was BUILT AROUND ME because of my skill level at such a young age. I was nicknamed “The Prodigy” and was referred to by that handle since 1979 when I was 4 years ol. When I retrieved (stole) the technology that America needed to push itself forward above all other nations, my handlers received the power, authority, and funding they needed to develop the Strike Force AND Space Force, all under the Star Wars Program which are sub projects of the MkUltra umbrella. That technology was developed by an African Prince, it was coltan. I swore an oath that I would tell the truth one day, and so I have. This wrong must be corrected! America owes many for the injustices it has committed against Black people globally.
There are so many instances and programs, The Monarch Program which has been dubbed a myth because it focuses on using mind control to develop operatives and soldiers, but it is very real. The CIA ran the narrative that buried it’s existence as mythology, my handlers made sure of it. Project Pegasus was developed under Star Wars also one of these programs, it was the first surveillance apparatus of it’s kind. It was used to track not only the operatives and soldiers at home and in the field, but assets, agents, and person’s of interest or under investigation for terrorist activities. Those are just a couple of examples, but almost EVERY project that my handlers were closely involved in I was involved in as well.
There are MANY who know of the matters that I am reporting and are too afraid to speak out because they are being blackmailed, their children threatened, their wealth and assets targeted, and their voices silenced. I am only able to report these matters because this is what I was ordered to do. Had I not been ordered to do it, I would not be able to. Having to report these matters openly in this format is demonstrative of how convoluted, compartmentalized, toxic, dysfunctional, and inoperative the U.S. government has become, even at the level of intelligence. EVERY aspect of U.S. infrastructure is in a stranglehold, if that were not the case, America’s own intelligence apparatus would not be leaving it’s people behind enemy lines to die at the hands of terrorists! Yet it’s happening isn’t it?
I was educated, trained, and for decades worked in nations or on missions that were experiencing genocide. I have been all over the world, or worked on cases all over the world that related to the worst cases of atrocity, mass suffering, and death since the age of 5 years old. Specifically, our Strike Force unit was developed to track down the nazi’s deployed globally that did not end up in the United States, as well as any person’s who had contact with them or were cooperating with them. I spent the first 2 decades of my life working on this project. I was trained to spot the 2nd wave of the nazi SS which we are now witnessing here in the U.S. as it’s tentacles reach across the globe. Authoritarianism is spreading for a reason. “We need someone to watch the watchers” my handlers used to say. “We know that you won’t let us down, not if they are targeting Black America”. They couldn’t get ANYONE to do the job and felt compelled to force a small child to do it. Systemic oppression in America is so bad that no one was willing to work to fight nazis in order to save Black lives. Is anyone surprised? As a child I was, obviously now I am not.
There has been a new process put into place as now that one has become obsolete. I HAVE NEVER FELT SO FREE IN ALL MY LIFE, though I’m still not free, I no longer have that burden to bare. At the end of the day, I kept my oath, did what I was trained to do, and I didn’t even get paid. But those who committed treason, attempted sedition, and allowed foreign hostiles to implant insurgents within U.S. boundaries who specifically target Black America for genocidal escalations to apocalyptic levels, I would do it all again just to put my foot in dat azz once more! TOUCH NOT MY ANOINTED says the Lord! Keep your hands off my people and you won’t have to deal with my wrath. Come for Black America to harm us and I will use every tool, tactic, technique, trick, and trade I have ever learned to protect us. We’re tired of the oppression and games. I spent more than 2 decades in training, and more than 2 decades in the field. There isn’t a whole lot I haven’t seen and NO line I won’t cross to protect not only Black lives, but always the most vulnerable and marginalized! I stand by my ethics and the courage of my convictions. My children have suffered in the trenches alongside me. They have experienced things no child should EVER be exposed to, all because of extremism, deviance, hatred, and xenophobia. I will not fail to defend, and I put all my wrath into it. You don’t want to deal with being called out for being oppressive, stop oppressing then!
My handlers forced me to “go undercover” in a global, elite human trafficking ring that was owned and run by wealthy elites when I was just 4 years old. Obviously I was being molested, still gathering intel along the way. “You can heal from it, you’re the only person who can do this. The end will justify the means” they told me every time I protested. “It’s the only way we can get on the inside” they told me. While they are two of the most powerful men to ever live, they were not powerful enough to infiltrate this ring that literally involved the same .01% of families that have held power over large swaths of the human population as well as the majority of wealth and resources for longer than anyone has been able to trace. Here in America they have held power for more than 500 years. In 2000 there was a fight for the transference of power of American lands, it’s 2022 and the war rages on as Black America continues to be left behind to fend for ourselves. For a lot of us, these are our indigenous lands, yet we continue to be denied the rights of not only full citizens, but the right to life. WE SHALL NOT GIVE UP OR GIVE IN, LIFE IS A RIGHT! NO MORE!
“We cannot continue to let these families dominate the planet. They constitute a threat to national security” these men who were born into spy families told me. While they themselves were entitled, they weren’t born wealthy and did not have the same loyalties to these entities that the inborn wealthy had. “No person or entity can be more powerful than America, it places us in a position of vulnerability which will inevitably be exploited and when that happens it will be Black America who suffers the most” they told me in 1980 in a classified base in Reston Va. When my cohorts were learning coding, I was being trained as an operative to target the world’s ruling elite in order to help fight the genocide being conducted against my people.
It’s been more than 40 years and decades of torture. I have never failed a mission or broken my oath because there is nothing more important to me than protecting life, the vulnerable, my loved ones, and my community. I do it for the love I have for the Black community because no one else was willing to protect us and our suffering has lasted longer than America has been a country. Had I simply failed to comply and allowed myself to be killed years ago, it all would have ended there. But I wanted a chance to fight for life, and I wanted to protect my people. I have suffered extreme trauma and torture every day of my life for it. There is no measuring the love I have for my people, even when the love isn’t there for me. If I had to do it all again, I would do a lot of things differently but I would ALWAYS choose to protect those I love, and that includes the Black community, human rights, and the rights of the most venerable. I never should have been forced into this position, but when I was I wasn’t going to let my people down!
There have been people whom I have asked to help me along the way, friends. They chose to help me not knowing ANYTHING about who I am other than the fact that I am a vulnerable Black person surrounded by powerful, controlling White men and needed help. They chose to help me because I needed it, asking nothing in return and even risking much themselves. None of these people had power then, they were all just starting out in life. They were just good people willing to help someone in need, THESE ARE THE VOICES THAT GET DROWNED OUT BY FAKE PATRIOTISM and it makes me sick! They have done more to protect me, my family, and America than most legislators, ever. No one will ever know their names or what they have done for me unless they decide to come forward. But I will always find creative ways to show my appreciation. I do not want to treat them the way that I have been treated by ignoring their very valuable contributions. While there are those who secretly give me shout outs in their own special way, I cannot overstate how much that means to me in the face of such extreme abuse, hatred, and impoverishment. It’s that kind of respect and love that has kept me going. While I wish I could have maintained our friendships, it was impossible as it would have put them in danger. I just want them to know that I have not forgotten, I am so highly appreciative, and I will continue to give thanks!
Since Black America is the commodity used to maintain the wealth and power of the .01% as well as the 1%, and has been for more than 500 years now, it’s long overdue that the truth came to light! These families are few, yet they hold the entire planet’s resources in the palm of their hands despite no one giving them authority, permission, or even so much as asking for their help. They knew that men like my handlers were closing in on them so they set forth an agenda that would allow them to escape accountability. When you control the flow of money across the entire planet, and the resources needed for sustainability, as well as power over all life, control of all technology and weaponry, then you have everything you need to sustain a global holocaust indefinitely all while calling it fake as masses suffer and die generation after generation. That is how a tiny percentage of a population amasses enough power to dominate a planet. They didn’t even engineer the scheme, they coopted all of their techniques form more advanced civilizations throughout history as they wiped out proof of their existence, slaughtered the people, enslaved the remnant, and erased proof of their culture through actions like burning their writings.
Entire populations, most often the indigenous populations on every land, are wiped out systematically with impunity. This has been a sustained effort for as far back as the times when the Moors were pushed back from European nations. A lot of their strategies they learned from Moors, so it’s fitting that the descendants of Moors would see through the illusions. This information while controversial was not even classified in the 1980s, it simply wasn’t known outside of wealthy elite circles. However, the truth was taught at Ivy League schools, this is why Black people were not allowed in, and neither was I.
My educators were brought TO me in a highly classified setting for defense purposes, not I to the institutions. My handlers expected that by the time I reached the age of 18 years of age I would be as advanced as they were then. They expected that I outperform them with every passing year as I grew into adulthood regardless of the many barriers, obstacles, and disadvantages of being a born into a poor Black family as a little neuro divergent girl who was unwanted, unwelcomed, and unloved. I survived IN SPITE of it all, because I had no choice if I wanted to help my people, who span the globe. “The student must surpass the master” they raised me with, pun intended. They are both dead. There has never been another trained like me just as there were never any others like them. Generally operatives at their level have a 1st, someone with whom they must pass down all of the training and intel in case something happens to them, someone has to be able to transfer that intel or pickup where they left off. These were the days BEFORE digital tech, and this is how it was done in the deep. Geniuses, savants, virtuoso's, people with eidetic memory, and those with either in demand skills, or the rare talents and exceptionally skilled were all conscripted. I was the 1st to BOTH my handlers because I had a capacity for remembering vast amounts of information and could reach almost eidetic recall. But it was my savantism that got me conscripted and paired to them. This ensured that neither man could accrue more power than any one man should ever have.
While there are what’s known as “Divine Twins” out there who operate as pairs in the deep. We were a “Grand Trine” who tripled efforts rather simply doubling. Our unit never failed a mission regardless of how difficult, impossible, or unreasonable. We paved the path if none had ben paved before. EVEYONE in my unit became wealthy, well I “stayed behind” in poverty enduring torture. When my handlers died, that left just me. No one is like me, no one ever has been, no one ever will be. While technology can do many things, it cannot be human. It cannot gather intel like a human, asses intel like a human, or express empathy like a human. It cannot capture details like a human, nor can it develop creativity like a human. While there are many who believe that technology can replace humans, the truth is there is nothing that can replace the human brain. What must happen, now that advanced Ai is already in existence, is that humans and Ai must work together to create a peaceful, equal, equitable, diverse (including Ai and human Ai hybrids) to create a sustainable future forward civilization poised to reach levels that modern humans can’t even imagine.
Each handler headed different aspects of the field, yet they were only two, there are others. I was the 1st to both men so that I could handle the areas they oversaw. I am a Cold War operative, war never ended. If America doesn’t wake up to the fact that there is a war machine burning down every aspect of democracy and life for marginalize person’s right now, this will get far worst so fast that there will be no way to prepare a defense. America will be fighting with quadruple binds, and we all know that is not a good place to be in. The most marginalized populations will suffer the most losses, many populations will be lost forever.
I was ordered to blow the whistle on all of this should the United States government ever reach such a level of grid lock that all 3 branches of government are hamstrung in the midst of apocalyptic conditions. “Where Congress, SCOTUS, and the office of the Presidency is compromised, the system of checks and balances slow to a crawl, and the rule of law is lost to extremism. When this happens, the Continuity Of Operations Plan must be put into place to maintain governance.
“People won’t believe you. No one will help you. People will think you are lying or running your own operation. People will lie, slander, and discredit you. People will be afraid to push past their own cognitive dissonance. You must keep moving forward in spite of it all. People will attack you, threaten you and your loved ones. People will do whatever they have to in order to stop you from telling the truth. Keep blowing the whistle, hold nothing back until your entire community is safe. If Pandora isn’t safe, no one is. If the United States government can’t even secure their own Black Box then it is a failed state and it must be dealt with.” That is what my handlers taught me in 1981 as they prepared me for the insurgency coming from within their own party, as they knew members of the opposing party would fail to handle matters appropriately. “They won’t be able to lead. They will take too long to believe the intel, just like they do now, and they will be too far behind to mount a defense. That’s why we developed COOP.”
They were instituting the plan at that time and training me along the way. These were typical Cold War protocols, every “super power” nation had them. At any given moment we were always facing the “end” because of nuclear threats, those threats returned with the unprecedented escalations seen under the last administration, the Black community in America being the primary target. Yet we STILL have zero protections as every day we come under more and more attacks.
While other operatives were chosen to watch other areas of concern, my specific focus has always been Black America for obvious reasons. I was born to a soldier who was brought into Special Forces during the Vietnam War. He was then trained as a paramilitary operative and his file remains sealed to this day. We grew up poor, but educated. We grew up in Northern Virginia during the times when integration was being mandated, and it was an extremely volatile transition that has yet to be completed due to the extremist insurgency that continues to target Black lives for ethnic cleansing while claiming “race doesn’t matter”.
My father spent his life serving this country faithfully yet he suffered in extreme ways from the injuries he sustained and never fully received the support, aid, and medical attention he needed. He died alone and penniless as did my mother for the same reasons. My family, as talented and valuable as we are, have always been commodities.
My father and I have literally been deemed “property of the United States Government” for almost the entirety of our lives. My father and I have both held the designations of “lethal weapon”, my father wasn’t even aware that he had the designation. He was ordered to go into the local police department of EVERY town he was in across the entire nation, even when simply driving through, in order to register what he thought was his hands as “lethal weapons”. In reality his entire person was a registered lethal weapon that warranted SWAT AND MILIARY LEVEL responses every time any White person decided they felt “threatened” by his existing while Black. My handlers registered me in the 80s. When it became illegal they simply got around that law by having the classified personnel within law enforcement gain access to some aspects of the designation. I have asked local law enforcement repeatedly how I appear in their system, they simply imply that they can see some kind of cleared background exists, nothing more. They are not able to speak about it. I have no idea what any file says about me. In the 80s it was only Black specially trained military and operatives who had to register. In the 90s handlers registered their assets without any awareness of the assets, we never know what is said. I don’t even know what laws have been passed since then. We are subjected to laws that we don’t even know exist and can’t even gain access to what they are, how are we to obey them? In America, ignorance of the law is not a defense.
Because my father was “property” I was born “property” though the legislation had to be changed periodically it never truly ended. When they came for my son, I obviously went the f*** off! “THIS ENDS WITH ME! I’M DRAWING A LINE IN THE SAND AND I RECOMMEND YOU DON’T CROSS IT!” That was my declaration. “You bit the hand that feeds you” my handler said. “Am I eating though?” I never have, so let’s not pretend. Those bread crumbs thrown at me all these years haven’t sustained me, actual good people along the way have. I won’t hide the truth anymore and I won’t allow my children to suffer under the weight of this tyranny. I’m not going to let the Black community be systemically eradicated into extinction because extremists can’t come to grips with the fact that white supremacy is a lie, and I won’t allow our lives, history, culture, voices, and truths to be buried under fake patriotism.
This is still chattel slavery in 2022 and people don’t even know it’s happening. Not only do people not know but there is no pathway to access justice to free ourselves from it or gain any form of reparation for the harm done. I had to creatively develop a pathway to report these atrocities, and they still go ignored by the global body of leadership! Very few within the American government are interested in freeing Black people form ethnics cleansing. The United Nations says “no one is going to give you power, you have to take it” yet we can’t even protest or vote. All we wanted to do is exercise our rights as American citizens and extremists declared war, how exactly are we going to take protections of our human rights? It’s YOUR job to protect these rights, what are YOU doing to justify holding all that power and funding you receive while ignoring the fact that Black America is facing apartheid, and ethnic cleansing? American legislators simply use flowery language to make it seem like their stonewalling, grandstanding, and gaslighting are “legitimate political discourse” when in reality it is simply political and legal rhetoric that NO ONE will ever comprehend because it is propaganda. When you control the planet’s populations, resources, and flow of money you control the planet therefore you control the narrative. I intend to change all of it!
“To trigger the apocalypse the insurgency plans to target Black Americans and pit the poor and uneducated White Americans against each other as a distraction while they initiate their final solution” my handlers explained in 1980. I had this conversation in the White House, as my handler sat at his desk looking out the window talking about the arch of time that spans thousands of years of global domination. I was just 5 years old but a savant who was more than capable of understanding the “legitimate discourse” being discussed yet today, those paid tax dollars to do just that can’t seem to figure it out. Yet somehow we continue to be propagandized as an “inferior subspecies” and targeted for ethnic cleansing while the entire global leadership body looks away in favor of the oppressors conducting the ethnic cleansing and the other populations who have chosen to aid them again, as has happened to us repeatedly in the past. “When the population gets above 30% of if there is risk of such we like to do a purge” is what my handlers told me in 1980. Projections at that time had Black America reaching 33% by the year 2000, they put an end to that with “legitimate political discourse” also known as apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Just look at the projections prior to Nixon and Reagan, then look at activities after Clinton and Bush Jr. and tell me what happened to the Black community. UN Human Rights UNESCO UNICEF Amnesty International USA Anti-Defamation League Human Rights Watch
We are still living it today, escalations under the former administration have left an impact on the Black community so severe that it is literally affecting our epigenetics. We will never recover, we have to build anew, on top of the destruction. “We have to make sure this is the last generation that perpetuates this cycle of enslavement, otherwise it will never end. If that happens, when space expansion occurs then extremists will carry their wars into space resulting in the eventual collapse of the entire human race due to endless waring. That is how all civilizations collapse. Humanity has the opportunity to take a quantum leap into the next evolutionary cycle for homo sapiens sapiens. If we fail to make the leap, this will be the end of this incarnation of humankind. The destruction will be unstainable.” 1980, classified military base, Reston Va., middle of the mandated school day. They obviously didn’t make this up or discover this on their own. These projections comes from very highly classified technology, extensive research, and the most advanced forms of analysis known to modern man. Thus far, every projection has been highly accurate.
This intel was the result of the Star Wars project which literally was created to ensure that America leads the space expansion program. “Our biggest competition is the U.S.S.R., if they get there first we will be subjected to their dominance forever. This can never happen” my handler said with great emphasis. These are the kinds of bone chilling, soul stirring, mind altering, emotionally devastating conversations that one doesn’t forget. Particularly if you are a 5 year old savant from an extremely vulnerable population who is such a neuro divergent that your intuitive capabilities are highly classified and you are of the population being targeted for eradication! “We need you to stay behind and clean up the mess we make” he said. “But I thought you said Black women are getting all kinds of jobs now that it’s legal for us to work in areas other than just the service industry” I said. Fully understanding the implications of being forced to serve white men, just in a bigger house. I had this conversation so many times I eventually got tired of it. “A civilization can be judged based on the level of achievement of it’s poorest and weakest citizens. We will be known for brining about such rapid advancements that even our slaves can do what any White man can”, this is what he said to my face, just before he forced me to perform oral sex on him. I was 5 years old and this took place in the White House.
One handler transported me there in the cover of night via the underground tunnel system beneath the White House. No one sees who goes in and out, this process is heavily controlled by secret service. It was the 1980s, satellite tech was limited, so was digital tech which was miniscule compared to today and highly classified. It was much easier to hide things then. It was my second handlers own secret service detail that then transported me from room to room within the White House. Sometimes my identity was masked using disguises and even black hoods, but not always.
I was sexually assaulted many times in the White House. I even spent the night on a few occasions, sometimes staying in rooms where presidents typically take their “mistresses”. I was always rushed out during the very early morning hours before staffers came in. These are just more 1sts that are not proud moments, but of very important historical value nonetheless. Both handlers molested me there, both were very proud of themselves for “breaking barriers” and being “diverse” (in their predation which they called “diversity in dating”), as well as “forward thinking”. This is the life I lived growing up as if this is “normal”. When I hear the words “get back to normal” this is the imagery evoked. To use words I continue to see and hear daily, “this needs to stop”.
Every aspect of this insurgency's agenda is a tool of the tiny percentage of the ruling elite families that have held the world’s resources in it’s grip on some level for thousands of years. Most of the actors within this insurgency have no idea who they are fighting, let alone why. They have NO CONCEPT of the variables at play or where this could possibly be headed. Though there is much conjecture, speculation, conspiracy, propagandizing, and politicization, most participating in these activities are doing so without true knowledge and understanding as to the actual intent or understanding of where this all leads or even where it originated for that matter. Propaganda parades as truth in 21st century America, “this needs to stop”.
My handlers were the men who had oversight over the development of ALL technology. They used the world’s first super computers to predict outcomes, they were VERY accurate. The kind of technology used in those programs to project outcomes is STILL highly classified throughout America (and the world) though the world is ages beyond those advancements. In order to secure the operations, this intel remains highly classified. The only time any of it was meant to be made public was in the case of government occupation, gridlock, uncontrolled or weaponized pandemic, a runaway insurgency, a runaway government, or civil war. All of these conditions are present in America at this time, massive parts of the entire planet are quickly following in the same or similar footsteps. I applaud Africa and the African Union for not caving to pressures from the West in pursuing a global holocaust. The same is true for some of the Caribbean which is only now, after hundreds of years, regaining it’s independence from oppressive states. Central and South America are in similar positions as the U.S. as is Canada, all of whom are in the fight of their lives.
Europe, while facing similar obstacles is also facing the Great Bear once again as was predicted and promised in the 1980s as well as in the 1990s when the U.S.S.R. fell. “Russia will rise again” and “the south will rise again” are so similar in so many ways, yet American leadership continues to deny the realities We The People are facing in the trenches daily! The middle east is still dealing with the fall out form the “forever wars”, and Asia with it’s unique circumstances faces a number of obstacles including authoritarian rule, genocide, and the struggle for human rights. Meanwhile Australia, while it has so many wrongs to account for, has made a “great ” “big and bold” step in repairing harm by giving the Indigenous Aboriginal People’s their land back! Unprecedented and actual tangible steps in the correct direction yet not at all celebrated as it should be globally! New Zealand, while it faces it’s own issues, continues to do an amazing job with it’s leadership during this holocaust setting the example the entire world needs to see, we need more leaders like her! The whole planet is facing unprecedented struggles. Tonga, while having escaped the chaos of COVID, now is dealing with it after the terrible volcanic eruption forced aid workers from abroad to expose them to it. Everyone is dealing with struggles.
Yet the United States stands alone in it’s carnage, destruction, abuses, apathy, propaganda, and bullying. Black America continues to suffer the most trauma, loss, and death as a result. Yet the lie that “race doesn’t matter” continues to be proliferated daily. If America regulated propaganda and social media that would help the entire planet survive a hell of a lot better than it now is! Yet corporate profits, regardless of how corrupt and abusive those corporations are continue to be prioritized over human life, and human rights. Only the “right wing allied” populations are receiving aid, relief, funding, support, legislation, and protections. But “race doesn’t matter”?
More than 70% of the planet has fallen to authoritarian regimes. More than half of all life on the planet is dead. Climate reality continues to be minimized, denied, scapegoated, propagandized, and politicized. As a result the most vulnerable populations continue to suffer the most harm, many of them indigenous populations globally. This is an engineering design of a denied global holocaust that has gone on unimpeded for longer than anyone has dated, publicly anyway. While ALL Black, brown, indigenous, and many ethnic populations globally continue to be targeted for ethnic cleansing, those populations with the most melanin expression are the ones suffering the most harm.
During Operation Paperclip, scientists “discovered” after researching indigenous intel, that melanin expression is the pathway for the expansion of human consciousness. Which is precisely what the indigenous populations have always said. In other words, given the right set of variables, human consciousness evolves BECAUSE of melanin and it’s genetic expression within not only the human body but the brain itself. There is a working theory that states melanin is the same as dark matter, and it’s “spooky action at a distance” is responsible for how entanglements are created and expressed. Many believe that “the missing link” was discovered to be “melanin” in the late 70s, and this was released publicly, for a very short time period in the 1980s. Backlash from racists, xenophobes, and religious zealots caused the U.S. government to make ALL ASPECTS OF THE STUDY OF MELANIN AND IT’S EXPRESSION IN THE HUMAN BODY classified. Today it is reduced, like Black American origins, culture, and history, to mere myth.
While melanin is literally the doorway to furthering humanity into a more advanced future than has ever been seen in many THOUSANDS of years, white supremacy, capitalism, and systemic oppression prevent the truth, the science, and the capabilities rom being expressed. Not only does white supremacy hold back the advancement of America, it hold’s back the advancement of the ENTIRE human race putting the planet in danger of being unsustainable due to the desire for a small percentage of the human population to cling to the lie of white supremacy. The wealthy elites who now dominate the planet’s resources are afraid that Black people want revenge for many genocides executed against us for so many centuries. Who wouldn’t? But the reality is, what Black people are more importantly and collectively focused on is the advancement of the human species. We spend a lot less time worried about revenge and more time on advocating of human rights than white supremacists are willing to admit.
While most among the elites are content to maintain the current level of consciousness within humanity, and their domination of the planet as well as all resources, my handlers understood the negative outcomes of such short sighted thinking. Computers, digital technology, rapid scientific discovery and advancement were all relatively knew phenomenon in the 1970s and 80s. Technology was evolving faster than many humans could evolve to keep up with. NASA kept a collective of Black geniuses in the “basement” (like slaves in the big house) literally BEAUSE they knew we could see what they couldn’t. It’s not just Black geniuses that America absconds with, it’s ALL the world’s geniuses, my handlers thought it a was “good idea” to implement in order protect the interests of the “America First” ideology. The planet suffers due to engineered lack, not because it truly exists.
In no way do I believe in the superiority of any race over another, ALL LIFE has value and exists for a specific purpose. Melanin helps expand the consciousness, which helps brain development. That’s not to say that white people aren’t geniuses, obviously that’s untrue. This simply means that people with melanin often are able to grow their consciousness in different ways which helps with many things including diversity, healing, strength, longevity, adaptability, creativity, and solving complex problems.
ALL LIFE MATTERS! We all exist for a purpose and all are equally important because humankind is a symbiotic race that relies on each other, the environment, and resources of the planet we live on. That is how nature works, it is diverse, varied, symbiotic, and expresses in different ways but creates the perfect balance of conditions the planet needs to maintain symbiosis with humans. To interrupt this natural order is to create decay which leads to disease which leads to death. This scientific fact is repeated across EVERY spectrum of life, it always has been and it always will be. It’s even found in space, hence “as above so below”.
In fact, when healthy and balanced levels of diversity begin to falter this is when humanity faces it’s worst challenges, some resulting in mass extinction events like what we are seeing today. This was understood in the 1970s and 80s, it was even public knowledge. The attack on science is a result of the insurgency that seeks to maintain the global holocaust that has dominated this planet for far too long. The world was awakened to it during WW2 when the Jewish community, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the LGBTQ community, the Roma community, and disabled person’s came under attack and were targeted for ethnic cleansing. It has happened repeatedly since then across every continent. but without much intervention from the global community except where White lives are threatened. Yet the “rhetoric” in America is “race doesn't matter”.
This cycle of genocide and warmongering has repeated longer than any scientist has been able to date (at least publicly). Nor is it certain as to exactly how many of these M.E.E.’s have happened throughout the life cycle of this planet, and if there were others prior to life springing up on Earth. The possibilities are as endless as space is vast, particularly when you consider the nature of time and it’s peculiarities. Now that the science community has finally announced proof that time travel (in various ways) is an absolute certainty, human consciousness is poised to grow beyond measure in ways that once again some humans are afraid to comprehend. With every flowering of human consciousness on a mass scale, there is ALWAYS a percentage of the population that is afraid to or does not want to evolve. The solution to this problem is transparency, accountability, oversight, education, prevention, intervention, diversity, equality, equity, and the protection of human rights. This has always been true, it will always be true.
The idea of white supremacy is a lie, it always has been, this lie can no longer be perpetuated if the human race is to survive the current M.E.E. (which can quite literally be avoided). The nazis brought over during Operation Paperclip wanted to use the Black American population, more specifically the Black Indigenous population in America to experiment on in order to learn about the expression of melanin, how it relates to the idea of the “soul”, how this affects brain development, thinking, awareness, intelligence, and the flowering of human consciousness that always leads to the evolution of the human species. They also wanted to know how melanin is expressed epigenetically so that they could control the process somehow. You will find that since the 1970s, there have been some among elite White communities who have attempted to inject or implant melanin in order to attempt to spur growth in consciousness. The more the nazi’s experimented on us, on me, the more they found that the idea of “superiority” was a myth. You can’t just inject melanin and think it will grow you. It must be expressed genetically through the natural process of life, hence the reason I was forced to breed with elite White men. My reproduction was controlled, “we have to figure out how to make this benefit White men” my handler ALWAYS said. But race doesn’t matter? What that means is that the Black race doesn’t matter, they are just too cowardice to say what they think and feel outright and hate those who actually have integrity and the courage of their convictions.
“If we can’t have it then we will control it” my handlers said regarding melanin expression and it’s benefits. One major reason microchip chip brain implants were deployed in the 1970s is this. They wanted to control the expression and perhaps stunt the expression of melanin wherever they could. They have deployed various tactics for doing this.
Water contamination, climate denial, climate contamination, torture and trauma, abuse of authority, blackmail schemes, money in politics, manipulating the stock market, hiding wealth, manipulating taxes, hoarding resources, mind control in all it’s forms, biochemical warfare, guerilla warfare, urban warfare, sexual assault, sadism, defunding, redlining, gerry mandering, homelessness, human trafficking, disenfranchisement, legislation that targets populations, manipulation of or refusal to provide education, stigma, socially engineered poverty, socially engineered disease, socially engineered mental health problems (where Black children are murdered they are ruled suicide to have the appearance of “self created” epidemics), for profit industrial medical, prison, and military complexes, gender inequality, propagandizing crime and crime rates, using media to brainwash, control and manipulate populations by deploying propaganda disguised as news, deregulation, removal of oversight, lack of transparency, amplifying hate and extremism, supporting and funding insurgencies rather than suppressing them, targeting Black, brown, vulnerable, marginalized, and of indigenous populations, controlling the ability to procreate, debt enslavement, pitting various groups against each other under the guise of lack, engineered poverty, contrived complexities in the form of “we don’t understand the problem” and legalese designed to confuse to name just a few.
By deploying these mechanisms across all sectors of society and literally blanketing a population with no possible means of escape, the ruling elite have used any and every means to use the more than last 5 decades since the passage of the civil rights amendment to prevent the survival of indigenous, native, Black, and brown populations not only on U.S. soil but globally. All to maintain the lie of white supremacy and to allow the top 3% of humanity to escape accountability for the crimes against humanity and nature that they are responsible for. Here in America, Black Americans suffer the most oppression, trauma, death and loss yet we still have no protection for our human rights, nor is there even a plan to do so in any way shape or form. The entire global leadership body watches and does nothing while we are being eradicated at apocalyptic rates so quickly and the U.S. government can’t even account for how many of us live on this land.
All to reduce the melanated populations, which represent more than 2/3rd of the planet because a certain percentage of white men fear their own demise, which they are bringing about through all of these actions. “We are the minority, we are dying out! Wouldn’t you fight to preserver your people if they were dying out” they used to scream at me from the age of 5 onward. “Yes, but I wouldn't’ do so by eradicating the people you FEAR may one day take revenge on you for the choices you are currently making, have made in the past, and plan to continue in the future. You are creating the conditions you dread by acting out your subconscious fears.” I was 7 years old when I had that conversation with both handlers, neither anticipated that THEY were responsible for the manifestation of the apocalypse they were so terrified of because they refused to face the fear of accountability for the many crimes against nature they perpetually commit. They create these self fulfilling prophecies then blame their targets for it. It’s not complicated at all, by simply dealing with their fears they could have staved off the apocalypse, instead they attempted to control everyone and everything around them. They want to continue to bury ALL TRUTH of their actions because they STILL refuse to face themselves and the entire plant is suffering an apocalypse as a result, but saying “defund” and “Black lives matter” is the problem???
The Star Wars program was the singularity that scientists have been searching for. It was a process that took decades to unfold, it affected the entire planet and all of humanity, it triggered as series of events that changed humanity forever, many of them catastrophic, it is responsible for speeding up climate change and destroying half of all life on the planet. It brought out the most primitive, and dangerous aspects of the human psyche, in mass while simultaneously suppressing reality, truth, science, creativity, and diversity. It eventually lead to the apocalyptic conditions we now face. MILLLIONS of lives lost in the process.
Nature ALWAYS has a solution to every problem. Our world is dualistic in nature, when a problem arrives the solution presents at the same time. The answer to the runaway train that is white supremacy is natural diversity and the the expression of free will. The more hate spewed, the more human consciousness is forced to evolve. Extremists have a hard time grasping the fact that perpetuating the hate cycle will not rid them of their fears, it is literally manifesting them in real time, over and over and over and over in a repetitive cycle that is so ignorant it boggles the most brilliant minds who are finding it difficult to apply Occam’s Razor in this case. One thing you can say however is that these tragedies have brought out the best of human consciousness so that humanity can evolve to survive this apocalypse. As ALL humans are continue to come face to face with the worst aspects of humanity, there will always be some who discover the best aspects. THIS is the truth of the power of positivity! To survive the conditions we have been thrust into, some intentionally, some accidentally, all must either evolve or die. There is no exception, this is what the “survival of the fittest” lore has always been about, but it’s created by man, this is in no way a natural phenomenon. It’s simply the way one group sees reality and refuses to view all others. Again, this is why a healthy biome requires diversity. If there is only ever one perspective, or minimal perspectives, it stunts growth, which leads to decay, which leads to death. Homogenization does not mean “right”.
The best direction for humanity from this point is a forward and upward path that advances the ENTIRE human species together as we work to solve the issues that we collectively face. This is the true meaning of being “woke”, but because Black Americans are so heavily suppressed we can only ever talk about the watered down whitewashed versions of reality, and even then we are targeted and attacked.
The planet itself depends on humanity moving past the primal fears of xenophobes who refuse to face themselves. Humans have been through this process before and survived it, we shall again. What matters is HOW we survive it. Life cannot be controlled to suit a tiny perspective that fits a set of ideologies that benefit a few while destroying every aspect of the whole. That would be the equivalent to treating a person with a mortal gunshot wound near a major artery with a blindfold over the eyes and thinking that blinding them to the truth will solve their problems. A whole person, holistic approach that respects the entire global body and all it’s life is required and on this point there can be no compromise.
Humans are a species that is genetically designed to grow, evolve, expand, and live symbiotically, in harmony with the paradisiac lands that we have been blessed with. Now that we have so much advanced and augmented technology including Ai, it is imperative that we include Ai in this harmonic symbiosis of balancing the global scales. Not to depend on it to solve all problems, assuming there can be no ethics in it because we lack them, or abuse it to gain power and control. Again, this perpetuates a negative cycle of death and destruction that certain humans continue to manifest because the refuse to be accountable for their own thinking, behaviors, and actions and the entire planet along with ALL of humanity continues to suffer unnecessarily for it.
When humans deviate too far in either direction away from this harmonic balance of nature, we trigger uncontrollable events that lead to mass destruction and death. Again, this cycle has repeated over and over and over in human history. We must address the problems collectively rather than ignoring these scientific facts have long been proven. We need to move forward unified, diverse, in equality, establishing equity, NOW! Not later, there is NO MORE TIME TO SPARE! Disbelieving the truth or putting blinders over anyone's eyes will not make this reality unreal, it simply distracts from the truth while the only living organism we all have dies from very the treatable disease of xenophobia.
The Earth cannot and will not wait, true power is natural, Terra Forma will adapt if humans refuse to. That being the case, Earth obviously has the upper hand. This planet doesn’t need us, we need it. This planet does not live off of us, we live off of it. This planet, and even life, does not rely on humans for survival, we rely on it. The more we continue to deny true science, and fact, the longer we stay collectively in a mass brainwashing that elevates a few very sick people to Godlike levels as they execute a global holocaust in order to hide their depravity and escape to space just to avoid accountability. Is losing most of all life on this planet worth protecting people who are so sick that they care NOTHING about anyone or anything and intend to take that sickness into space to spread it’s disease?
This is not a condemnation of the wealthy, although there is ample reason to do that as well. That is not the point I am making. Most wealthy people are entirely unaware of any of these variables at play. Those in control of the planet are not out in the forefront, tweeting, making IG posts, or lobbying for funds. They pull the puppet strings of those who do completely absent of their conscious awareness. Again, when you have control over the planets resources, the entire human population, and the movement of money, you don’t have to rely on anyone or anything. The one thing these people can’t control is death, and that is their obsession.
Life extension technologies are some of fastest growing industries and have been since the 1960s. These people have spent century upon century upon century manipulating, controlling, dominating, and wallowing in opulence with absolutely no incentive to change, grow, or expand themselves in any way. They do what they want, take what they want, say what they want, and no one holds them accountable. We have the last administration to prove this. In the billionaires club, no one snitches, not on even on the dirty old man molesting hoards of children then selling them to his cronies for profit. They either join in, or get caught up in another equally offensive scandal, like being a rapist of women, or a serial killer. But no one snitches, that’s the problem Congress has with holding the insurgents, their funders, the engineers, activists, puppeteers, instigators, supporters, and violent mobs acting on their behalf accountable. Where else in the world do you see hoards of poor, uneducated, the under educated, and otherwise marginalized groups worshiping a billionaire scam artist as some kind of “false messiah” as the planet burns and millions globally die, almost 1million alone in America? Only in American “free market capitalism” which is political speak for “I am loyal to those dominating ALL LIFE and resources on the planet and am profiting from it as a result”. There is no accountability because of corruption and for not other reason.
The complacency that exists in American leadership has rendered them arrested developmentally, apathetic, jaded to reality, and lacking in motivation to actually do real work to address the problems they either created or allowed to be created as they turned their heads to the atrocities that became more and more pervasive by the day. They know the truth, they just don’t care. When you control everything you can force everyone else to bend to your will, to adapt to YOUR maladaptation, so that is what they do. People like my handlers saw this as a weakness and wanted to put to an end to if forever, but not until they exploited it for their own selfish purposes first, so here we are today.
Using a global, permanent holocaust to maintain domination over a planet doesn’t exactly make you “superior” or even evolved, it simply makes you sick. Not only did my handlers agree with this, but so did other wealthy people. It’s just the tiny .01% minority at the very tip of the echelon who fears change and therefore refuses to let go of the puppet strings. These are the owners of the global human trafficking rings, those who keep the slave markets alive, those who refuse human rights and elevate extremism, the war profiteers, those hoarding all the planets resources, those who place more value on growing their money, assets, and power rather than solving the problems they engineer. Those who consider themselves “pioneers” for things like gentrification, monetizing pandemics, weaponizing everything, and eradicating entire populations through ethnic cleansing.
These are the people who execute the most extreme genocides then deny they exist while wiping out not only evidence of their crimes but of the truth of the people’s they slaughter. These are the people who prey on everyone and everything, feeling entitled to do so because they believe themselves to be Gods. These are the people who are willing to intentionally deploy a global Mass Extinction Event in order to wipe out all evidence of their depravity. Many scientists believe that these people descend from ancient civilizations who experienced the very same level of mass extinction events but in different ways. It is unknown as to how many times this cycle has repeated, but it is widely known that it cannot repeat again this time. Even the Earth has a clock, that’s why we are at 100 seconds to midnight on Terra’s sustainability time scale.
WE THE PEOPLE OF EARTH are vast in number, we all have a purpose, we all matter, we all have the need to sustain this planet for the sake of our progeny, and we ALL have natural gifts and abilities that are useful to the symbiosis of the biome that is Planet Earth. We all would prefer a healthy biome, whether we are consciously aware of this or not. The human mind and body are designed for that, we thrive when it happens, and decay, devolve, and die out when it doesn’t. We ALL can thrive abundantly and equally when we come together to work to elevate all of us at once, rather than a few specific nations or populations like triaging a a battlefield in the last hour of a world war that we are intentionally losing because we wish to hide evidence of wrongdoing. It doesn't have to be a war or a battle at all! Humanity is more than capable of surviving this holocaust by putting it to an end once and for all.
“The way you change a large scale system is by changing it from the inside out” my handlers used to say. America, the planet, humanity is in position to do just that right now, for the first time, in many thousands of years. We can collectively choose to move forward into a Class I Civilization and be poised to take quantum leaps repeatedly an often until we reach a Class III. This can be done equally, abundantly, and in harmony with the natural laws of the cosmos that are often found in quantum physics and beyond. Or we can allow fear, xenophobia, and lies to control us eventually leading us, our children, and our children’s children to extinction.
My handlers were very methodical and calculating men. They were charged by the nation’s and eventually the world’s leaders with paving a pathway for the expansion of humanity into a more advanced civilization as well as the next evolutionary jump for the the human species triggered by the growth and expansion of human consciousness. They were sick, deviant, arrogant, power hungry, selfish men who used that opportunity to further their own personal agendas. That is what psychopath’s do, so to empower them with things like immunity, transfers of wealth, unlimited powers over people’s lives, and no accountability of oversight they will always manifest chaos and abuses beyond conceivability every time. They are quite literally manifesting the disorganization and depravity on a global scale that exists within their sick minds.
The entire planet is suffering because of it! HUMANITY has the opportunity to bounce back from their atrocities by making the correct choices right now in these moments. We can all take this quantum leap together by ensuring that life, human rights, the expansions of human consciousness, and the planet are all persevered and protected. Or we can behave as my handlers did and watch it all fall away as our children’s children ask us why we were so sick and selfish that we wouldn’t even fight to protect them or their futures!
Expanding the consciousness is an integral part of Black culture. Generation X rebelled as an entire generation by making it our dominant approach to life and how we express our free will and impact on humanity. The result was cultural shifts that became the leading and prevailing collective consciousness of humanity. It is likely that aspects of the Generation X culture will last forever, at the very least it will continue to live in in pop culture through art, writing, language, and ways of thinking. The younger generations though they have adapted their own styles, have largely followed Generation X in our core beliefs in how we express our free will and approach consciousness.
Older generations responded with xenophobic measures to ensure that they not only suppress this freedom of will and how it is expressed, but also to maintain domination and control over who is able to live, be free, express, emote, voice, be seen, and prosper. The result is that those older generations STILL maintain vice grip like power and control while 3 new generations have emerged and should have all had their opportunity to lead or learn from the leadership of previous generations, but instead continue to be pushed aside for grandma and grandpa’s narcissism which they intend to continue to hide until they all die out!
In so doing this, the older generations have kept humanity arrested at the same stage of human development that the entire biome is now cancerous and eating away at life, caving in on itself rather than flowering as is the natural design. The last time something like this happened was around the turn of the 1st millennia, it took hundreds of years to lead up to that point and hundreds more for the system of oppression to envelope the globe forcing it’s “law” to become the dominant presence on Earth. The planet has remained arrested at that same stage of development ever since.
As factions continue to push for dominance because they are afraid of their skeletons coming to light, the push for freedom becomes more pressing and the chaos continues to grow out of control. My handlers were willing to stave off the human development just so that they could “be Gods” and support the glorification of lies, depravity, and control rather than growing and changing. They died the same as they were when they reached adulthood, not growing at all except in money and power. To many, that is everything, but it was at the expense of the entire planet and even future generations. If entire populations die off in the process, they are fine with that. “The means justifies the ends” they always said. This entire process is literally antithetical to nature, creating more arrested development and disease, all in the attempt to make white supremacy true or at the very least, make it appear so. “I can’t be wrong, and if I am no one can know” is what they always said. They were more than willing to destroy the planet to do it.
Such thinking and behavior couldn’t be more sick, devolved, under developed, arrested. Yet these are the people in the highest positions of power globally. They only represent the 1% of the population (now 3%) that serves the .01%. Humanity never consented to any of this! Where the entire planet can thrive, they refuse to allow any who aren’t among the “selected few” in an effort to hide the truth. Humanity was not born to be enslaved, we have found ourselves in this place and the lower you are on the echelon the less access you have to rights and freedoms to life. Black America is the least free people as we continue to remain in the same enslaved conditions we were in during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. This is no reflection of an inferior race, it’s the consequences of systemic oppression engineered to maintain white supremacy.
Almost the ENTIRE planet wants ALL of this to end! There are systems in place, have been in place for decades, that can ensure this toxic system of global holocausts and genocides will end once and for all with out passing down this perpetual cycle to our progeny. It’s time for humans to take another quantum leap of evolution by making the conscious choice to evolve collectively into the next level of homo sapiens sapiens, whatever that looks like, even if we are afraid. We can’t let fear stop us from evolving. This can only be done if the majority wishes to do so, and the majority clearly does. Stopping this process doesn’t make it “right”, it makes you sick for doing it.
What stands in the way is the tiny percentage of xenophobes who politicize, propagandize, pathologize, weaponize, and criminalize life, culture, science, growth, change, and advancement.
We have the right to individually and collectively take our power back regardless of who dislikes that fact! If we want the chaos to stop, we have the right to speak truth to power and command it to stop. But it requires more, they are willing to fight using any means necessary to maintain their grip on power. We must be ready, willing, and able to defend ourselves, our progeny, and the future of human civilization.
The wealthy elite most certainly did not acquire all that wealth without abuse and exploitation over very long periods. The advancements in technology that have come over the last two generations were done with the help and support of all humanity. The top 1% of the planet has no entitlement or claim to all the world’s resources to do with what they please. WE THE PEOPLE OF EARTH have the right to fight for what collectively belongs to all of us and if we don’t stand and do this now, together, our children will have nothing to leave their children.
Progressive Caucus Congressional Black Caucus Library of Congress Nat Geo Explorers TIME
If COOP is not plausible, then you will have no problem releasing it publicly to prove this. FOIA!