3 Out Of 4
3 out of the top 4 social media sites have told me I am unwelcome due to posting content of how I have been abused and identifying the race of my abusers as well as things they said and did. There isn’t enough information to determine who I am speaking of unless you were involved. There was one abuser whom people may be able to infer is the person, however, this person had legal authority over my life from early childhood until his death. I had to call him out because of his participation in crimes against humanity, I blew the Whistle but I didn’t say his name.
There honestly is no reason for any social media sites to mute, censor, or silence me. They do it because they are protecting abusers and for no other reason other than they too don’t value Black lives. Any post that mentions support of honoring the human rights of Black people gets us sanctioned. Yet, terrorists, war criminals, child predators, and rapists are protected. I’m not supposed to speak out about the violations of my inalienable rights, however, pedophiles can speak openly and freely about how they violated my body. America continues to deny my inalienable, human, and civil rights as they tell me I’m a liar, it’s all fake. Yet, if anyone bothered to look, the evidence proves otherwise. Throughout it all I am told “all lives matter”, “America is equal”, I’m “lying about the abuse”, and “nobody owes me anything”. The fact that my contract remains unpaid, I have yet to receive stimulus money, I have yet to receive disability payments, and almost every supportive service I have had under long-term care has been terminated. Where is the equality during a pandemic, an economic depression, and a race war?