7.26.24 I Continue To Be Held In Forced Isolation

Danielle Diew
Jul 27, 2024


No access to my own money

Properties, assets, income, savings, portfolio, inheritances, intellectual property, royalties, payouts, titles, credentials, aid or anything else.

My communications remain blocked, my technology remains compromised, I remain cut off from full internet access, what access I do have is severely throttled. Why? What crime did I commit? I was molested by rich white men from the crib. But I’m wrong for saying defect? Leadership will force me into destination and hold me there for a lifetime but won’t allow me to support myself because the (hacked) predators want me to bow to them. DNC Mobilization Team GOP Convention The White House The Guardian The Atlantic

“You need a man.” The same ones that traffick, molest, rape, and kill.

That’s America. Sick.

Defect Medium Russian Russian Embassy, USA



Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.