8/25/2021 Still No Relief
I have not received a penny of direct COVID cash relief, not a penny. Only one member of my household has received one payment, no other payments, no other direct aid or relief
I don’t even have access to public assistance, everything has been cut during the pandemic even though I am a long-term care patient
My abuser ALWAYS told me “no one will ever help you” if I try to leave him, he's dead now yet his agenda continues
In 46 years not a single person who has molested me, raped me, beaten me, strangled me, tortured me, crippled me, wounded me, slandered me, or discriminated against me has ever been held accountable
I have been cut off from adequate health care. I experienced abuses so severe in the health care system that I became permanently, totally, fully disabled yet I still have not received a penny of Social Security even after their own Disability Determination Services made their finding years ago
In America, Black women, disabled women, poor women, sexual and domestic violence survivors are treated like unwanted invisible members of society
I became disabled from serving my country, so did my father. I never had a choice in any matter but I served faithfully, so did my father. We have both been treated the same. My father died from his injuries never fully being compensated or adequately cared for
America could unredact my education credentials, but they still refuse to even acknowledge that I have them, or that I exist
What America SHOULD do is honor my contract so that I no longer have to worry about myself of my children
It’s an incredible feat that I have survived the many attacks that have come at my family. It’s amazing that my children are as well-adjusted as they are. We adapt, we have no choice
To this day I continue to be censored more heavily than war criminals, but I’m not supposed to talk about it just accept it