8/27/2021 And I’m Still Not Considered Human

Danielle Diew
6 min readAug 27, 2021


Who I Am

The pandemic has been underway for almost 2 years. Throughout the entire pandemic and for several years leading up to it Black America has been under constant attack from every sector of society yet American legislators have done nothing to aid us.

As the attacks continue to escalate daily, every other ethnic minority and protected class of citizens, residents, and displaced persons have received special attention, legislation, funding, and even hate crime bills passed to protect their lives. Though Black America are the ones suffering the most severe attacks in the largest numbers, and always have throughout the entire existence of this nation, we have not had a single piece of legislation pass to protect our lives, finances, inalienable rights, human rights, civil rights, or constitutional rights. A bill that passes only half of Congress does nothing yet the legislature continues to play this game. “We tried but the ‘right’ wouldn’t let us do it”. We suffer and die through it all.

Many of us are suffering under extreme torture conditions equivalent to that and even worst than what was seen at torture sites across the world. We are experiencing these attacks from not only American far-right extremists, but their allies, assets, and operatives. We are suffering and dying in vast numbers under counterintelligence attacks that are NEVER acknowledged by the government. We have been struggling to survive under the weight of extensive COINTLPRO operations for generations. We have no pathway to justice, reparations, or survival under the most extreme conditions this country has ever seen.

Black Americans are an ethnic minority experiencing ethnic cleansing during a holocaust that continues to be denied and I am constantly censored for reporting it. I continue to be hacked around the clock daily, surveilled, harassed, threatened, economically oppressed, life-saving medical treatment withheld, my income withheld, my contract with the U.S. government remains unpaid leaving me disabled, debilitated, destitute, and dying slowly. Whenever I try to reach out for help in the ONLY way that I can, via posts on social media, I am so heavily muted, censored, stalked, and silenced that it is often impossible to get any message out at all. I have reported decades of corruption, human rights violations, civil rights violations, crimes against humanity, and crimes against nature, all have been ignored except by the U.N. who echoes our cries for help in their own admonishment of U.S. handling of Black Americans and Human Trafficking Victims. Yet, we continue to be heavily suppressed through extreme violence at every level.

America is under occupation by the extreme right and though there are some fighting hard to counter their maneuvers, due to heavy corruption all leadership is hamstrung in every single branch of government, military, intelligence sector, and all critical areas of infrastructure domestically and abroad. Extremists continue to obstruct and corrupt judicial proceedings at every level. All persons who DO NOT identify as the “right” are under attack. There have been lone wolf attacks and coordinated attacks on Black Americans, Asian Americans, Muslim Americans, Native Americans, Non-Christians, or any faith or belief system that does not identify as Evangelical Christian Right. Leaders on the extreme right have used attacks of every kind to push their authoritarian agenda forward at the expense of countless lives and weaponized a pandemic and economic depression to accomplish their agenda, which was many years in the making. Large swaths of the American population are dying, becoming homeless, suffering extreme medical conditions from lack of equitable care, and have no path to justice or reparation for the harm done.

The extremists who still operate a highly volatile insurgency have yet to be put down. Of those who have received criminal charges, the vast majority are extremely light sentences, if anything at all. Insurgents are allowed to travel outside of the country on vacation while marginalized Americans become homeless, suffer torturously, and die from these very preventable attacks.

ALL THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT ARE HAMSTRUNG and due to corruption have been maneuvered to support the insurgents and their allies while all others struggle under the weight of constant attacks.

Propaganda continues to flow freely, the government is incapable of controlling the massive machine that has been in operation for decades and increased exponentially under the last administration. The severity of the propaganda is so extreme that people die in vast numbers daily and millions still believe it’s fake.

Extremists have used chemical attacks, biological attacks, economic attacks, state-sanctioned violence at the hands of security forces, and organized operations at every level within the military-industrial complex. Black America continues to be the most heavily affected by all attacks across every sector nationally.

The economic attacks are so severe that many, like myself, have been forced into extreme poverty and trapped there with no way out. Our resources, income, property, land, businesses, mobility, documentation (voter records, driver's licenses, passports, and IDs, etc.) continue to be revoked, removed, stolen, confiscated and manipulated to advantage the extreme right agenda. Every means of gaining access to relief continues to be cut off. While a percentage of the population is stable, most are not and the government actively works against our ability to gain any kind of aid at all.

It’s August 27, 2021 and I have yet to receive a single penny of direct COVID cash relief. Of all the members of my household, only one has received one payment, no other direct cash relief has been issued. I have been unable to access any part of the system that is supposed to allow me to claim my relief. I am repeatedly told that I cannot be identified. My identity cannot be verified. I am a former paramilitary operative who served for decades, I am still under 24/7 surveillance. The United States Government not only knows who I am but still controls every single aspect of my life yet I am not free to earn money, access public assistance, health care, move freely throughout the country, or gain access to any form of justice for the many crimes committed against me. There has not been a single person who has responded to a single act of reporting. It was my job for many many years to report such things, under the previous administration all of that ended. Every call for help has been ignored.

America claims to have Whistleblower protections, I have been blowing the whistle for more than a year and been attacked for doing it. There have been no consequences for attackers or help for me.

America is a failed state and I will continue to be attacked, censored, and muted for saying it. When a nation cannot see its own population of people as human and as a result, people suffer and die in vast numbers as the propaganda and extremism flow freely while advocates of justice, equality, and equity are exterminated there can be no claims of stability.

Congress has a Constitutional mandate to protect the lives of American people, even if their own personal or political ideologies do not align with those of others. The Constitution protects ALL Americans regardless of race, creed, color, birth origin, gender, religion, political party, or affiliation. Yet, extremists continue to prevent the nation from operating according to its own Constitution in favor of an extremist ideological interpretation of it. The most marginalized populations suffer torturously and die while the extreme right slanders us for the consequences. They are not only genocidal, they are extremely cruel with how they execute it.

All person’s who swore an oath to Protect The Homeland have a legal and moral responsibility to do so, many are failing to do so out of fear of the consequences from the extreme right. The nation is being held hostage while the most marginalized lives are falling off the scales as the balance continues to tip in favor of extreme authoritarianism due to corruption across every sector of the U.S. infrastructure.

The previous administration set the conditions for the extreme humanitarian crises we are seeing now seeing in Afghanistan. These shady and “shadow” dealings will continue to put America under unbearable strain not only domestically but internationally. American allies are losing trust in American Democracy and this is what has brought it finally to its knees.

If America, her people, and Democracy are to survive then America must take action to PROTECT THE HOMELAND. That means ALL LIFE, Constitution, and Infrastructure. Not only is this NOT being done, but it’s also actively being fought against even from within the highest places of government across all three branches. It’s time for America to turn the mother ship around, the world not only watches but drowns in chaos as extreme right racist and fascist ideologies drive the entire earth ship into a black hole from which there is no return. The climate crisis can’t wait, neither can Black lives!


This post has been hacked and altered.



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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