9.24.22 America Still Makes Excuses
A New Trail Of Tears Installment
It’s incredible
America still makes excuses
For its predation
Its escalations
Its abuses
Its enslavement
Its embrace of hate
America still claims
The lie of white supremacy is legitimate
The entire planet
Suffers for this ignorance
Yet we’re all supposed to pretend
Not to see it
If we do
We’re “woke”
Even the slander is racist
Yet the embrace of ignorance
Has always been the American way
Hasn’t it
Abuse those targeted by hate
Chime in
It’s fun to be hateful
Regardless of consequences
That’s what the racists say
As they eradicate us with impunity
Claiming to be the true victims
Because we have the nerve
To disagree with ethnic cleansing
Trace extremism globally
You’ll find the same hate filled origins
What a sickness
But we’re supposed to pretend
We don’t see it
Or understand
Because we’re expected
To prioritize the delusions of our oppressors
Over our ability to survive their genocide
Ethnic cleansing
The insanity
It’s amazing any of us makes it
Yet here we are any way
In spite of more than 600 years
Of constant campaigning
To wipe us from the planet
No one stepping in with aid
We stand
In spite of your nazism
The sickest part of it all
That’s the whole reason we’re hated
And uprotected
Where is global leadership?