This Never Goes Away Unless You Deal With It!

Danielle Diew
26 min readOct 31, 2021


If you want to kill cancer, you get it at the roots.


A handful of men decided they would dominate the planet and subdue ALL beneath their agenda, “If you don’t comply you die” is what my handlers told me in 1979. We are all living their tyranny.

I refused to bow down yet I am the one called “weak” , “snowflake” , “worthless” , “afraid” , and “useless”. Once again, I have done what no one else could do, for everyone, yet not only do I remain a hidden figure I have been assigned the “label” which becomes the stigma that is infinitely damaging. These stigmas follow not only me but my progeny, for life. Yet this is my responsibility, no one is ever held accountable, no one ever has to answer for their wrongdoing, and what damage occurred continues to grow worse. That was ALWAYS the plan. Damage, toxicity, attacks, abuse, theft, the grift only grows it doesn’t get better.

I am haunted by words that my abuser told me when I was seven. “I’ll stop the world” he said. At the time, I had no concept of what he could possibly mean, but I knew he could do it. He forced me to have experimental procedures that left me permanently disabled, wounded, scarred, and with EXTENSIVE amnesia. I was never provided accommodations. What I was provided with was his domination “I’ll control the situation” he always said, and he has. I have no means of survival and am now TOTALLY and fully disabled. “When you are in your 40s you will be permanently disabled” he told me. “How will I survive all of that?” He literally planned to have me devastated, disabled, and destitute during the apocalypse because he believed I would die and reincarnate with him in the next life. “I want to pick up where I left off. I don’t want to have to start over. Besides, God’s die with their servants so they can serve them in the after life”. He believed this to be true, and lived his life according to these beliefs. At 5 I knew he was delusional and made choices according to that truth, but I could NEVER let him even suspect that I knew. He would increase torture if he thought I had any kind of feeling that he wasn’t a God. It’s not that his beliefs were too far fetched, it’s how he wanted to apply his beliefs. No different from what he did with everything he touched, he abused it.

THAT’S HOW F****** CRAZY THIS MOTHER****** WAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“You can see what I can’t, why won’t you help me?” He would scream at me and tell me that it was my responsibility to help him heal and grow in the way that HE wanted. My life, my energy, my voice, my expression, my entire existence controlled and dominated by his entitlement and the world allowed it. Not just a few guys gone rogue within the U.S. government, THIS PROGRAM WAS FUNDED USING GLOBAL RESOURCES, TECH, AND PERSONNEL!!! I have been experimented on, raped, trafficked to and with others from all over the planet who were also attached to MKUltra programs from their own countries. But I’m supposed to forget about all of that. Every super power had these programs that eventually lead to things like Project Pegasus, and we all know what that is don’t we? There were NO Black people or nations involved at any time in any leadership roles in any of these programs during the conceptions and deployment phases. They were all white men and a few white women. I was the “diversity” person they used to bring in U.S. funding. Ilhan Omar

I was never naïve, I was using the time that I was enslaved wisely. Nancy Pelosi

People will tell you that you are a victim because a crime has happened to you. YOU are not a victim, you are a human who was the target of a crime. Dehumanization is one of the first steps to inciting violence against populations. It’s Tradecraft 101, in America and many parts of the world Black skin is still seen as inhuman. It doesn’t take a lot of incitement to make people violent toward Black people. Racism and systemic oppression makes us vulnerable, that is why everyone targets us. When rise up for any reason, to speak out, voice our opinions, defend ourselves, or fight back, we are beat down with the most extreme of state sanctioned attacks. That was the plan as my handlers explained it to me in 1980. But I’m not allowed to be angry about it because that’s “unevolved”. This from people who don’t even know what emotional intelligence is let alone the appropriate expression or range of emotions. These are the people the world takes it’s queues from.

People keep asking, “why are things in the world worst than they were in 1967?” Because the world refused to hold corrupt and deviant leaders accountable even then so the cycle continues to repeat. DARPA has extensive studies on the cycles of violence, change, uprisings, as well as the rise and fall of empires The White House

This is the fall of the old world, no one is confused about that. The Black American Community is clearly stating, collectively, that we will not move forward in enslavement. Period. The world rose up with us when we said Black Lives Matter, because we do. We are not going away and we will receive our justice, reparation of the harm done to us, and restoration of our community, just like what has been done fore every other marginalized population that has been harmed even just a tenth of what Black America has experienced!

Anyone refusing to hold insurgents accountable, are complicit and they simply don’t want to be caught. United Nations

YOU don’t have a victim mentality simply because you have been the victim of a crime and finances have NOTHING to do with that reality, it’s a mentality. When people want to take a word and use it as a means of demeaning someone, it’s never because they have good intentions. I remember the precise moments that the men who abused me were instrumental in creating and disseminating the propaganda that redirected all the negativity from a crime back to the target rather than the perpetrator. “I deserve to do it” they would say. They believed they were Gods because they were born white, wealthy men, “we won the genetic lottery” they told us EVERY DAY in school that they were entitled to do as they please. I find it funny that so many of those same people are now claiming that “entitlement” and “privilege” are fake. But if you won the genetic lottery, what do you need me for? You don’t need me, then why am I here? Why am I still alive, knowing I have dirt on the entire planet including you? Why do you read anything I write then use my words in YOUR speeches? Why do you tell YOUR goons to copy me? Why are you constantly stalking?

Yeah, you need me. You don’t know how to do what I do. You don’t know how to learn what I know that’s why you come to me for answers. So did YOU win the genetic lottery? Or were you handed privilege?

A genetically “superior” person wouldn’t have to oppress.

A genetically “superior” person doesn’t have to bully.

A genetically “superior” person doesn’t seek destruction, they seek solutions.

A genetically “superior” person wouldn’t intentionally choose inferior behaviors, they grow.

A genetically “superior” person doesn’t move backward, they keeping going forward.

A superior civilization has a classification, the current one is a Zero.

The best white supremacy could produce was a class zero civilization and because they don’t know how to do a better job, they try to eliminate any and every one who can prove their lies are destroying us. Superior? Really? That’s not even adult.

There are a million and one examples of what superiority looks like, that’s why there are people who carry the term GOAT. They are the top in their field, people who achieve firsts. People who survive against all odds to accomplish what hasn’t been done before. “We want to make sure we can control them” my handlers said. That was in 1980, before the term was even invented. They were always decades, sometimes a century ahead of ALL because of the access to technology and classified information they controlled. “The most powerful people in the world are the ones who control the world’s money, natural resources, and flow of information” they told me when I was five. “We want to make sure it’s us”. It’s supposed to be the people who are represented by leadership in government. But that doesn’t happen does it?

By the time 1990 arrived they had taken control over every aspect of the entire planetary infrastructure. Amnesty International USA I watched it happen from their side, people in the highest place of government knew exactly what would happen with this insurgency and pandemic. “More are coming” because they refuse to address the problems and continue to both attack and scapegoat the targets providing cover for the insurgency! Leadership across the globe was always involved, why is everyone pretending they have no idea what happened to the world? UN Human Rights

Watergate was a test, if you search, you will find my handlers involved there also? There is no critical incident since before the Vietnam War that they did not control. EVIDENCE IS EVERYWHERE Tim Kaine Chuck Schumer Steny Hoyer

“How are you going to keep people calm enough to survive all of that trauma without overextending the nations defenses” I asked when they told me about the “collateral damage” of their extremist agenda. This was 1982, my handlers trained me to analyze in the harshest of ways. “We’re going to make marijuana and other drugs legal. There will be a pill for everything.” He laughed because he knew he would make billions from it.

He was a GOAT. So were his cronies. During the 70s and 80s if you were the first to accomplish something, it didn’t even matter what, you had doors opened up to you that brought in extreme wealth. Follow the numbers, bedfellows, and entanglements. They both taught me about this network of wealth transfer that exists between the wealthy and those they choose to elevate as assets. My handlers took tools from Tradecraft and sold them as “marketing” and “social engineering” techniques to be deployed globally to “anyone who has the money to buy”. But he only ever sold to people who would benefit him personally, they were always the most predatory because to them that’s what power is. Everyone else was bamboozled in some way or another, they just never knew until it was too late. If anyone found out, they simply eliminate people and evidence. I’ve watched them do it since age 3 (some of my earliest memories), their system is still in effect though they are dead and buried. What does that tell you about this agenda? Even they themselves said “we go too far, we need you to sound the alarm” yet leadership globally is still refusing to address the problems. Because they don’t want to.

The most powerful of the cronies was the head of the program, or the head of the beast as I liked to call him. The other, was the one who tortured and abused me the most. He was the one who wanted me to die with him so that we could “reincarnate together”. I always told him I would get away. No, I couldn’t get ahead, I was too busy trying to get away. But anyone who helped hold me down, may Karma bless you with all that you sent out into the world! “You’re addicted to sadness. Pedophilia is not that bad! You’re choosing to see it negatively”. That’s what I was raised in, that’s what he forced me to endure my entire life, that he is the “mentally stable” one, and I am the “mentally weak and unstable one” for not accepting his molestation and simply “moving past it”.

Yet the world takes it’s queues from him, his policies, procedures, recommendations, the Ai he proliferated globally, his tech, his spy network, his surveillance apparatus, all of it is his. Not even the big guy had as much reach. Why, he was obsessed with power and energy. “Subtle energy is the technology of the future” he told me in 1979. DARPA has yet to release ANY of the classified information that other agencies like the CIA have released from those tax funded programs. Why? “He who controls the flow of information controls the world. It’s as important to life as water, which we also control” they both told me in 1980. None of this is by mistake Library of Congress

He trained me to boil my water at all times, or buy bottled water that is bottled in certain facilities that use certain types of filtration. “Only drink water processed in facilities that use reverse osmosis filtrations because that is the only one that will get most of the chemicals out. There will be a time when even that won’t work so boiling will be absolutely necessary. Always pay attention to the water in every location.” He also taught me about GMO’s since that was his purview. “Corn will be the first food introduced, but corn will be in everything because of corn syrup. Minimize your corn intake, try to avoid it altogether. When the other foods are introduced, they will create GI problems that lead to other issues. Use apple cider vinegar and baking soda to clean your body out and try to stick with as many organic non GMO foods as possible. The best thing to do is grow your own food. If you can’t work out, do yoga or walking. For you, low impact workouts and mediation will be needed. Your body has experienced a lot of stress and trauma, heavy workouts once you reach a certain age are not good for you. Mild martial arts with soft movements will help reduce your pain and inflammation. Try to do yoga, stretching, and meditation every day. It will be very important to your health.” 1983, they always knew what I would suffer! What we ALL would suffer! “The ends justify the means” and “don’t ask what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country” is all I ever heard. I learned what a “one track mind” was from my handlers, unfortunately they projected this persona onto the Black Community and propagandized it from the 70s until now. The stigmas have NEVER died down, they just keep growing. “We go too far, we need you to stay behind and clean up the mess we make” reverberates daily in every aspect of society. Every time I see how they have manipulated some aspect of intel, data, or human consciousness and the damage it has caused, including mass death with impunity, I get nauseated then angry. How would YOU feel? Writing helps me diffuse anger, be glad this is one if the methods that I have the mental strength, self-control, and self-will to implement rather than something harmful like the extremists are doing.

My handlers never publicly admitted to making a mistake because they rarely made one, they had access to the planets wealth, resources, and intel. They knew things no one else knew, just because the consequences of what they did were horrendous doesn’t mean they made a mistake. It means they decided the collateral damage was a “necessary evil” because the “ends justify the means”. When I told them I didn’t agree they patted me on the head and told me I was cute but that they had the power.

People assume they were “good people” until they were caught in lies that killed so many millions and took away everyone's free will that it couldn’t be ignored any longer. But people still have a hard time admitting to themselves that its far worst than what anyone is acknowledging and as long as the truth is denied the origin of the problems remain. The best trained combat operatives know that when you have a small amount of time to attack a super massive problem, go straight to the root. Many things are said about me, including that I am making this all up. What can’t be hidden though, is my training. With our without my credentials, I still know what I know and I’m going to do what I am trained to do regardless of what anyone thinks. EVERYONE who claims to love life should be doing the same. America is under occupation by violent extremists. They are holding back the development and conscious evolution of ALL humanity while holding the planets resources hostage as collateral for maintaining ultimate power and control. I don’t know why everyone isn’t fighting injustice, but then again that’s why I’m different isn’t it. But I’m supposed to accept all this?

The answer is no. I will never concede to any of it! When America can prove that something other than an extremist occupation is running the government, robbing the treasury, and executing a genocide for the sake of white supremacy then I won’t have to purge anymore. Until such time, the truth bombs continue. Pandora does what Pandora does, period. Everyone was warned, everyone had time to do the correct thing. Very few did!

Those GOATS that people worship were always described in the bible as misleading. Not because they aren’t good at what they do, but because people look to them to lead when they aren’t equipped. That’s the consequences of being distracted and obsessed with shiny things. “No one will understand what is happening because they will be distracted. By the time they wake up, it will be too far into the genocide to go back” 1982, handler, Reston Va., middle of the school day, location that remains classified to this day. “Please, we need you to stay behind and clean up the mess we make”. They weren’t making mistakes, or errors, they were triaging the planet according to their own selfish desires. Pete Buttigieg Tammy Duckworth

Does that mean they should be worshiped, or believed, or even honored or respected? Not when they commit crimes against nature and humanity! Prolific pedophiles who change the world to provide themselves with unlimited narcissistic supply should receive nothing accept accountability. But the word accountability is now so controversial that I am RARELY EVER able to connect to any hashtags for it anywhere on the multiple platforms that I have used. Not to mention transparency and absolutely never oversight. But people claim code can’t be used to abuse particular populations? Others can access the hashtags, but I was cut off from using them and pretty much anything to do with survivors, Black people, justice, BLM, MeToo, or anything else that may help me survive or tell the global community what is happening to Black Americans in this denied holocaust. When I began creating protest posts, I was treated worst than a terrorist and that has not changed. Who do you think was responsible for that? People claim that code isn’t racist, but I watched my handlers ensure that base coding was implemented with permeant racist ideologies that would target and oppress Black and brown populations forever. You can’t grow up under those conditions and simply forget the trauma. They tried everything to make me forget, but ironically the trauma of the constant attacks bring my memories back like flash floods.

People are terrified of PTSD and it definitely sucks! But it’s different for everyone, for me I remember it all. That doesn’t make me “unstable” it means I am in pain. If I were unstable, I couldn’t process the pain. Being mentally strong, and stable, means that you not only process it fully, but you turn and face it all with courage and synthesize it into your whole person. Good, bad, and ugly. Healing means accepting ALL. If you haven’t done this, what are you teaching? If you can’t do this for yourself, who are you helping? “Just move on” means you NEVER heal you just ignore. Why are they deviants? Selfish? Toxic? Hoarders? Predatory? Because they don’t even know how to heal, so how can they be whole? These are the world’s leaders, obviously their inability to even know themselves limits their ability to know how to govern others!

No one ever said math was racist, it was invented in Africa by Black people. Grow up! CODE is created with racist intent and as long as we keep claiming this is fake then every problem that exists on this planet will continue to morph into total self destruction. What’s worst, it’s all preventable. The CODE itself is benign, when manipulated to achieve an extremist agenda then obviously yes it’s harmful. When turned into a tool for systemic oppression, yes it’s not only harmful it kills. Anyone working in that field should be concerned with unethical and genocidal outcomes, not improving and extremist or political ideology.

Anyone who was able to prove the harm being done to CODE from the 70s to the 90s was kept away from the programs creating them. How many Black people were involved with creating base coding anywhere????? Who are those INDIVIDUALS who were involved and what have they done with their time and wealth since creating base coding? Have they, their cronies, or their companies supported the insurgency? Have they supported communications, behaviors, policies, legislation, organizations, companies, or persons who have incited the insurgency? Have they put funding, tax dollars, mobilization energy, or any efforts into hiding their activities or are they transparent because they have nothing to hide? Are they honest, ethical, and have integrity? Are they committed to the Constitution? Are they affiliated with a cult or any extremist activities? America has become a nation obsessed with “fake freedom” and ignorant of pretty much everything else. President Joe Biden says that America has the most informed population on the planet, but behaviors of many here dictate otherwise to the entire world. How many times has the world shined a light about out how ignorant Americans are? All anyone has to do is “reframe the truth” or present “alternative facts” and masses are mislead. Better to be honest, transparent, and accountable if ANYTHING other than stonewalling is to going to happen.

While the elite continue the same grift that has happened for decades, their targets continue to suffer and die as we are scapegoated for their crimes United Nations OCHA

When Black and Brown people are born, with each new generation new policies, technology, procedures, “accountability” measures, documentation, and groups are developed to create barriers for the entire communities survival, most of die. No one cares. United Nations Foundation These extremists have tax dollars, private funding, legislative protections, access to classified intel, the support of cronies, the power of the lobby, the privilege of affluence, and empowerment from the wealthy who are in turn given rewards for backing their aggressive actions against targets. Who do you think devised these strategies? It’s literally what the U.S. government paid my handlers to do globally.

It is a closed system of wealth and resource transfer that only a handful of families control globally. ALL others swim around in the vicinity of their power and control machinery in the hopes of catching some kind of blessing from their overflow or just simply surviving the oppressive conditions they continue to consciously deploy generation after generation. No, it’s not a success. Millions are now dead, it never had to be this way. The world will NEVER be the same again. The Black community is devastated in ways that no one will even consider over the next two generations. No one cares. American Oversight They did this to the planet intentionally, knowingly, gleefully. I watched them take great pride and joy in coming up with the most hideous forms of torture to break down the “spirits” of entire populations targeted for being themselves. They did it to me my entire life, they did it to their biological children, wives, anyone they wanted to. Why wouldn’t they do it to others? They actually cared about me (lls) neither of them would die without communicating with me first. Imagine how they treat people they don’t care about at all. People try to explain away behaviors they don’t understand because they are afraid to look. These men loathed fear and saw it as a weakness but they still had it, obviously. Their fear is what drove them, the fact that they ran from it or tried to control it is what created the hell that the world has become. They manifested this hell from their fearful minds and we are all suffering for it as their targets are scapegoats for their chaos. I wasn’t allowed to cower in fear, if I had a fear they amplified it and made me face myself. Sound familiar? The entire planet watched it happen and leadership to this day calls it progress UN Women

Being wealthy, powerful, well known, or even a GOAT doesn't mean that you have any answers at all let alone the answers to ALL! Money doesn’t mean you are the best, it means that you were able to exploit some avenue to acquire it and that is all. It doesn’t take strength, or intelligence, or even effort. People are handed gobs of stolen wealth daily. Consider looted treasures!

People do have to sacrifice for wealth but that sacrifice doesn’t mean YOU were the one who sacrificed of yourself. Almost every wealthy person I have ever met was fully invested in sacrificing others to get what they want. I have watched (in person) dictators execute mass amounts of people because he knew he would make more money by eliminating his perceived competition. It happens to native people globally, the predators and their prey. “You will be neither predator nor prey, you will evolve” they told me. The idea is a good one, their ruthless deployment is what is toxic. The ends do not always justify the means the way they believed.

In America it is not possible to participate in wealth transfer and NOT feed into the toxic system that enslaves masses globally. The response to that, “if they allowed themselves to be enslaved then they deserve it.” I’ve heard this so many times from racist people my entire life that it’s certainly become one of the most damaging aspects of systemic oppression. Promoting the idea that becoming the target of abuse is a character flaw of the target was one of my handlers most effective tools for dominating. “You will NEVER get away. If you try people will keep dying until you come home”. They were “home”. That’s what I heard my entire life. What would you do? Congressional Black Caucus Congressional Science Policy Initiative

Until the younger generations are able to take the lead in order to clean up the messes their predecessors have made, as should have happened decades ago, minimal changes will occur. The current dark trajectory will continue to pickup speed and grow into uncontrollable, unsustainable chaos but it will be too late to have any kind of impact for future generations. The models existed in the 70s, it’s 2021 but the elite are still pretending they don’t know what happened. Why did they move all their money years before the pandemic????? If they didn’t know what would happen, why were they making the moves they made to hide not only their wealth, assets, and activities but to cover for each other years before the pandemic and insurgency????

The younger generations have the knowledge, skills, abilities, awareness, and courage to actually fix the problems the world is facing. They can also see clearly where the problems started, and why they exist. Beating them into submission will do nothing except cripple more generations, as you did previously. It’s not the responsibility of anyone to absorb the suffering of other people’s crimes.

The world allowed this to happen and did nothing, THAT IS A VICTIM MENTALITY!!!

Some chose to intentionally sell out so they don’t have to suffer, THAT IS A VICTIM MENTALITY!!!

Some claim the targets of the attacks are the responsible for the problems, THAT IS A VICTIM MENTALITY!!!

Some focus only on themselves and do nothing to help anyone else or the planet, THAT IS A VICTIM MENTALITY!!!

Yet, the scapegoating continues just like the lust for money and shiny things as the entire planet loses loved ones. THAT IS A VICTIM MENTALITY!!!

A victim mentality means you don’t think you can ever fight back.

A fighter mentality means you are constantly thinking about how to fight back. My “fictive fathers’ intentionally confused the world with mixed messaging so that all targets would be the focus, any time someone reports a crime it’s automatically disbelieved and the target is the one who ends up investigated. Yet we have to depend on those same people who ignore predators committing the most heinous crimes to “protect and serve”? No, it’s not successful. Millions are dead and it could have ALL been avoided! Where is the superiority, in your shiny things? What does that matter when a flood comes and washes it away? What does that matter when you die and no longer have them? You can’t take shiny things with you, both my fictive fathers realized that in their last moments and were anything but peaceful because of it!!! But they never had deep insight that would have revealed that to them in childhood, or adolescents, or at any stage in adulthood, they had to be on the deathbeds before they could grasp that basic fact of human nature. What does that tell you?

My “fictive fathers” BOTH on their sick beds were forced, by their own demons to communicate with me. When those last few years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes arrive more DMT is released. That diseased brain looks like a different place. They learn new perspectives they didn’t have before. They understand truth they didn’t understand before. They see things they never saw before. Sometimes people are unable to communicate what they experience in those moments, but that’s my gift. They were obsessed with me because of what I know, what I see, I can understand what they couldn’t. I was a shiny thing to them, that’s why it was so easy to dehumanize me. But I was NEVER who or what they projected, I am me. They may have known how I respond to things, but they never truly knew me. They couldn’t understand how those two realities are two totally different dimensions and every time you view anything from a different perspective, you enter yet another dimension. Homogenization is so harmful because it destroys the growth process, without growth there is decay, where there is decay death will follow. When you grow up studying The Art Of War and The I-Ching these are the types of concepts that never leave you. They are simply put, different perspectives of a broader understanding of ALL. See Super Strings, which I also studied as the field was being developed. I learned how to clearly see from other perceptions, and into other dimensional perspectives because it was the avenue to understanding life. Again, when you truly do love life, it’s obvious in your thinking and actions. Sometimes my handlers rewarded me with knowledge, and though I had to endure the worst trauma to obtain. I never wasted what I gained. Would you?

I am human. I don’t need someone to tell me how to synthesize my trauma, I have done it every day of my life. Mental health problems do not prevent me from being financially stable, systemic oppression does. Until the root is attacked, the whole poisoned tree remains.

For more than four decades I watched the world collective get brainwashed by the distractions and traps set by my handlers. It’s been a lonely life. They didn’t just target everyone I loved, they targeted everyone. “As long as people are overburdened or too busy chasing distractions they won’t be able to fight back” they told me. “It’s guerilla warfare” and the tyranny that is devouring the planet, it’s people, and resources are the problem not those who become victimized by them.

In this world all anyone has to do is play the blame game or say “I don’t believe you”, simply lie and all the chaos is forever scapegoated. The consequence is the loss of everything. Not even those who escape to space will survive. They are the same people who created the collapse of ALL, how are they going to traverse space without the people who actually are the conscious co-creators in life? They couldn’t even get to the moon without Black people. I would rather die then to be trapped in an environment like that. I would rather fight a righteous losing battle, then win a poisoned reward. I’ve had enough of the double bind bullsh**. Many don’t recognize my reactions and think it’s evidence of a mental health problem. The sad part, it’s simply integrity.

When I was eight my “fictive fathers” put me in a space program. I was isolated from everything, I did not even know the location of where I was. “You could be on the moon, in the dessert in America, in the Middle East, on MARS, on Saturn, on an asteroid, or 10 miles underground. You may be on an alien base, a U.S. base, an allied base, or in the future. You have to figure out where you are, and how to survive.” It was 1983, there was no one there other than nazis and other extremists. ALL of the scientists in this program were those who helped craft the agenda that became this current insurgency, it was funded not only by U.S. tax dollars, but global public and private funding UN Human Rights

I was abused so severely there that I almost died every day for the first several days. Sometimes I had to be revived. I begged my handler to let me leave, he wouldn’t it. “This is the only place we can live together freely”. That’s all he cared about. He allowed them to experiment on me in an isolated location where no one would ever hear my scream. I was injured so severely at one time that it took WEEKS to recover and that was after I had already been injured in my back. Compound injury after injury but no care or compensation for he harm done. “HEAL YOURSELF” they would scream at me. “I can’t” I would say whimpering, those were the most painful moments of my life. “MANIFEST IT!” They would taunt. “I don’t see why you’re supposed to be so important!” They hated me and my entire race’s existence and they made sure I heard that all day every day. I was always surrounded by nothing but pure hate, in total isolation. They didn’t understand why it didn’t make me like them, he didn’t understand why I didn’t run to his arms and beg him to love me. WTF! They all thought it would break me down and cause me to become evil and pliable. Instead, I chose to adapt and overcome. I survived that too!

I couldn't’ go home. I don’t know what he told my family, but no one even noticed I was gone. Not that anyone actually cared, but someone should notice a child missing for weeks and sometimes months at a time, correct? My handlers had the craftiest ways of handling that. Teachers noticed at times, and reports were made then squashed, they solved those problems too in the most crafty ways. But no one was EVER held accountable. Who has this kind of power Progressive Caucus

They figured out what my breaking point was, in the most highly classified and isolated setting of the time. I figured out how to leave, but that meant taking a profound loss that I have yet to recoup. That was the plan of the nazis the whole time “you don’t belong here!” I’ve heard that almost every day my entire life. But I’m the sick one?

They were empowered to torture me in extremes, all being documented and recorded with the most advanced technology. Digital tech back then was actually quite impressive under the most highly classified environments. It’s not that records don’t exist, it’s a question of accessing them and being able to interpret them Elizabeth Warren Cori Bush for Congress Maxine Waters

I literally have been a frequency since the age of five, you don’t have to look far, you know exactly which agencies to go to for that intel. My name may not be attached to the data, but there is an indicator, it’s my digitized frequency U.S. Department of State

I am literally EVERYWHERE. Entire industries were created from ME. The experiments done to me. The knowledge I acquired. The questions I answered. The pain I suffered. I watched the entire white race get wealthy off of my torture while my entire community remained oppressed and hunted to extension. The entire time we are told that systemic oppression is fake and that we bring suffering on ourselves! “You are your own worst enemy!” One of the most racist and damaging statements a child could ever hear. Yet our kids hear it all day every day in school, where they are mandated to go for 8 hours a day and be abused. The only thing that has changed since 1980 is the terminology. Human Rights Watch

But I’m told to accept this as my “lot in life” because “the bible said God cursed my skin” and I have to “accept my fate”. UNICEF We are literally treated like creatures, nothing has changed from 1621, 1721, 1821, or 1921 and we are STILL being forced to “stay behind and clean up the mess they make” because we cannot get around the constant attacks, classified tech, and Ai. Does that make us inferior? Obviously not, it makes us adaptable. But why is EVERY OTHER population so much more important than Black American Descendants Of Slaves??????? It’s 10.31.21 and we still have no protection during this apocalypse, I don’t even have SNAP or COVID cash relief and I am totally and permanently disabled from serving the same country that claims to not know my identity, as they surveil me 24/7 365 my entire life. Honor my contract and pay me what you owe me then I won’t need what you think is yours!

Black Americans have never been the stigmas that are attached to us, those are projections. We are required to learn EVERY DAY because we have to, there is no other way for us to survive. We are capable of change, ambition, assertion, survival of the most extreme odds. That’s why we are still here. Every day of my entire life a group of extremely wealthy and powerful people have tortured and enslaved me under the guise of “scientific exploration” and the WORLD’S GOVERNMENTS allowed it! Amnesty International But I’m not allowed to talk about this particularly since I am only one of MANY!

“What is happening in America?” The same thing happening everywhere else as a result of a collection of psychopathic war mongers who took power over the world. What is the world going to do about it other than make excuses and scapegoat? THE PEOPLE didn’t get us here, corruption in leadership globally did!

Barack Obama Al Gore you may not know the origins of the agenda, or how all of it’s tentacles have been deployed. But you know how it has harmed the world. After EVERYTHING, you still have ethics, integrity, and a desire to help ALL. You are best poised to tell the truth in the most professional, and respectful way that will cause the least amount of negative impact to the world. Your leadership for decades has helped keep the world from tilting off balance and we need more of that now. If it weren’t for people like you the planet would have been lost long ago. Please keep up the good work but LET TRUTH FLOW!!!!!

Transparency Accountability Oversight Education Prevention Intervention

I am still being hacked daily, this post, like so many others, has been altered. Elizabeth Warren



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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