A Humanity Issue
To Whom Does It Matter?
People who have NEVER walked an inch in my shoes are constantly trying to tell me that the life I have lived never existed. Or that it doesn’t matter, it only happens to me because I am negative. I’m talking about people with multiple degrees. They certainly don’t have degrees in the areas of life that affect me, but at least they have higher education. They are still clueless. Why, because they have no life experience, knowledge, or awareness of any of the things I have lived other than what people tell them is supposed to be reality. Yet, I am the one they call co-dependent.
I don’t need anyone to tell me about life, I live it. I experience it, in every way that I possibly could. I found lessons and answers in EVERYTHING all the time. I learn from my trauma, I don’t run from it. I face it, synthesize it, pull gems from the struggle of transmuting the energies, and I share it with everyone I encounter if they ask. I have to take breaks from people because people depend on me for help, I don’t have anyone I can depend on. I am not now nor have I ever been co-dependent. I’m a Black Sheep, we simply refuse to conform to other’s standards, in my case, even in the face of extreme torture!
The thing about having controllers is that when you are restricted constantly, you tend to LOOK for ways to learn, expand, and grow in every moment because we know that we will eventually find the means for our escape. Information is oxygen to us, that’s why my controllers have always kept me isolated. Barriers are real, telling people they don’t exist anymore is simply more of the same delusion that brought the world to the brink of total destruction.
When you are comfortable (ironically, what people accuse ME of being, as I’m getting raped, tortured, and abused) you don’t grow instead you grow complacent. You subconsciously fight against anything that will affect that position, regardless of how destructive it is. This is exactly what people say I do, however, no one EVER takes the time to get to know what I am experiencing, what it takes to survive it, how much effort goes into getting to a better place. What’s required to process all that trauma, and then I’m back in more trauma because that is how the system is designed. These people don’t even believe systemic oppression is real so of course, they don’t see. They simply respond to the queues that society has given to them, like Pavlov’s dog. These are the most dangerous people in society. They look “nice”, “sweet”, “loving”, “loyal”, and “informed”. These are the “good people” who derail the lives of others every day, no different from hitler’s supporters and they don’t even have to support the “right” because the mass mind control permeates all of society. But it’s my level of cognitive awareness that is questioned because I actually can see through the lies, by people who don’t even know what’s happening to themselves let alone anyone else.
My handlers created this world intentionally, they wanted to be God and remake the world in their own image. “Let us make man in our image” was their mantra, they wanted to prove to all that they are teh superior gender, race, and country. Look what they created, does it look superior? If you think it is it is because you yourself are a victim of brainwashing and don’t know it. More than 700k Americans have died from a weaponized pandemic and the people responsible not only want more bloodshed, more destruction, more chaos, they want more death. Do you find this superior? “We are going to resurrect the berzerkers,” they said. They certainly did, supporting this makes you no better. Refusing to work to change for the better makes you worst, they are mentally ill and actually believe what they are being told. You know it’s a lie and you support it anyway for selfish reasons, extremely sick!
I saw a news article essentially asking why humanity is going crazy. Because sick elitists willed it so and deployed the sickest people they could find to make it happen. They used their cronies, the wealth of the world’s stolen resources, and a vast number of extremists as their private army. In addition, they used public armies, all paid for with public monies while claiming the money was being drained by poor, Black, and marginalized people. This same system has been deployed globally and the result is always the same, chaos, death, destruction. The world is on the brink of total collapse, but I’m the one who is “mentally unstable” or “holding myself back” due to my own negativity? That sounds rational to you?
This is called brainwashing and powerful people are angry that I remain conscious through it all and report on its lies and corruption. IDGAF
Genocide is NEVER the option! Human rights are not a negotiation they are inalieable. You can’t take my birthright from me.
It’s 10/3/21 and the only change in my life is that it is almost impossible for me to reach the outside world, particularly online. UN Human Rights UN Women United Nations UN Refugee Agency UN Development Programme The White House I have always deserved better and have actively fought for it my entire life! How many others can say the same? Unlike almost everyone in leadership within the United States Government, I am not compromised. No one can blackmail me. The only thing they could blackmail me with before has already been exposed, the fact that I am a survivor of human trafficking. They have no other go-to now except extreme violence, which they continue to deploy. I have lived that my entire life, what’s new? We still survive, I continue to persist. I have angels in the background who care if I live or die even if they can’t come to the forefront! Thank you! Much love! The thing I value most in life is keeping your word, particularly when I need it the most!
However, my children and I deserve more than survival. We deserve to thrive. Controllers and abusers have kept us from this possibility my entire life. I raised strong, intelligent, and aware children nonetheless. Children who advocate for justice, equality, fairness, and the preservation of all life and planetary resources. None of us are perfect, we make mistakes, we get angry, we even mess up. But what we don’t do is go around inciting insurgencies, attacking U.S. infrastructure, or creating chaos that either kills or incites others to kill. We survive. What would you do, lay down and die? We do it while being attacked by the very people ruining the planet and scapegoating us along the way, without all of the wealth that the “right people” have. I did it under a powerful microscope where every single fiber of my being was scrutinized, criticized, and judged “unworthy of life” having to scrape and beg for help. I did it working 3–5 jobs my entire life, most of which I was either unpaid on or grossly underpaid for as my labor was exploited and my income is stolen. All that mattered to me is that my children were taken care of, yet people still criticize me for that. Even people within the very programs that are supposed to provide supportive services, and they often do to others, but there is always an excuse as to why I don’t deserve the same treatment they provide willingly to others. But somehow, that’s my fault that their bigotry affects me.
Abusers will always tell you that you have a “victim” mentality when you bring the abuse to light! The truth is being an abuser and accusing your target of being responsible for your actions is the literal definition of a victim mentality. Yet the majority of Americans are so brainwashed, they neither know this, recognize it when it’s slapped in their face, or even care to put energy into udnerstanding. So they blindly contribute to the problem also, scapegoating and victim-blaming along the way.
People who have never had to worry about a single thing in life criticize me about what kind of parent I am yet the proof is in the pudding. Against the most extreme odds, I continue to prove to everyone the liars that they are. I was never what he and his cronies slandered me to be. But even if I were, why does that deem me unworthy of life? Your crimes certainly don’t affect you that way!
Joining in or turning a blind eye to the toxicity doesn't help anyone, you only help the system that has destroyed the planet. Fight the system that is killing ALL life, don't embrace the system that protects “all”. A lot of people are afraid, we fight tyranny anyway. Yet we are the ones they call “snowflakes”. My mentor invented that term, he knew it would be mind-bending in the end when this “snowflake” revealed the weaknesses in the system and used it to tear it down. So yeah, call me a snowflake, just don’t forget, that term also meant “documentation”, i.e., a trail of evidence. So follow my New Trail Of Tears, you may find that the soft, wet trail is actually going down your own face. Karma has a way of bringing life full circle. I am not who you think I am because you think it, remember that.
THANK YOU to everyone who secretly cares, and secretly aids. YOU ARE THE TRUE HEROES!!
Human rights are not a political, social, statistical, or logistical issue so why are these people in control of them? They are a HUMANITY issue, so why aren’t the EXPERTS in control of their own field??? One word, corruption. Thank the Reagan Administration, the world is dying because of it.