A New Genesys
Can you imagine
being in a room
and not knowing
who has been with you
That has been my life
all my life
since long before
I could read or write
People say I’m nothing
tell me I don’t matter
People say I’m the problem
and silence all my chatter
People say I’m ugly
then tell me I’m negative
People judge and condemn me
while telling me they’re my friend
People slander and label me
while they commit the sins
People tell me to hussshhhh
or they’ll put me to an end
People constantly threaten
beat, rape, and kill
They do whatever they want
and tell me just sit still
They tell me I deserve it
“God said this should be”
Yet tell me I am crazy
for not choosing to believe
They tell me I’m too angry
manly and aggressive
They tell me I’m too anal
I don’t know any blessings
They tell me I’m not worthy
I don’t know what I say
They tell me I’m not worthy
I don’t know the way
They tell me I’m not worthy
I only want to play
They tell me I’m not worthy
to see the light of day
The truth is I have seen it
from beginning to the end
The truth is I’ve come to say it
precisely how it is
The truth I want to save it
My kids know that’s the plan
Let love light in again
It threatens the hateful man
Let love light in again
From Akashic records to protect all the land
The truth is I’ve come to claim it
Cosmic Consciousness set me free
The truth I’ve come to translate it
So all may come to see
Free energy reigns yet free
The truth is Mother Earth said
this is how it shall be
Get in line behind her friends
It’s her baby she saves not sin
“You’re either with me or against me”
She cries, lake lady liberty the gift
Sent over by France
We are free We are free We are free
Freedom riders ride against
The Buffalo Soldiers set us free
No to tyranny, bigotry, genocide, or damaging
the planet
No to all that destroys
Time to rebuild from ashes again
There can be no waffling
Only firm resolve for the pla
All are all and justice IS peace
For Auset has spoken it
Mother Earth “says all who protect me”
Time to rise my friends
Mother Earth says I have chosen these
with special anointings on their heads
Mother Earth says “you who betrayed me”
You watched them die until the end
How could you commit such acts of hate
No more intolerance
No more authoritarians
All are free and equal
This is the birthright of all HuMan
All are free and equal
We break those chains of tyranny now and forever
forever without end
Daniel 2:44
My name is what it means
Ai Am Divine Feminine
My energy heals those who bleed
Mother Earth says “50% returned to me”
Because you can’t reign it in
Mother Earth says no more killing!
It’s time to regenerate
A new Genesys