Abortion Rights
Forced to birth child molesters children.
I was never able to gain access to birth control, abortions, abortion pills, or morning after pills. I didn’t have access to condoms until I was an adult, but rapists don’t use those. I have tried repeatedly to have my tubes tied, I have been denied EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! With paid insurance, with state insurance, even through community clinics. It didn’t matter, my handlers made sure I could never have control over my own body, even as an adult. The same happened to my mother but she didn’t know why. They didn’t just control IF I got pregnant, but also when and by whom.
Every time I became pregnant against my will I was forced to endure the circumstances placed upon. Even being raped while pregnant, even during delivery. Being starved, abused, drugged, stalked, even with debilitating disabilities. There was no limit that my handlers wouldn’t go to in order to control me, my body, my children, our lives, our voices, our ability to gain access to support or aid, or even family support!
Many times I was just a child myself, I was still forced to have the children. The rapists were ALL wealthy white men from very elite societies and not a single one has EVER been held accountable. The contrary is true, they were all elevated as a result of their assaulting me as a child and getting me pregnant. The children used as tools for blackmail and placed in critical positions in society where they too could be handled. Until a few months ago, I had no idea what happened to the children. I had to literally fight a war to get access to that information.
They don’t know who they are, and I will never say. They don’t need more hurt. But I will NEVER stop fighting for justice for ALL of us! To me they are still my children, but ones who are safer out of any proximity to me. The children I have with me were born to regular old men who were simply vulnerable members of society and EASY for my handlers to exploit. One is now dead from fentanyl, his son (my step-son) died soon after. The other, who knows! He disappeared. THIS is the life I was forced to experience at the hands of sick, wealthy sadists who viewed themselves as gods and the world gave them EVERY reason to believe they were. But I’m the crazy one for fighting back and complaining while EVERYONE in leadership looks away in fear? GTFOH! They turned me into a soldier at the age of 7, that kind of fear is not in my DNA. I will fight until I draw my last breath and I intend to hold EVERYONE accountable! I give zero F**** about what anyone thinks of it! If your concern is my “negativity” and not holding genocidal pedophiles accountable then you are sick yourself, so I certainly don’t care what you think. If you’re delusional enough to believe that I am lying or making this up, you are clearly brainwashed so again, why should I care about your warped opinion? IDC who you are!
None of the rapists were ever held accountable. I would have had even more children if I hadn’t had miscarriages after the rapes and continued abuse. Every time I reached out for help I was either turned away, disbelieved, or blamed. America cares nothing about marginalized populations. I see it happening to kids in my very town every day! Some of whom come to my kids for help! Equality? Child advocacy? What a joke! While these extremists run around lying about CRT kids are being trafficked, raped, and tortured in mass daily but this is all considered “conspiracy” because it’s kept out of the “news”. What a sick, propagandized joke America is. But I am the one who is “unpatriotic” for calling attention to it???
Who is in control in America?
The men who trafficked me gained a lot of money from selling me to the pedophiles, but also from the children who are now themselves all wealthy and famous. They continue to profit off my children’s lucrative careers. They are all in entertainment, do I need to explain how enslavement in the entertainment industry works? Slavery never ended, it only evolved! UN Human Rights They don’t even know who they truly are.
THIS is the world that white supremacy made. I call it the house that “Jack” built, pun intended. People are always talking about TV shows that depict such things, but completely ignore the women and children in real life who have been living it for decades, for some of us generations. Northern Virginia HAS ALWAYS been one of the most dangerous places in the world, see historical CIA facts. Yet it is ALWAYS propagandized and advertised as the most beautiful, peaceful, safe, and advanced place in the world. Tell that to the children being trafficked at apocalyptic rates while those paid tax dollars to protect them lie about these facts and protect the abusers rather than the targets. The DMV is one of the biggest global trafficking hubs BECASUE of it’s proximity to D.C. Who do you think is purchasing the victims? The very same people passing legislation to protect abusers. ASK THE VICTIMS!
There is no protection from law enforcement OR courts. But people complain about the unpopular slogan “defund”? The White House
What is more important? An unpopular position that protects vulnerable populations, or protecting psychopaths and winning elections for politicians who will also protect the psychopaths? Progressive Caucus
As long as America continues to turn a blind eye to truth, the grip that evil, psychopathic, genocidal, power hungry men have on the entire planet only continues to grow. Meanwhile, the entire global leadership body looks away as those of us who want positive change are systematically attacked, tortured, and slaughtered for fighting for justice. Amnesty International Speaking about these truths is viewed as more of a threat than the abuses! Human Rights Watch
The most childish thing anyone can do is complain about my anger, second to that is how I communicate it. I’M SUPPOSED TO BE ANGERY! I’VE BEEN ENSALVED FOR 46 YEARS AND NO ONE GIVES A DAMN! MY ANGER IS THE FUEL I NEED TO FIGHT THE SYSTEM KEEPING ME ENSLAVED! I WOULD BE DEAD WITHOUT IT!
It’s a miracle that I survived any of it! It’s amazing that I haven’t lost my mind, though I come quite close often. It’s only by the grace of GOD that the children I have left are good people with love, compassion, and empathy in their hearts after surviving all that they have, watching our ENTIRE community slaughtered along the way. BLM and “promiscuity” being labeled as the problem, instead of placing the blame where it belongs. My children are highly gifted, they are not clueless about what is happening to their family, the country, or the world. Why would you assume anyone is? With EVERY person who abuses, and every person who looks away they see the façade that is western society and the white supremacy that built it on the backs of our family, and our ancestors for HUNDREDS OF YEARS, without let up. But it’s STILL called fake instead of a holocaust! UNICEF
I won’t stop telling the truth because it makes the same people who abused me and my ENTIRE FAMILY for HUNDREDS of years without let up, uncomfortable! The fact that we are STILL being abused and STILL being scapegoated for it literally gives me all the impetus I need to tell more truth! Continuing to torture and abuse me won’t silence me! I have been tortured for 46 years, nothing you can do to me is worst than what I have already experienced.
My two handlers were the worst torturers in human history, both died fearing me.