Advancement Requires Consciousness Flowering
So Let It Be
It’s amazing
Hearing all these people saying
“Why didn’t you say something”
I did
You just didn’t listen
“Why did you wait”
I didn’t you just didn’t listen
“Why did you speak now”
I’ve been speaking all along
You just wouldn’t listen
“Why are you always so negative”
You obviously STILL aren’t listening
Or comprehending
You don’t receive the messages I’m sending
You don’t intend to
You’re too busy judging
Based on what you think you see
What you think you know
As long as you look through such jaded perceptions
You will never be able to grow
I’ve been speaking
All my life
The only people who listened
Were the predators
So what does that tell you about
Your so called superior
White supremacy vision
It’s sadistic
It’s malicious
It erodes all of society
From one end to the next
It impedes all ability
To expand consciousness
It drowns out
It suffocates
It imprisons
It enslaves
Mind, soul, body
It pillages
It rapes
It steals
It knows no end
Never satiated
Always seeking new wars
And more warmongering
Constantly devouring
Anything and everything
It exploits
It dominates
It erodes
It must have total control
Yet many still claim such things are fake
How delusional the world is
Under such tyranny
It IS the matrix
It IS the machine of Systemic Oppression
Built by the same nazi scientists
Brought over during Operation Paperclip
It’s agenda is
To forever intend to lens out and cleanse
All who don’t fit their eugenics matrix
If you can’t conform
You are murdered
With impunity
But not before being experimented on
The world knows
The world sees
The world has been too terrified
In the grips of all that hate and greed
But some of us were built to fight such things
I am not the monster in the closet
Or under the bed
I am the one the monsters fear
Never forget this
I was born and raised in hell
The same demons you fear are the ones who raised me
They never accepted weakness or ignorance
There was never any tolerance for disobeying your oath
Nor room for standing under the power of any
Particularly not of your own making
They didn’t accept not being in control of self
So when they created the circumstances
It was for severe punishment
They couldn't’ contain me
I’ve always been their worst nightmare
Their torture created me
But I’m supposed to pretend to be someone else
Living forever in extreme torture
Because two old men
Decided to become my pimps
Before I could even speak
I knew them through and through
But that’s impolite
And so negative
Yet it’s been my life since conception
I didn’t do this to myslef
Nor did my family
This is the result of the toxicity
Of the extremely wealthy
And their Libertine ways
I don’t bow down
I don’t worship you
I’m not your slave
I don’t owe you anything but truth
I will never bow down to anything
That sort of insanity clearly can be described as Satan
That clearly is the end of all things
Spiritual, beautiful, natural, innocent
If you believed in your own religions
The ones you claim
The ones you fight for vehemently
If you understood your own sacred writings
And had the faith you claim to have when taking lives
You too would recognize
What you are seeing
That CLEARLY this hate is nothing more than anti-everything
That CLEARLY this hate is against ALL life
So why would I cleave to such evil frequencies
Or obey evil commands
Or follow evil dictates
I don’t know about you
But that’s not what I am trained to do
I hold the line
No matter what
No matter where
No matter when
There will never be a question as to
If I can
I do
I always have
I always will
Ask somebody that knows about me
I always win
So here is how it’s going to be
Diverse Democracy
Future Forward
In advancement and equity
For all living
If you have the breath of life
You are alive
Humanity is one damn species
It’s about time this quantum leap
In consciousness expansion
Took place
Regardless of what the “haters” think
Moving forward
I’m all about healing
That’s why it keeps happening for me
People look at me and see tragedy
You’re too caught in the shiny things
The superficial things
The lower 3D
I’m on the 11thD wave
It’s hard getting here
But worth all those corners I was bending
Pun always intending with me
I pay dues
Where dues are due
And to all those Angels In The Outfield
Who held it down
For a Soul Sister Like me
Just because you’re down for the cause
Of global peace and unity
And saving the most vulnerable along the way
Each and everyone with your own destiny
You are the true hero’s of the story
Friends to the end
No matter the lies told
No matter the pressure
You are now and 4 Eva more
No one can top this story!
You’re loyalty is true
For this
You shall always
You and your entire family
Be blessed for ever
And for ever is how that shall always be
To all who were the constant cause
Of anyone’s stumbling
May you now reap
As you have constantly sown
So viscously
“Is it sow or sew Dad”
I used to say
“Sweetheart, it’s whatever you want it to be”
I paid my dues
In the worst of ways
“It’s both Dad
You can put work into it
And you can weave it
We’re doing both
And that’s how it will always be”
Deer in the headlights again
“Dad are you okay”
He’s breathless now
“You always amaze me
Now, time for the lollipop game”
That’s when the shades would drop
And I reached a new level on the game of
Be Bop
That’s what they sometimes called it
Anything to attract a kid
That’s the life I lived
With the less than
less than 1%
Remember that
THIS is who you are protecting
They hunt
They prey
They are sadistic
And murderous
They have no emotions
Other than lust and anger
They are born into it
They worship it
They will do anything to keep it
No one even knows who they are
Or who are their kin
How do I know
I am one of them
Literally the black sheep
But valuable none-the less
It’s funny that people don’t know
They have been breeding for longer than
Modern human records exist
They always had slaves
They always bred with them
I’m talking back into B.C. times
Do you realize I mean back to 10KBC
Do you get how long this is
Probably not
But that’s how serious they are about
THEIR rituals
And what they feel is their entitlement
You don’t even know they exist
Yet they are still just human
We’re different
But we all come from somewhere
And this affects everything about our thinking
Generation after generation
So we must resolve these issues with diplomacy
There is a seat at the table
For everything living
If you breathe, however that may be, you are alive
And entitled to negotiate
I Am Ethical
That is how I will always proceed
Honesty and integrity
I won’t be bought, bent, twisted, broken, or intimated
I intend to succeed
If you would all concede
There is no way to box me
I Am What I Am
Why do you think they paid for all that training
Now let’s get down to business
Pay me what you owe me
Pay Black Caesar’s Things To Black Caesar
So we can fix what my handlers broke and left me to clean
Don’t think you have me figured out
You can’t even see a piece of me
I’m literally
A walking miracle
Every day I wake is a miracle
For all to see
But no one sees
Because evil blots out everything
Consciousness expanding
To think
You want to take your misery and suffering into space
You’ve already started polluting the place
Everything you touch turns to waste
You refuse to evolve
Or even clean up
So you don’t
The whole planet
And now the perfect space of space
Now being threatened
By your sick
Phallic games
What’s worse
The women who play along
Because they don’t know how to be
In their own skin
Power isn’t taken
It emanates
From those who refined themselves
To hold it’s presence within the particles
Of their own space
Their own matrix
Their template
This is what it means to co-create
This can’t be faked
But the world is now beginning to realize
What happens when you co-opt
Clone, copy, paste, and appropriate
Destruction is the result
On such a massive scale
That even the experts are afraid to face it
You can’t grasp something intangible
The most you can ever do is fake
That’s why everything you create
Turns to waste
You build any and everything upon lies
You live your entire lives
Generation after generation
Doesn’t that get exhausting
You embrace the negative
Then scapegoat your targets
For the chaos you make
You’re never held accountable
Because all fear your “patriot games”
The veil is down now
You can’t play “reindeer games”
Risking the fate of all humanity
The future
The planet
Even space
Risking the harmony
Of the vision
Of a Class I Civ
Moving forward
Onto and into
Class III
Not for the few
But for ALL
The immortal vision
Of One Love
Under the banner
Red, Gold, Green
Some of the most powerful men
To ever walk the planet
Taught this vision to me
They were my handlers
They commanded me to write this message
My oath is to the Constitution
The preservation of the planet
I bow to no man
Or woman
I never have
I never will
My word is my bond
On this I will forever over stand
I Am That
I Am She
I Am She Who Causes To Be
So Let It Be
Future forward
Diverse Equitable
Advanced Class III
For ALL living
ALL breathing
ALL are equal
ALL are free
So Let It Be