Pay attention
This society cares more about forcing dogs (who were born to be free, outdoors) inside to please humans. It’s more of an obsession with control and eugenics than about housing and protecting humans who protect the species and the planet. When you ask people in society why this toxic dynamic exists they say “I don’t know”. When you proceed to explain the truth, they label you mentally unstable. A healthy mind can NEVER thrive with the unhealthy. UN Women
Every aspect of American society is upside down, deviant, debauched, backward, sick. Evil. Yet the only allowed response to such filth is apathy or complicity. I would rather be Russian where humans are allowed to be human. DEFECT Medium Russian
People who truly love their country, don’t destroy it. America allows people from other countries to come here and destroy it. Why? It’s not theirs, it’s ours.