America Is So Racist That Not Even DNA Is Allowed To Trickle Down

Danielle Diew
10 min readNov 5, 2021



Queen Khalifa’s Sword

I never said I was Cherokee, I never would! But that doesn’t mean that my ancestors aren’t from this land!

My handlers were involved in the Human Genome Project, as a matter of National Security, obviously. They taught me about how they classified most aspects of the project, including how DNA is tested, measured, extrapolated, how the information is classified, and disseminated. They themselves told me about how they manipulated data to ensure that they could control the idea of “race”, “ethnicity”, and “racial superiority”. The truth to this day remains hidden, as does the truth about how to accurately test DNA. “He who controls the narrative wins” that’s what they taught. When anyone espouses the racist rhetoric, I know precisely from where it comes and with whom they align. I was there when it was systematically corrupted, watching, documenting, vowing to tell the truth one day.

That day is today.

What mainstream society uses to study DNA IS IN NO WAY CLOSE TO WHAT CLASSIFIED FACILITIES USE. Their technology is a minimum of 100 years beyond mainstream technology. Not only are people working off of false constructs of what race, DNA, and testing are, but even those false models were already extremely outdated even in the 1980s and 90s compared to classified environments.

Anyone who understands science knows that race is a social construct therefore racial superiority is a myth. Ethnicities CERTAINLY are real and have genetic markers due to many factors including adaptations and mutations over vast time periods. The sole mission of my handlers was to preserve “white supremacy” as the “dominant” and “superior” race ideologies fostered by extremism. The science of DNA was in no way left untouched by their infiltration, it was a primary target. The world suffers for it today. People have no idea that BLACK PEOPLE ARE NATIVE TO THE AMERICAS AND WERE HUNDREDS OF YEARS BEFORE EUROPEANS ARRIVED!

Racism in Anthropology and Archeology are as old as the sciences and today remain the cause of some of the most extreme and pervasive aspects of the white supremacy doctrine. World Health Organization UNESCO Look what happened to North Africa? Masses now believe that North Africa is the Middle East and that White Europeans were the first civilizations to spring up in those locations only 6,ooo years ago. The most marginalized populations suffer for such ignorance with absolute impunity. The propaganda has spread for so long that many generations have passed without ever learning the truth.

All of these false, socially engineered narratives were created to “prove” the “racial superiority of White people”. But race is a myth. So much of the myth on race is disproved by the scientific facts discovered in Archeology and Anthropology daily, yet since the 1940s these fields have been dominated and controlled by governments run by extremists who suppress the truth and preserve the myth of White racial superiority. Abuse and corruption continue to pollute the truth regarding THE ENTIRE HUMAN DIASPORA across the entire planet, as a result xenophobia continues to spread like a virus. Until the truth is told, mass delusion will continue!


First of all, I NEVER said that I was! I would NEVER claim a people who lied about, betrayed, and enslaved my ancestors!


When an entire population has been the victim of ethnic cleansing for HUNDREDS OF YEARS, we are in no way interested in focusing on stealing the cultures of others, we are far more focused on surviving the holocaust that is slaughtering us. We are interested in preserving our own, not appropriating that of another.

Your delusions are not my responsibility, neither is your ignorance. Best educate yourself before you attempt to deny me my own history and genetic lineage.

I’m not just speaking of recent betrayal, no for some reason you find it necessary to stalk, accost, and harass our people even now as has been done for HUNDREDS of years! As Buju Banton sings, “our truth has never been told” because YOUR PEOPE helped bury it. Why would I claim to be you? Cultural appropriation is not a problem for the Black American Community, it’s something that is used against us to further marginalize.

The Cherokee held Black people as slaves, even here on our own land, even though they themselves are victims of the same holocaust we were and still are dying in. So no, I wouldn’t want to embrace such evil. Least of all now, when conditions worsen by the minute and YOU STILL CAN’T BRING IT UPON YOURSELVES TO TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT THE ATROCITIES YOU YOURSELVS COMMITTED AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE WHO WERE TAKEN FROM OUR OWN LANDS AND SOLD INTO SLAVERY.

The Cherokee helped to bury the truth about our history, and foster racism against Black America. Even taking extremist and racist positions against Black American Natives now, stripping those affiliated with tribes of their rights. This is not only dehumanizing, it’s against international law UN Human Rights The White House NAACP Progressive Caucus Congressional Black Caucus

I’m not interested in stealing other people’s identities and culture, or the racist people who intentionally bury the truth. I simply state facts about the nature of MY OWN FAMILY HISTORY, yet you feel you have the entitlement to tell me that I am mistaken about who am I and you don’t even know me or my lineage? This is not only the epitome of white supremacy, using Ai to target marginalized populations, and rewriting historical fact to maintain the lie of white racial superiority, THIS IS STILL SUPPORTING THE ENTHNIC CLEANSING OF MY PEOPLE EVEN TO THE EXTINCT OF BURYING HISTORICAL DATA ABOUT OUR ENTIRE HISTORY ON OUR NATIVE LAND!

You are STILL participating in ethnic cleansing, HUNDREDS of years later. You STILL can’t stop yourself from targeting us, in our most vulnerable state, and scapegoating us for your crimes. But at the same time, you make appeals for help to those who commit the same atrocities against your own people. Such evil hypocrisy.

I have NEVER in my life claimed to be Cherokee! However, other Native American tribes embraced me in childhood and welcomed me into their tribes without hesitation. My handler couldn’t even gain access to certain tribes without me, and it was his job. But he himself, though he had NO native blood at all, was made a member of a Native American tribe also. I along with him, was also embraced. If find it interesting that after having NEVER mentioning the Cherokee, apparently I am being mentioned in relation to this particular tribe. There is no such thing as coincidence in tradecraft!

The Cherokee held Black people as slaves and have yet to apologize or make amends. The truth of our history continues to be denied and any people who foster such lies are of no interest to me other than to expose your harassment and human rights violations.

The truth of the fact that my ancestors were on this land long before a European ever stepped foot here is yet to be told. Historically, it was taught openly in schools, we learned it in the 80s! It was always taught at the highest level of universities. BLACK PEOPLE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN ON U.S. SOIL! It was my handlers who helped bury the truth about the history of Black people in America. Changing school books, curricula, firing educators who taught the truth, even going so far as removing credentials from academics and blacklisting (pun intended). This practice has never gone away. My own credentials remain redacted to this day. Nothing about the true history of America is ever taught, anywhere. People are fighting to hide it because of guilt, and complicity, not righteousness.

Don’t lecture me about what you don’t even know! If you knew the truth you wouldn’t be spouting racist propaganda, it makes you look ignorant and self hating. Unless you intended to have this effect, you should probably rethink your choices.

This is one of the most basic facts of history that is so easy to gasp yet so complicated for racists. The only thing that was left out was what happened to Black people after we became the targets of ethnic cleansing, we didn’t all die in the first genocide, those who were living in our own communities before both the Cherokee and White Europeans conspired to remove us from our lands were enslaved. Our DNA doesn’t just disappear, neither does our lineage, the truth does because of those who foster lies.

There is ample evidence in the scientific community that proves that Black people were already all over the Americas looooooong before the Cherokee and Europeans decided to commit ethnic cleansing against us. Denying this fact is racist propaganda.

In truth, THIS IS WHEN THE ETHNIC CLEANSING OF BLACK PEOPLE ON U.S. SOIL BEGAN! To deny this even now, as we are being systematically slaughtered at apocalyptic rates, while claiming to be victims yourselves, though you partnered with those slaughtering ALL Native Americans AND Black Natives, is psychopathy.

The science community has been dominated so long by the racist myths fostered by European and American extremism that now people have no memory of what any aspect of what the truth looks like. Until America addresses the racist White elephant in the room, “The Big Lies” continue to grow, confusions and brainwashing continue to make intellectual zombies of masses, and human rights continue to be ignored while the genocidal maintain power and control destroying populations and the planet as they go. Why would ANYONE want to participate in such hate? Particularly a marginalized population eradicated by the same people?

BLACK SKIN HAS ALWAYS BEEN ON THIS CONTINENT. Don’t be angry that my DNA proves it! Hidden or not, the truth is still truth even when disbelieved.

We live in a nation where not only are racist genocidal people allowed to systematically wipe us out physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychically. But even Ai is used to back up the false claims of our lack of humanity, dignity, cultural relevance, and history. We did not begin with enslavement, that is the story told by the genocidal.


It’s time for Archeology and Anthropology to follow the lead of the APA and start telling the truth of racism and white supremacy in their scientific fields as well as how it has affected the Black American Community as well as every other marginalized population that continues to be targeted, discriminated against, and targeted for violent attacks because of racist myths. Decolonize!


UNESCO United Nations UN Women UN Human Rights Amnesty International USA Amnesty International

However, what I have stated is that I can trace my roots back to the 300s on American soil, and much further in Europe. That’s just how far I searched, as a hobby, I could go further if I tried. My family tree has EVERY SINGLE ONE OF “THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES” IN IT. It goes all the way to ALL of the tribal leaders, even Pocahontas. My handlers studied my DNA thoroughly in the most advanced and highly classified labs in the world as the human genome was still being mapped. I have never NOT known my ancestry on all sides. My family tree ALSO has many members of those who came over on the Mayflower. I don’t claim to be White either though I have 30% of their DNA. I know people who are multi-ethnic, have less than 30% of Black DNA and still identify as Black. Race is a social construct, people claim what they want.



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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