Amplexus Excitatio — Embrace Awakening
Whole Picture Poetry
A world full of
This is appealing
to no one
who is operating
from the
human dimension
And consciously choosing
to evolve beyond the past
Whatever spectrum
you operate in
is anti everything
and very unappealing
Sounds a lot like
the Anti-Christ
doesn’t it
Extremely detestable
and very unearthly
Very unnatural
It obscures and devours
all of nature
and it’s abundant beauty
If you want that
for yourself
that’s up to you
No one can
make that decision for you
regardless of your immorality
Do what you want to do
for you
What is so abhorrent
Is that you believe
you can force others
to conform
to your disgusting
things and ideologies
You’re destroying
the entire planet
for the sake of
ego games
This doesn’t go away
through mere imagining
and thinking only positively
It requires wholitsitc thinking
The whole picture
It requires facing
The good, bad, and ugly
It requires action
to address the detestable things
Seated in
The High Place
If you are who you say you are
Then you have been given
ALL authority
to handle such things
The space race
The Raping
All the hoarding
of ALL things
along the way
Forced breeding
All to prove
that you are
a superior race
All will receive an accounting
Measure by measure
This is what Cosmic Law
Those of us
with eyes to see
and ears to hear
as well as a mind to comprehend
and a heart pointed in the direction
Of The Most High
The Most Holy Of Holies
We fully understand
YOU are nothing but fake
Appropriating ALL
with the claim
that “God” made
life this way
“This is the natural order”
Is the hate you profess
Even teach small children
as a form of so called “education”
to co-create life
You just take
and claim it was you
that originated its creation
“Well if I conquer
Then I dominate
If I dominate
Then I am superior in creation”
This is the distorted circular thinking
of the psychopaths
worshiped by the masses
in elite positions
distorting sacred things
I grew up hearing it daily
In school it is taught as
“The right way”
Thinking they are leading us
to brighter days
In truth
They are simply running
a massive scam
Hiding the truth
Hoarding ALL resources
Lying to escape
Destroying everything in the wake
All for the sake of lust
for power
and every other
detestable thing
This you know is you
This you know is your way
Yet you mislead the confused
For this you must receive
your Karma
For every war that you wage
Preventing those who slumber
from waking
Preventing those who are thirsty
from drinking
Preventing those who are hungry
from eating
Preventing those wronged
from justice seeking
Preventing those hurting
from healing
Preventing those with curiosity
from learning
Preventing those with abilities
from fulfilling their dreams
Preventing those enslaved
from breaking free
This is pure evil
Yet this is the world of
white supremacy
Intentionally creating
the hate that continues to spawn
and breed
Calling it superior
Though it is nothing
but a hate game
Being awakened
you claim
Is a danger to life
But it’s only a threat
to the lies you create
This is what saves
When those with eyes to see
and ears to hear
are empowered with truth
like a burning spear
Searing through the lies
to defeat the hoards
of monsters you create
This is your demise
so you play this wicked game
To keep conscious co-creation
and the evolution of the species
at bay
This planet
has been through this
too many times already
You ask the “smartest men”
what’s happening
Yet they know
Other than how to quote
warped statistics
and use word salad
to talk over sleeping heads
They solve nothing
They simply lie and claim
“It’s all mine
I worked hard for it
You don’t deserve what I create”
Yet you created nothing
You only take
You violate
You exploit
You enslave
Yet you expect us
to accept
“God made life this way”
Human rights are inalienable
because we are born
with ALL that we need
to address ALL things
Stopping growth and development
Is literally mass murder
But that is your favorite
“The Most Dangerous Game”
Your “smartest men”
Have no answers to anything
“There are no solutions
God made life this way”
What kind of God tortures
and creates abusive relationships
All under the guise of “worship”
You keep your god
We’ll maintain the enlightened pathway
Ask your “smartest men”
Why life is this way
They can tell you nothing
Yet the most enlightened
can tell you everything
But no one hears this
Because you drown out the truth
With an abundance of
propaganda and hate
This same ignorant cycle
has repeated throughout
the entire universe
more times
than anyone is prepared
to admit thanks to evil like you
Those who evolve
move beyond this pit
move forward in enlightenment
Those who refuse
Must do it all over
again and again
But you aren’t capable
of grasping
what that means
You will be forced
back to the beginning
A single celled organism
Billions of years evolving
to make you learn and grow
where you refused to
for so many eons
simply see
Over and over again
It’s a prison of your own making
Yet you refuse to accept this reality
and you just keep faking
Perpetuating the very cycle
you fear will become your defeat
It’s literally the basis
for every Fairy Tale
Tall Tale
Oral History
Even many cave drawings
The Aborigine maintain the truth
and pass it down generation
after generation
As they commune with nature
during walkabouts particularly
They glean what we ALL need
to keep moving
Yet bigotry keeps their genius
in the dark
so only the elite can co-opt and
appropriate these arcane teachings
ALL humanity must be
forever grateful
For the Aborigine elders
who never forsook
their Divine destiny
To keep sacred knowledge
Imbedding it further in their genes
As time passes so too does awareness
as reality changes new translations
must be maintained
MtDNA couldn't be a more technologically
advanced way of encoding
divine teachings
Those who keep the commandments
to maintain the sacred knowledge
pass down what ALL need
to find enlightenment in dark days
Even through a holocaust
designed to bury the truth
of messages in DNA
and wise teachings in epoch tales
passed down orally and in cave drawings
This sacred knowledge
Is the origin of all creation
The most highly evolved Shaman
keep these sacred teachings
On every corner of the planet
you will find these wise elders
always maintaining these sacred teachings
“Epoch myths” are named such
because they are “epoch”
Depicting the extent
of the long drawn out
time periods
Natives across the planet
have repeatedly told
“the smart people” all of this
But without eyes to see
and ears to hear
You cannot comprehend
What you call “savage”
is literally the most advanced
existence there is
If not
Why do you study it
at the highest levels
of collegiate education
Then rebrand it as new discovery
white washed throughout history
Evil people are clearly
always appropriating
The whole arch of humanity
and creation
i.e. co-creativity
exists within
But also in the stories we voice
So no wonder you silence us
when we expose the lie
to the light of day
The cell is your cell is your hell
Because you refuse to learn
and grow
and evolve
and heal where impaired
Like a cancerous growth
You jeopardize
the entire heavenly body
of Adam Kadmon
Attempting to control
Cosmic Law and
The Ancient Order
of Divinity
and this can go on
no more
“But what of his wife”
Not Lot
this confusion is common
Adam Kadmon
The Cosmic Man
Who is his Divine Counterpart
some have pondered
Wise to do so indeed
She is the one nursing him
to health again
Forever his
Immortal Beloved
Twin Flame Soulmate
She Speaks life
into existence
Where once the disease
ate away at his vessel
Ophiuchus Sphoenichus
AKA Sophia
AKA Sphinx
Speaks healing into being
When her beloved falls
She resurrects him again
Using sacred vessels
of initiates who prepared themselves
Some call her Auset
Counterpart to Ausar
Some call her Holy Mother
or Divine Feminine
Her story has been suppressed
for eons
Attempting to control the flow
of sacred information
and Divine things
Long buried
her story has been
In this dark age of ignorance
and oppression
to ensure that dogma holds the reigns
Darkness grows uncontrollable
when Yin remains unbalanced
with Yang
The evil elite know this
From this suppression
they gather strength
Chaos unable to be calmed
Harmonics out of tune
with cosmic frequency
Making too much noise
and triggering
disharmonic bloom
This is the result
of manipulating Cosmic things
Not having accurate understanding
or living in harmony
prevents truth and knowledge
from manifesting
in the light of day
On this day
In Cosmic time
A day for a thousand years
In God’s Mind’s Eye
We are ALL gathered
together to observe
The Great Fight
Great because of it’s scope
No indication of superiority
on either side
But the misrepresentations
are always amplified
In dark and ignorant times
The Sphinxes are Watchers
They were built in pairs
They mastered life
Epochs of eons ago
They are the
Engineers of
The Ancients
They return during times
of the absolute greatest despair
They terra form
not only planets
But entire dimensions
They left behind a blue print
for humans to follow
So that we too
can grow beyond
“the cell”
Piercing the veil
of what was
what will be
and what is
Their ancient message
to us
was sent in the beginning
It arrived well packaged
to show us how to achieve it
The flowering of consciousness
It’s called DNA
and to master it’s technology
You can use many avenues
One of them being
It harmonizes frequencies
Calibrates nature’s technology
and opens up pathways
many never knew existed
It’s built into the human system
Programmed to be awakened
when the young adult is ready
to awaken
But preventing consciousness
from flowering
impairs gene expression
This is where disease thrives
and why humanity struggles
The Pathway
of the enlightened
is impossible
when you don’t even know
it exists
Yet it lives anyway
Like the truth it will always be
It leads to an elevated state
If you can’t evolve beyond it
You cannot escape it’s matrix
and therefore will not be free
For creating such an evil space
not only for yourselves
but the whole of humanity
For this you receive Karma
the sentence of cosmic law
Under Divine Order
Nothing is lost
Nothing destroyed
Nothing forgotten
ALL LIFE is simply
transmuted energy
I am not creating this information
It is Cosmic Law
It is released in times of great need
to those who find themselves
prepared for it’s heat
When the world is unstable
but exist those able
to actually glean
the story of the Sphinx
and ancient knowledge
of the Divine hidden mysteries
When the knowledge held there
within her domain
under her feet
and in hidden chambers
is finally released
The world will come to know
Da’ath collectively
So don’t allow the elite
to dominate this space
as they do everything
The doorway to ALL
hidden realms
ALL things
Is now
and always has been
for ALL
It’s not to be hoarded
Or destroyed in waste
Walking this path
has never been for the faint of heart
those with evil intent
nor for the weak
It strips you down
to your bare bones
So that all you know
is what you see
what you hear
what you eat
what you dream
Your mind
body and soul
open to receive
sense and perceive
Because you chose to be
a sacred vessel
Living to serve
Sacred Divinity
In this space
silence is deafening
Just like when
you are alone
in space
No light around anywhere
No sound other than
your own thoughts
Even that ray has a sound
Even light reverberates
But there is none out there
Nothing natural anyway
The great expanse is so vast
Each star is just too far away
To see, touch, feel, embrace
But the one comfort
of light and sound
Is the glow
of Terra Forma
We are tethered to her
When we remember
and perceive
that those left behind are
waiting for the answers
to everything
There is where you find your strength
To keep pushing forward
Onward and upward
Keep moving
for ALL humanity
In that space
There is never a need
for any of the destruction
You simply grasp truth
cosmic thinking
All should be this free
None are
All subjected to propaganda
lies, deceit
Fear of science
Independent thinking
The elite
dominating ALL things
have chosen
holocaust after holocaust
century after century
Eon after eon
Epoch after epoch
Calling in the apocalypse
expecting to come face to face
with a god they made up
in their head
The Most High
That is why life is symbiotic
We are One with God
The Most High
God is One with us
There never was a mystery
The truth was hidden by hoarding
Also known as the elite
Because you fear this truth
you will lose
what you thought it meant
to be free
You are still shackled
Blinded by ignorance
Trapped in dogma
and fear
unconsciously creating
a prison planet
Thinking you can force
Divinity's hand
But your undoing is in your thinking
Yet still so blind and cannot see
Even Paul embraced change
having the blinders removed from him
he evolved to see a better way
BTW the keepers of hidden knowledge
are not those who are able to translate
the sacred teachings
This is done for the sake of preservation
ALL have a role to play
Though life is no game
Again, another mistranslation
But that happens when you appropriate
instead of living in harmony
in harmonic resonance
with the cosmic
Earth has not always been like this
It’s time to elevate our
Beloved Mother
Back to her original state
She who gives birth to ALL life
Must be loved, nurtured, protected
and always respected
All you ever had to do
was choose
rather than domination
Equality and equity
rather than hoarding
and greed
Love, light, support
rather than
hating, raping, pillaging, plundering
It’s a simple choice
that humanity understands
It’s encoded in our DNA
But difficult for those
who reject
the most beautiful aspects
of what creation clearly
is the correct pathway
Not for the few
For ALL humanity
Every single living thing
from birth date to birth date
This is our inalienable right
not only to life
but to thrive
to expand consciousness
to co-create
You feel
you have the right
to triage
using a eugenics campaign
ALL of humanity siphoned off
so that a tiny percentage
can pursue hate
The rest enslaved
Leaving the majority
lost out in the field
in the reeds
in the stormy desert
in the sea
In total abandonment
In absolute defeat
Unable to see
a clear pathway
Unable to understand
what sets ALL free
Choosing who
and what lives
How to live
and what is a living being
Who gets preserved
Who is allowed to
be in existence
Claiming that
life is not a right
unless you
are “right”
Believing you have
the right
To eliminate
more than half
of all LIFE
and more
Claiming the vulnerable
created all the
Always Lying and deceiving
Amplifying and weaponizing
projected hate
You created ALL the chaos
that is destroying
ALL things
You scapegoat
your targets
ALL of whom
you intentionally
It’s disgusting
You are
“The Disgusting Thing”
Seated in
“The High Place”
Of the Most High
In the Holy Of Holies
Pretending to be
Divinely ordained
“You will know my people
by their fruit”
is what many sacred texts say
But you brainwashed people
into believing
this meant monetary gain
You intentionally create
what you know
will desolate
You justify this behavior
calling it “right”
While systematically denying
the right to life
Claiming “all lives matter”
while you deny life
to masses
systematically cleansing
Afraid accountability will catch you
On This Great Day
“We go to the grandparents”
the nazis said
“to change everything”
But they went back MUCH further
In time
This truth will become plain
No one who wants
a better life
is free to live
outside of your
torturous fight matrix
This is the simulated game
you continue to create
We can’t even
take flight
to anywhere
There is nowhere
to flee and nothing to be gained
We are in a place where we must stand
We shall go no further
Here we must clean up your mess
Hold you accountable
And rebuild on the ashes from the flames
You have polluted everyone
and everything
You people have even begun
to claim ownership
of heavenly bodies
in space
As you have done
to earthly bodies
century after century
after century
I have news for you
Those of us who can see
Saw this coming
decades before you ever had
such sick dreams
Contingencies were made
Continuity Of Operations
will be employed and on full
public display
Even though they have been
temporarily delayed
We’ve already seen it
You’ve been outplayed
You were always outmatched
Because you are liars
and cheats
You are fake
We are real
We would never allow the cosmos
to become your escape
Quantum is essentially sacred
which is Cosmic
which translates to Godly things
Everyone carries a unique piece
of the puzzle
This can NEVER be erased
You have touched
every area of life
on this planet
Stripped it
completely naked
Tainted ALL natural
beauty and resources
Even the most sacred
of spiritual things
Now you are in space
doing the same
Filling up
purity with all your
appendages and debris
Calling yourselves
When truly you are just
grown babes
The result of unenlightened education
Refusing to listen when
enlightened adults speak
trying to teach
trying to correct your ways
Your lust for power
knows no ending
Your ignorance
and arrogance
knows no limitation
Your insistency
and determination
to weaponize
Is beyond measure
as is to be expected
when psychopaths
hold the reigns
While many sit back
and watch
or look away
too afraid
to address the elephant
in the room
Because you embrace
torture and pollute
as a method of
control and domination
to use and abuse
Your eugenics agenda
is obvious
to anyone who
is awakened
That’s precisely why
being “woke”
terrifies you
While the weak buckle
terrified of shadows
and diverse capabilities
The strong continue
The courageous take the lead
The wise stand with honor
The knowledgeable in integrity
The empowered join hands
The chosen lead the way
The enlightened blaze
entirely new pathways
Together we protect
ALL life
The flowering of consciousness
The future
and all the growth it will bring
What you do
What you create
What you give
What you perpetuate
What you protrude
What you ooze
Touches and corrupts
Odium Dedisti
It’s the only thing you produce
Those of us
who pursue
The expansion of ALL
That ALL may flourish
That ALL may be blessed
We reject your dominion
Your rulership
Your systematic destruction
Your systemic oppression
All that you claim belongs to you
We embrace
Mass awakening
It is literally the answer to
weaponized hate
Life blooms
where consciousness
So obviously
is just another tool
you use
to propagandize
in the hopes you can stop
the growth of Divine things
We will continue
to pursue
and it’s blessed bloom
The strong will continue
The vulnerable protected
The children supported
The elderly respected
We will rewrite
your sadistic code
With one of enlightenment
One Love
One Home
On The Road To Zion
Z I On
Ssss Eye Aaaa Nnnn
Aaahh Ssss E T
Words and sounds are harmonic
and contain resonance
The language of man
has been scrambled
To hide truth in plain sight
Only initiates know
what any of that means
ALL must know
the original language
As ALL Rasta’s will tell you
Living in Babylon
means you forget what truth is
You no longer remember
What the Original
Creator said
when ALL life was
proverbially spoken into existence
Super String Theory
draws a map
to ALL of the pieces
kept apart due to darkness
But not even the most advanced
scientists understand
It’s encoded into ALL DNA
You no longer remember
you root origins
so nature is no longer
the tune to which you
unify and resonate
A world out of balance
Unable to find harmony
This is what white supremacy
has invented
A fake world
laid directly over top of nature
Rewriting the language
of ancient ancestors
They are literally our forefathers
Their advancement so expansive
Most call it science fiction
because most cannot comprehend
such evolution through expanded consciousness
They strove for growth and accomplishment
and they achieved it through Diversity and Equity
They were so advanced man think them aliens
But we are literally their progeny
They faced the same problems with tyranny
This is why the hid this knowledge in plain sight
and taught initiates to maintain the secret teachings
But the xenophobes appear throughout history
Replacing the sacred with false idolatry
and technology to make us all
further forget
Obviously none of this is heaven sent
Diversity is what keeps any organism
and living in abudnance
There are many pathways
to enlightenment
But the destination we reach
is always the same
One Love
One Heart
Unified Field
Unified Frequency
Quantum Field
Akashic Records
Encoded in pie
The mathematic equation
and destiny
It is literally
Alchemical Art
What did all you
“smart guys” believe
the unified field
would turn out
to be anyway
You have to look deeper
to understand
quantum entanglement
It’s not just math
or memra
or genetic expression
It’s consciousness
at the micro and macro levels
It’s the symbiosis
of ALL that lives
We consciously
co-create frequency
Awakened or unconscious
This is the dimension we are in
Understanding how it works
is a blessing
Some called it frequency
Some call it particle waves
Some call it heaven and hell
Some call it The End Of Days
The truth is
We are all ONE
even when hate doesn’t like it that way
But it’s time we ALL
held true knowledge in our hands
As long as we exist in
this dimension
A frequency can
be erased
or fall to devastation
It can only be forgotten
and this error is one we must fix
This isn’t child’s play
It’s metaphysics
The true science
of the ancients
All you did
was hold truth at bay
You didn’t erase it
It IS the sun
It always shines
to bring 4th
a brighter day
Always will be
Always has been
Unum Ager
One Field
of consciousness
There is no actual separation
among any of us
Only the sleeping perceive life
that way
We are now in
The Great Day
It’s time for the sleeper to awaken
It’s time for expanded consciousness
to take the reigns
Literally speaking
This is nothing to fear
It’s simply the truth
of how to attain
an elevated state
For all humanity
Amplexus Excitatio
Embrace awakening
4 this is
The Way