Becoming Pandora

Danielle Diew
7 min readMay 15, 2022


A New Trail Of Tears Installment

My controller/handler/fictive father/mentor/abuser/rapist/boss/trafficker was the scariest man alive, all my life. He was full of immunity, arrogance, deviance, sadism, pedophilia, affluence, lust, psychopathy, connections, the highest intel, the highest clearance, control over the most sensitive defense systems within the U.S., and cronies who literally own the world. He was God. Not literally, but he had that much power. There was NOTHING he couldn’t do. All my life I watched him do it.

Once he tried to force me to do some things I didn’t want to do. He was constantly pushing my boundaries, nothing was ever enough. I told him no, I’m still living the consequences decades later. He first told me he was a “black hole” when I was 5 years old. I understood black holes, but I didn’t understand him. “Nothing will ever be enough” he told me as he described the full annihilation he demanded of me. He wanted a sex slave for eternity, multiple lifetimes if he could. He had decided I would be it, never did I have agency. He targeted me BECAUSE I am Black, I descend from enslaved person’s, his wife descends from those who enslaved my ancestors, he trafficked me to those who descend from those who enslaved my ancestors, he made more money for me for this reason. Before trafficking me he was a millionaire, a new one. Once he began trafficking me he QUICKLY became a multimillionaire, then billionaire. I wasn’t his only scheme of course, but I was his most profitable and covert one.

He died last year never facing a day of consequences for the crimes he committed not only against me but against humanity. Had he been held accountable, the world would be a totally different place! He trafficked more person’s than anyone will ever be able to number, most being children. He is responsible for more rape, murder, genocide, grift, propaganda, surveillance, and censorship than any other modern human. He ran classified programs within the CIA and the DOD for DECADES and he forced me to participate from 1979 onward. He did the same to my father before me. Every generation in my family has been enslaved in some way for HUNDREDS of years and the U.S. government treats me like public enemy number one because of it. But I’m the one who kept my oath and protected democracy rather than storming the capital and killing law enforcement while wounding HUNDREDS of others during the certification of a lawful presidential election.

No, instead I blew the whistle as we were all trained and ordered to do. So why am I being punished like I am an insurgent and not a conscript of an MKUltra umbrella program? But “race doesn’t matter”, “nazis are conspiracy”, “women are myth”, “systemic oppression is fake”, “racism is made up”, and state sanctioned attacks as well as mass shootings of Black people due to ethnic cleansing is a Black on Black crime problem. THAT is the propaganda that affluent and predatory white American capitalists spend trillions of U.S. dollars on in an effort to brainwash large percentages of the population into believing that ethnic cleansing is “positive”. Clearly it is working, all 3 branches of government remain hamstrung with absolutely no plan of action in place yet many tools at hand but unused.

As of 5.15.22 we still have no protections for our lives, community, culture, heritage, reproductive habits, education, representation in government, equal participation in U.S. infrastructure across every spectrum, access to the right to vote as well as many other rights and privileges afforded to U.S. citizens, equal access to healthcare, clean food and water, housing, wealth, land, justice, legal representation, or anything else needed for survival in this country and on this planet. Yet we’re expected to accept this position of non human as our “lot in life” because racist right wing extremists label us inferior and predatory capitalism exploits these vulnerabilities for profit.

Meanwhile, we watch Black people fight once again for other people’s freedoms, rights, and protections this time for white people in Ukraine. The United States of America fights hard to ensure white people globally are afforded every right, opportunity, resource, aid, and support needed to redress the harm done to them by others (sometimes not at all but self created), as well as doing the same for Israel. Simultaneously Black America suffers and dies in mass daily from denied ethnic cleansing as we are denied such support at home as citizens in our own nation. On our own lands. Black, brown, melanated, native, and marginalized populations globally are treated with the same level of oppression. White feelings and even delusions remain a priority over Black lives, in spite of all, pun intended.

Where are the protections for Black America as lobbyists, lawyers, think tanks, security firms, insurgents, and marketing firms work tirelessly to cover up the evidence of genocide committed against Black America during the pandemic? As it stands, America cannot even account for how many Black people exist within her boarders, how and where we live, how we die, or how many of us have died. The ethnic cleansing against Black America continues to escalate daily yet the liberal party in the majority and in power still refuses to protect us from a denied holocaust executed by the right wing. The attacks are so severe that it is even illegal to speak the truth about what we are experiencing, what we have lived, what we create, who we are. I risk all when I write, no one cares.

Black America is tired of it all. Now we are angry. The White House President Joe Biden Vice President Kamala Harris Speaker Pelosi Progressive Caucus Congressional Black Caucus United Nations UNICEF UNESCO UN Human Rights UN Women UN Development Programme

The president has the ability to protect Black America. He has the authority, resources, and constitutional mandate to do so. He refuses to do so because he is beholden to cronies within Big Lobby’s special interest groups and Big Money financers. Black bodies have ALWAYS fueled not only U.S. economy, but global economy, politics is one of the biggest ways that happens. Particularly of the quid pro quo kind, my controller created the system as well as the industrial military complex to shield it. This system keeps melanated people’s everywhere oppressed, and Black America behind the wall that racist jack boots built to “keep our ass in”. “As long as you stick with me you will be fine. Disobey me and I’ll leave you to the fate of your people” he told me. That was decades ago, I disobeyed. The cost of freedom is never paid by those who enjoy it the most, not in the “west”.

“I’m a capitalist” rather than “I’m pro human” during the apocalypse screams “I sell Black and brown people for a living and I give zero f**** what anyone things about it I just want my money, power, and fame!” All done with a big, bright, lying smile, but that is all we get from our own president. The statement he put out today is the strongest language we have seen his entire presidency, as we are hunted and slaughtered from ethnic cleansing. Yet our bodies laid out in the street day after day, night after night doesn’t evoke the same level of urgency to respond with action as Israel or Ukraine.

I wonder how people can question why we protest. People should be thankful that all we have done is protest, reference the right wing extremists currently occupying government and keeping it hamstrung then tell me which is evil.

As long as the insurgency thrives, Black people die. Human rights are not a negotiation tool and failure is not an option.

My controller wanted me to be as destructive as he was. I wanted to calm the chaos. “We’ll see which way wins” he always said. If our world is a matrix, he was the architect. This man engineered every modern day evil from the 1950s on. He was a Libertine, a true sadist, and obsessed with the occult. He believed he could escape his karma by usurping the “life/death/rebirth cycle”. He sought ancient and modern ways to do so. He lived for this purpose because he was an absolutely evil man. He didn’t know what was true, what God or love truly was, he didn’t know what spirituality or feelings were at any deep level, but he knew in his gut he was destined for payback due to all his evil deeds. Everything about modern society in the “west” is built on his delusions and paranoia as well as his sick and most predatory cronies. Everyone knows who he is, he is one of the most reviled men in human history. He loved to hurt people, to abuse, to maim, to kill, to molest, to rape, to steal, to torture. He was the manifestation of all that is evil in humanity and to him it was perfectly natural. He wanted to force me to conform to his evil, instead I chose life.

I hope he finds life at some point in eternity. Until then, may he remain behind the wall of pain, shame, and abuse he built. As for those in America who continue to live out his evil agenda, may Strike Force pave a hole through your souls.

The future is an advanced, diverse, equal, and equitable democracy. Evolve.

DARPA Internet U.S. Department of State when are you going to release the files on MKUltra that relate to the planning of this insurgency and the attack on the Capital on January 6, 2021? The American people have the right to know what has gone on here. FOIA



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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