Black American Community
Whole Picture Poetry
Who are the voiceless
Where have they all gone
Where do they come from
How have they been wronged
Why are they voiceless
What was done
Where is their home
Where is their song
Why are we voiced less
If democracy lives long
Where is her justice
Where is the equality
Where have our rights gone
Where have our rights gone
Where is our home
To what land do we belong
Where have human rights gone
Where does survival come from
Where does survival come from
I am the voiceless
My voice buried
When elite men targeted me at home
In the womb of my mother
I was chosen to be smothered
Before I was ever born
Or even reached the “crib”
Where targets are primarily killed
By hatemongers posing as patriots
Supported by the wealthy elite
“It’s a mystery” is all that is ever said
Why we are eradicated
“It is their own fault”
The evil claim
Explaining why we cannot rise above
The socially engineered attacks that take us in waves
And as babes
We learn to roar
Because our cubs deserves to thrive
We learn to roar
Because in a jungle we are thrust by design
We learn to roar
Because our babes continue to cry
We learn to roar
Because our DNA has been tried
Left out in the cold
We learn to roar
Even when as we cry
Even as our leaders die
Even as our prophets die
Even as our progeny die
Even as state sanctioned attacks
Are engineered to block our third eye
We roar for life
For centuries we have suffered defeat
For millennia we have watched our lives decay
Today is a new day
We shall not go back down that path again
We shall move forward
By any means
We choose the path of the warrior
Buffalo soldiers
Fighting for the survival of our entire ethnic community
Standing in the face of bigotry, xenophobia, hate
Our roar is our tool
We use it to put words to our suffering
To enlighten sleeping minds
We create something from nothing
We design our creations to teach
To roar
To speak
We stand and deliver truth
Wielding it as a sword
Skilled like the ancients
Who defended life from war mongering
We defend democracy
Within it’s foundations are the tools for protecting
ALL future progeny
We defend democracy
Expecting her to rise and meet us where we stand
In equality and equity
We protect our blood
Our vision
Our consciousness
Our ability the thrive and be happy
We defend our spirituality
It is the link in the chain that maintains
We defend our ethnic community
As we are being eradicated by hatemongering
We shall not go into any night
We shall succeed
We shall be made free
Onward, upward, forward
Class I to Class III
A new Civilization born of equality and equity
We are now
We have always been
We shall always be
We are
As is our right
Born free
We shall enforce this right
As the constitution proclaims
Defending our lives, our rights, our babies
Is our inalienable right
We shall not throw this power away
We shall never be erased
Black Americans
We are speaking
Who is listening
Hear us roar
Otherwise history shall not remember you kindly
On the wrong side is where your lineage shall see
Karma shall have her say with you
Cosmic order being the highest order of every civilization
As our names are written
In the book of ALL life
We shall be remembered for living righteously
As we fight for the future of Earth
And even the future of life in this galaxy
We shall be remembered for our courage and integrity
To maintaining our commitment to
Expanding human consciousness
For this is our highest destiny
You shall not wipe us out
Keeping us hidden figures shall not continue another day
We have helped build this nation
The entire world has adapted so many of our ways
Our culture permeates the entire planet
There shall never be shame in making this claim
You shall not move forward with ethnic cleansing
Attempting to erase our reality from history
Regardless of the method used
We shall defeat your agenda of fascism
We shall defeat your xenophobic rage
We shall defeat your evil lies
We shall put on display
The lies of the eugenics ways
Your wrath will die for all time
We shall most certainly defeat your hate
We are truth speaking
We are truth in actuality
We are truth manifesting in reality daily
Our existence being the evidence of the lies you claim
We uphold the truth
It permeates our veins
Passed down generation after generation
We are the truth of life on display
We shall continue to roar
We shall continue to be
We shall continue to speak
We shall continue to breathe
We shall not fall
Here is where we change everything
We shall not fall
Here is where we shift humanity
It only takes 11% of a population to create
A paradigm shift in eternity
Now is the time
This is the singularity
This has always been our destiny
Black American Community
Our human rights = Our Life
Human rights = Life
We shall not be defeated
We exist to fight for this truth
We exist to prove reality
Black American Community
We shall endure forever
We are who we claim to be
The truth is in our veins
Our brains
Our history
Evidenced in our entire ethnic community
Our struggle gives us strength
These abilities cannot be taken
What we are blessed with
Is the solution to our oppression
We are Black America
We shall not be erased
This is my COVID diary
A new trail of tears
May it forever remain
Created to reflect the journey of many
Our voices are silenced, muted, censored
We fight through the hacking of our lives daily
To keep us from breaking the chains of tyranny
We are subjected to atrocities in every way
We reject such abuse of authority
We reject the abuse of life and the planet
We embrace a future forward sustainable diverse democracy
So shall it be
We are who we are born to be
Chain breakers
Change makers
Collective soulmates
A soul group born to bring about the new day
We are who we were born to be
The Black American Community
This is our life
This our right
This is our destiny
No one can take away what we are born to be
Library of Congress Nat Geo Explorers TIME