Black And More

Danielle Diew
4 min readOct 31, 2021


Pun intended

A foot forward poem


How strange

that a word

could evoke such rage

Black is everywhere

it’s in all things

ALL color comes from Black

All life comes from Black Matter

Energy flows through the universe

through Black Matter

Energy flows through the human brain

through Black Matter crystals




Activated crystals

In the pineal gland

But to the world

Black & Dark


one & the same


has never been

anything scary

It’s always been

the Origin

of ALL things

This isn’t political

Simply factual

Even when you don’t understand

The knowledge still exists

The truth always remains


become active

and transmute

ALL energy


to rearrange


They activate


to push 4th

a new birth

and through

the whitehole

new life springs

Black Mirrors

are like

Black crystals





ALL things

As above

So below

The force of

powerful energy

Flowing in it’s frequency

through dark matter

also known

by its other name

Black matter

This is how

the universe creates

We ALL forget

that the universe is


It lives and breathes

It has a heartbeat

Energy flowing through

its veins

It gets pregnant

and releases progeny

The universe feeds





even when we can’t see

When the universe

becomes active

It becomes

creation in it’s most

primal state

It reveals

ALL origins

of what used to be

The old cosmos

That was once

before and now

is no more

seeks to unite with us

in order to unite

for a revolutionary stage

We can all choose


to move up and forward

instead of back and down

or simply


In the frequencies

that we transmute

and reverberate

through our brains

and thoughts

affecting how we vibrate

It’s a symbiotic relationship

that we have

In no way antagonistic

unless we choose to make it

that way

So why make that mistake

Let’s consciously choose

to harmonize

ALL things

The universes advanced systems

control everything

With perfect syncopation

The universe wakes

and simultaneously

shakes us from our sleep

and collective dream

We can bring the force


and the ancient power

of destiny 4th

once more

Through our Black matter

Mirror magic

we co-create consciously

But it’s a skill

many can’t manage

It can’t be faked

There are some

who master these abilities

most skillfully

The world’s predators

obsess over this

They collect us

Label us


But in all honesty

we are human beings

The skills come with

the human brain

You just need to know

how to tap

and adapt it

We specialize

in opening 3rd eyes

So we thrive in this wave

Many have lost knowledge

of this

so they think it doesn't’ exist

For those of us

who do know

People seek control

over us

Through domination

and projected hate

They hunt us

for being different

They kill us

for not submitting

to the demands of

a way of life

we evolved from

over many decades


many lifetimes


many cosmic journeys

The answer to life

is not more suppression

or oppression

or domination

or games

We don’t need


We’ve been on that journey

for ages

What we need is

Unconditional love

It’s the healing frequency

Where two or more

of us gather

So too does

more and more

of the healing energy

the entire world needs

We are not the enemy

We are the result

of many crying out

over and over

century after century

for liberation



for release

We are those

who are the answer

to all the evil


ALL sacred things


who we are waiting 4

We are the creation

God told the universe

to make

Some of us were built

in pairs




Any number of packets

But always prepared

The tentacles

of our frequency

touches everything

We came to

deploy unconditional love

For now is the time

to baptize the world

in higher frequency

that liberates ALL

from collective trauma



with truth

It sets you free

Like the old civilizations

of advanced stage

They held space

in a way

that maintained high rates

of high frequency

The pyramids know the answers

to everything

So does the Sphinx

It’s all in us

To raise everything

Speak life

In truth

Choose life

and honesty

Choose what creates

Choose what diffuses

the hate

Together we rise

to a higher vibration

Together we rise

in unity

It’s not scary

if you want





Future Forward

Onward Upward

Abundance for all

Class I


Class III

Red Gold Green



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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