Black People Are Dying In A Holocaust As The World’s Leaders Look Away
Yet this has gone on HUNDRES of years and it’s not only STILL being denied, we are the ones scapegoated for every single consequence. United Nations The White House NAACP Congressional Black Caucus Progressive Caucus Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers
Look how angry President Joe Biden is about people criticizing the decision to pay families separated at the border. People should NOT be angry about paying reparations to anyone who is owed it. What is happening to these families is disgusting, vile, needs to end, and yes they most certainly deserve compensation for the harm done to them.
What is offensive is that the Black Community continues to go through all of the same things, and so much more yet we continue to get ignored after hundreds of years of oppression on our own lands. Even worst, we are constantly told that systemic oppression against us is fake. The president refuses to even address it beyond “it’s real, it needs to stop.” That’s it. That’s the only attention this administration has been allowed to pay to Black America though every disparity affects us more than any other population. Where intersectionality exists, disparities compound. It’s 11.7.2021 and Black people STILL aren’t considered human let alone citizens.
We were here before Columbus. Even for those of us who came later, the oppression has been unrelenting generation after generation. To very moment our humanity and rights continue to be denied as resources continue to be funneled to the wealthy elite, the White community, and all allies or “White passing” persons. These actions are blatantly racist, yet we continue to be told there is no such thing in America because it is a free and equal democracy. The clear message from the current president, as well as the last, continues to be, we don’t matter. Though the world continues to telegraph the opposite fact daily by every conceivable means, extremism, xenophobia, and bias of every kind continue to be embraced as “the right way” by extremists, their allies, and supporters as well as people who are misguided and brainwashed due to propaganda. All while as extreme human rights violations, crimes against humanity, and crimes against nature continue to go ignored, generation after generation, for hundreds of years. It is often postured that there is no connection to the current conditions within the Black Community and slavery, the obvious truth is that slavery never ended.
No other community sees the same level of apathy from not only the president but many holding positions of power and authority at every level of government, and civic engagement, though they get paid tax dollars to protect human rights, and the homeland. Many have failed to do just that. Yet Democrats are confused about why they are losing “votes” which is what the president said we had to rely on to help us survive this pandemic, insurgency, and economic depression in order to possibly one day gain access to human rights!!! Rights that are inalienable, not political.
When Black leaders attempt to draft legislation that would protect us from being murdered, excluded from aid, or having our human rights further violated in EVERY way, the president got angry AT us and refused to even hear about solutions. UN Human Rights After hundreds of years of continued holocaust without let up, THIS is how we are STILL treated when we attempt to gain RIGHTS to protect our lives. UNESCO Amnesty International Amnesty International USA
The current insurgency can be traced back to WW2, Operation Paperclip, OSI operations, as well as administrations from the 70s up until now, with little exception. My own handlers were instrumental in creating and deploying many legislative policies, procedures, and counter intelligence tactics that were directly targeting the Black American Community personally. Not only did they tell me from their own mouths, but proof of their policies, lobbying, ties to black operations and sites, funding, and multiple genocide's at home and globally. These people are well known on almost every corner of the globe for destroying civilizations that were native, marginalized, vulnerable, and opposing to right wing politics or bullying tactics. There is no mystery as to the connection between Hitler, WW2, American fascism, and the current insurgency. Yet it still remains funded, fully thriving, has not been held accountable, and is fully free to roam the American streets at will attacking and killing violently.
The idea that it’s “impossible” to figure out how to protect our inalienable rights, human rights, and constitutional rights is “racist” and “xenophobic” and there is no other explanation other than the elite fear losing capital from the exploitation and enslavement of Black people. There will be people who get angrier at me for saying these things than they are at the fact that Black American Descendants Of Slavery have been experiencing a holocaust on our own lands, for hundreds of years. United Nations
Yet the very people claiming “all lives matter” and “blue lives matter” have killed police, peaceful protestors, and an incalculable number of Black and other marginalized populations while screaming they are pro-life decade after decade. To this very moment, the government still fails to provide protections for our lives and criminalizes us for standing up to the hate.
11.7.21 and all three branches of government remain hamstrung. While the current administration remains unbothered by the insurgency, the violent traitors continue to press forward gaining ground across the nation. Leadership is in a stranglehold and mass death is the result. We should have never had to wait, but we certainly can’t afford to any longer. Insurgents who participated in not only the planning of this coup for decades, but those who planned, authorized, funded, and incited the Capital Insurgency remain in the offices they held prior to the attack and even have gained new positions of authority nationally. We are still being told that we are safe as our rights are systematically removed daily by confessed fascists who hate the color of skin that we are born into. There is no question as to what happened on that day of the Capital attack. The only question should be “how will the offenders be charged”. Instead, these extremists occupying government positions of the highest levels of authority continue to plot our devastation, openly, as America gets “back to normal”. Very few insurgents being charged if at all, and those who have are receiving barely a slap on the wrist while BLM protestors continue to be targeted, violently attacked, and brutalized in every manner, particularly court systems, unfairly. The current administration has done NOTHING to address any of it!
There isn’t a single Black person in America surprised at anything happening because we have lived this and more every day of our lives for every generation since Europeans arrived on American soil. We have always been treated this way. Yet we remain ingulfed in a society that continues to be taught propaganda as historical fact, and are subjected to literal nazi programming at every level of society. The current administration has done NOTHING to address as ounce of it. Not only were the same nazis in WW2 responsible for the the same insurgency that now occupies America and is ethnically cleansing Black American Descendants Of Slaves, as well as other Black, Brown, and marginalized populations, but even the government continues to deny this though intelligence agencies have provided ample proof to these facts.
Who is running the United States Government? Not only do the American people have a right to know, but so does the world who has also become a victim of the same extremist attacks that were instigated by the paramilitary units that came from the nazi programs run by United States personnel in U.S. military facilities globally, utilizing tax dollars. Where do you think torture sites came from? Human Rights Watch
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