Black Women’s Anger

Danielle Diew
12 min readJan 27, 2022


2 America’s Poetry

You’re unstable

You’re mean

You’re wrong

You’re over the top

You’re unprofessional

You’re ignorant

You’re a liar

You need a hobby

You need a job

You need a man

You need a clue

You need to stop making excuses

You need an education

You’re not fitting in

You’re not adapting

You’re “out of compliance”

You’re no authority

You’re not important

You’re not worthy

“I just can’t”

It all translates to the same


Is what haters constantly say

I’ll speak anyway

I matter!

Black life matters!

Black Lives Matter!

Regardless of the “unpopular slogan”

What kind of person cares more about wording

Than the lives we are trying to protect?????

Why is it such a big deal

If “race” means nothing

Then why does white supremacy exist?

I’ll wait……………………

This question has been on read

For longer than Capitalism has existed

But we want to pretend systemic oppression fake?

It’s literally Colonialism!

Passed down generation after generation

Entire families profit from it for hundreds and hundreds of years

Some even thousands

But we’re not allowed to talk about it!

The predators get uncomfortable when you shed light on their predation

Our state literally is making it illegal

As are so many of the others in GOP leadership

To discuss any form of factual history

Or literally to even advocate for our existence

If their own were treated the same

It would be a different story now wouldn’t it

But you want us to lay down so you can walk all over us

As well as remain silent when you suffocate us with knees


The chains of modern day enslavement

Are in our imagination

How disgusting to even think in such ways

As if your delusions must be our existence because you will it?

That’s the danger of the “manifestation” myth

When you believe in brainwashed fantasy rather than reality

The cognitive dissonance you create for yourself

Becomes your entire refrain

For eternity

Until you find the courage

To face your own delusional thinking

But you’re too afraid


You're calling me “snowflake”



I’m the only person in history

To face my abusers

The way that I have

Geneva couldn’t do what I have done

But I’m the one who is weak?


They were so big and bold in the light of day

When they thought I was weak

When I expose their lies with truth

They turn into injured children

Now they throw mountains at me from their hiding places

Concealing their hands

Puns intended

I’ve always had to be multifaceted to survive this mess

This didn’t begin with the last adminisration

My abuser was one of the main engineers

Of the chaos the entire planet is drowning in

It’s gone on decades under my observation

But I am one person

Black people have ALWAYS been on these lands

So our own stories tell the truth

Of just how far predation goes

To enslave prey

But race doesn’t matter


No matter

I grew up surviving “enhanced torture”

You’re literally child’s play

It’s very irritating when you’re a grown man

Or an apologist woman

“Following the rules”

To ensure you don’t make waves

Meanwhile I’m parting oceans

Doing what everyone said I couldn’t

Without reward

Without acknowledgement

Without an audience

Without support or aid

Without payment

Without the credit I am owed

Without respect Congressional Black Caucus Library of Congress

I do it because it needs to be done

Not to posture, get likes, or to be fake

The whole step of the way

My family and I are scapegoated for the crimes you create

But you wonder why I’m angry

I wonder why you aren’t

Being okay with a holocaust is not a healthy thing!

It certainly isn’t sane!

Yet I can see how that is confusing

You either have awareness or you don’t

When you lack it

No matter what anyone says

You’ll continue down the path of destruction

Thinking you can achieve a different result

Playing into the hands of your own disease

Projecting at me

Expecting me to accept it

Shocked when I don’t

Complaining about the fact that I complain about the fact

That you dehumanize me and my entire community

To eradication


But you wonder why I’m angry


My ancestors taught me patience

“It’s a long road daughter

Do not get lost along the way”

If no human ever stands by my side

My ancestors always point the way

I’m covered in their blood

In case you didn’t know

YES that also means Jesus

I don’t take any inspired writing literally

But I understand the metaphysics in the meaning

The true spirituality being revealed

The coded intelligence

Being imparted

The science hidden form those who burn books

Hoard resources

Destroy growth

I don’t care if you don’t approve

Who are you to tell me what to believe

If you could be trusted

You wouldn’t be abusing


But you wonder why I’m angry

Regardless of the atrocities

We face daily

At the hands of those

Who claim race means nothing President Joe Biden

We continue to be the scapegoats

While those attacking us control everything Speaker Pelosi

Particularly the narrative

Of who, what, where, when, why, and how

It’s always been race based

This has NEVER been a mystery

Except to the generation of children

Who grew up under education defunding

But you’re afraid because I say

“Defund Police”

How many unarmed Black people have they killed since 2016? Amnesty International USA

EVERYTHING that affects life for Black people is defunded

So why are you so afraid of ending the militarized police state?

My handlers created it

It most certainly was race based


Isn’t that why you get so angry if someone even suggests

Threatening it with defunding?

“No you must say something else instead!”

We have

For hundreds of years

You continued to ignore everything

No matter what we do or say

You have a problem with it

You’re fine defunding schools, the post office, health care

But not the means by which you dominate through force

But you see nothing wrong there?

If we mention discrimination

We are told “race doesn’t matter we all have equal opportunity”

Just because you repeat a lie continuously

That will never make it true

But you expect us to accept ethnic cleansing anyway

Turning our heads to our own suffering

Just as you do

We would be mentally ill if we did

That’s the one thing the one percent doesn’t want to admit

Regardless of their race, ethnicity, country of origin, or religion

Those who fight for their own survival with integrity aren’t ill

But what of those who use violent means to dominate the most vulnerable

Can you say the same?

We simply have courage

This post will be censored, muted, and shadow banned

Like every other thing I have said

Since the internet came into existence

It didn’t begin with COVID, protests, or a treasonous administration United Nations UNICEF

It’s gone on all my life because the very men targeting me for my race

Wanted it to be that way

To keep me enslaved

So “not talking about it” sure does make it convenient

For the predators doing the abusing

Maintaining a militarized state infiltrated by an insurgency

Makes it easy to maintain that “normal” state

The elite wish to maintain

It’s profitable for them to deny my humanity

So of course they don’t agree

That’s what Capitalism is

We’re expected to accept it! Amnesty International

“No one will ever believe you

No one will ever help you

No one cares”

That’s how I was raised

The very men who campaigned on hate

Knowing it was the only way they could win

Propagandized the whole “equality” myth

To hide their sins

All of them

Including enhanced torture and child molestation UNICEF USA UNESCO Human Rights Watch Secretary of Defense

But I’m not supposed to talk about it

As they continue to torture me daily


“Your life is worth only a percentage of a white man’s”

They raised me saying

Not just them but their cronies, families, friends

It’s how they exist

They will do anything to maintain it

But they are a tiny minority of the population

But you want me to accept the racist myth

That race doesn’t matter?

Just like they tried to force me through torture to say

That pedophilia and incest are a natural instinct


I have more integrity than that!

I was 5 years old in kindergarten when they taught me this


But racism and deviance are okay

THIS from public school


Private is worse so don’t even go there!

Yet every day of every year of my entire life

These are the things I am told

The abuses went far beyond that

Even reached molestation, rape, enhanced torture, human trafficking

Forced breeding, selling kids

Constantly leaving me out in the cold



No resources

Anything to break me

But I didn’t break I bent

So I never gave in to their attempts to get my “compliance”

Deviance is deviance and I won’t claim it to be okay

The violation of human rights is not “normal”

I’m not going to kiss anybody’s ass

To make it seem like it’s appropriate

But teaching about actual true history is a bad thing?

I guess it is if you want to hide it

If you don’t want us angry

Why continue to treat us like we deserve violation?

Seems to me you need a purpose for your existence

Chaos serves to be that gratification

Abusing the Black Community is the narcist’s and psychopath’s dream

You get off on abusing

No one cares Congressional Black Caucus

It’s so easy to simply say

The problem is her anger

But ignore the actions that create it

I’ll continue to speak

Regardless of what you think

Or who I expose for abusing me!

I have the right to voice the truth of my experiences UN Women UN Human Rights Progressive Caucus

Even when you don’t like it

Or fear the consequences of our actions and/or inaction

Your guilt is your burden to bear

You claim I’m the “snowflake”

Yet YOU are the one constantly triggered by reality

Melting away like a little flake falling onto dry land

I’m not stalking or attacking YOU

That’s what YOU are doing or allowing to be done to ME

You’re angry that I draw attention to your wrongdoing

Stop doing it then!

I get the fact that you lack a range of emotions

That puts you on the spectrum of severely disordered personalities

You complain when I say too much

You want me to “keep it simple” because intelligence makes you afraid

None of your triggers have anything to do with me

Yet you attack, abuse, cancel and complain

Calling yourselves the victims the whole time

Claiming I create the consequences of your actions

I’m supposed to “accept” what you deem to be my “lot in life”

Because you said that’s how it should be

But I was trained to obey NO ONE

Once command broke the chain


I Am and shall continue to be

Precisely who and what I deem

This is how it will 4 eva’ be

You don’t get to dominate with hate

Then turn around and claim victim with me

I’ve been holding the most horrendous predators accountable

All my life

Why would I bow to even lesser beings

I don’t care what you think

You have no business with me other than to tell the truth

But you can’t accept facts therefore

I don’t even know your name!

I don’t know anyone who was forced to sacrifice what I have

For this country

Yet I’m still not even considered human United Nations

My very identity denied by the government that trained me

And forces me to perform for them

Using torture to gain compliance

State sanctioned attacks if I try to fight back

Keeping me in isolation

Starving me

Contaminating water, the environment, food


Keeping me from healthcare


Means of escape

Extracting intel

Like I’m some kind of machine


No irony

Just engineered hate

My handlers didn’t pretend it to be any other thing

“I want to be honest with you

It’s not personal it’s business

I just wanna’ win”

They both said

That’s how I was raised

But I’m supposed to look the other way because YOU are afraid?

I’m supposed to accept that life was meant to be this way

Because melanin runs through my veins?


But I’m the one who is “divisive” and “threatening” or a “snowflake”


If your version of stability requires insanity

You can keep that all day

I’ll stick to what I know

After all it’s how I survived decade after decade

Up against paramilitary attacks, enhanced torture, billionaire rapists

And a global elite human trafficking ring

I’m still standing

After almost 5 decades

The very men claiming that I had to be tortured

“In the interests of national security” Secretary of Defense

Can’t even claim the level of training they forced on me U.S. Department of State

In fact

They can’t claim anything at all because they are dead

But I’m supposed to remain afraid?

I’m not supposed to talk about anything?

I’m supposed to pretend it’s all in my head?


What about muscle memory?

You have all the advantage

Privilege, money, power, wealth, technology

I have none of that

Am fully disabled from fighting for this country

That claims not to know who I am

While forcing me to fight for it! Human Rights Watch

But I can’t even get COVID relief Amnesty International USA

Unredacted education credentials

Payment of my contract


Or any other form of aid

If I do get anything

It’s after much begging

“I’ll make you crawl on your belly”

One handler said because I refused to participate

In his predatory pedophile games

No accountability

No transparency

No oversight

No education, prevention, intervention

No change


I’m considered more threatening than terrorist organizations

And treated that way

DISGUSTING! The White House

But you wonder why I’m angry


My worst abuser

True sadist in every way

Knew I would say everything I have said

So he tortured me in advance U.S. Department of State

But I’m supposed to accept that I have been abused

For the sake of deviance, grift, abuses of authority, and myth


At least I didn’t betray my oath

Or commit treason

I actually obeyed EVERY order

Even under the worst of abuses to myself

Can you say the same?

You pathologize my anger

Criminalize my survival

Propagandize my intelligence

And make trillions off of me

Decade after decade

Even my handler stated precisely what I am owed


From the podium

A short time after taking office

Then they came for his head!

“I have to get it back for you

I’m the one that lost it”

But he wasn’t successful now was he

So here I am!


You chose to ignore the facts

And continue to turn your heads

Saying things like

“I’m not responsible for your problems”

Did you contribute to, or aid the men who created them in any way???

As my children and I suffer daily???

You laugh and scrub our existence away

With the very Ai that I helped shape

From its inception

Till this very day

But you wonder why I’m angry

Even pathologizing my freaking escape from enslavement



Your apathy is telling

I’ll continue to speak

You’ll continue dismissing

While the present gets “back to normal”

Which means continuing ethnic cleansing

I’ll continue to write my

New Trail Of Tears COVID diary poetry

You’ll continue to go out of your way to stop me

No innocent person has to stalk for any reason

No innocent person attacks senselessly

No innocent person scapegoats

No innocent person abuses the most vulnerable in society

The proof is in the pudding

It always has been

It always will be

You aren’t intelligent enough to understand it

But in the future

The most advanced scientists will wipe hate from your genes


As it stands

Here in this day and age

I remain surveilled 24/7/365

While the U.S. gov denies EVERYTHING it owes me

As you put forth so much effort to hide me every day

I push forward because that’s how I was trained

Human rights are not a negotiation

They are the rights I was born with

Even if you think you can deny my humanity

All this and still

I don’t even know your name

But you wonder why I’m angry

Perhaps it’s your own anger

You should reflect on instead of projecting

At least mine is appropriately placed

And expressed

As you behave irrationally

Not only do I refuse to let you control my narrative

I refuse to let you dominate me

While you focus your attentions on the negativity of hate

Or minimizing its devstation

I continue to navigate the singularity


You have no idea what that means

No matter

I Am anyway!

Always have been

Always will be

I’ll let you know if I want your attention

Just keep this in mind

I still don’t even know your name

Yeah, I’m angry

What of it?

What my emotions do have no business with you

If you could think independently that would be one of the basics

Thinking I am who I am not

You’ll continue reaping the consequences

That’s how I was trained

I don’t back down

I don’t wave white flags

I don’t play games

I don’t simply maintain

I hold the line to save lives

I move strategically

Not because I’m coming from a position of weakness

Vulnerable does not mean weak

It literally is simply a human trait

If you had a full range of emotions

The ability to express them

The ability to think freely

Then my existence wouldn’t be so intimidating

You want me to dumb myself down

Hide who I am

Lie about my reality

To keep you in a position you don’t belong in

Preying with impunity

You’re crazy!

If you’re honest

Have done no wrong

You have nothing to fear

If all I do is tell the truth

And that terrifies you

Then it’s your own sickness eating away

I’m not minimizing me

To make you “great”



When and if I get angry

I’ll express how I see fit!


It’s VERY well placed


Library of Congress Nat Geo Explorers TIME

UN Women Human Rights Watch Progressive Caucus



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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