Bliss Frequency

Danielle Diew
6 min readDec 22, 2021


Future Forward Poetry

Come my love

Connect with me

Let’s swim

In each other’s destiny

Look inside my high

And I will return the energy

Viewing what’s true

What’s unspoken

What’s real

What love reveals to me

This is my bliss

Getting into the thick of it

Roaming around

In the subconscious

Of sleeping man

Healing the harm

Kissing the wounds

Putting balm on the souls

Reflecting on the path

I have wondered

In these 3D ruins

Sharing what we found

Revealing ourselves to each

One and all who seek

To see the reflection

Of what we are meant to be

In the days of old

They called us Myrrh Persons

Our myth became Merman

It’s just the vibe tribe we arrived in

The swag our Kings and Queens rocked in

The energy we all pilot

The frequency we resonate with

This is our Kingdom

This is the stuff of legends

This is our Template

The Template Of HuMan

Myrrh Men and Women

Born within chaotic oceans

Trauma, torture, tumultuous times

Days of destruction

Days of resurrection

It’s our time to Shine


We arrive with the solutions

For humans

For all life

For all the planet

We sleep for long periods

That’s when we do our best work


Taking in

What the preceding people’s

Left us with

During transition

It’s okay

We’re used to it

But we are warriors of Old

You’re not used to this

We protect ALL


Women and children

The ELders

The Saints

The Prophets

The Oracles

The Future

Those who master Zen

The awakening

The sleeping

The awakened

The transcendent

The risen

The resurrected

The Godsends

We protect what is needed

To further the species of man

We are the sensitive kind

The ones who master


People fear us

Because when our frequency arrives

On the planet

We change things

But guess what

Change is a blessing

In stagnation is death

We can live once more

Like the days of Old

When people were all creators

Of a life lived in total bliss

High frequency vibing

Valuing the intangible

Resisting what drains

As this leaves you lacking

Now is the time for ALL

To arise

To awaken

To vibe on these high frequencies

To ride the storm out

In style, power, and One Love Zen

We got this

This is what we came for

To help evolve ALL humans

We’re fighting the same war

We just see it

From different perspectives

You see most humans believe

This spiritual war

Is one of unseen beings

It’s not the beings that are unseen

It’s the energy inside those breathing

And living

And groping in darkness

Confused about where to go

What to do

We speaks

I was there too

Until I awakened again

I was born awake

But decade after decade

Torture and more torture

Took me to the sunken place

I carry the burdens of all my ancestors

Who endured all the same pains

We are the Buffalo Soldiers

The Liberators

Those who stand in the face of hate

Drawing a line

Taking the final stand

We are the escaped slaves

Who broke ourselves free

Then turned around again

To put our brothers, sister, cousins, lovers

Husbands, children on the path

To freedom

This is the last train home

Not because we are going to miss it

But because this is the final transportation

To the new location

Of the new frequency

That Terra Forma

Will finally see

Everyone thought the lesson

Was in how well you presented

The truth is

The lesson has always been

How much work you did

Not labor

Not acquiring

Not governing

Not increase

But the work you put into you

How that affects everything around

What impact it has had

What you did with what you were given

No one said it was easy

But we were all told

To find truth somewhere

How we each do that for themselves

Truly is our their business

How well we do it eventually becomes

Other people’s business

How far we go on our trip

Always affects you and me and everything

In the in between

All life is entangled

This reality scares a lot of minds into

Seeking a guru to control the experience

But this is a mistake

Getting to the higher frequencies means

Coming face to face

Not just with a higher power

But true selves

That is the path to wholeness

That is the path

Out of hell

It only takes 11% of a population

To create a paradigm shift

We did that in the late 70s

Early 80s

Some of us are eons beyond that

Now just need to get

The higher elevations

Above 75%

Many people sacrificed their lives


This was the best path for humans

That was their contribution

Let us honor their sacrifices

By doing the correct thing

We all have a place

We all have a destiny

We all have gifts, talents, abilities

When you read the sacred texts

From this perception

The scriptures about talents, gifts, blessings

Take on a totally different context

An expanded reality

Awakening the mind

To new concepts

New levels of comprehension

New understanding

That helps the mind make new decisions

This is how we co-create the new heavens

And new earth

This requires diversity


Life cannot be sustained without it

Healthy biodiversity

Requires as many life forms, genes, traits

Conscious awakenings as can possibly be


In the most creative of beings

This is the path to the Class I

On to

Class III

Even the xenophobes

Will be able to awaken

When their fears are alleviated

Fulfillment of their dreams

Still in their own destiny

Natural Order is Cosmic Order

This is true universally

We see it in science

It can be seen in space

We see it in nature

We see it in a newborn’s face

We see it energetically

As the butterfly flaps it’s wings

We see it on different frequencies

That’s why some hear colors

Others feel smells

Still others see visions

Of what has been

What is

What will be

We all have a place

We all have a destiny

There is no lack in the higher realms

We simply need to merge the 5D

With 3

Like Yin And Yang

Uniting to create


The Universal Super Being

Named such

Because they are united

In one mind

One consciousness

One love


It’s called

Quantum consciousness

All life accesses it

We are simply speaking

Of elevating the mind

High enough

So that we begin to understand

What it is we are seeing

It’s just science

But true science

One that gets us closer

To understanding all things

Some called it the

Theory Of Everything

Some call it Super Strings

Some call it Super M

Some call it spirituality

Some call it metaphysics

Some call it anointing

I call it life

On The Way

On The Path

To higher vibrational ways

To me it’s human evolution

As it was designed to be

These aren’t buzz words

They are just simple explanations

Of what it means to be

Consciously free


I sacrificed time

To save any and all

Everything I could possibly see

I will never regret my sacrifices

It’s what makes me


It’s what kept me alive

While surviving all things

It’s how I learned to write

Describing what I have seen

You can’t just write it

You must emote it

This is complicated

Since I have been held down

In a torturous prison

My handlers did bad things

So everyone feared

Who or what I could have possibly been

I’m just me

The same being I was

When I was born

Despite all the torture

Forced on me

I simply observed it all

Logged it away

Saved it all

In my muscle memories

In my meta data

In my subconscious

And dreams

In my art

In my writing

In my work

In my creations

In my writing

In my lyrics

In my music

In my poetry

I will live on

In many ways

I Am The Sphinx

I will live on to

Burst many flames

Then rise again

From my own ashes

To start anew

As an ascended being

This is my path

We all have our own

What’s yours?

This Is The Way

When you can answer this

You will know why the Sphinx Winks

Then you will come to understand

Why freedom



For ALL beings

For ALL time

On every timeline

On this plane

On every dimension

On ALL frequencies

For eternities eternity

Forever and Eva and Eva

This Is How It Is

This is How It Shall Be

I Am She

Who Causes To Be

So Shall It Be



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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