Brainwashing In America
I was born into enslavement in 1975 (I believe). I’m not sure of my actual date of birth because he told me my entire life that it was a little different than what is reported on my birth certificate. I go by what’s on my certificate, I’ve never known the actual truth. He always told me that I was 2 years younger but had to behave as though I was whatever age he demanded. “Girls in your community mature faster” he taught me, immediately after the social science teacher taught the class this was a racist myth. As long as there is no accountability for abuse, nothing will change in America.
America says they “can’t verify” my “identity” so I don’t exist. I never really did though, he wouldn’t allow it. “You’re a ghost, you don’t exist. I tell you who you are going to be and that is what you become, no exceptions.” That is how he raised me from early childhood, so I truly never came to the surface before now. Immature minds view this as me coming apart, not realizing this is simply me being authentic in public. It has never happened often, but he’s gone now and I’m free!
I’ve always been here he just threatened extreme violence if I ever let myself be seen, or known by anyone other than him. He punished me in ways you can’t imagine if I ever even tried just a little and he raised me that way. THAT is how controlling he was. “I want to be the only person to know you” he demanded, and he truly believed he was entitled to me in any way he wanted. Then he forced me to live that my entire life until the day he died. Even if I made attempts to escape that prison he ALWAYS responded with EXTREME torture. If you haven’t lived this experience, you will never understand. This is enslavement.
Every generation of women before me, on my mother’s mother’s family line, was enslaved also before me. My mother was born into the deeply segregated south. She was taken care of by her great-aunt who was born on a slave plantation as a slave. She went to segregated schools, walked on one side of the street, used Black only bathrooms and water fountains, and lived on the “Black side of town” their entire lives for generations. Their homes were still literal plantation property, slave quarters. She had to beg for food sometimes because they starved. She was sexually abused by White men and had no way to report any of it to anyone, there was no path to justice. “It happened to all of us” she said. Her mother was a victim of rape that resulted in unwanted pregnancy, as was her mother before her, as was I. There was no way to report these crimes as there was no path to justice for Black women, particularly in these matters and that has never changed. They all worked for White families who were descended from the slave owners that owned our families for generations. All were cooks and maids. Several were mistresses of wealthy, powerful, elite White men who descended from our former slave owners. All struggled from paycheck to paycheck even when they had their own property, and businesses, lawfully or not. “We like to keep ’em just above poverty level” is what my handler said to me when I was 5 and 6 and 7, he pointed out that my family’s conditions are this way because they engineered it. He wanted me to FULLY understand the deep level of entrapment that I was drowning in. “It makes the surrender sweeter” he would say. He was an extreme sadist and he literally abused me with the permission of leadership in authority with public funds and I’m supposed to stay quiet about it as they continue to tank the planet. #GTFOH
He often was accosted by his own people for telling me the truth, he didn’t care. There were so many people interested in his forms of torture that he found all the backing he needed to accomplish his agenda. He succeeded at doing everything he set out to do, but I’m supposed to pretend that this is some kind of “natural order” and submit to these extreme behaviors because predators demand it? THAT is not in my DNA!
Every generation has been negatively impacted by the entire system of oppression in some way, but most in multiple ways. Racism, rape, misogyny, xenophobia, and abuse of authority have plagued our family as long as it has existed on U.S. soil, hundreds of years. We have never been free. Yet we continue to survive and fight for freedom, why would I disrespect the blood of my ancestors by siding with the people who continue, to this very moment to enslave us? No thank you. “Honor my human rights” is not an unreasonable ask, but you don’t want to consider us “human” so we are at an empasse.
My mother was a victim of both COINTEL Pro and MKUltra as was her mother before her, and hers before her, as was hers before her. My handler told me that he chose me because of my bloodline on all sides, but particularly my matriarcal bloodline. “MtDNA is a key factor in epigenetic manipulation,” he said. He understood HOW he could manipulate me based on the genes I descend from. He said that based on epigenetic science, it will be easier to subject me underneath him for a lifetime regardless of the torture he inflicts because it’s written into my genetic code to exist in that position. Some of the first words I remember him saying to me were “the only way you escape such a position is if you become my equal, and that will never happen.” Some of the last words he communicated to me were “OKAY OKAY, I SEE I SEE NOW, YOU’RE MY EQUAL, YOU'RE MY EQUAL!” He was furious that he had to admit it, he still didn’t get what he wanted.
He enslaved me my entire life and scapegoated me for the consequences of his actions while he stole my money, creativity, and genetics to do with whatever he desired. I watched him and his cronies grow from millionaires and multi-millionaires to billionaires, multi-billionaires, and trillionaires using me and people like me. Stealing our creations, our inventions, our image, our writing, words, art, songs, lyrics, stories, even our lives and giving it to those who were furthering their racist, fascist agenda. But I’m supposed to accept this as my “plight in life”? That was NEVER who I was!
He did it all in plain sight, all day every day and no one noticed except those involved. Those who did notice did not care. Those who cared were harmed every time. What options did I have? I have literally been enslaved as has every woman before me in my family prior to me! But I am supposed to pretend that all of this is “liberal ideology” or “ political fodder” and completely ignore reality? I’m supposed to completely ignore all of the torture, trauma, abuse, rape, forced pregnancies, forced movements, economic attacks, abuse of authority, exploitation, experiments, trafficking, and every kind of deviance you can imagine? I’m supposed to pretend that I don’t see it and that I am “mentally unstable” if I do? Yet the “mental stability” of the abusers is never questioned? This is life in Black America and people STILL call it fake news.
The propaganda here is so extreme that people are dying faster than the consciousness of the mass population can grasp. People are following false scenarios as if they are words of “God” and worshiping “shiny things” like “golden calfs” thinking they are fulfilling Bible prophecy and forcing “God’s hand”. The delusions are so powerful that people from various backgrounds are following the same clown in the same circus under the same “big tent” of brainwashing and people are STILL calling it fake though the evidence is live-streamed 24/7 365. It is pure insanity and we are told to “go back to normal” and accept it as they continue the same destructive path that brought us all precisely to this place where half of all life on the planet is gone and more to go within the coming years if there aren’t dramatic changes globally, immediately. Not only are people calling it fake, but they are actively killing people who try to help repair the problems before it’s too late. It’s eery to see people either sleeping through, freezing through, or partying through Harmageddon but then again it is prophecy.
I can’t do any forgetting or remaining stuck in freeze mode. My training dictates that I remain awake during genocides, I don’t get the luxury of numbing my way through it. I feel every ounce of it, fully. My handler was an expert interrogator and torturer. If you haven’t experienced someone like him then you can’t even imagine what someone like that does in their personal lives. If they enjoy doing it openly, just think about what they hide! THAT is this guy, the scariest demon you can imagine, and there's no escape. He was a genius at trapping people, even if they didn’t know it. Some of that is quite useful under certain circumstances, but for someone like him, all they did was unleash Azazel from Dudael. Seriously, this guy was THAT evil and they completely empowered him to do whatever damage he wanted. “Is it still prophesy if you make it happen?” I asked him when I was about five “DOES IT MATTER?” he said irritated. “If it happens then it’s true! It doesn’t matter HOW it happens!” He had his own weird set of beliefs that he pimped out to the elite and they gobbled it up like it was “gospel.” That’s how I was raised, watching the elite degrade and humiliate themselves and taking mental notes at how easy it is for a human mind to be brainwashed by predators. I had to survive the planet’s worst ones, I’m still here.
I’m supposed to pretend that it’s all very normal, to keep quiet about ALL of it, and watch them destroy the ENTIRE planet? I find it confounding that anyone would accept this scenario, I cannot. I never could. I survived until now, but I can’t just sit back and watch and say nothing. That’s not in my genes regardless of who people think I may be, that ain’t it.
I never intended to abandon the planet, the Constitution, the Black Community, or any marginalized persons. For anyone to even consider the thought is beyond me, but everyone is on different levels. When he understood that he wasn’t going to stop me from being ethical, he abandoned me to slander, torture, and impoverishment. But I am supposed to accept my “plight in life” and be silent about it? No thank you. That’s not human instinct, and I am human! We survive.
I am happy to be freeing myself from the mass brainwashing that exists here in America. He used it to trap me, he used it to harm the Black community, he used it to harm marginalized populations, and he used it to dominate the globe. Why would I want to embrace that life? What I seek is justice and freedom for all of us.
I will continue to attempt to help myself and others by sharing my story. Those who understand will understand. Those who know will know. “If you build it they will come” he used to tell me. “We need you to stay behind and clean up the mess we make,” they said. I couldn’t be anyone else if I tried, telling the truth about my life is all I know. I was held in for 46 years and now that I am free I am never going back. Unlike others, I “never leave anyone behind” so I’m making sure my energy goes into leaving a blazing trail for anyone to follow should they be looking for a pathway out of enslavement and into freedom also! Every human has a right to be authentic, to have their human rights honored, to be free to provide for themselves and their loved ones, and control over their lives and bodies. I and EVERY woman before me in my mother's matrilineal line have been denied all of the above and more. We will not accept this, we will not be silent, we will not be enslaved. We will receive justice as Karma dictates, that’s the cosmic order of things and I’m happy to be on the correct side of it.
Leadership is frozen, but the masses don’t have to be. America can and must do better, democracy and the Constitution both dictate this must happen. Human rights are not a negotiation, it’s time politicians stopped playing games with “all” life and began holding abusers accountable.