“Civilized” How?

Danielle Diew
7 min readMay 17, 2023


A “Liberty” Where Poem?


You abuse me

My entire race

You blame us for all your actions

But somehow that’s my fault

That’s our fault

Because you don’t want to be held

To any form of accountability

I should have known better

Than to be born into a vulnerable state

Where kids are preyed upon

Because of the color of our skin

I should have “won the genetic lottery”

Been born to predators and not prey

So the predators claim

I should have known better as a kid

Then to be trapped by the matrix

Created by bigots and sadists

Seeking to devour children

Not just in youth

But an entire lifetime


Due to your insatiable need to prey

Because you won’t get help

Though its everywhere

For YOU that is

You believe your sickness

Is an entitlement

That makes you superior

So I must obey

We all must obey


You demand

Regardless of the circumstance

What if it were YOUR life

On the receiving end of oppression

Would you be happy then?

You feel angst

Because you fear consequences

For your own actions

But that’s my fault?

In your head

Everything is

You have no problem

Crafting any false narrative

That allows you to escape consequences

You’re “important”

But to what?

Maintaining this nihilistic system?

Carefully curating


To keep your victims enslaved

But somehow YOU’RE the victim

Because targets try to get away?

Your insanity

Keeps me trapped

In the false matrix of your hell

All created in YOUR head

But of course YOU tell me

My pain is a subjective experience

Others don’t see it that way


But your anger about not being gratified

Is empirical

All must bow to it


You claim I belong in your prison

I should have protected you better

Privilege means you deserve that

All you have to do is be born

Absent an abundance of melanin

Supposedly that makes you better

Than everyone else

No talent, gifts, abilities, genius

Just lack

That’s all you need

When you’re a perpetual victim

Who “never” gets what they demand

All you want is to have your way

And the whole world

Is supposed to deliver it


Claiming you are wronged

For not being able

To molest, rape, kill, destroy

At will

You’re entitled to prey

Because your DNA lacks

A fundamental building block of life?

To you that means you’re “right”

To all else

We see the light

Is missing

From your genetics

While others manage to make the leap

Even with lack

They still choose not to prey

They are simply humans

Doing human things

Like respecting life



Of all humans

Even those who lack melanin

You on the other hand


Perhaps you can’t

You don’t





Say the pedophiles to the children

Upon which they prey

Leaders turn their heads

Happy it’s not their children

“We are superior

We’ve never had anything happen”

“We need more like us”

They claim


If you had a soul

You would know

Predation is the problem

Not being targets of it!

But you don’t know

Or care

Your expectation is

I must accept it

We must accept





Torture, molestation, abuse, rape

Forced breeding, the selling of our children

I must accept that this is life

We must accept


“Or else”

All because YOU demand it

For YOUR benefit

YOU and YOUR children

YOUR family

YOUR businesses

YOUR religion

YOUR politics

You raise your families this way

They grow up blinded by your distortions

They live entire lifetimes swimming through life

Forever your perpetual defenders

Even when they don’t know it

What a matrix we live

Because you fear growth and change

This is supposed to be my “lot in life”

Because YOU demand it

If I protect myself

I deserve punishment

If I fight back

I deserve sadistic cruelty


Because I denied a “superior” person

Their “right to prey” United Nations UN Human Rights UN Women The White House The Democrats

You wouldn’t know sanity if smacked you in the face

Maintaining a system

That is designed to annihilate EVERYTHING

Is the epitome of insane

I’m delusional?

Have you looked in a mirror lately

I’m one of none

Telling the truth about EVERYTHING

The delusional are the ones

Protecting the predators

Eradicating what’s needed

To sustain all life on this planet!

“We have an order”

That believes the 1%

Own the planet

How sick

You never learned to share

Because your families were too busy

Engineering the end

Preying along the way

What was important to them

Was not life

Nor sustaining it

But eradicating

And preying

So they never had time to teach you

How to be human

It requires evolution

Conscious intent

Sentience is a choice

But you wouldn’t understand that

Because you lack basic human


They all said

Knowing full well what the agenda was



They said

Knowing they unleashed an evil

That can’t be reigned in

All because predators were given free rein

To prey

“We want to see what happens”

Mass rape and death

It’s not rocket science

It’s psychopathic!

Leadership exists for this purpose

Yet you all ignore your mandate

But wonder why the world

Turns from your guidance?

Western society is nothing more than a grift

A massive Ponzi scheme

The jig is up now

But the West has lost its grip

If you were sane it wouldn’t be a question

After all

As racist pedophiles dictate

So be the mandate


Are tired of your sickness!

When you feel anything


It’s my fault

Our fault

“Your job is to make me happy”

So you people claim

“If you’re doing your job

I won’t feel anything negative”

You demand

Your inability to adapt

Becomes my oppression

Our oppression

But we’re not allowed to talk about it


I am called

Because YOU decided

That was my designation

Not for any valid reason

Because predators targeted me

So in YOUR mind

That means

I am inferior

Even as a kid

But I’m supposed to see you as sane

And you walk around all day THAT disgusting?!

You can’t even accomplish basic human

But I’m the one who needs to change?

In YOUR mind

I was born to be YOUR slave

My “non-compliance”

Means I deserve to be punished

The systems you create to hold me in place

Do a “great” job of just that

All puns intended

Almost killing me repeatedly along the way

The ignorant little drones you created

Have no idea what life is

They are born

They are downloaded

They produce as you demand

Regardless of the sick, cruel, evil actions

They do not turn away

After a lifetime of this

I refuse to play your social engineering games

I don’t care how many of you claim “this is the way”

Of course I’m tired

Of course I’m wounded

Of course I’m injured

Of course I’m in pain

Because unlike YOU

I’m actually human

Sadistic cruelty is an evil

I will never tolerate

If you were human

You would feel the same

A hallmark of humanity

Is compassion, sympathy, empathy

RECOILING from pain

Not only our own

But that of others

Even reacting to save life

Without even having to think


That YOU lack

So what are you then?


We aren’t like you

We never have been

You hate us because we stand for good

But there is nothing new under the sun

Jesus was killed precisely for this

By those who claimed to be of God

Claimed to be his servants

There is nothing new under the sun


I must be “punished”

Because YOU can’t manage to be human?

But I’m the one “crazy”?

If you were lucid







You would understand life

You would understand free will

You would understand boundaries

You would understand common sense


You turn your head

To the pain and suffering

You inflict

You, your friends, family, assets, choices

Your damage

Is our damage

Because you can’t stop preying

Then you look away as though you did nothing


Turn your head

Claim the targets of your decisions

Are complicit


Deserving of annihilation

Because in the West

Propaganda is all there is

Besides lust






Debauchery is Western society

Hidden behind the veil of

Religion, feigned superiority

Wealth built on the backs of the targeted

Inbreeding, warmongering

Abuse without end

“We have a civil order”

So it’s claimed

Created by oppressing those with gifts

The actual visionaries aren’t in control

They are enslaved by the privileged

Creations stolen

Fuel for this matrix

If you didn’t create it

You didn’t envision it

Therefore you can’t fulfill its mission

Hence the abomination that is Western creation

Full of potential

But the only fruition is filth

Western society is life through the lens of extremists

If all you can do is elevate 1% of a population

That doesn’t mean they are superior

It means your society is a failure

“We have a civil order”

You claim

But what you call “order”

Others call colonization

It is nothing more than madness

Weaponized chaos

Suppression, oppression, eradication




Victim blaming



“We’re the real victims”

You claim after you rape and kill

Because you can’t prey freely without complaint?

Beat dogs bark

There is a reason for this!

Abuse is not a right

Strange you should imagine it is

But you can’t ever be wrong

You can’t ever be corrected

You can’t ever stop slaughtering

Because all your life you’ve been told

“You’re special”

Just for existing without melanin

Your “civil order” keeps Earth in chains

Can’t even evolve

Because you’re too afraid we’ll get strong

Enough to run away

But this isn’t enslavement?

The engineers of this hellscape certainly said it was

As they locked me up in their torture dungeons


I’m just one of many

Decade after decade

Century after century

Genocide after genocide

Your “order” debilitates


Robs, steals, kills

Then starts all over again

After all the victims

Have perished

You simply change focus

But the slaughter never ends


“Civilized” how

“Liberty” where?



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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