People aren’t enslaved because of delusions
The entire world is under delusions
Few can see what’s real
The fictive who raised me
Trained me to be an operative
Engineered this Holocaust
To recreate the world in his image
A sadistic blood thirsty pedophile
Look who is perceived
As being on top
Those with the most money
Supposedly hashtag blessed
Truth is they are hashtag trapped
Like everyone else
They aren’t free because they have money
How did they get it
Where did it come from
How many ways do they sell themselves
To maintain it
Of course they run false narratives about me
I have the roadmap to break free
The keys to the kingdom with ultimate power over life and death
The power of the tongue
Fire from heaven
I have knowledge of the treasures
Stored up in heaven
Imparted to me as I was being raped
I know well how to balance scales
Communication my talent
But one among many
The Most High blessed me
Each time my will was accosted
The blueprint is in the Bible
Among many other sacred texts
If you study and have faith
You too can gain access
To the upper room
Where the Temple is infinite
Being established again in 3D
But it ain’t in the middle east and
It’s it a building
There will be a physical representation of it
But not what has been destroyed and never rebuilt
Because if you know history
Maps for centuries have been fake
Anyone with a direct line to
The Most High
Understands at the level The Most High
Imparts intel
That’s why I never have to seek outside of self for it
You’re free when you are no longer controlled
Which isn’t an easy thing to accomplish
But when you walk in Dominion
You are in the world
But not of it
This isn’t a delusion
This is escaping the false matrix
Less than .01% of the population
Even understands what that truly means
Pay attention because the new me is coming
This is why I am here
This is why I was born in hell
To set people free
Dominion is the underground railroad of The Most High
People should have made better choices
About the anointed
But didn’t care
Its always been about salvation
People just don’t understand what that truly is
Heaven descends to balance scales
But you must align with it
To be in it’s blessings
The old world is run on money, exploitation, predation
What do scriptures say
Of The Kingdom Of Heaven
None of these people slandering me doubted my intelligence, they were stealing it
But y’all steady feeding them willingly
Any guns to your head?
I grew up with guns constantly pointed at every orafice
Tell me this
Would YOU survive it?
Weird ass tell
Pay attention