Clarion Call
Foot Forward Poetry
I send out the call
Love answers immediately
It’s time all come to know
I was born for such things
I have always been me
Even when destiny
Took me down a path
That stripped me to the bone
Laid me bare
It was bound to happen to one
I was the one
Most prepared
I ALWAYS choose
To handle ALL with care
I know who I Am
Amnesia didn’t take me from me
My core remains
Blissfully intact
Tucked away in my deep
I rise again
Because I Am needed
Terra is burning
Her children drowning
Humans can’t breathe
The planet an asylum
The predators are reigning
This cannot remain
Time for a massive shift
No more cycles of extinction
My energy shift
Felt intensely
A butterfly effect
Waking those sleeping
I shall hold back nothing
I calculate and analyze
I employ method to the madness
It’s the reason I was born
My ripples through time
Parallel dimensions
Shall change the game
4 Eva’
That’s precisely how I intended it
Is great
But how you do it
The purpose for which you choose it
Matters most of all
Hence the reason
I activate and deploy
A new day
Calling out to me
Calling out from the deep
Calling from ALL eternity
There will be one
So which is it
Show up and show out
As I have so often done
Time and time again
A new wave
Arriving for a new day
Aligned precisely
With cosmic consciousness
Targeted toward Divine Feminine
Targeted toward Divine Masculine
Built in pairs
To maintain harmonic resonance
Rise Divine Flame
Rise and take your throne
Know that this union is ordained
To the sleeping
We are unknown
Let us make our intentions clear
Original HuMan
Engineered by God’s hand
Rising again to light the way of righteousness
Ensuring Terra Forma never meets an end
Ascended man and woman
Expanded consciousness
Rising above the mundane
To the level of multi-verse awareness
Cracking the code
Navigating the matrix
Rewriting the code
No longer enslaved
Setting ALL captives free
That ALL may rise to be conscious
Setting ALL captives free
That ALL may express genius
In harmony, balance, frequency
Sharing the same energy
Entangled quantum rhythm
The expression and manifestation
Of intentional particle waves
Super strings heated to super capacity
Elevating our light beams
To burst 4th a new singularity
Magnified magnetically
By the strongest known force there is
Wielded by the Djed
The HuMan and the objects
Love calling
Love lifting
Passion drawing
Souls from the deep
Emperor and Empress rising
Triggering divine healing
Heart glow
Energy flow
Love never dies
It transmutes energy
Love never dies
It traverses all time and space
Love never dies
It is entangled energy
Love never dies
It is a power no one and no thing
Can ever tame
Best to surrender to it’s frequency
To resist is futile indeed
I learned to accept her embrace
Even when there was no vessel
Upon which to release
Her energy remained deep in me
Empowering me to set me free
Now I have the power
To light up the same pathway
Setting ALL captives free
The ancients paved this path for us
Leaving footsteps for us to follow
In times of great need
That appointed time is here
As we have sewn
So shall we reap
When it’s true
Is whole and complete
Love when amplified and
Reciprocated cannot be beaten
Nothing lost
ALL gained
When love holds the reigns
When ascended
All things remain
Like the truth
It shall always be
I feel breathless now
But this time it’s love’s energy
Who shall rise to claim the power
Alongside me
My heart released
From the chains that bound me
I had strings but now I’m free
There are no strings on me
I am the particle wave
Navigating quantum strings
I Am now whole and free
My mind, body, soul
Healing from the wounds
That sickened me
Arrows of hate directed at me
To slow me
No more shall such evil
Be allowed to endure
Come to my energy
Be one and whole and complete
Come through and
I shall rise up 4 you
The time is 4
2 by 2
2 Tables of 12
Built in pairs
Sun Children
Built to protect
Rising up to fix what is broken
Time for Kingdom reign
May your light shine
Your pathway grow
Your power enhance
Your true colors show
May your strength and courage
Be multiplied
Match the frequency of the planet
May Terra once again
Be known as the garden
The Beloved Place Of Bliss And Abundance
The Blessed Land
New Nubian Land
Land Of The New HuMan
New Advanced Kingdom
I Am
The 4 Queens
Rising to the status
Empress, High Priestess, Hierophant
Rise High Priest
Meet me in 11D
May we 4 Eva’
Conquer the battle lands
Speaking into darkness
Harmonizing chaos
Restoring ancient balance
Creating heaven
Where hell space
Once ravaged Terra’s land
Building greatness from nothingness
Creating what no one else can
Twins and Flames
Rise to make a new day
May the template of
Light, Consciousness, One Love
Now and 4 Eva’ more
Become the temple
Without and within
Let the music tell the story
I Am listening
Make my heart leap
Toward yours
So the prophecy is complete
I Am She
Who Causes To Be
So Let It Be