Color Of Success
A Grown Man
I don’t understand how some supposed religious or spiritual people claim to be superior because of their skin color, their privilege, or having never truly suffered
All spiritual leaders, philosophers, and the most informed scientists agree that life requires growth otherwise there is stagnation and decay
The more you overcome the more you evolve
If this is survival of the fittest, and it is, who can say they have overcome AND accomplished more WHILE MAINTAINING ETHICS, TEACHING, LOVING, SUPPORTING, CHANGING THE WORLD
Obviously The Chosen are such for a reason
Not because we can buy or steal things
Not because we can pay one to stalk, kill, harass, run false narratives
Not because we stockpile weapons
Because we don’t need ANY of that yet can still be affluent in the highest possible way
Where does my abundance come from
The Most High
It’s not rocket science
It’s anointing
No luciferian can compare
Nor compete
Nor come near
This is Dominion
So Be It