These people believe life is a myth
They don’t even know what life is
But wonder why they aren’t invited in
Isn’t that insane
They think their money
Makes them superior
That they can buy their way into Zion
Are you serious
But what does The Kingdom need
With the mundane
What does the Bible say about wealth
How people abuse it
What does the Bible say about wealth
Getting into The Kingdom
They can’t even grasp the most basic of human
It’s called a myth in their matrix
So how could they EVER be qualified to lead anything
They aren’t
They are deceptive
And they don’t want people to see it
They are so confused about everything
Yet they call us mentally ill
Or dangerous
Because we aren’t like them
Again, insane
I am proud that I Am the total opposite
Glad they consider me weird, ugly, fat, inferior, ignorant, childish
Whatever they think I Am
I Am very appreciative that I Am not like them
That means I’ve been getting things correct
My ancestors, ascended masters, Earth Angels and guides are just that amazing
I appreciate them and they love me back
Consciousness is literally the blessing that provides for all that
The Most High planned this
To be the opposite of evil and not give a shit
It’s not rocket science
It’s basic human and they STILL don’t get it
What does that tell you
The principalities are itching
The imps, minions, flying monkeys
Are uncomfortable
Because THE Most High has declared and exposed them
They are out of pocket
Consciousness is life
If you can’t innerstand that
Your scales haven’t balanced
That means you’re not awake
You’re the walking dead
That’s not attractive
Hell no I don’t want to be that
Literally means you’re either in purgatory or hell
In which case you have no business with the chosen
Sick and sad you can’t see it
We are not equally yolked
Because with all your privilege
You STILL missed every step
How did you skip all the warnings, guidance, actions steps
You are confused
But that is a personal problem
If you want help
Seek it
I’m not that
Because using billions and classified resources to extract
Is exactly why the world is out of balance
The Most High gave the world The Code
To be an answer to that problem
The Source Of All Creation
Will not ignore your targeting the blueprint for ascension
Or violating the prototypes
Almost every single end time prophecy reflect the facts
But the so called “leaders” claim
All that is conspiracy because they have no comprehension of any of it
They don’t get it
Because they are trapped in a matrix
Stay where you lay if that’s your decision
But don’t expect the chosen to follow you into hell
Acknowledge that you have issues that YOU need to deal with
Go somewhere and heal