Disability Deniers
My entire life I’ve been told “I don’t believe you” regarding barriers that I deal with due to disability. It’s incredible how people accuse me of being lazy, a liar, lacking in ambition, defeatist, self-sabotaging, mentally unstable all because people “don’t believe”. Why should anyone else’s limitations become my trauma? I don’t go around attacking people or making life unlivable for them because I don’t believe they are who they are. What people do with their lives is their business, if they need help and I can help then I do because a human is a human regardless of what barriers they have. I can’t relate to or understand anyone who thinks they can dismiss someone’s inalienable rights for any reason, but least of all because they feel entitled to do so based on some ridiculous notion of fake superiority.
Disabilities don’t disappear. We learn to manage them as best we can but that takes an incredible amount of strength, effort, determination, fortitude, and courage. Yet we are constantly being accused of being fake, lazy, weak, liars. People can’t even handle a massively watered-down internet version of what I have overcome, but I’m the weak one? GTFOH