Disavowing Myself From The Democratic Party
I never should have been a part of it anyway
I am declaring Independent from now on, and that is precisely how I will vote. I have watched for 46 years as Democrats claim to fight for the rights of people, and while some do, the majority of the party is just as corrupt as the Republicans. Though “both sides” will claim that they are different, the truth is both play “Plantation Politics” at the expense of Black life. Marketing themselves differently doesn’t actually make them different, action does. Corruption is so thick in all 3 branches of government due to occupation by an extremist insurgency that nothing operates other than the wheels of extremism which support white supremacy. There are no parties fighting it, only the pretense thereof.
I will continue to support the Progressive Caucus as they are clearly the only legislative body that is interested in saving DEMOCRACY and supporting life for ALL people. However, I will never again support Democrats who have proven decade after decade that they cannot be trusted to govern, protect life, or the home land. Worst of all, they have systematically allowed Black people to be ethnically cleansed and they have used this tragedy as political platform while literally celebrating on our mass graves as they “get back to normal” declaring that we are “safe”.
There has been no interest in stopping the attacks against the middle class that have since left millions upon millions homeless, hungry, sick, without care and aid and impoverished. The poor don’t even rank any form of acknowledgement in terms of care. This is the wealthiest nation in the world, yet both parties funnel money directly to the wealthy rather than providing fair distribution of resources that would ensure the entire nation rises to a new level of stability, equity, and advancement that would lead to furthering all of humanity. Instead, both parties continue to allow an insurgency to thrive, propaganda to flow freely, and masses to suffer and die needlessly all for the sake of deviants playing games with life in search of power grabs.
My handlers both always said that the Democrats were powerless to govern, though I have observed this to be true I still worked tirelessly to support their so called efforts to fight for equality. It has always been a smoke screen. Politics has no place in a civilized society. Governing does not require politics which is nothing more than mind control sold as marketing. Governing requires diplomacy, honest and ethical communication, transparency, accountability, oversight, and the guarantee of the actionable legislation as guided by the will of the people. It’s only impossible if you make it, and that is what both parties have systematically done as as a strategy, decade after decade.
If America is to survive any of the assaults that have risen up since WW2, it must institute a new form of governing that is not political at all but actually operational. A Council Of Governments can work where science is applied, backed by ETHICAL SCIENTIFIC METHOD!
It’s time for humanity to take back humanity and let the narcissists suffer the consequences of attacking the entire planet for the sake of upholding the lie of white supremacy.
America is poised to restructure itself from a corrupt and abusive plutocracy into a new form of government yet to be labeled, but already designed. A modified democracy with elements of ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT THAT FUNCTIONS ETHICALLY, WITH EQUILITY, DIVERSITY, AND EQUITY is what all governments should be striving for in this last minute of humanity’s last hour.
There is no need for the world to be flushed down the drain for a few greedy and deviant elites. We can all rise, together, in unity, to co-create a new and better tomorrow for ALL LIFE. Living in symbiosis with the gift that this beautiful, living organism called Earth provides is the only way forward for all humanity. This will never be accomplished with the same people who drove us to the brink of destruction controlling every single vital resource necessary for life. We are all being held hostage, together, therefore we all need to rise together and STAND against the tyranny that threatens life for ALL.
America needs a new party, THE PURPLE PARTY. Since the 1970s the worlds leading experts have been contributing to research into scientifically backed methods of governing that can literally solve every obstacle, barrier, and problem that the world faces. All solutions are already here, they always have been. It’s the corruption in government that prevent equitable solutions based strategies from being applied across every sector of life. In truth , these solutions have even been buried. Racism, fascism, elitism, xenophobia, and bigotry of every kind are embraced rather than rejected. This allows for mass mind control and propaganda to rule. Education and enlightenment are shunned and attacked rather than supported and expanded. The flowering of human consciousness not only at the micro level but the macro level has been intentionally and systematically stunted for the sake of ensuring that a small handful of the world’s most wealthy and deviant families maintain power and control. This system of oppression has gone on so long that no human alive is capable of identifying a time in history where they can say this was not true. It’s well past the time for humanity to evolve, collectively. This can no longer be ignored.
Those in America who are true leaders, it’s long past the time for you to rise up against those who are holding all life and all planetary resources hostage. The people will follow, this has been demonstrated repeatedly. Who is strong and courageous enough to take the stand? It starts with telling the truth and pooling the untapped resources of the most valuable commodity on the planet, ALL PEOPLE!
I certainly will! Nothing will stop me from shouting from the rooftops that this is the correct time, place, and pathway for humanity to shift onward, upward, and beyond a 0 Class Civilization to a Class I and on to Class III.
Barack Obama Al Gore Hillary Clinton Tim Kaine Ilhan Omar Elizabeth Warren Cori Bush for Congress Ayanna Pressley Rashida Tlaib Jamaal Bowman @alexandriaocasiocortez
The White House Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers UN Women UN Human Rights
P.S. if you want to find the origins of data manipulation and how it lead to mass corruption in government, seek the records of the beginning of Crystal Reports in classified settings! Both my handlers were integral in this process. It began in Reston Va., early 80s, classified location.
Sill getting hacked.