Dive Into The Cosmic
You can’t heal anything
Without recognizing
What makes you ill
Twin flame union
Is ALL about healing
It’s not all about the feeling
Of passion
Yeah that’s hella intense
But honestly
You can get good sex anywhere
You can provide it for self
Twin flame union
Is about reflection
A mission
To raise the vibration
One twin is always ahead
The other always takes more time
To develop
Learning the shadow self
Now the work begins
Built in pairs
Each has a mission within self
Within life
Within the cosmic
When that is finished
Ascension to higher realms are
The cosmos will destroy any element
No longer needed
Decaying and delaying elevation
Union with higher self
Don’t fight the process
Lean in
It’s like crowd surfing
Or diving off of a beam
Into thousands of hands
Desperate to get a touch
Of what makes you so elctric
You trust in the moment
You will either sink or swim
You’re still that person
Use that courage in this moment
Know the cosmos is leading the way
Dive into healing
Dive into change
Dive into love
Release toxicity
Let the old die off
Let the cosmic waters wash away pain
Let the purity of cosmic particles
Raise you from entombment
Choose to rise today
I held the pain
You held the pain
Time to release it
The cosmos is open
No doors
No windows
No scratching a way in
Know who you truly are
Ask and you shall receive
The cosmos will respond
To reveal your true soul’s reflection
Now you will see
But not if you run
In fear
You need a reflection
Enter twin
When you see it
You can’t unsee it
The cosmos requires adjustment
For the blessing of elevation
You must make a sacrifice
Choose to release the pain
The obsession
The addiction
All the negatives
When space is cleared
And you feel buoyant again
Choose unconditional love
To fill the void
The Black turns to the rainbow
That is The Promise fulfilled
So a new dimension becomes
Your new existence
Pay attention
THIS is the way!
What is sealed in the ethos
Must be made manifest in 3D
You don’t have to understand the whole
You only need faith
To choose
Then to surrender to The Path
Emotions are energy
Use them as fuel
To power your own transformation!
You don’t need to know how
The cosmic energies will transmute Them
Air bending
It’s safe
I would NEVER mislead
Anyone along The Way
Dive in to the cosmic
In this moment
Get healed this day.