Does This Sound Fake?
Mechanisms of control
My handler used any means necessary to enslave me. He studied mind-control techniques from nazis imported during operation paperclip. He studied human analysis, human development, childhood development, brain development, neurobiology, psychology, psychiatry, abuse tactics, trauma, chemical warfare, psychological warfare, emerging technology, and more. He used everything he learned, the people who were the world’s leading experts in every field, and every unlimited resource he had at his disposal to deploy the most harmful enslavement tactics the world has ever known. He did this to me my ENTIRE life, with the help and funding of the government agencies he reported to. He never faced accountability for any of it. I am the one who has lived the consequences of his choices. Yet it’s my mental stability that has always been in question, but never his. Below are just some of the mechanisms of control he used to keep me trapped.
Enhanced torture - I have lived it for 46 years. I shouldn’t have to say more than that.
Rape - This is how I was punished for a perceived or actual act of disobedience since the age of four.
Financial abuse - He controlled my access to income my entire life. He’s dead yet his system is still in place and I continue to suffer the same consequences.
Threats - My entire life he threatened to kill any and everyone who got “too close” or just anyone he did not approve of. If I interacted with anyone in a way that he did not approve of, someone was harmed.
Breeding -He forced me to get pregnant more times than I can number. He controlled by whom, when, who treated me, how I was treated, and what happened to the children as well as all genetic material that came from the pregnancy and birth. He sold me, my body, my blood, my DNA, my eggs, my afterbirth, my umbilical cords, my placenta, my spinal fluid, vaginal fluid, even saliva. He “consumed” my placenta for “nutrients” without my permission. He sold my genetic material to his cronies for the same purpose. He did it multiple times, I wasn’t even out of school yet.
Pranic energy -His cronies paid him to access my subtle energies. While most people are unfamiliar with the fact that biological organisms produce their own forms of energy, he and his cronies were not. They spent extensive time, energy, and money into accessing and researching these types of energies and how they could be exploited in the Capitalist system. I was a “subject” and that is all. People paid to literally feed off of my energy like actual vampires. If they were real, these people would be the closest thing that comes to it.
Creative abilities- I am an empath, in the 80s we were hunted down like dogs and kettled into particular areas that he and his cronies deemed appropriate according to their own selfish and xenophobic desires. We weren’t even free to exist as humans and citizens just because we were blessed with a rare human ability. He used me to help his cronies in whatever capacity he decided I could be useful, he made multiples of millions off of me.
Inventions and intellectual properties- He forced me to write, dance, sing, create music, write stories, develop creative ideas, choreograph, develop artists, talent management, and marketing. He made millions, whatever I earned he kept from me or gave to whomever he wanted. He also gave credit to whomever he wanted. To this day I have yet to have a penny returned after 42 years of work. If I were only paid .1 cent on just some of what I earned, I would be a multi-billionaire. Every day, I see my work prospering while “all” benefit, and my family and I remain in poverty where he forced me to remain.
Discoveries and 1st rights- I have been the first person, first female, first black person, first black female, first child, and first black child to accomplish MANY things. He and his cronies had contests to see who’s victim could accomplish more, he pushed me so hard and forced me to never fail so that he would always be on top. He gained more money, status, fame, and privileges every time I achieved a new first. He kept all benefits and earnings for himself and his cronies.
Technology- He was head of not only multiple corporations but multiple research projects that developed new technology. He used me to experiment with ALL of it! Every time I discovered something new, accomplished something profound, or achieved a new first that no one had done before because I had to for survival, he took credit away! Every time he took credit for himself or gave it to one of his cronies, or their children. I have yet to receive a penny from any of the earnings. Much of the technology was blocked from me from being able to take advantage of in everyday life outside of classified settings while everyone else involved profited exponentially.
Weapons- He developed, marketed, and trafficked weapons of every kind globally. He trained me on everything. He used me to help him market and sell the weapons. Sometimes, a lot of the time, I was the weapon. THIS made him a billionaire, I have yet to see a single penny.
Coaching- Whenever one of his cronies had a problem, they brought it to me. they used me to sort out their lives while they kept me enslaved, impoverished, tortured, molested, and raped. When I tried to advocate for better treatment I was always punished. They all continue to amass VAST amounts of wealth while they kept me trapped in a dark, dank basement, literally and proverbially. I have yet to see a penny of any of this work.
Paramilitary- He developed and oversaw the first paramilitary units that eventually became the defense contractor industry. He used me in every aspect of this work from top to bottom. He started me out at the age of five and said he would have started me earlier if he were allowed. The industry drew in trillions annually, and this was in the 80s. He and his cronies continued to grow more powerful and wealthy while they forced me to remain in extreme poverty. “We like to keep ’em just above poverty level,” he told me. I earned an extensive amount of money in this field. He took it all and never gave me a penny.
Assault- He used other paramilitary operatives to handle, control, molest, rape, and torture me my entire life. THIS in addition to being trafficked in every other way also. I have been under constant attack, abuse, and misuse my entire life under his control. When I complained to his higher-ups the response I received was “you agreed to it, you signed your name”. No, I did not! In kindergarten he forced me to sign a physical contract, in plain sight of multiple people, that gave him control over me. “If you can sign with a signature then you are able to make decisions for yourself. If you cannot sign your own name with a signature then you must mark your signature with an X. If your signature is marked with an X then you must have a “controller”. He forced me to mark an X. When others in the room asked why I wasn’t allowed to sign my name he told them “she feels more comfortable signing with an X in order to remain anonymous”. I was five years old, in kindergarten, these were military procedures.
Government oversight- When he needed to enforce control, he took it to the highest authorities in closed hearings where no one could ever know what took place due to the “classified nature”. I was never allowed in the hearings though I had the classification, I was never allowed to advocate for myself even though it is against my inalienable and constitutional rights. I was never allowed to even read transcripts from these hearings, or recordings if there were any. I was not allowed to speak with anyone involved in the hearings. I only ever heard the results from him and sometimes a news article that provided an extremely watered-down narrative of what took place. He always had control, in every way.
Surveillance- I have been under 24/7 surveillance my entire life. As technology and finances became more abundant surveillance evolved. He always knew everything and reacted within seconds to minutes when I attempted some activity that was “out of pocket” i.e., without permission. I was punished severely every time, often with rape.
Handlers- Every handler I have ever had has raped me, from the age of four until 46. But I’m not supposed to talk about it, if I do they label me as “mentally ill” and evoke both medical and mental health actions from their cronies within the fields. The same is true for employment, housing, education, religious activities, and extracurricular activities. There is nothing out of their reach and they have abused every aspect of their system to control and abuse me.
Ai- He has used ai to control me longer than the general population has known it was in use. I have never known life outside of Ai and its use to abuse me. When I was seven years old he instructed me to go to my neighborhood pool, wear a particular bathing suit, the sunglasses his handler gave me, and listen to the radio. When I did, a song played that reflected exactly what I was doing at that moment with those precise details. He was letting me know that he could reach me at every level, all of the time. He used a satellite to observe me and the song was used to impact my psyche. On another occasion, he instructed me to take a car ride with a particular person. He told me “when you see this bumper sticker take note of what song is playing on the radio”. I saw the bumper sticker, on the radio played a song that reflected his deepest thoughts about me, as did the other. I was so mortified by losing more and more control over myself that I began to have hopeless thoughts. The next song that played on the radio was a song that reflected exactly what I was thinking. In those days, he ran the airways. He was letting me know that even my thoughts belonged to him.
I could go on and on because he evolved his methods of control, constantly, those were just the ones he started out with, during my developmental years. It got worst the older I became. yet I’m supposed to accept that this is my “plight in life”, remain silent, and not even advocate for my own life.
People forget that I actually have the training and education that I say I have. I WILL NEVER SURRENDER TO DEFEAT NOR WILL I JUST ALLOW ANYONE TO TAKE ME! THE SAME GOES FOR MY CHILDREN!
Until ALL are “all” and ALL have justice, equity, stability, and sustainability, I persist.
I am only one of many and we ALL deserve #FREEDOM