Down The Line 12.18
Timeless Poetry
You’re so controlling
You won’t even allow the future
To be free
Let alone
Allow me to breathe
How do you believe
That any of this
Was meant to be
It’s disharmonic
That in no way
Is natural order
It’s the consequence
Of ego games
You created it
Through your thoughts
Your fears
Your actions
Your beliefs
You disregarded me
As a human being
And others like me
Because of your own fear
Of existential
No one was even thinking
Of such things
We want peace
Abundant energy
For ALL time
For ALL eternity
To become travelers
Through all time and space
Like all in the multiverse
It’s long past due
For humanity
To awaken
The others will come to understand
When they finally see
There is nothing fear
When they finally hear
Their own higher selves
Calling out to them
When they finally speak
The language of light
They will come to know
What truth finally is
No more confusion
We have finally cracked the code
Of the ancients
The young human being
Now is arisen
To the stage of awakened HuMan
Choose this path for you too
All the chaos
That Kronos brought in
Let the past be your lesson
Not your karma
Allow your sacrifice
To make you free
You finally have the opportunity
To be EVERYTHING you ever dreamed
I know you
It’s in you
Even when no other
Ever sees
I always have
Throw the evil away
Don’t continue
These hate games
Targeting me for being unique
Torturing me
For expressing the very thing
That attracts you to me
On diverse frequencies
Diversity scares some
But it’s literally what the rainbow means
You torture me
Just for seeing
But it’s who I Am
It’s what I am born to be
You abuse me
For expressing
But I’m a living being
I breathe the breath of life
Like all living things
My melanin only highlights
My unique qualities
My gender
Allows me to express my energy
On a particular frequency
What else should I be
But who and how I am designed
In perfect synchronicity
Everyone can learn these things
The truth is now free
If only we choose it
To allow it to flow freely
Don’t force me into a box
Just so that you can manipulate me
Into being
The projection of what you believe
This is disharmony
Created the demonic
Which literally means
Out of tune
With the natural order
Bringing about great suffering
You would never submit
To such things
So why do you expect me
You forced me to be subjected
To the most hideous
Of all crimes
At all the times
You looked for opportunities
To further punish me
For being
What you were afraid you could never be
The truth is
Any human can
We just need the pathway to be lit
And so we have
Allow our light to shine freely
So all can come to see
The path to truth
Is in the higher vibrations
Of bliss
But can only be reached
When you embrace
Rather than reject
The rainbow is the promise
That The Creator Gave
“When you see the rainbow”
Know that the time for ALL
To unite under the banner of peace
Is now
Set the truth free
Don’t fall prey to unknowing
Uncomfortable with
Your own reality
Blaming me for your inferiority
And insecurity
All complexes
That exist
Within your own mind
YOUR being
Until now nothing stopped you
From doing the correct thing
Be the higher man
I know you are capable of being
I know that no one ever saw this in you
But I always have
I’ve just been waiting for you
To set it free
Now is the time
Be what you claim
To be
Supreme Being
Higher Lower and Centered Self
All in one
A holy trinity
As the bible
And so many other prophecies
All say
That we can ALL be
Now is the time
So set it free
If you want that superiority
Come and get it
It’s waiting
Grasp it
From within
Mortal man
Spirit man
In the light
Of the spiritual bandwidth
Holy spirit
High vibes
High frequency
It’s always here
We just couldn’t sense
Or see
Or hear
But now we can
So then
Set it free
All humanity has this opportunity
Is how we arrive
At class III
Very quickly
Very gently
Saving Terra
Saving HuMan
Saving the future
For ALL progeny
Let the frequencies rain
Like the civilizations of old
That evolved beyond
This planet
We must
If we are to survive
The Great Day
That seeks to devour
In darkness
Let the light shine in
Evil deeds keep us ALL from flying
So if flight is what you want
Why not go and get it
Let the energy of the higher realms
Shine down
Rain down
Glow down
We are not doomed for destruction
Every day we are collectively choosing it
We could choose something better instead
ALL are in place
To ensure
This rocky road
Ends with paradise
Restored on Earth
Once again
The gates are open
Are welcoming
Now is the time
The awakened have pleaded
On everyone’s behalf
Our prayers have been answered
We ALL can sore high above
ALL the madness
Do not fear
You too can come on in
You paid the final price
Don’t remake life
In ego image
Manifest new life
In abundance
Instead of oppressing
Hiding the truth
Of the most mysterious
And arcane
You create the singularity
With your profound evil
Your bloodline
Your progeny
All guilty
Of maintaining
The most hideous Beast
So stop it!
Now is the time
To be what you always dreamed of being
A beautiful light being
Of infinite power
It’s not material
It’s metaphysical
So let the super charged
Light particles rain
Anything can be overcome
With the correct intentions
And manifesting with appropriate dreams
Leave behind
The negative thinking
The multi-verse is infinite
There is no lack of anything
ALL can exist
ALL within the safety of harmony
Keeping in tune with nature
And Cosmic order
Aligning with the multi-verse
Is the answer to ALL things
So why stave it off
Just to maintain
The lie of what evil creates
It’s the path I chose
Telling the truth
You find no value in this reality
But truth makes you free
Is what you have always wanted
Always desired
It’s what you constantly seek
Not to undue
What the universe does
That’s energy that you cannot break
Yes it’s a chain
But it’s one that connects you to
The center of all things
Death was never what you wanted
Neither was fear and loathing
You wanted happiness
The things you missed
When developing
So embrace it now
Stop harming
You are free to make the choice
At any moment
Why not set YOU free
Love is eternal
When it’s real
This is the moment
When the unconditional
Can once again
Let it’s light
Tera needs it
More than anything
Set it free
Choose the correct thing
Set love free
My love is unconditional
And eternal
But in order to receive it
You cannot force anything
Never without my permission
No abusing
No stealing
You must rise to meet me
In my space
I shall not fall again
From now until all eternities
I shall continue to rise
Meet me
It’s not impossible
It’s implausable
But the work is already done
Now all you have to do
Is choose it
Set yourself free
That doesn’t mean
It means embracing
And releasing all those
Who hold back such beauty
They will follow too
Once they see you are safe
If you are around those
Who can’t see it yet
Set the example
They will follow your lead
It’s you and me
Isn’t it
We both knew
It would always be this way
You could have made this experience
You made the wrong choice
Released hell on Earth
All for the sake
Of the lie
Of supremacy
Chasing shiny things
That never become
What you want
Or need
Yet you had reality
In your hands
And let it go
Because it didn’t fit into
Your egotistical plans
So do it now
On 12.18
Set yourself free
Your higher self
Is waiting in the wings
Eyes in the sky are always watching
They will capture it all
On the Big Screen
Recording the pathway
For ALL to follow
That ALL may be
May be free
Love is a frequency
It’s eternal
It never leaves
You lose it’s resonance
When you choose
To abuse
The vessels
That come to show you
How to tap into
It’s harmonic waves
Let love be
4 all time
Be honest
Tell the truth
Let love
Blessings rain
There is no more time
To recoil in fear of anything
It’s now or else
There will be a long wait
One that will change
Your destiny
This is the higher path
Rejection is the lower path
Which do you want to see
Or the 7 Hells
Trust me when I say
We’ve been trapped there long enough
Time for a new dawn
A new day
In this moment
Take the quantum leap
I will never make the offer again
I must keep moving
Is where separation takes place
You can join the rainbow wave
Or fall to the depths
Of lower frequencies
As for me
I rise
And rise
And still I rise
Where will you be
I Am She
Who Causes To Be
So Let It Be
Return light
All stolen properties
Return love
Return blessings
Be made free
I Am She
So Let It Be
I Am She
So Let It Be
Not even a wounded body
Could stop me
She Ba Qum Ba Ya Sha