Education, Prevention, And Intervention Must Be Priority!

Danielle Diew
7 min readSep 26, 2021


There was a pandemic of abuse long before COVID, it is mismanaged in the same manner. Humanity can and must do better!

I was 8 years old, tall for my age, precocious due to extreme torture and abuse, but also intelligent. I encountered the kind of racism at school, on a daily basis, that was regularly seen on slave plantations in the 1600s. I grew up in the ’80s, teachers were still telling us “everyone has equal opportunity, it’s what you make of it that determines the difference in our life”. Teachers are still teaching this to my children, in the same county, in the same public school system. Nothing has changed except technology. I was taught to swallow it, accept it, eat it whole just like I did every other form of abuse. It’s as if my handler was trying to infect me from “the crib” with the same viruses and cancers he died from, evil.

In the end, before he died, he asked me to help him heal. He had been demanding it for decades, but he finally had to ask because I had found a way to escape some of his grip. He was a very intentional man, he knew all along what he was doing. He never allowed people to talk to me unless he approved it, every lived experience I ever had has been funneled through his sickness. But I am supposed to believe and accept that it’s my fault because I am inferior, I allowed it, or I deserve it? If I don’t embrace this ideology, then I am “mentally unstable”? Why would any human choose to believe such things?

Why should I have to live with an extremely racist senator screaming at me during class in fourth grade, “as long as I live I will use everything I have to make sure you are NEVER equal to a White boy, a White man!” He was promoted to Congressman and he continues to obstruct #humanrights to this very moment. The abuse NEVER ends because the blame is always placed on the target rather than the perpetrator.

“We need people who have never had anything happen to them” is what he told me. The discussion was about who should survive a holocaust, and who shouldn’t. He was explaining away my life as worthless because I had been abused in the very program he continued to fund. Shortly thereafter my education credentials were redacted and they have yet to be returened. I was already completing my master's level of education, it matters!!!!! I was one of the first people to accomplish what I did, and racist extremists come along and snatch it just like they do everything else. But I’m supposed to accept this as my “plight in life?” Why would I? Would I have been able to survive what I did and STILL accomplish the things that I did if I were the kind of person who is lazy, mentally unstable, or weak?

That was fourth grade, Forest Edge Elementary, Reston Va., 1982, in the presence of my handler, and a room full of adults, as well as my entire cohort. No one cared then, no one cares now. People listened to him because he had the power and authority, that hasn’t changed. The abuse never ended. No one stopped him from abusing me then, no one stops him from abusing all of us now! Is the collapse of democracy and the rapidly approaching death of our entire planet worth risking for the sake of hate-filled entities such as this man and his cronies? All to protect the life of supremacy?

What aspect of that have I had control over? What part of this have I “allowed”?

“So you’re saying that I don’t deserve to live because of the abuse inflicted on me? You all forced me into this position!” I was shocked that anyone could be so far removed from humanity that they could think let alone scream such vile things at a defneseless child. “You let it happen to you! You consented! You singed your name on the contract!” he continued to scream. None of that was true and he knew it but it left an impression on everyone watching. Everyone learned not to ever listen to or trust anything I said, even if true, because if they did they would incur not only his wrath but that of his cronies. That was decades ago, no one has made a move since then.

I was a child, he was the adult. He had oversight over the program, that’s why he was there. He approved my #torture and the #funding for the program every single time, then blamed me for “allowing it” to happen. Everyone in his party agreed and continues to use the same tactics and propaganda to isolate, destabilize, and marginalize the most vulnerable members of society today. Going “back to normal” always meant a return to enslavement and everyone in leadership knows this.

We are vulnerable because they continue to make the choice to abuse our human rights, not because we allow it!

These same words of “you allowed it” have been echoed to me my entire life by my handler, his cronies, clinicians, extremists, members of their political party, extremists who have come and gone from The White House and #Congress and every aspect of government since then, in every aspect of society including court, school, legal settings, and places of employment.

There isn’t a single file that exists on me that my abuser has not manipulated, in what way have I allowed any of this?

Every day I am not just told but systematically forced into positions of submission, further into impoverishment for rebelling against this oppression. I am supposed to accept “my plight in life” which is what he told me then, what abusers continue to tell me as they violate my human rights now (even in court), and what both the last and current administrations have echoed during this holocaust. But I am the only one who has suffered any consequences and I am the target of their abuse, not the abusers. What would you do? United Nations

“She seems to be unhappy with her plight in life” has actually been used as an excuse to attack me even in extremely critical and vulnerable medical and legal settings. When you have people in authority who only care about their own agenda, and have no regard for your life how do you think people are supposed to survive that?

“We want to make sure we are the ones who control who is born here, who incarnates here,” my handler told me. “We” meant the “privileged”. It doesn’t matter what YOU believe is true, they act on their own belief systems and attempt to force all by extreme violence to obey. Yet they are free to move about the country doing as they please, unimpeded, and it’s literally like brain surgery for me to just get a post out let alone move around my town. The obstacles they have intentionally placed on me from birth, systematically, prevent me from living, moving around in society, maintaining my own survival, or providing for my health. But I am supposed to accept my “plight in life” because these abusers deem it so? And I’m the “unstable” one for not complying with this toxicity?

America is under mind control.

The impact of these extremist attacks are not few and far between they happen daily, in every sector of society. They continue to happen because they are allowed to, meanwhile, we aren’t even entitled to our own breath!

They don’t go away, they don’t clear up, they don’t dissipate, they don’t disappear, they morph. We are forever ensnared by the consequences of every xenophobic action taken against us, documented legally or otherwise! The apathy that accompanies these attacks, from society at large, is our ultimate undoing. Once those in society who are supposed to be the “caretakers” have “labeled” you in any way, there is no escaping the consequences.

Thanks to digital technology, we have more ways to try to communicate the truth of what is happening here and people are starting to wake from their sleep. Yet, thanks to digital technology, we can be silenced, muted, censored, and scapegoated even more, in ways that we can’t get around. It was my handler's job to ensure that Ai was designed to stop us from progressing into full, equal citizens. He succeeded. Anyone who did reach any level of “status” from our community is not only under attack but entangled with strange bedfellows and manipulated by puppet strings. “We need to make sure that we can control what information makes it into the future,” they told me. Everything done over the past 40 years was always for the sake of White Supremacy, everyone knew, no one cared.

Damned if we do and damned if we don’t, we choose to do. The choice to fight oppression means that we are not only actively engaged in a battle that threatens our existence, individually but also collectively, 24/7 365. This is not a task for the faint of heart. Yet we continue to deal with the consequences of racist myths anyway as if no one knows what’s truly happening. Fighting this level of systemic oppression and constant abuse means we are not allowing it, and never have. Why does this terminology continue to permeate society as a “pearl of wisdom” when it is most certainly “venom from a viper”? Because he knew well how to tear down anything, he destroyed everything he ever touched. Regardless of how beautiful, precious, and innocent he attacked, consumed, and discarded everything. This is not human.

It’s 9/26/21 and the only changes I have seen are the removal of more life-sustaining resources that I need to survive, but still no aid, support, recognition of my human rights, or fulfillment of my contract. No one questions what is systematically done EVERY SINGLE DAY to prevent me from rising above the abuse, they only question why I “allow” myself to be abused. That’s not even a variable, it’s just a delusion yet it’s the reality that most live by. This is my fault how?

But I’m the delusional one?



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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