End The Lights
End them
I’m tired
Annoying behaviors
Magic flies multiply
It’s as if I have no human rights
Or life
I’m not swallowing someone’s karma
I have abundance coming
But cockblockers won’t stop karmicking
With entitlement and privilege
It’s as if my name is slave
They trippin’
I’m a woman
I give a damn
I’m just not giving my energy
To vamps
Like why should I be food
Who lied to these fools
I Am not supply
I Am not a slave
I Am not food
I Am not dead
I Am still here
I’m not even angry yet
I’m just beginning
Having only finished warming up
It’s only starting
Revealing all that I Am
The love that comes forth
The bliss
The peace
The power exchange
They wanted me gone
In my sick bed
Slowly wasting away
Who would want that
To someone who has only ever
Been kind, loving, supportive
What kind of mind is that
I’ve seen evil
Casted demons
Time for me to move beyond it
Wiser, better, good people
Friends who want more
Because the best love
Begins there
Onward then
I find it exciting
After all these years
My life can finally begin
So Be It